The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 01, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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-r The Lexington Dispatch / / ' " ,G. M. Harman, Editor and Publisher D. R. Haltiwanger, Assistant Editor. Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. - 1 . \ ? The subscription price of the Dispatch is $1 a year; 50 cents fcr six mouths; 25 cents for tliree montlis?invariably cash in advance. i CIRCULATION 2,150. i Wednesday, April 1,1908. / Congressman A. F. Lever has reei^htly been elected a member of the board of trustees cf Clemson College. Tht^annointment will add Grreativ to the^ide popularity of this institution I and a better m?n for the place could | . not have been found. Mr. Lever is a great friend1 of the farmer and always takes a pride in interesting himself in all matters looking to their better' ment. * . The announcement fronr Trenton ; that Senatqr Tillman's health is such that he wHI not be permitted to return to his duties at Washington dur ing the present session of Congress, will be received jvith genuine sorrow by the people of South Carolina. Ibis stated that in order fcd take a complete rest the Senator an<5 Mrs. Till- . mam will sail for Europe a little later 1* in the summer.. It is sincerely hoped that.the Senator's condition will rapidly"improve. \ With this issue of the Dispatch the new postal law goes into -effect, and it^ecomes necessary to cut a number of -names off the list. In fact, all . ( those who are in arrears for more than twelve months,' irrespective of : their past loyalty to thio pap?r and personal friendship, are cut off. This 1 wili continue every week from now on. ; . We are mentioning this so that sub1 1 sfribers mav oav ud before it becomes our sworn dfuty to cut them off;. So," you had better investigate if you want The pispatcb continue^. g ?? r It was the editor's pleasure to listen * to the very able address to; men by Mr. J. P. Moore of New York city, in ^ the Columbia opera house, on Sunday afternoon. .Mr. Moore .took, for his subject, "The Third Man,'/ and he handled it in such a manner that 'he completely captivated .the entire as' semolage. He is a speaker of great . force and an orator of high repute. ; We have never heard a more able discourse, and the management of vibe Y. M. C. A: is to bevcpngratulated for _ obtaining anch speakers as Mr. Moore. V- 7 - ? ' ' For several evenings of late it has been the editor's privilege and pleasure to attend ihe four little theatres and vaudeville shows now playing in \ Columbia. These attractions are . V . growing more popular with .bach and every performance, and Jthe crowds , increase. The managers ^of these little theatres, as they are called, are all anxious to please the public and something new is added to the program every night. For an evening of i vv pleasure there is no better place to go than to these same little shows, and \ the cost is so small, (ten cents,) that p-.; everybody can attend. On April 14th there will be an extra j\ term of court held in this county for r ' the purpose of trying the two negroes wbq hay? confessed to the murder of some wpeks ago?the detaffe cf^fifch are too horrible and attrocious to repeat/ This court is to be^Mldat- toe request of Solicitor Thiuttttum *ad will be presided over by Judge DeVore. That the culprits will be convicted in short order and an early execution ordered by the trial judge is not doubted, and we believe that our citizens will allow Sheriff Corley to legally hang the men without interfering. To attempt to do otherwise would only mpke matters worse and ca9t a stain upon the fair name of Lexington that it would take generations to wipe out. No good results arise from mob law, and especially in a case of this kind. The negroes have been safely lodged in the penitentiary, and the people have had ample time to consider the evil effects that would come from such action. Let the men be tried, convicted and then let the Jndge do ipSauty by ordering ap early execu iion. & y - ' 'Congressman Shoots Negro. In a desperate affray on a Penn. y ; sylvania avenue car in Washington *^on Friday night a negro and a white man were shot by Congressman Thomas J. Heflin, of Alabama. 'Thomas Lumby, the. negro, was shot in +be head .and seriously wounded and Thomas McCreary, a New York horse trainer, is suffering from a wound i i tne leg. The trouble arose over Mr. Heflin's remonstrating with the negro for turning up a bottle of whiskey and taking a drink before a number of ladies. Tne negro became offended \ and applied several epithets to the Congressman, and a desperate 9trugi . .t /> 11 li? J gie ensuea, wmwi nnaiiy resuueu xu tbe negro's being wounded. Unclaimed Mail. List of letters remaining uncalled for in this office for the week ending March 30, 1908: Males: Bronson, Mr. McAry, Jackson, Mr. Charley, Robertson, Mr. Anthoney. These letters will be sent *o the j dead letter office April 13, 1908, if ; not delivered before. In calling for | the above please say "advertised," ; giving date of list j S. J. Leaphart, Postmaster, j ?, fc" TTAm TTew J f-i U b UWW bmw r? Ml WW A brick front painted with L. & M. : Paint 25 j'ears ago and not painted since, may be seen at 472 Bergen St. Brooklyn, New York. Paint with L. ! &. M. Brilliant Red and trim with Shaker Green or White.?The body j won't need painting in 25 years. E. P. DeiVick, Lexington, S. C. 1 I ' " . ' y { * v / i iJ~ I# &&&&<&&&&& Thai hacking c JM Because your 5 I (I your powers of re* Take Scoff\ ^ It builds up and streng It contains Cod Liver C ^ prepared that it is easy t< ALL DRUGGISTS: w ; MUST GST SUSY. Lady Agent at Steecman Fails to Keep ! Station Soors Open?Railroad Commission Takes a Hand. On a branch lino of the Southern j railway between Bates burg and Perry i i3 a station called Stead man. One I mixed train a day each way, passes j this point. , A lady agent is employed at Stead- ! man. She boards at Leesville and : therefore leaves Steadman about 5:30 o'clock every afternoon on the train i to Batesburg from Columbia.' This i renders her unable to get back to ! Steadman until the following morning abv>at 9 o'clock or 9:30. Complaint has been made that as the agent is away, they cannot enter the depot, regardless of the weather. Chairman Caughman has accordingly addressed the following letter to Superintendent Williams: "Dear Sir: we are again mreceipL of a letter from Messrs. Rish and Hayes as regards to service at Steadman, S. C. ?ou will recall we have had this matter up for the last three months and it seems that the time has come when you will have to inform your agent at Steaclman that she must comply with the rules of the railroad commission, namely: Depot must be kept open 30 minutes before arrival or schedule time cf all trains. In complahit made in last letter it is alleged that waiting room was closed and remained so until arrival of train, women and children having to go to stores* for protection against the severe weather, and you know "the weather has been very disagreeable lately. This is strictly business and the commission must ask that you look into the matter at once and advise ua immediately. *'Yours very truly, (Signed) "B. L. Caughtnan, - A "Chairman," ?Columbia Record, 27th. News oxiLszington B. F. D. <?. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Preparations for farming have been delayed by the continued rainy weather. Mrs. R. L. Clark, of Pelzer, is vis- J ih'nor at, Mr J. ft. Clark's. Rev.. J. A. Cromer, D. P. and W. ScottRbof attended the Joint Conference at Chapin last week. Mrs. W. H. Weatherford, of Au- i gusti, Ga., visited at Mr. W. L. I Mcak'9 last week. 5 Contractor John W. Frye is engaged in making concrete blocks to be used for improving family plots in cemeteries. A lot of extra machinery will be placed at the quarry at once, in order to be better'prepared to fill the growing demands for rough and crushed stone. Irene postoffice will be discontinued March 31st. The territory supplied by it will be supplied by numbers 3 and 4 from Lexington. Some of the roads on the routes from this place are in a terriable condition. Unless they are put in good condition at once, service on them | SPRING SI I ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ LEXIKGT0N' ough continues *?f nr >ystem is exhausted and ^ ;istance weakened. 5* Brntilsion. <# thens your entire system. ^ >11 and Hypophosphites so ^ * * ? ?5 :> take and easy to digest. cr?/ 50c. AND $!.00 ^ v^t F^fi /Y^1* '** '>f^*? ^jr A^r. XJJ t.vjC v.,T - fc. s.J ^ (To 5 t, ' v/ v v> ?v <& w w .y. . -?. -.-, aa 1 i Iff off 1 Ef|V' I Hill till SifUaj f I' Ssii Esfsfa | and Inssranss, ;! LEXINGTON, - S. C. | \ eu acres wiunii uuu iiiiiu ui ? | Arthur. | I One JO horsepower boiler. ' Ouo S horsepower engine. > ] One 50 saw gin. i One shingle mill. \ > { eOue grist mill. > J Timber to cut 500,000 shingles. < 20 resident lots in the town of > j Lexington. l j 30 acres good farming land in j < Rocky Creek. 1 yz miles from > < Peter's church.* > ( 5 lots near Lexington Depot. { i One valuable lot in the town of > j Lexington, S. C. > j 12 Acres just outs:do incorporate | < limits, Lexington, S. C. > G Acres very near Lexington, > j s,c. , ? < Store building and lot on Main > j street, Lexington, ,'S. C. 9 J House aud lot in town Lexing- g i ton?J acre land; G-room dwelling. C | 250 acres on Southern railroad > ) 2 y miles from Barr, 4 miles from | i Gilbert?? buildings, good or- , J chard. 50 acres open land. ? { ? acre and three room house ' < near town of Lexington. < i j 1 acre lot?two story building, i { at Irene, S. C. [ ! ' FOE EE^T. j One store room, one warehouse i ] Lexington, S. C. | ! Write or call to see me | ?AT? ""? AMP DA ill/ c 'J lilt numc dhriv, | | Lexington, S. C. J will be discontinued as carriers have to report to the postoffice department where a road is not in good condition. March 31, 1908. C. Prisoners in Jail. Sheriff Corley has only three prisoners in jail at present. Pick Hairis, colored, sent up by Magistrate Shealy of Leesvitfe, for obtaining money under false jpre ten ses. James Flowers, colored, under three charges, "lor next term of court. R. L. ittaynard, white, charged with violating the United States laws, will soon be removed to Charleston. His trial will come off in Asheville, N. C. iVLES 19081 This seasons styles 1 surpass in beauty of g material and fit all I former seasons. 1 We want you to ! let ns show vou our Spring Suits, Youth's I Suits, Boys' Suits and I ^ extra trousers, also | do as a lot of others | have done?get into g the habit of coming | to us for the best | Hats, Shoes, Shirts, | Neckties, Underwear I Collars and every- f thihg you need in the I wearing line. Ours | are the best at the I lowest prices. | 8Shi i ^2 1 : S. C. 1 * <> I 'y 'VM/1 ' VM/'Vfi/\a ' \tf 'y 4$ -1 rf^::? .?? = ?=? a?ts ?g? ? *?Mg 'SW&sq? * ?i \ # \ / c 4 \ 0 l$ \ 0' 1^ \ / ^ /'(jN 5 * S\ S P; \ / Vl \ / (|J \ 0 li \ / * ft .' '3rz2+ * s# % * ?', / sfe TTi \ % # # | MONEY TO LB A: THE PIESI ftf: BATESBUEG . their Farmer i f|; satisfactory 2 %ft friends about*' :Az. IE A (h W. W. WATSON / 5t' \ ti.yw. iijrt 7K4: 7T. \ \ sty \ y if \ / ijTx / ii \ /^$\ yi|p\ s^? * / (I \ / i!T\ /\\ \ /?n p^BffiBOBIHH1 1 HORSES, MOLES, BOOGIE COLUft I We have a good supply of Tenness of a mule you want. Come and make We also have a good supply of t! ali sizes. The Studebaker Wagon was Exposition and various other premiur ?g for the ROCK HILL BUGGIES that a III We are not strangers to the trade |g bought in our line. ^ Everything guaranteed, as we rep I RHEA LIV] j 1117-1119 PLAIN STREET, | THE CORBITTI (05 To whom it may concern: f 5 This is to certify that our Co ?? teed one year from date of purch within this time, occurring from provided the broken part is exan ^ ^ Bonds and Real Estate guarante f f out. m Further, that we have handl for a year, and they have given s ? E AXLES?Your choice of either straight, C3 BODIES?Hardwood mortised joint tram jointed at corners and impervious to against opening at the corners. Ste< & f parcel sides. We will put our body i 2b A made. ~ CARPET?Full length carpet or rubber r 69 CUSHIONS?Are made with a spring wh *ft% CURTAINS?Full set of back and side ci FENDERS ON SURRIES AND CARRL4 I & & steel frame covered with finest paten f GEARS?Second growth hickory, ana oe PAINTING?Our Paint will not Crack, C SPRINGS?Finest oil tempered, graded i WHEELS?Toughest, bone dry, second g between spokes. THE BARE 1. It heats quickly. WW 2. It requires much less fuel. & jb 3. It utilizes ninety per cent, of heat. \ \ 4. It has oulv one damper to regulate he 7: W 5. It has large flues. 6. It has the reservoir attached to the fir ly than any other Stove cr Range. WW 7. It is the Only Stove or Range on Eart ^ ? The heat leaves the fire box, moves a ^ X undes bottom over plate to other end vr 7 thus surrounds oven, heating at ever Ninety per cent, of heat is utilized. We have lately received a car load of Cc< w w of what a man gets is spent for food. $ A earth with which to have it prepared ^ ^ Our Line is Comp SB Batesb || The Leaders The P ?? The Eve?!? i ?8W00V^J^Sii^|4'^'<i # '? ' v ?J V * St/ * 61 ' * M ' \ $1 ' V t| ' \ $ .* ? $ ' V M ' X ?s /(? / vi/ ?>;2-2c^sa<s ?: 5 rj ^ .s asrfi 3 i?$s-arsa; * *y \ t /i'? > ?. ? ? ?j) ? / fi > < ti * < >i ? / ft \ / ri 1 / /J \ / ir! \ / W ? < ii \j| ? ,' j)\ \?/ =3* # W \ rr. It E ? T* / I \ 41II \fc ' ' NAT'OHAL BANK of *f= has money to lend to ' $ ' >atrcns who can furnish ?3k iecuritv. "Tell your s|s > ' V x G. CARSON, Cashier. (K ir, President. ^ ^ 9 * m :M /g\ srSs ' /RT ? / w \ /*? \ /if\ / j?\ " W\ /VI \ / M\ / H \ " fi\ /tl , rOCK COMPANY, 1 s, wagons aid harness, i ,ee mules, as good as we can buy?any kind g| your selection. ' 11 4 le celebrated STUDEBAXER WAGONS, 11 ? oTtrrj-w/^Qa +V?o nrorninm of +Vio Sf T.rmic ?9I J a *7 ai uwu i/uu onxi.uixi ecu tuv ks ui juvuim as useless to mention., We are also agents || ire as good as any buggy for the money. |g and try to carry the best that can be sm resent it. We solicit a part of your busi- || E STOCK CO., I COLUMBIA, S. C. I * \ W veswmwMugau ca rig %65vv65 wc5vv65vv Q ca iimnu nn onnnv 55 iuujjf un ounni. m Batesburg, S. C., ^ March 30,1908. 69 rbitt Buggy and Surrys are guaranase, and we will repair any breakage ^ ^ defective material or workmanship, fMJ lined by us; that our Capital, Stock, e that this warrantee will be carried + i ibsolute satisfaction. S3 Very truly, w*P Signed) E. JONES CO. arch, or drop dust proof thousand mile axles. e, glued, clamped together. Parcels are angle JJfJ water. We absolutely guarantee our bodies il loops on bottom of body, iron bands top of WW n hard every day service against any body & 6 ich will hold the shape and prevent sagging. iflfl irtains with every top buggy. ? ft ? .GES?Our Fenders are made of a wrought WW t dash leather. ? & :st wrought iron make up the gear. 7k ^ hip, Blister or Peel off, if properly cared for. v W md tested. ItlfJ k growth hickory, screwed iron, tires full bolted jff| LETT STOVE. || 55 e box, and heats water better and more quickh in Which the Heat Goes All Around the Oven. icross oven plate down end of stove to bottom, ? ? . of stove; then up and out of stovepipe. Heat ^ ^ y point evenly and making only three turns. Q ? A Fuel Saver and a Quick Cooker. okir.g Stoves and Ranges. Ninety per cent. Sfc? Buy one of the Best Stoves or Ranges on 69 iete?Our Prices Right. ^ ^ vy a a ? an u ^ urg, S. C. e? rice Fixers of Bafesburg || ioa Maais. H