' 1 ^ I wo ms the best Shoes that can be SEE OUES BE E. P. & F. 1710 Main Stre Lombard Iron Woi AUCUSJA Foundry. Machine and Boiler Worfc J Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building < M Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repai 2 road Castings;' Railroad and Mill Supplies; I Oiler ^ Pl?l? LIGHT SAW HILLS and G Quick ? ? For Hoofing Tr I VULCANITE i Hade ready ifor use, sati V: : '5 ' / Weatherproof Ro : V t BEST : ROOFING : ? Is extremely durable \ cold. Always pliable an< 5 together in the rolls, Is 5 and coated with superior 5 cannot evaporate; theref jp Bequires no i ^ Guaranteed to c T BoofingjPitchinSOOlbb J Coal Tar - > ' LORICK 8 5 " INCORI y WHOLESALE Q U A L IT > Ycm bare probably bought many th I " -J nnd good, UUU COS* a guou jmuo, UUV !? ', test of service soon proved themselves w jst* > V- * It might have been shoes that soo p\ "" 4 the sides, caps'broke down, heels gave ["> ? '* r ' \ gave out ajid soles were plated. sf \ , gj? To'guarc ' wear, and'be m ' wear your m > ' and choice st 190S IID-WINTER Shoes all kind of leathers to suit dress and every day wear, rmers' medium and heavy ?rk Shoes a specialty. You j ty. depend that we give you bought and at a small profit. FORE YOU BUY . A. DAVIS, et, Columbia, S. C. rks and Supply Co. I , GEORGIA [! js and Mill Supply Store. Engines. Boilers, j Construction; Cotton, Saw, Gnst, Oil, Fertilizer, . ! rs: Building. Bridge, Factory, Furn^be and Rail- i Selting, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, , s, etc.: Shafting, Pullevs. and Hangers. CAST EVERY DAY > I Capacity fcr 300 Haands I la.9 and Erie ENGINES, Korflng ; i Grade Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford i Specifications a Specialty * Locomotive Tender Tanks > J Write Vs Before You Buy 1 ASOLINE ENGINES in Stock Shipment. k/VWWWWW*'* oubles We Advise \ ROOFING | irated and coated under a \ process. \ fcprpof and Fireproof. J MATERIAL KNOWN ? . Not affected by heat or%J 1 flexible. It does not stick \ easily affixed. Impregnated \ damp-proof materials which J y ore 5 innnal painting. ' ^ ontain no coal tar. i arrels - $1.25 per 100 lbs J -v $4.00 per barrel f LOWRANCE, PORATED, 5 E and BETAlL, . A S. C. # JV\ ' v t \ V T. A. Opposite Post Office, _ f SOUTHERN Jki T Unexcelled Diniit n\ i Through Pullman Sleep ^ Convenient Schedul /IV For full information mi consult nearest Southern W J. 0. LUSK, ] A BROOKS MORGAN, A. 9 I r SHOES! ingB that looked ^ er the ragged '^%z^ orthless. n ran over at ? ? way, sewing 1 ? A1_.? L against tnese tilings, especiauy iu iiwir confident of getting the best quality foot/ oney can buy, take advantage of the large ock constantly available for making pleass at our store. it for W. L. Douglas Shoes for men, $1.5C $ O Y N E , * Columbia, S. C. RAILWAY. | it/ ig Car Service, J ling Cars on all Trains, JK es on Local Trains. w as to rates, routes, etc. Bail way Ticket Agent, or yy D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. * ' M Bw JBL V nMHHnH?m?aKwnmnaMannBMMHn''ria Swindlers Use Tillman's 17ame'' Washington, D. C., Feb. 19.?Swindlers, it is alleged, have been using the j name of Senator Tillman so adroitly j < recently that it was necessary to-day i ( for him to make the matter public in j ( the Senate, and to state that he had ] asked the postofiice department for a ( fraud order so that such operations might cease. ^ *' The matter is thus explained in Senator Tillman's own words: "Mr. President, in the last three days my ( attention has been called to a very , adroit scheme of swindling in which , my name is used as a decoy. Letters have come to me from Connecticut, | Wisconsin, Virginia and Michigari, indicating the widespread manner in which the swindler's circulars have j been sent out. This circular states , that I have taken eleven quarters of Oregon land ftfr myself and my near-est relatives. As a ^natter of fact, I ' have not invested one cent, nor have I located a single quarter section for < myself or anyone. My attention was i directed to these lands last September, and I began to investigate the present tenure and method of purchase. Finding the situation to be as it is. I have introduced the resolution here directing the department of justice to take steps to restore these lands to the public domain, so that purchasers can buy them. That is all. I will state further that I have called the attention of the postoffice department to this swindle and asked that a fraud order fee issued. I make this statement on the floor of the SenJ ate for the purpose of warning the people of the country to keep them from being inveigled into sending money for the purpose of playing this game." , Reason Enthroned. Because meats are so tasty they are consumed in great excess. This leads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your diet, let reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. . Try it. For sale at Kaufmann Drug Co's., drug s^re. Samples free. Items From Near Bethlehem. To the Editor of The Dispatch: I Farmers are turning the soil for another year. I The small grain in this section is not looking well, on account of the heavy rains and severe cold. Mr. George Hallman has moved into his new dwelling on the Leesville road. Mr. E. W. Hallman will occupy the house vacated by Mr. George Hallman. ' Mr. Perry Taylor i9 erecting a very fine dwelling near his father's home. Rev. A. R. Taylor, the pastor of Bethlehem, preached an interesting sermon to a very large congregation last Sunday. n/r a v l a _ n *1.1. lvir. in. a. l^ewis nau a nue mucn < cow to die a few days ago. Several marriages have occurred in this vicinity recently. Mrs. B. W. Kyzer and Mrs. Rebecca Taylor have been very sick, but is much better now. A. B. C. . Feb. 22. Everything taken into the stomach should be digested fully within a certain time. When you feel that your stomach is not in good order, that the food you have eaten is not being digested, take a good, natural digestant that will < do the work the digestive juices are not doing. The best remedy known today for all stomach troubles is Kodol, which is guaranteed to give prompt relief. It is a natural digestant; it digests < what you eat, it is pleasant to take and ( is sold by Kaufmann Drug Co ] ? ? I Safety Matches. j The house on Thursday passed with- ^ out division what has been regarded * by some members as a freak bill, by ? Representative Fred Harman, of Rich- ^ land county, forbidding the sale of any but safety matches. It is esti- < mated that the enactment of this measure into law would save to the ' people more than $100,000 annually in fire losses. . 1 i \ mKxrwtmnmamBa iiiwraappBgagm wiwmn in* -* * For old peoi rom rheumatism,; neuralgia, sciah' % Slodtr g^ives quic X^uiHammo mm of Worth a Fortune; Died in His Little Shack. Possessing a fortune of at least ?15C,000, John McMillan, aged 86 years, lied a few days ago in a hovel in the Dutskirts of Chattanooga, Tenn. He had for years lived in apparent poverty. When away from his shack he invariably carried a chip market basket, which it has been learned since his death contained cash and papers worth over 8100.000- At one time he owned a great deal of real estate but six years ago his son committed Suicide after which the old man converted most of his property into cash. So far as known he left no will. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Maine, speaking of Eletric Bitters, says: "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us.*' It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derangement, malnn-. fcrition, nervousness, weakness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. Tins' grand alterative tonic is sold under guarantee at the IjCaufmann Drug Co., and Derrick's Drug Storei 50c. . Sure to Ccae. The county dispensary boards are engaged in the same business as the old state dispensary board, that of buying and selling liquor' for gain. Just watch the graft creep in little by little. It is as sure to come a9 night follows the day.?Edgefield Advertiser. Suffering & Dollars Saved. E. S. Loper, of Manila, N. Y.f says: "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bncklen's Arnica Salve. It has saved me suffering and dollars. It is by far the best healing salve I have ever found." Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and piles. 25c at Eaufmann Drug Co., and Derrick's Drug Store. Nobody knows whichi way the Republican cat is going to jump, but we'll bet that when it does jump it will find John Capers already on the spot waiting.?Anderson Daily Mail. Use DeWitt's Little Early Risers, pleasant little pills. They are easy to take. Sold by the Kaufmann Drug Co. Salt in solution, inhaled, is good for colds in the head. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion,_ dyspepsia and other stomache ills. Two day's trial free. Ask our dealer. Sold by Kanfmann Drug Co. A storekeeper of Bennettsville chased a negro out of his store with a pistol because the negro didn't call him "Mr." The negro has indicted the merchant on the charge of assault with intent to kill. AGE NO BAR. Everybody in South Carolina is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable to explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first. Comes when you catch a cold. Or when you strain the back. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright's lisease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache. Cure every form of kidney ills. J. W. Powell, proprietor of a gen *ral store, and coal, wood and ice lealer of Waverly, living at 2010 Blanding St., Columbia, S. C., says: 'My son has been afflicted with kidney and urinary trouble from childnood, being unable to control the secretions especially when asleep. Since using Doan's Kidney Pills he lias entirely recovered. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. )le who suffei >tiff joints, qpuMuir ca and paralysis CsLiivinve k relief. . . SI* p< 5 nerves and tissues ition and congestion, d and gives a pleas ation ofcomfort ai eeds^^Jvery W\\h T]Tx\& PRICE 25* \lfll \ tow Hr Fnrl ^ *\ Srtri VII 1 GWP u,,4"ui I: : : CEAPIN Our banking faciiitses place them at your comm terest paid on time depcs with your business. J. F. H< J. A. BLACKWELDER, The Palmetto COLTTMBI WE ARE A Depository.for the Uni i of South Carolina, the Cc of Columbia. WE OWN 1400,000 United States B Carolina Bonds. ' WE SOLICIT Accounts of Banks, Firn WE PAY Four Per Cent, on deposi terest calculated quarter] TTTTJ TIT! AUrTOTI W ii rAUiXLlOXi Our best efforts to transa satisfaction. PALMETTO NATIONAL I CAPITAL $S Wilie Jones, President. i see" \ j HERE!: ??? Is your Liver all right? Are your Kidneys in a J healthy condition? If so, ( : HILTON'S LIFE for S I the LIVES S S and KIDNEYS S 5 Ml iV Tf i. ? I 2 win j&eejj uieiu au. 11 nut, v . Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys will make them so. A 25c. bottle will convince you of this fact Sold wholesale by 3 The Murray Drug Co., * ( S Columbia, S. C. 3 ' 3 For sale at The Bazaar, 3 3 Lexington, S. C. 3 ft* t ^9B < f JACOB BROS., BUN and LOCKSMITHS 1719 Main Street, COLUMBIA, - S. C. Renairers of A. GUNS, BICYCLES, AUTOMOBILES, J ETC., ETC. \ We give special care and attention to all work in our . line and solicit a share of the patronage of our Lexington I friends. Satisfaction Guar-! ~ anteed. % jffe nillllasd WHISKEY HABIT8 u ?J III Am cured at home withD Si It III Wl out pain. Bc~k of car- T II IV I Wl ticulars sen # ARF.E, | b. m. wooll^y, m. d. MM Atlanta, t*a. Office 104 N.Pryor Street, j }c ja Furs and Beeswax Wanted. w Wanted?Otter, mink, coon, fox r< and all kinds of furs. Highest prices 111 paid for beeswax and furs. Rice B. v: Harman, Lexington, S. C. 0 snetrates 1 .relieves rhe I quickens I ant tingling | nd warmth. I s rubbing. | eaiers l 50* St $1.00 8 n, Boston Mass. ? , S. C. : : : 5 are excellent. We and. 5 per cent. ?n>ats. kindly favor us >NEYCUTTj Cashier. President. unmmf \atiomil Bank, :a, s. c. ifced States Government, the State rnnty of Richland and the City onds and $100,000 State of Sonth' is, Corporations and Individuals, ts in our Savings Department, in y. ct yonr business to yoar entire SANK, - - Columbia, S. C. 350,000.00 J. P. Matthews, Cashier. RULING .1 SOI, Portrait Photographers. Opposite Wright's Hotel, COLUMBIA, - - - S. C. Strictly High Grade Work. Old and New Pictures Copied and Enlarged. Please call and see our beau;iful Photo Color Dispay. Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine china, clocks. A fine stock always 011 hand for you to select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. H. LACHICOTTi & CO, JEWELERS, 424 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 'Phone 934 John C. Boozer UNDERTAKER, rene, - - S. C. I have 011 hand a large and well sected line of Coffins and Caskets, gents' [dies and children's Robes, cheap. I ish to say to my friends and the surmnding country to call on me when in sed of anything in my line. Grave suiting, cement or brick, a speciality, rders filled day or night. Nov.27 3eq?