The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, March 11, 1908. | < Sales to Hew Advertisements. | ^Dispensary Report. *r J. L. Wood Pony Circus. Spring Offerings?Mimnaugh. Spring Goods?Tapp. Shop Notice?Beriey & Kyzer. r - Post Cards, etc?J. Wilson Gibbes. lp Harness?W. M. Martin. > Groceries?Bearden & Luther. Pinal Discharge?J. W. Conner. , Notice?Geo. H. Koon. Notice?R. M. McCown. Cotton Market. Lexington 11M i . |f: \ Freak Stock of Garden Seed. . Fresh 8 apply of garden seed?differ. fnt varieties?just opened up at Hariaan'9 Bazaar. \ \ Harried. ; /1 At the parsonage of St. Peter's r (Piney Woods)'- E. L. church, near Cbapin, S. C.? March 1, 1908, Luther jfauoklin Frick and Lola Alice Cannon were happily married by the Rev. E. J. Sox. * ; . . For Sale. Qne horse, seven years old; work euoywhere.' Apply to ~ V * OrtTTTIT A t>rrtI7 %}. j. ouan jxma, '/ Lexington, S. C. * " Call and Get Tour Pay. Managers of the recent special #eetion to fill the unexpired term of J; M. Eating, deceased, can now secure their pay by calling on or sending to Mr. Manly P. George, at the Clerk's office. ill County Pensions. The county pension board was in y fc session Monday and Tuesday, completing their work for 1908. There is 35 new additions. Since last year ten gpf. pensioners have died, leaving the penlip?-' \sion roll in this county, for the present year, at 271. Ja a Pinch, Use Allen's FootBase. A powder for tired, aching, swollen feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials. All Druggists, 25c. Don't ac-. , cept any substitute. Trial Package Pree by mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, ?& Y. 4w22 Witf:' ? Szseutive Committee To Meet. General Wilie Jones, chairman of the State Democratic executive committee, ha9 issued a call for the meeting of the executive committee to he held Tuesday evening, March 17, in the office of the secretary of state. ? This meeting is held for the purpose of calling the State convention together on May 20. 1. m m m ? Masonics. tL A REGULAR COMMUNICAof Lexington Lodge Xo. 152, /Vr\A. F. M., will be held Saturday, 14th March at 7:00 p. m. Brethren are earnestly^requested to at^ tend promptly., order of the "W. M. Godfrey M. Harman, Sec. Regular communication of Pomaria Lodge No. 151, A. F. M., will convene m Masonic Hall, Peak, Saturday the | 14th, at 7 o'clock p. m. The E. A. & - F. C. degrees will be conferred. Vis> - iting brethren welcome. John C. Swygert, Master. + 9 fr Cures Blood Skin Diseases, Cancer. Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains^stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express 4 flper large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, -deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. Sold in Lexington, S. C., by Derrick's Drug store and Kaufmann I; Drug Co. Death of Little Child. Myrtle Jean, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Haitiwanger 'of Pelion, died early Monday morning and was buried yesterday afterftrtrtfill hnrvintr frrnnnd. UWU m w?v ^ ? J 0 0- , near Pelion. This little child had only been ill for a few days. She was bright and * interesting and brought happiness r and sunshine into the household. The parents have the deepest sympathy of a large circle of friends in the loss of their precious little one. \ ^ Cloth all Wool and Paint all Paint Is cheaper than shoddy paint. The L. & M. is Zinc Metal mand into Oxide of Zinc combined with White v Lead, and then made into paint with i pure Linseed Oil in thousand gallon ' grindings and mixings. Wears long; ' * * i- 1? At fWk ?? 11 actual COSt oiliy pel ganun. E. P. Derrick, Lexington, S. C. .. ^ 1 Mr. H. B. Brogden, the popular traveling representative of Wilse W. Martin, wholesale harness, saddles, etc., of Columbia, was here in the interest of his firm Thursday. Mr. Brogden is a young man of pleasing personality, a good talker and shrewd salesman. He is with the right kind of people and you can bet your boots * he sells the goods. Kodol is today the best known and most reliable remedy for all disorders of the stomach, such as dyspepsia, heart burn, sour stomach and belching of gas. Kodol contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Kodol is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed to give relief V ; and is sold here by The Kanfm&nn Drug Co. You can't differ from a man's opinion without making him believe you are his enemy. THF. CHILDREN LIKE IT ' KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP - * \ Lezington County Fair. The officers of the Lexington CountyFair Association held an important meeting yesterday at the law offices of Messrs. Eflrd & Dreher. Business of a routine nature was transacted. , All the old committeemen were reappointed, and everything, so far, points to a better fair next fall than ever before. The fair last year wa9 indeed satisfactory; after paying all expenses a surplus was added to the treasury, which will be used in making improvements on the buildings, etc. The management is to be congratulated for their excellent work ; and every person in the county should take a pride in the association and make it the best of the kind in the State. No Use to Die. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discovery," says Mrs. J. P. White, of Rushboro, Pa. "I would not be alive today only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens up a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pronounced hopeless." This most reliable remedy for coughs and colds, lagrippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at Derrick's Drug Store and Kaufmann Drug Co. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. For Sale. Quantity of Deering cotton seed. This is by far the most prolific cotton I have ever planted. Almost.doubled yield last year over other varieties with equal amount of fertilizer and under same process of cultivation. I find it especially adapted to the different soils of my farm. Is not easily I . - *? ?? ? eneccea oy extreme wcauuw ^vnuitions. Guaranteed to be as productive as any on the market and is equally adapted to the different soils of this section. - ; Seed for sale in any quantity at 75 cents per bushel. H. Z. ADAMS, 19tf Leesville, S. C., route 2. Final Discharge. " This is to notify all persons that I will apply to Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Judge of Probate for Leringtou County, S. C., on the 4th day of April, 1908, for a final discharge as Administrate of the estate of H. W. Conner. J. W. CONNER, 4w21 Administrator WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP At BERLEY & KYZER'S New Blacksmith Shop you will find Mr. L. L. Long ready to give you prompt service. All kinds of repair work, horseshoeing, etc. Give us a trial. Shop situated near the Berley homestead. Marll Gm * ? . fjr-vrj; ^ J ' FOR THAT SPLITTING HEADACHE we have a variety of reliable* and certain remedies. If yon are subject to headaches come and tell us about them. Then we are in better position to suggest the, surest and best relief. ? ALL RELIABLE REMEDIES are kept on hand at all times. We recommend only those we know are effectual and safe to take. Why not have a supply of such medicines in the house? Then you may often prevent illness as ? well as relieve it. HEUIHUN DRUG CO Lexington, S. C. II want to shake hands I with every man, woman or boy in this neighborhood who helps sell harness. v I believe the mule has a hard time and am trying to -make him I comfortable by making comfortable harness. I make everything from a gee strap to a horse collar and make it as | good as 1 know how. | Let us help the mule Wilse W. Martin I MAKER OF HARNESS j I 1118 Plain Street I COLUMBIA, : : : S. C. , 1 ?y?mp???kn?cob?pomacnmi f,nwirat^i>i iimiii nrta h-tccli iimii? i Plain Talks on Fertilizers j A Talk to Fruit-Growers J You use a fertilizer y*e^ -3e I of course, but do you according to the 1 use enough ? JfreBapSS amount of plant food ? you &*vc y??r trecs or 2 The yield per acre, plants ? vou can de- 8 and the profit therefrom ??|L. J pcndonit. The better increases in far greater they are fed the greater I proportion than the cost J"a and more valuable will j of actional fertilizer. be your crop. FertilWhat is an increase m j2e sparingly" and you cost of $2.00 to $10.00 rC2^ sparingly, per acre for fertilizer when the returns therefrom The fact that over a million show an increase of $50.00 to tons of Virginia-Carolina $250.00 per acre? Fertilizer were sold last year ? proves them to be without The big Magnolia Fruit equal. Every fruit farmer, Farms at Durant, Miss., tested no matter what method he the well-known Virginia-Car- now uses, should get the VirI olina Fertilizer gjnia - Carolina j I ? 1 in different Company's 50 0 lbs. per acre were used. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA ; . ? . . , CHEMICAL CO. ? This is modern mtensive culture, the method that is doub- Richmond. Va. Durham, N. C. -j- _ -j ^ Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. ling and treblin^ the crops of Columbia, S. C. ' Baltimore, Md. all kinds of fruit in Atlanta, Ga. either good or in poor gMpn Columbus, Ga. I and worn-out land all Savannah, Ga. over the countrv and .^PifrCarolinaH Montgomery, Ala. over tne country?ana Memphis, Tenn. / in good SOll, tOO. ' Shreveport, La. j H . \ iMEET ME AT TAPP'S Beautiful Spring | Goods I Ready IOur buyers have just returned from the Northern markets and the spring goods are coming in on every train. Express packages and big freight shipments are filling every depart iment with the newest and most stylish springgoods. The new Spring Tailored Suits, the new Hats, the Spring Dress Materials, Wash Goods, Novelties of every kind are here in va- | riety and we will sell the Spring Goods von 8 8 want at some of the most remarkably low prices | ever quoted here. We were mo/e fortunate jjj I than'ever before in the purchase of the new | styles. Manufacturers of every kind seemed | anxious to sell and we bought at low prices. | We will save you money in your spring shopping 9 Watch our ads and Order by Mail ORDER BY MAIL. We prepay mail, express or freight on all purchases of S5.00 h ormoreshippedto any point within a radius of 600 miles of Columbia. ^ THE JAMES L TAPP CO., | DEPARTMENT STORE, | 1638 to 1646 Main Street, - -Columbia, S. C. j Good Place for Sale. For I offer for sale my Dlace. containing T "AT CI TT T> A "AT 171 100 acres of land, good farm house and j JL O Xt xl J3I \J JLJy fine well of water, lying on Big Hollow 1 t-ctx* Creek. For price and terms, call on or LIFE, address, A. M. LONG, m l)w20 Gilbert, Route 3. TIRE, ACCIDENT, A Pleasant Physic. ??? When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TCI ?.TL. _ __ Tablets a trial. They are mild and e ILpR* ?jEL?]I?* gentle in their action and always pro- rntrrwrimAw n ducea pleasant and cathartic effect. LEXINGTON, S. C. Call at Kaufmann Drug Co's. drug _ store for a free sample. Strongest and Best Companies ?p?Mgww? ?MwgTMPr?c??gsafwrnMB?w?? " |BEARDEN & LUTHER| 1 922-924 Cervais St - Columbia, S. C. 1 Groceries, Hay, Grain, Hardware, Wheelwright Ma- I terial, Wire Fencing, Tinware, Farming Imple- i ments, Harness, Saddles, Collars, Pads, | Bridles, etc. 1 ' (Best wagon yard in the city for the benefit of all. I Call to see us. Prompt and courteous 1 treatment guaranteed. | | LEVER, "The Shoe Man,") f (IN COLUMBIA.) I fifl ? IS I I 1 The place to buy your every- A day and Sunday go-to-meeting I Shoes. Largest handlers of .1 I Shoes in the Carolinas. Prices I j|j are extremely low at this sea- B I son. Come and inspect onr Kj , stock. /w MM (Tr\ P!/^"lnmVna ^ M I mm , \ij-L / n I" gi EE I ' The Holman-Mum Hardware !l Company | I The Hardware! People f FOR WHAT YOU MEED. J Goods Right. Prices Right. | 1 Right Prices on Goad Goods. ? I 1 Headquarters for all kinds of ? I I Hardware, ' Chattafnooga Plows, 1 '?! r i rn i. n nr.Mi. 08 Iiviecnanic 1001s, oaw ivinis, Crockery and Glassware, Shingle Mills, Majestic Ranges, Engines, Bucks Stoves and Ranges, L. & M. Paints, Coles Combination Planters. A full line of Belting?all sizes and kinds carried in stock. I Let us figure on your requirements. lOLMAMLLffl HARDWARE COMPANY, BATESBTJXGr, : : : S. C. I ! BROOKLAND BANK, 1 W NEW BROOKLAND, S. C. % lfe We Want your business. It is our desire to please. Leave fit !m your money with us until you need it. We pay interest four ^ MM times a year. fijl fife4 J. C. CUICNARD, L. S. TROTTI, Vice-President. President. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! I I W