the best Shoes that can be 1 v SEE DUES BE3 E. P. & F. 1710 Main Strec I ?- v Lombard Iron Wot Al/GUSTA, ! Po\mdry. Machine and Boiler Work: Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building C < Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repair , road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies: B< ' _.?iIerS v>'va QuickS -.f-: - . ?.. . * t ; 5 Tot Roofing Trc |VULCANITE \ Made ready for use, satu J ^ new 1 ^ Weatherproof Kot ? BEST : ROOFING : J Is extremely durable. J cold. Always pliable and \ together in the rolls, Is e J and coated with superior < J cannot evaporate; thereto ^ Requires no a ^ Guaranteed to c< J Roofing Pitqh in 600 lb ba / \ Coal Tar - V LOW S J INCORP 5 WHOLESALI ^ flAlnmWa V1 VVAUlUVMt) JvvwwwvwI ??????? QUALITY 1T^ v x , * You have probably bought many thii good, that cost a good price, but unde ' 'J test of service soon proved themselves wc It might have been shoes that sooe the sides, caps*broke down, heels gave * ' gave out and soles were plated.' - v" V" * ^ \ ' " - * Pi . \ / fwear, and'be < wear your mo and choice stc * Tv A. r _ \ Opposite Post Office, '^ 5r#5r ^ -5^ $ SOUTHERN J Unexcelled Dining 4S Through Pullman Sleep! a Gonvenieni Schedule For full information AAMnttH wflnracf RnnfUiortl i|k UUXiSUlt wuuvuviu . W J. c. LTJSK, D /fek BROOKS MORGAN, A. i '- - -C'.'- ^y-^:r'U'_".Wv. BO?????B???3?1BP ?3? all kind of leathers to suit dress and every day wear. -* * 1 . T 1 rulers' medium ana Heavy rk Shoes a specialty. You y depend that we give you nought and at a small profit. FORE YOU BUY?? A. DAVIS, it, Columbia, S. C. ks and Supply Co. I GEORGIA [ - a Mill Sunnlv Stor?. Engines, Boilers, | onstruction; Cotton, Saw, Gnst, Oil, Fertilizer, s; Building. Bridge. Factory, Furnace and Rail- / siting, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, , etc.: Shafting, Pullevs, and Hangers. CAST EVERY DAY Capacity fcr 300 Hands as and Erie ENGINES, Korting asily affixed. Impregnated x iamp-proof materials which x ,re % nnnal painting. ^ mtain no coal tar. ^ irrels - $1.25 per 100 lbs J $4.00 per barrel ? LOW ORATED, A i and BETAIL, J - V- - V . S. C. ? ' SHOES! v v lgs that looked r the rugged rthless. ^3^}l i run over at way, sewing against these things, especially in foot1 f confident of getting the best quality footney can buy, take advantage of the large >ck constantly available for making pleasat our store. ; t for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, ?1.5C BOYNE, Columbia, S. C. v RAILWAY. 1 % Oar Service, Js? ng Gars on ail Trains, A-. s on Local Trains. ^ as to rates, routes, etc. Railway Ticket Agent, or w . P. A., Charleston, S. C. G-. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. M 'fp VVN VW V^' \ # * ? air^c r*c?nrrr^r: TTb,-^ "^arT f ? hi W> V V K> They say it was old even when the Atlanta Journal first- printed it, but it is all right, all the same: An old man in Georgia, named Jack Baldwin, having lest his hat in an old dry well one day, hitched a rope to a ! stump and let himself down. A wick- i ed wag named Neal came along just j then and quietly detaching a bell | from Baldwin's old blind horse, ap- | fViQ Ti'oll l\o11 in V> q nrl nnfl ! jJUJCiUUGVA 111C 1> CIl, Ul.ll 111 imiv.j ?.* ? began a ting-a-ling. Jack thought the old horse was corning and said: 'Hang, the eld j blind horse! He's coming this wav j sure, and he ain't got no more sense than to fall in on me. Whoa, Ball! The sound came closer. v 'Great Jerusalem! The old blind fool will be right on top of me in a minute. Whoa, Ball! Whoa, Ball!' Neal kicked a little dirt on Jack's head, and Jack began to pra\?: '0 Lord, have mercy on?whoa, Ball ?a poor sinner. I'm gone now?whoa Ball! Our Father, who art in?whoa, - Ball?hallowed be thy?gee, Ball?gee what'll I do??name. Now I lay me down to si?gee, Ball! (Just ttten in came more dirt.) 0, Lord, if you ever intend to do anything for me? j back, Ball! Whoa!?thy kingdom \ come?gee, Ball! O, Lord, you know j I was baptised in Smith's mill dam? | whoa,Ball! Ho! Up! Murder! Whoa.' | Neal could hold in no longer and j shouted a laugh which might have been heard two miles, which was about as far as Jack chased him when ; he got out. . ? , A Rensdy for Neuralgia or Pain in the Nerves. For neuralgia and sciatica Sloan's I Liniment has no equal. Ithasappwerf'ully sedative effect on the nerves? penetrates without rubbing and gives immediate relief from pain?quickens the circulation of the blood and gives a pleasant sensation of contort and warmth. "For three years I su.Tered with neuralgia in the head and jaws," writes J: P. Hubbard, of Marietta, S. C., "and had almost decided to have three of my teeth pulled, when a friend recommended me to buy a twenty-fivecent bottle of Sloan's Liniment. I did so and experienced immediate relief, and I kept on using it until the neuralgia was entirely cured, il will never be without a bottle of Sloan's Liniment in my house again. I use it also for insect bites and sore throat and I can cheerfully recommend it to any one who suffers from any of the ills which I have mentioned.'' WH179 J&OCJS IN 6WB. To the Editor of The Dispatch: The lagrippe ha9 invaded this part t of the country and has made many persons quite ill. Roer Brothers have about completed a very pretty residence at Roerville. Messrs. Calk Harman and E. T. Rauchhave returned from Tennessee, where they purchased several mules and horses. FEMINE. Feb. 29. > No Case on Record There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia or consumption after Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken, as it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow package. | Contains no opiates and is safe and sure. I Derrick's Drug Store. I i Elections Are Ordered For Calhoun County. | i Gov. Ansel has ordered a special j election to be held on the second i Tuesday in April for county officers for Calhoun county, consisting of clerk of court, sheriff, county superintendent of education, judge of probate, county supervisor and coroner. These positions will be filled until the November elections accordiug to the act passed by the general assembly. As a result it will be necessary for Orangeburg county to fill some vacancies also. Mr. Olin M. Dantzler, former supervisor of Orangeburg, is in the new territory, as is H. C. Paulling of the county dispensary board. Representative J. A. Banks, it. is said, will run for the senate. These va_ _ _ r\ i mi 1 1 ; cancies in urangeourg win prouauiy ? ! be filled by special election. ! Pev. T. J- Cupstid To Preach at Mack School House. We have been requested to state j that Rev. T. J. Cupstid will preach at j i what is known as the Mack School i house, about 5 miles west of Swansea, ! on the third Sunday in March at 4 | p. m. Everybody is invited. ^ I ' Bp careful about that little cough. Get something right away; some good, ' reliable remedy that will move the I ; bowels Kennedy's Laxative Cough j i Syrup acts gently yet promptly 011 the i bowels and allays inflammation at the | j same time. It is pleasant to take and j ! it is especially recommended for children. as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by The Kanfniann Drug Co. : i Swansea 2>To. 2. I j To the Editor of The Dispatch: The farmers in this section are preI paring; their lands for the coming i | crop. My advice to you, Mr. Farmer, i i is to plant more corn and less cotton, j Did yon ever stop to think that the ; ; farmer is the backbone of the world? i On the 5th day of February Mr. j Ben Pool and Miss Lizzie Barrs w,ere I | joined in holy bonds of matrimony at | the home of the bride's parents, Mr. j j and Mrs. Daniel Barrs, by Rev. T. J. j j Cupstid. Immediately after the cer- ! | emony a delightful repast was en- j | joyed by the large pumber present. ! On February 23rd Mr. Wilber Lucas I ! and Miss Pearle Fulmer were married j i by Rev. T. J. Cupstid. A big supper ! | followed, which was greatly enjoyed ! ! by all present. Mr. Editor, hurrah for your prohi ! bition paper! T. J. C. j . Feb. 25. Don't cough your head off when you i i can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees j Laxative Cough (Syrup. It is especially recommended for children as its pleasant to take, is a gentle laxative thus expelling the phlegm from the system. For coughs, colds, croup, wlicopingcough* hoarseness and all Bronchial I trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by Kanfj manii Drug Co. i * Related to Roth. An Irishman walking in one of the streets of Dublin saw a man leading a don- on the ODDosite side of the street, says Illustrated Bits. He got rather interested in the dog, and, crossing the street, he touched the man on the shoulder and said: "Would ye moind telling me the breed of that dog?" The man, who happened to be in a bad temper, turned round and, looking at the Irishman, said: "Yes; it's a cross between a monkey ancl an Irishman." v "Shure," said Pat. "It's related ! to both of us." f ... Remember that when the stomach j nerves fail or weaken, dyspepsia or in- 1 digestion must always follow. But, [ strengthen these same weak inside ner- j ves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and ; then'see how quickly health will again ; return. "Weak heart ana kidney nerves I can also'be strengthened with the re- j storative, where heart pains, palpitation | or kidney weakness is found. Don't drag the stomach, nor stimulate the heart or kidneys. That is wrong. Go to the cause of these ailments. Strength en these weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and get well. A simple, single test will surely tell. Kaufmann Drug Co. It is said that the Aiken County Dispensary Board bought more than $100,000 worth of liquor last week. ^ Thfe "FYvreTnan (back for instructions) ?Jedge, we're all tangled up concernin' th' testymony of Jim Boggs. The Court?Don't you know what to do with it? A severe cold that may develop into pneumonia over night, can be cured quickly by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. . Derrick's Drug Store. The Foreman?We knowed jest what t' do with it, tell we diskivered wher' he'd told th' truth in one place. "Tell me, my poor man," said the good-hearted old lady, "to what do you attribute your fondness for drink? Is it hereditary?" | "No, ma'am," replied the poor man, "it's thirst." Get DeWitt's Carborlized Witch Hazel Salve?it is healing, soothing and cooling. It is good for piles. Sold by The Kaufinann Drug Co. Maude (disgusted)?Can't Jack ever be original? He said the same thing to me three years ago, and I know that he cribbed the expression from a ten-cent calendar. TSifflfiiir l.tAAtiVilAlA A. AV * V M-M U-J? V Are You Sure Your Kidneys Are Well? Many rheumatic attacks are due to uric acid in the blood. But the duty of the kidneys is to remove all uric acid from the blood. Its presence there shows the kidneys are inactive. Don't dally with "uric acid solvents." You might go on till doomsday with them, but until you cure the kidneys you will never get well. Doan's Kidney Pills not only remove uric acid, but cure the kidneys and then all danger from uric acid is ended. Rupert B. Calvo, bookbinder, employed at The State Publishing Co., official printers for the State of South Carolina, living at 1010 Lumber St., Columbia, S. C., says: "I thought I had rheumatism and treated for it on that belief. I used all kinds of liniments. The pain was in my back and in my hips clear to the shoulders, j The liniments did no good and I took to blood medicines but they did not help me. I took a long trip in hopes that the change of climate might help j T Vvrtf 1I1C. JL Wilft dWd\ liliCt lllv/ii L1I uun could see no change for the better. I heard of I>oan7s Kidney Pilis and do- j term i net: to try them, and got a box j at a drug store. They completely re- | moved the pains out of my back and j I have not felt a touch of the old j trouble since I used them.7' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 j cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, J New York, sole agents for United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. irry.. nr.- . rzn. r;- jArTrrrr^??;. iv~ . 5- ?* Jvamf-MBaMT s:>;f'|| >Pisr ^Sgg Curb or $s!in* I . iM 'SIOS^'S ! Or| Lriivim,eivt f AJir I . is unsurpassed g WM $ ^ penefrates end relieves pain very | ? quickly-needs very iiirie rubbing -ana 1 ^fg, | does nof leave a scar or biemish. I An cniisepHc remedy for fbrush, iC fisfula and any abscess. PRICE 25*. 50$ 6 $1.00 I 5loajY$Treatise on Horses. Cattle. Hogs and Poultry" | Sent Free I Address Dr.Earl S.Sloan, Boston. Mass.U 5 A. I: CEAPIN, S. C. : I Our banking facilities are excellent. We I place them at your command. 5 per cent, in- | terest paid on time deposits. Kindly favor us ? with your business. | J. F. HOftEYOUTT, Cashier. 1 J. A. 5LACKWELDER, President. | n,\rum'< 11w !t. yivaifr ns w m tilttr *ti i.ta-?ri?Tfc.tifcMry i wifi?,^ra-..>t. nw?rr? ><> tnmrr x& j-rm. >^ii n / * ! ! i I ! ? ? ? mm i ? ??? ? I iii m nmmnunmm ??e i n i i iiimnr? Tie Palisietto National Bank, . ' COLUMBIA, $ C. WE ARE A Depositors for the United States Government, the State of South Carolina, the County of Richland and the City of Columbia. WE OWN ?400,000 United States Bond.*and ?100,000 State of South Carolina Bonds. 1 ' \ WE SOLICIT Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals. WE PAY Four Per Cent, on deposits in our Savings Department, in- . teresfc calculated quarterly. WE PROMISE Our best efforts to transact your business to your entire . satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL BANK, Columbia, S. C. CAPITAL ?250,000.00 \k! ttt" Tmtc "Proei/lntif- T "P Af i TTTirwc Po olii or YV lJJlA X l^XU^UV* U* X JJU.Ai.AJU.WIV0, VMOUivi ?e?ooo9*o?#???o?eo?eeo?#ot | j||j|^j^|||j | ^j) | 1 HERE! i Portrait Photographers. 1 iSjsSti: j ?"? ? **? ? > healthy condition? If so, COLUMBIA, - S. C. 2 HILTON'S LIFE for 2 2 the LIVER 2 ?0? S and KIDNEYS 2 1SSSSRSSSSS | ^ictly High . and Kidneys will make them so. A 25c. bottle ItFJHiP |l/ A|?|r will convince yon of this UIullv Til/Ill? fact. Sold wholesale by i_ ! ThS"SlBs s<">'' I Old and New Pictures I For sale ^ at The Bazaar, J ... . - , . i .Lexington, a. u. * "i?~ ? I ? ? ? ??? ?? ???? o?? j , ?? i nAQn'n ' pnpp 75!iTfrt|j|A Pl?3Se C3.ll 311(1 S66 OUT 1363U* FREE BOARO==FREE TUSIION } ' tiful Photo Color Dispay. while securing the / v BEST BUSINESS TRAINING Write immediately for information. 10 I THIS is the opportunity 01 your life. V R5 jjj Z jjpgj ? ft ft fl ft ^SEORGIA-ALASAMA BUSiKSS COLLEGE, Kacoa, S2. ^ ^ |||| ||jf?P 0000W T fl nnU Dn MU j Sterling silver, cut glass, fine'' yifiUvw BfllUUll china, clocks. A fine stock 7 i always 011 hand for you to GUN and LOCKSMITHS ? / i Keep us in mind when want1719 Mnin Street, ; iug anything in Jewelry or i n 1 t COLUMBIA; - S. C. onverware. i Good watch work and best Eepairers of ! eye glasses. GUNS, If you can't come, send for BICYCLES, our catalogue or telephone your AUTOMOBILES, order to us. ? siv, ,Fe J8 ; *2! p. H. HI & CO, attention to all Trork in our jkwelers, line and solicit a share of the ! 0/! w . c, ~ , ,. ? ? . r y 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C. patronage ol our i-exmgton ' ' friends. Satisfaction Guar- j 'Pn0!ie i)rU anteed. ! \ : John C. Boozer 3ET? S 3 ? Ei ^ ami WHISKEY HABITS ' Kj | % | |yj ou^p4natBr0niof pa?-" UNDERTAKER, ai B w 8 w B ticulars sen 9 'KEfi, ' Typri p . . _ C p BR KESEBnBBan B. M. WOOTL-Y. M. D. AX , ~ ' ? vAt:limt?,