PENCIL AND SCiSSCES. Wayside Motes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch ft&n. April fool! Ep:g-dye at The Bazaar. All hail the 4'Merry Widows!" The political ball is about to roll. See (Chairman ESrd's call. , ' Fresh crackers every day at The Bazaar. < Mr. J. J. Hite, .of the Emanuel church section, was here yesterday. The farmers are busy just now and business will be? quiet for the next few weeks. Matting, art squares?something new for spring and summer, at Scott Hendrix Furniture Store. * ,Mis9 Mary Graham has returned from an extended visit to friends in "Ennrirla Mr. Lewis Roof, of Columbia, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents here. Fishing time has arrived, and; we have the tackle. Harman'b Bazaar. Albert M. Boozer, Esq., of the Columbia bar, is in town today on legal I business. The road- between this town and the depot is being put in firstclass condition. Baby carriages and go-carts, all styles and prices, at Scott Hendrix Furniture Store. Send your job printing to The Dis patch office. Our prices are the low* ' est and work first class. Mr. J. D. Shumbert, while in town Monday, gave us a pleasant and profitable call. Miss Emma Koon, of the Boiling Springs section, wae here yesterday, Easter comes on April 19th. Buy your egg-dye at The Bazaar. \i ?fcr. Jacob Wingard, one of our old " lykr comrades, called in Saturday and mewed for his paper. Mr. ElLhi Calk, one of the best farmers in the comity and an all round > citizen, was here on Saturday. FOR SALE?Set of brass band instruments, made by Henry Pourcelle. f Apply at The Dispatch office. * The Rose Lilian Vaudeville Sfrows. \ will appear in their own large teht on Saturday, April 4th and Monday, the 6th. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Reserved seats 10 cents extra. v. Col. John BellTowill, of Batesburg, / was shaking hands with hjp numerous friends here oh Monday. We regret to, chronicle the illness of our mend, Mr. D. E. Ballentine, and wish for him a speedy recoyery. Now is the time to buy, the Lexington Department Store is the place. Thegoods are now being offered at greatly reduced prices. Timmerman & Oswald. , Mr. Levi Price, of Priceville* kind; ly sent his renewal to The Dispatch, by a neighbor. Others will please do \ likewise. , i ; ' v f i Miss Ida Boatwright, of near Leesville, has been spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. B. D. Clark. < MattiDg of all colors and designs, at reasonable prices, at Scott Hendrix Furniture Store. See this stock before yon buy. , * Mrs. L. W. Redd has been desperately ill for the past several days. ?* ?? ?J- ? -j _ iter many menus wxsu iuj: nei- & f speedy recovery. The many friends of Mrs. Dr. J. E. Kaufmann will be pained to learn ^ that she is confined to her bed with quite a severe, illness. Mrs. W. D. Blame, of Bamberg, accompanied by her friend, Mrs. J. C. t ^IcCiain, of Augusta, is visiting her jferents, Mr. ana Mrs. A. Marks. V.. { 1 .1 #"1 GENTS' SUITS AND The Gents' Furnishing great store is complete j carry the largest stock of f in Columbia. All of the are here for your inspecti never been more attracth extremely low. Here is the place to ge Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Han Underwear, etc. r e 4 $ Columbia, V ; I Having purchased the stock oi goxls of the Lexington Department Store, bankrupt, we will sell the saint at a big discount until the goods art ! converted in to-money. Timmerman & Oswald. Miss ida Feeder is spending a few days with relatives here, much to the pleasure and delight of her many friends. If you want to laugh as you' have never laughed before, be sure to sec the Rose Kilian Vaudeville Shows which will appear in Lexington on Saturday, April 4th aind Monday, the 6th. Price of admission, 15 and 2c cents. Reserve seats, 10c. extra. If you don't want to miss a single issue of The Dispatch you had better pay up in time. Positively, no more papers will be sent out to subscribers owing for more than one year. FISH?New mackerel in kits and barrels, besides a lot of other gooc things to eat_in_ the grocery depart ment at W. F. Root's. Revs. W. H. Hiller and B. W Cronk, Messrs. C. M. Efird, W. P Roof and P. W. Shealy attended the Joint Conference at Chapin on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We are indeed glad to welcome tc our town our esteemed friend, Mr Paul P. Clark, who moved with his family to our town last week. Mr Clark has engaged in the turpentine business with Mr. Press Clark unde: the style firm of Clark & Clark. The doors of the Lexington Depart ment Store are now open, and the great bargains are in store for al who attend the big sale now going on Give us a call. I The E. Jone9 Company, of Bates burg, has a change of ad. in thii week's issue. They can interest yoi at all timei9, both as to quality an< Erice. Call on them while at Bates urg. The new postal law, which debar us from mailing papers to subscriber in arrears for more than 12 months goes into effect to-day. This effect qottya of nnr neichhors and closes friends, bat no oftense is intended. Meetze & Son have just receive* one of the finest lines of dry good; and notions ever shown in this towi and their prices are right. Ladies an invited to inspect thebeautiful line o dress goods before buying elsewhere You can be pleased at Meetze & Son Boof 8 Millinery Opening. On the front page of this issue Mz W. P. Boof annouces that his gran* spring opening of fancy millinery an* pattern hats will be held tomorro\ and next day. Never before in th history of this great store has ther been sqch a wonderful showing o exquisite merchandise. Miss Anna Brown i9 again the pop ular and very attractive\head of th millinery department, and the hat designed by her are characterized b; , a dainty charm that most women fin* irresistable. Many of the color com * binations * are exceptionally uniqu and give an air of originality to eacl creation that i9 particularly gratify ing to the women who object to ha\ ing their hats resemble those worn b; anybody else. Thi9 being pre-emi nentty a flower season Miss Brow has no difficulty in creating an end less variety of creations, each one c which is quite as pleasing in it sweetness and loveliness as is it neighbor. When you buy a hat de signed by Miss Brown and bearin the name of W. P. Roof is synony mous with that haying the hallmar of the most approved Fifth avenu designer. Call at Roof's millinery parlors fc your Easter hats. Miss Brown wi uclelXZ picoauxo xix cvu^uaiiiuu^ juu wu the different styles whether you wis to buy or not. \ f i W~ i I Eg S H f Fashion's F< Millinery displ a display we shov and colors and e opening of Millii We have never We invite o when in the city Our large corps > FURNISHINGS. SI ? r?pr?nrtmAnt. nf nnr Onr sm w ? -- ~? ~r' in every line. We \ and Chile Clothing to be found shown, new spring styles "Crossett, on and they have they alw* re. The prices are course, w trouble al t your Hats, Shirts, Every idkerchiefs, Hosiery, Quality" tei, feel b J. L. u : SOLID LEATHER WW SHOES For Big Boys - - - - 81.50 i Smaller Boys - $1.00,31.25 i These Shoes are made of good leather through and C/ o ! through. [ The vamps are not cut off ; just where the tip is sewed | on, but goes on out and is sewh ed same as the tip. They won't rip and tear tne nrst few times a boy goes rabbit . hunting. * They are made for that"_kind of wear. > Then they have got every ; style; you can brush them up and wear Sundays. I We are prepared for the girls also. Come see them. * j ! EHBLICH'S, | : I COLUMBIA, S.C. ! Wearing Jewelry i Shows Good Taste g WWWWN/WVkA f , Wearing jewelry has never been more fashionable than it is now. But, of course, the jewelry must be in style. Ours fulfills every demand a It is right in style, quality J and in price. The stock is e large and of a very wide ? range. We invite every reader of h this paper to visit us while e in Columbia. If you can't y' ?3 come, write us. Mail orders 3 I receive careful and. prompt g I attention. j CHARLES 18ENTZ, ;f I JEWELER, I a I 1439 Main, Columbia, S. C I k e Are you going? You can't afforc to stay at home and miss it! A granc r universal holiday the Rose Kiliai 11 Vaudeville Show will be ir Lexingtoi h ori Saturday next, April 4th and Mon h day, the 6th. Admission 15 and 25c Reserved seat9 10 cents. \ i estival in Spring 'C y this season eclipi 7 the best tailored ill the other charm aery the store has before sold so mar ur Lexington frien r. You are always of salespeople will IOES FOB EVERYBODY. ring stock of Shoes for Men, Womei iren surpasses anything we have ye For men we handle the famou one of the best makes known an< lys give the best satisfaction. 0 e carry other lines, and there is n x>ut being suited at this great store, woman has heard of the "Queei shoes. They look better, wear bet etter, is better. In blacks and tans. Mimnauc A n o t h r S h 0 | ?~~? ?^ |j ^ ^ We have the largest stoc under one roof in the State, quality of as well known goc Hickory" line. Everybody i are by far the cheapest. We are wide open for 19C respective lines. Gregory-Ci 1113-1115 HAMI I I / V \ ff 1892. ( Lexingtoi I LEXIN 1 Capital, Surplus ant I 5 per cent, interes m being computed semi-a ? received. fa Commercial accour I Ample facilities fo xL account will be apprec I B Safety deposits box [ 1 * 1 I 1 f m P MMj \^Rk flK^^ER ^HR HH I^RA IB >8 Millinary at MIMNA ses all previous effort, products in Ladies' Suii ting spring offerings. S been humming with bi iy Spring Hats for earlj ds to make our store a TiTPlnnmft whftther VOU . gladly show you throi LADIES' SPEING SUITS. i Visit the Ladies' Suit department of great store. You will see the best and ^ varied offerings in the South. All the ^ styles at popular prices. Ours are des: from the latest 'European styles. Mol Voiles, Panamas, Serges, Suitings and S a ties. Buy your early spring suits here. Mail Orders Filled. jh & Coir m 1 p m a ii t d Fin? Bvi i have 'list received a shirrrent crid cualitvlihese I?ules are as rocc Lv a little mere than the common ! 4/ e ^ec^Ie want and we have it fc i team Mare Mules?all good brcl: :se Mules are as feed as they grcv vant quality buy while you can g< tlSES?We have a few good bu and absolutely sound. IICIiES! k of the very best makes Its a waste of space to >ds as Babcock, Hackne3 mows what they are a: )8 with the best of qualil Mider Mu TON AVENUE, COLUMBIA, S. ( i i ' , u i Sayings Bai GTON, - - S. C I Undivided Profits $27,001 it paid on savings deposits, in nnually. Deposits of $1.00 and its also given special attention, r handling your business, and iated. ( ;es for rent, $1.00 per year. W. P. ROOF, President and Cast / j * I t / ?' .UGH'S. Our t! In the grand 4 bs of all styles ince our early iisy shoppers. r wear, headquarters l buy or not. igh. DRESS GOODS AT R: our Our Spring Dress Goods a most great reductions. Every cla latest au(* y?Q he surprised at Iffned *ow Pr^ces which we are s hairs, SPECIAL DRIVE ( lovel- gee our jine 0f Silks, the ever carried. All the latest prices range from the cheap* the highest that's best. tpany, South J L E S I* f fre Mules. For { as. can be raised, kind, tut wc know r you. Scn:e nice e and good ages. i r. Frices reasonable 3t it. isiness Horses, city ; ever collected advertise the t and the "Old ad know they tyinall of our le Co. i /. i \ 0.00. I m terest m your B der. B -m / / / w EDUCTIONS. re now offered at 4 sss is shown here the astonishingly 4 lelling them. )N SILKS. largest we have shades and the ist that's good to - Carolina. ?