FSXCXL AKD SCZSSOSS. Wayside Moles Gathered Here and There hy a Dispatch Man. , v Egg-dye at The Bazaar. Extra court will open here next : Tuesday morning, i Bny your fishing tackle at The Bazaar. This week, it is The Lexington advertiser. All valuable reading. Capt. Geo. S. Swvgert, of Selwood, was in town yesterday on business. ' a:?~ oinnxr?v1. and we t risniiig uuic uao , have the tackle. Harman's Bazaar. Col. E. L. Asbill, of Leesville, was here on legal business Saturday. Baggies and carriages for less than cost, at the Lex. Department Store. Mr. Geo. C. Shirey, one of the be9t Y citizens of Hollow Creek, was here yesterday. Fresh fine mixed candy 5 cents per pound, at the Bazaar. ;New line of ladies' hats just opened atWm, Piatt & Sons, Columbia. See , them before you buy. Mr. Geo. A. Shealy, ex-Supervisor of'Lexington county, was in town Monday. Mrs. L. E. Counts, of Irmo, is the 1?attractive sruest very cxidimiu^ wuv ? w of her sister, Mrs. W. D. Dent. I Misses Caro Efird and Mae Boozer, two pretty little college girls, - spent the week-end with their parents here. Sea Island Homespun, 3S% inches . wide, at 5c. the yard at Wm. Piatt & | Sons, Columbia. Mr. Willie B. Seay, of Savannah, Ga., spent Sunday with relatives in - Lexington. Mr. Job D. Shumpert, one of the best farmers of the Boiling Springs section, was here on business Friday. If you get your Easter suit ' at the Lexington Department Store you will -V save $$. ! Special attention is directed to the Masonic notice of Pomaria Lodge, published elsewhere. - j Note the change in Whitten's ad- I vertisement if you/want values in I > * seasonable merchandise. j k. . Miss Dora Shirey is assisting Treasurer Shealy in the county treasurer's J office this week. < See the advertisement of Gantt & East elsewhere. They are closing out dry goods, notions,'shoes, hats, erock- j ery and glassware at cost. ^ WANTED?A few bushels of sweet potatoes on subscription. Apply at ^ this office. , 1 Mr, R. W. Shand, one of thef prominent attorneys of Columbia, was here on business connected with the B. F. Gardner estate 6n Saturday. i Read Sphaler's ad. in this issue and bear in mind the many bargains to be found at his store at ail times. The Rev. Thos. Leitch is conductr ing a revival meeting in Leesville, and it is said that large crowds attend each and every service. Mr. W. P. Roof returned from New " % York and other cities in the north yesterdav afternoon, whither he had ornift on bhsiness. You will save a great deal by buy. ing everything you want, at the LexDepartment Store. Mrs. M. W. Meetze spent Friday and Saturday in Columbia with her daughter, Miss Anna Martha, who is a student at the College for Women. Better make inquiry about your pa^>er today. We are not allowed to v mail papers to subscribers in arrears for more than twelve months. For pretty dry goods, neckwear, nice beltp, and nobby ladies and children's oxfords and attractive hosiery to match, call and see my line ' before buying elsewhere. W. P. Roof. 111111 u < > t * > t i ^EjjK^pB 4 > I < \gl^ i ! ; ; THE GRANDEUR c i < The rush for Spring Suite < i > continues. More swell mo< k i 4 now than ever. Your East * % i xi > ki now, wmie selecting m guu { colors, gorgeous stripes, in n . newest shades and shade . u , White Linen Suits to the b I I GLOVES?With that nei , very naturally follows a pa ' We have a beautiful line J ; silk gloves. > ? < > I < | j > I < ^ t \ ;: I Columbia's ] > i < i ' IHaiJuiuiiuiiij VISIT THE HOME OF When You Gome to COLUMBIA. Hundreds of satisfied customers bought from W. D. BATE'S Store, corner of Main and Richland streets opposite J. B. Friday & Go's. : : : : MB??P??P??gniivwKfWMMWit?'n'liiMnwwuii nwi iiiMi^ta.^ary&iijnwi M.I.' i_vg:jr i n ^ Don't pay too mucn ior your u? y guuus, shoes, clothing, hats, millinery and notions. Listen to a few of the many bargains that await yon, and come: Aprcn Ginghams, all colois, 8)4c.; we sell it for 5c. 38-inch Sea Island Sheeting 8>3c.; We sell it for 5c. Best Pearl Buttons 5c.; We seil them 23* c. dozen. Organdy, all colors, fine and pretty, 10c. goods; We sell it for 7%c. 36-ince Bleaching, the best.. Sj/3c. Dreik Ginghams only 5c. Linen, 15c. goods, only /. - 10c. 50c. Table Linen ! 25c. 40-inch White Lawn 83-c. ir>1 25c. Lawn only Coats' Thread 5c. spool Ladies' Fine Embroidery Collars, 10c. goods, only 5c Remember our store is the Home of Bargains?come. Window Curtains?500 pair samples. These are good Nottingham Lace Curtains 50c. to $1.25 for a ?2.50 Curtain Dress Goods in Silk, Panamas, Mohairs and Voiles. The wildest, expectation? of getting double your monev's worth. PLEASE DON'T CLASS ME WITH OTHER ADS. "WE SELL WHAT WE ADVERTISE." Come and bring this advertisement with you; we have the goods 500 people visited my store Monday from 9 a. m., to 2 p. rcu Jo give our out-of-town customers a chance we will have a special sah every day. Don't fail to come. You want Easter goods; we have them cheaper than you ever bought before. Buy Suits at half price. Men's shirts and suits at prices to sui you. Just come; we will do the rest. ?a??ae???ggp?n?ra?g?anaawnu?ii ibbi n pMM??iiM?? mm?a?????i i i i ii m ?mm?mam ? ? ???i ? n? n mumtm W. D. BATES, CORKER MASK AND RICHLAND STREETS, * Columbia, S. C. i 1 ^ . Unclaimed Kaillast of letters remaining uncalled T2ie -Place *-0 jiUy SkoeSA^??hliSon??ffiCe f?r tte W6ek 6ndiDg Mr. Reuben Corley extends a co: Males-* d*a* invitation to bis Lexingto d : J?f?* ttt^0ia? county friends to call and see him i i y" the shoe department at Mimnaugh' Hntto Mrs Rebecka store' while in Columbia- Mr- Corle Tucker Mrs Mary ' is an old Liixin^0n b?y and has bee Williams, Mrs. DeHa. ? b}g store for seven These letters will be sent to the a*d !5Lq p!ii I S dead letter office April 20, 1908, if When you want shoes call on M: not delivered before. In calling for "J the ahnvp nlease sav "advertised " y?u have the satisfaction ( rirtng datePof Ust * Y ' J wing that what you buy is up* S. J. Leaphart, Postmaster. date. i ???i??? Igg gsgsg ?-gg? J?L?Mn iSSSS!iSSSSSISSSSSSS Spring Offerin Shoes : for : Everybody Our Spring gtock of Shoes for Men, Women and Children surpass anything we have yet shown. For k men we handle the famous "Crossett," one of the best ^ makes known and they always give the best satisfaetion. Of course, we carry other lines, and there is no He trouble about being suited at this great store. H Every woman has heard of the "Queen Quality" Shoes. They look better, wear better, feel better, are f better. In black and tans. , f SPRING SUITS BASEMENT BARGAINS. i in the Suit Department q ba8ement is full of good things which we dels are being sold right & ? jer suit should be gotten offering at near cost prices. Bargains greet you d. We have them in solid visible plaids and all the every turn, and there's such a variety ofgoodthi combinations; from the , , . _ ,, , _ eautiful colors and black. to select from. In the basement we have eve ,ir ofSyfi8hUSilk "Gloves! thinB for the din!nS r00m and kitchen a9 wel1 39 of the fashionable long ornamentation of the home in general. I. L. mimNi fV s * Department Store. iiTiiiffinii^iiiiiiiiiirAliimhia 5SSSS5gSSS5555ZSSSS55i55 Another Shipm nr\'' j of F i I We have finish and onalitvSthes Cost only a little more what the T.eo^le want We ha, ve the largest stock of the ~e under one roof in the State. Its a wasi quality of as well known goods as Babe * n -rr 1 i "? n ^ AVTTn TTT i~. o i Hickory" line. Jiveryuuuy imvwa wuo i are by far the cheapest. We are wide open for 1903 with tin respective lines. : ^ 1113.1115 HAMPTON AVENF It MJU ltWJW.JHWWgrtgJHMA ?*l?l il-?1' - I I ! I I !? ! ! I / [ I J 1' 1S92. Lexington 'Sayi LEXINGTON, ; 1 Capital, Surplus and Undivided 1 5 per cent, interest paid en sa J being computed semi-annually. Bep i || received. x * Commercial accounts also given s 9 v Ample facilities for handling y H account will he appreciated. = Jf Safety deposits boxes for rent, $1 ra w. p. rooi\ n s y n a >. r. d )f ) inaugh & Co. Unexcelled! Spring : Hats : of : True : Merit We have just received some new Tailored Hats / and they are beauties. If you visit our Millinery Department you will find all the stylish models. Our display of Hats is without doubt the most stylish in the city. Hats of real merit and true style are the only ones offered in our display. The new shapes, those liked for special snap and smartness and modified for conservative taste, are here in pleasing tones and modes. BIG SALE Or SWISSES II GENTS are We offer all of our fine dotted Swisses at exact- The Ge . ly 25 per cent, discount. The offering includes store is c< the new spring goods in the pretty dots with est stock ngs cross bar patterns. of the ne^ ?ry- In our Dress Goods department we have every- and they thing in the latest weaves, styles, etc., and you prices arc are bound to be pleased with the goods and the Here is the prices. Come, see them. Cuffs, Tie AUG H & C Mail Ureters Jbiiiea _ " "Trrrnn ent n e MULES! ived a shipment of fine Mules. For ;e Mules are as good as can be raised. ) than the common kind, but we know and we have it for you. Some nice ules?all good broke and good ages. s good as they grew. Prices reascEable B uy while you can get it. * I ve a few good business Horses, city B sound. B sry best makes ever collected , be of space to advertise the sock, Hackney and the "Old /c they are and know they 3 best of quality in all of our S, COLUMBIA, S.'C. > V 1908. | ngs Bank, I Profits - $219OOd.OO. || f vings deposits, interest || osits of $1.00 and over J| special attention. jzf our business, and your m .00 per year. J| } ' ??? ?^??? ? ? mm???< gg ggS3S 22S52T,rv2 imnxrxirxxrxi tacccH: ssszsss asa^ j| ^ g^*5? , i < ? > > * * > ? 4 r a 4Hr !' SUITS AND FURNISHINGS Jini* nts' Furnishings department of our great i - ^ _ Dmplete in every line. We carry the larg- > I < of Clothing to be found in Columbia. All t < tv spring styles are here for your inspection { * * have never been more attractive. The | | i extremely low. , ? > the place to get your Hats, Shirts, Collars, P < is, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Underwear, etc. > * 4 \ * > > t < ? ?> Columbia, S. C. ;: -? HI [i . 1 iumtmnt n TOroTTTfl' I ft