The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 01, 1908, Image 10

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K Plain,Talks^on Fertilizer J* A Bow to Get the Greatest Possible Yield per Acre p ylt is a well-known sold to Southern farmscientific fact that in ers last year; and every order to produce the year the demand bewnr orrAat-p^t- nnssible llilA^Kilili comes greater. I to r I yield from-any soil it g|i^Hg|| The best results in I must contain an actual 1k|^Hk|| producing corn, the excess over and above hMH| good old stand-by crop all demands that can of the South, follow the possibly be made on it igSBBS application of 200 to tjv by tjie plants. 30O pounds of the right - ^ Many farmers will feed their fertilizer. Virginia-Carolina "atockas much nourishing food Fertilizers will greatly "inas thev can possibly assimi- crease your yields per acre" i 1 late, vet will starve their crops of corn or any other crop, even - on the mistaken notion that on poor land?and the most ' they are "economizing" on fer- wonderful results are produced | tilizer. . The experiences of through its use on good land. * farmers, government experts, Write today to the nearest, and agricultur- office of the Vir. where eonfinn Chemical. ComMKH the fact that pany for a copy 1 Br they can obtain able and unpreif they are to be judicedinforma-'^^^^^^ idevdnneff to the utmost. * tion for planters and farmers, > The economy in fertilizers' VIRGINIA-CAROLINA' | is not in the amount used but ^ , CHEMICAL CO. !in the ratio of quality to COSt.1 ^JUchmood, Va. *Durham, kcS % jyiiginia-Carolina Fertilizers coiu^slc^ _ <b5S!^m^ va are the best in the ? ~ 1 Atlanta,Ga. ?r world for the least HES5H s^J^SScaA .moBaS. More than I HVSmS^^h Jtempois, xeaiu :i tj/. .one million tons were. IKQH siuwtyart.u.1 ) ' As usual, wt are busy printing the Acts for 1908 J;-\ J C \ ... Ife of the General Assembly. Orders sent direct to the |t|?r". r . . . -s M publishers will receive ; t \ ' \ I first attention. Tho D I Rpiran Pnmnanu IllD III Li UljfUII UUIIIJIUIIJ; Law Book Publishers, Bookbinders, Booksellers and Stationers. : Two Stores on Main Street, COLUMBIA, ......... S. C. S. B. McMASTE R, COLUMBIA, - - S. C. ** " ' ? x We have the largest stock of Base Ball Goods, Fishing Tackle, [./ * Guns and sporting goods of all descriptions, Automobiles and General Bepair Shop, in South Carolina. : : : : ; : Our prices are the lowest : : Write for what you want, and when in the city give us a call. S. B. McMASTER, Columbia, S. C. Can Save You Koney. ^ .. ,, That languid, lifeless feeling thai Watch the turpentine market and ^th spring and early summer. my prices. They will always be the can be quickly changed to a feeling oi very best. buoyancy and energy by the judiciReed halls and meal, and J ?.S5?2G.?5e8JS?!?v2: , , . , , xiic ncsuwamc is a gouuiuc w_?mo n guano at the lowest prices, for cash tired, rundown nerves, and but a fe'w or on time. Call and see me before doses is needed to satsify the user thai buying. I can save you money. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is actually tt flTT?!?! F Ftban S F reaching that tired spot. The indooi H. STEELE, Ethan, S. C. life of nearly alwayg leadg ^ -? ' ?' sluggish bowels, and to sluggish circuAwpalinff Salve for Burns. ^tion in ^neral- The customary lact ^leaiing ?aAV3e or ? Of exercise and outdoor air ties up the Chapped Hands and bore liver, stagnates the kidneys, and oft Hippies. times weakens the Heart's action. Use A* .healing ^efor ? ^re Xl' VMS the^ note & ch^ge froL "S& and unless the injiiry is very severe, by Kauf mann Drug Co. heals the parts without leaving a scar. J svu' Prioe 25 cents. For sale by Kaufmann JhrttgCo. . " . ? * A : The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, April 1,1908. PROF. ARTHUR HARKA2T. Lexington Young Man "Makes* Good" in Hiaucuna. The Selma (Ala.) Morning Times has the following to say anent Prof. Arthur^F. Harman, son of Col. and Mrs. M.^D. Harman, of Lexington: "At a recent meeting of Trustees of Dallas [Academy and of City School Board, Prof. Arthur Harman of New Decatur, Ala., was elected to the vacancy caused by the death of Prof. Hardaway, to begin Sept. 1st., next. Mr. Harman has accepted the position. "This important matter has been under consideration for some months past and the Trustees and Board have givenjthe matter much deliberate consideration. There were several names before'the officials and all of them had|strong testimonials and recom? mendations, so that it is probable that the Trustees and Board would not have made a mistake to have elected any one of the several persons they hadjin view. ~ ? i 1 11. J | "It is well known tnrougnoui; me State that the pnblic school system and management in Selma is considered excellent, and for that reason educators for the most part consider it an honor to be connected with our schools, and the material at hand to choose^from was also greater on that account. "Prof. Harman is a man of family, but not yet 35 years of age. He with several others who were considered by the Board visited Selma before his election. Prof. Harman is a native of South Carolina and was graduated from Palmetto Collegiate Institute in Lexington, 8. C. In May 1896 was graduated from Peabody College for Teachers at Nashville, Tenn., and pursued special studies in the University, at Nashville and has taught in Alabama for ten years, was assistant; principal of Brewton Institute and Principal High School, and then Superintendent at New Decatur and then at Florence, and again elected to serve at New Decatur, where there are 1100 pupils. From. Hon. W. T. Lowe, of New Decatur: "He is a man of fine character and abilility, he ha9 given entire satisfaction here, has reputation of being a practical school man, and a most successful principal." From Prof. J. K. Powers, of Florence: "Am perfectly familiar with his work, a smooth, safe, progressive Superintendent. He is a good judge of teachers as of teaching," etc. Judge M. F. Brooks, of Brewton: "Is an educator of ability, and is well qualified by teaching and experience to fill any position of the kind in the State * * * You would make no mistake in securing him as Superintendent." Mr. J. M. Davidson, a prominent lawyer of Brev/ton wrote in the highest terms of the work of Prof. Harman while at Brewtoni These are but a few of the many testimonials Prof. Harman has, besides this both he and his work was personally and favorably known to two of our teachers of the High School, Further than this, it was quite a coincidence that not long before his death Prof. Hardaway himself saw something of Prof. Herman's work at New Decatur while there and spoke of it in the highest terms to members of the Board of Trustees here. "Prof. Harman was in Selma a few days ago at the invitation of the Board of Trustees and made quite a favorable impression on all with whom he came in contact. He and his family will be given a cordial welcome to Selma." For Constipation. Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent draggist of Spirit Lake. Iowa, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are ' ' v . 1 i. certainly the best thing* on me for constipation." Give these tablets a trial. You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. Piney Woods Dots. To the Editor of The Dispatch: "Uncle" Joshua Shealy had a ligfit 'stroke of paralysis last week, but is much better now. Farmers are very much behind with their work, but if favorable weather ; continues a good crop will yet be planted. Small grain is looking well. Unless more cold comes there will j be plenty of fruit in this section. A number of our people attended j Conference at Chapin on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. PATRON. * March 80. ' TENll JEiveiy w s/msku *? *** Be Interested. J Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, j discovered and aromatic, pleasant j herb cure for women's ills, called l Australian-Leaf. It is the only cerr tain regulator. Cures female weakI nessesand Backache, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by mail 50 cts. Sample Free Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y. 4w22 4 Minrt! ; I noI 100 K. P. G-uano Distributors $7Jt 50 Henderson Guano Distributors Moline Cotton and Corn Planter t Moline Cotton and Corn Planter ^ Middle Busters and all kinds of P] Agent for Planet, Jr. Cultivators WIRE FENCING. V We have two cars in stock of any kind you want, we can sell as cheap as anybody. LIME. CEMENT an t # We buy in car lots and always have on hand what; We can sell merchants Lime and Cement cheaper th be glad to make you prices in quantities. PAIKTS, OILS and Let us figure with you on your Paints for Spring Pe for five years, ready to go on your building at $ 1.15 per \ We carry a full line of everything that goes with a 1 Come to see us or write. We will show you we are RUTLAND-BRA Batesbui Post Card Dealers Printers It Stationers I . Square Fe< Talking Machines lpllllp= and Records I ' Robber Stamps I pi inil Nnvfiltifis nf I Cnnthor """ UUUIIIOI Every Decription c CALL OR WRITE FOR WHAT YOU WANT I ~ J. Wik Gilfe j COLUMBIA, S. 0. I RELIABLE I '27 mmm I Shoes i MERCHANDISE I are ex* mmmI son. C In order to secure Reliable | Stock. Merchandise, it become ne cessary first for you to buy I of a reliable merchant. This ? riTrfj you can do always when you I I p 1/ p K visit our store. Here you IMj | | j|l< find evnrything needed in I the way of something to m wear and something that's M good to eat. A new line of spring and summer goods, embracing Dry Goods, No- i tions, Shoes, Hats, etc., for nBMBBH men, women and children. A veritable shopping place ? A R for all. " 1 I 922-924 J. C. Glover, BATESBURG, S.C. I ments, ] Security for your Deposits, FIRE, Courteous treatment, - ooTTtrK Drafts or Letter of Credit, a.L?LrIDEiJ Collections made, SEE Bank accommodation whenever neces- ^ sary for your business?see eur cashier f A WjJpj about opening an account here. Our Capital $200,000.00 LEXINGTON Our Surplus $110,000.00 Strongest and Best Carolina National Bank, Deatal No, COLUMBIA, S. C. Dr. L. L. Toole will 1 W. A. CLARK, President. Tuesday and Wednesd T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. and 8th. E! : : NOTICE! >0 formerly $9.00. 3 $4.75 formerly $6.50. vith Guano Distributor $15.50. 512.50. Lows in stock. TIKE FENCING. We bought it in big lots, which puts us where d BRICK. pou need in this line. an you can buy in less than car lots and will BRUSHES. tinting. We can sell you a Paint guaranteed gallon. brush. in line and will save you money. iBHAM CO., S? C. 37500 1 of of Floor Space Covered I WITH : ILLEYS, PACKING, ROOFING I AND TIN PLATE. I nbing Supplies. I - a i.. n. I n 5iaies supply uu. i COLUMBIA, S. C. I , "The Shoe Man," J IN COLUMBIA.) I lace to buy your every- M I Sunday go-to-meeting I Largest handlers of I n the Carolinas. Prices x I' remely low at this sea 3ome and inspect our I , "The Shoe Man" I (In Columbia.) HBHnannBM DEN & LUTHER| i ci c o M r uervai5 91 vuiumuia, v> jr, Grain, Hardware, Wheelwright MaFencing, Tinware, Farming ImpleEarness, Saddles, Collars, Pads, Bridles, etc. ird in the city for the benefit of all. see us. Prompt and courteous treatment guaranteed. WHEELWRIGHT and Tn-n BLACKSMITH SHOP . JN v iij , ^ At BERLEY & KYZER'S New Blacksmith Shop yon will find Mr. L. L. Long ready to give yon prompt rT, service. All kinds of repair work, * horseshoeing, etc. Give ns a trial. Shop situated near the Berley home_ x stead. Marl 1 6m tJiier, =?? " r, S. C. Notice. . All overseers of the public roads of ; Companies Lexington county are hereby notified to put their roads in good condition at ' once. Unless this public duty is promptLjj,A ]V tn T cVmll Ka nAmTiollo/? ?J WW?vvv- vv a w vvm^viA^u IV investigate the reasons for such neglect. oe at Chaptn, GEO. H. KOON, ay, April 7th Supervisor Lexington County. ( March 9, 1908. 4w23 i