The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 26, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Women as Well as Sea Are lade Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Troobie. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, ^ vigor and cheerfully! ness soon disappear when the kidneys are it ?ut or^er (^s" ^ \ ~~ Kidney trouble has )J become so prevalent fe that-it is not uncom/V mon f?r a child to be B \ Vk^ Ir" * ^ 1\a?m at) u?itTi It \VSV\?L UV1U 'I1U11V.I.V.U niui weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage. it is yet afflicted with bed-wet; ting, depend upon it, the cause of thediffl _ . cultw is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of; the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miserable .with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. {The mild and the immediate effect of Swbunp-Root is soon realised. It is sold bydi uggists, in fifty- _ jjv^V^ mi cent and one-dollar SljSsS size bottles. You mav rv have a sample bottle " by mail free, also a. Home of Swamp-Root pamphlet telling all abbht Swamp-Root, including mazjv of the thousands of testimonial .Tetters received^ from sufferers - cored, Ij^ writing Dr. ikiimer &. do., Binghaitipn, N. Y., be sure and mention this Don't make any mistake, but rerimtnber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad* dress, Binghamton, N. - Y.,4 on every bottle- ?' / professional casus. . in . . ? ?? A D. MARTIN, ATTORNEY A. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, LEXINGTON, S. 0. Office in Human Building rear of court E. house. Will practice in all courts. Special attention to collection of claims. V.;.; J. WIL W. HAWKS, TT Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BBOOKLAND. S. C. P^ettCe la ail Courts. Business solicited. * IT ? I ' ' - " 0. X. KKX3>. W. X. DBSEML OFIRD & DRKHKR, Hi ATTOKNBYS AT LAW, \ LEXINGTON 0. H., & 0. WH1 practice In all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the Arm will always be at office, Lexington. 8. C. . T~H.FBICK, J. . - I ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHAFER, 8, O. Office: Hotel Karion, 4th Boom, Seoond t floor. Will prafetioe in qll the Courts. rpHUSMOND & TIMMERMAX, I ATTORN SYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL 00URT8, *_ Eg?iftn?nn Bldg, LBgNQTON.'f.a win oe pieasea w maet uiuw iw?uit ?wgal business to be ttended'to at our offloe ' >.Wk. THURMOND. t. BELL TIHMERJIAN, LBBRT M. BOOZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SB COLUMBIA, 8. 0. Omens: 1S16 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture StoreEspeefal attention riven to business entrustedto him by bis fellow citizens of Lexington oounty. , pEORGE R. REMBERT, IT ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1291 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA. S. 0. 2 will be glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, and a-n prepared to practice law in all bt&te and Federal Courts. Law Offices, { ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1872. Residence Telephone No. 1036. WBOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. C. * , r\P P TT SHEALY* C' tf : "* ' DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building. TkE. F. O. GILMORE, ! V DENTIST. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Office Houbs.* 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from ^ to 6 p. m. T\R. D. L. HALL, 1/ DENTIST, STEEDMAN, S. C. Office hours 8 a. m,, to 5:30 p. m. Dec. 23,1907?6m IN. D. HARNANl DEALER IN g Jfieneral I Merchandise J Cornir Main and Raw Strial, I 9 Opposite Contederato jt f Monument, * \ Lexington, - - S. C. ft "I trust this may be read by many sufferers from kidney and bladder trouble" writes "Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland, Tex. "I suffered four years and could find nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last induced me to try your 30 days' treatment of Pineules for $1. This one bottle has cured me and money could not buy the value it has been to me. . Guaranteed. Sold by J?aufmann Drug Co. 4 j The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, February 26,1908. Zick the Printed. In the city of Brooklyn, N. Y., there has been for many years a conspicuous signboard outside an o.hce which reads, "Kick the Printer." Bibulous persons sometimes go inside to carry out the apparent request but they discover that the printer is a gentleman by the name of Kick. In every town there are persons who, if they do not actually feel like kicking the printer?the newspaper man?at any rate do a lot of kicking at the way he conducts his paper. Please don't kick the printer;, he is doing the best he can. And what he does for the town and community, -despite his occasional mistakes, may he a great deal more than the kickers themselves are do>ing. Did that ever occur to you? We are neighbors in this" town. What helps one helps the others. What hurts one hurts the others. Every community is a natural benefit association, whether organized or just running wild. The printer is a pharter mem her. I If you had no printer?no newspaper?how would you like that? Do you know what happens to towns that don't support a newspaper? Nothing, happens. Nothing ever happens in a town like that. As soon as things begin to happen in a town the newspaper comes along and tells about them.. The newspaper boosts the town. It records progress and offers suggestions, by the editor to the readers, as to further progress. Every copy of every issue advertises the town. This is all free advertisement. It costs the town nothing. It costs the people nothing. It is aparLofAebnainess. Ttn view of this feet, which nobody can'dispute, it is much better to pat the printer on the shoulder now and th^n or to speak kindly of him, than to kiek him. No; don't kick the printer.?Ex. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all.other diseases pat together, ^nd until the hist few years was supposed to be inonmblp. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it , incurable.. Science has proved catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney4& Co., Toledo, Ohio, ii the only constitutional cure on the market.. It is taken internally in doses from iO drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send forscirculars and testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. ^ Sold bjnDruggists, 7oc. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Mother and Children Burned. Parkersburg, W. Va., Feb. 19.?Mrs. John Angus and her two small children were burned to death in their home at Tally ho_ last: night. The house is supposed to have caught fire following the explosion of a l^jnp. Mr. Angus was at church when the accident occurred. He reached home in time to see the roof fall in. When he learned that his loved ones were lost he made an effort to comimt suicide by jumping into the flames. He was prevented by neighbors. _ Special Announcement Regarding the National Pure Pood and Drug Law. \ We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and D/ug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Derrick's Drug Store. Found fiifls in Hollow Tree. The hands of Mr. C. I. Cummings, while cutting saw logs near McPhersonvilie last week, found in the heart of a tree an old seven-shot rifle, with one shell in the barrel. It is supposed that the rifle was hidden by a Confederate soldier in a small hollow in the tree, which gradually closed and concealed the gun entirely. The rifle fa ao 1/3 fA ho in nlmafofo io ooiu uv uo ui Ail aiUiUol of preservation, and, with a little oiling would be fit for service. The tree in which it was found 9tood on the old Confederate camp ground very near the village of McPherson.?Beaufort'Gazette. Stop that tickling cough! Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure will surely stop it, and with perfect safety. It is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even with very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough and heals the sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Kaufmann Drug Co. E Salt in oven under baking tins will prevent scorching oh bottom. Feathersts&e for Governor/. It^as announced last night by the friends of Mr. C. C. Featherstone, of Laurens, that he would be a candidate for governor. Mr. Featherstone's friends have for several days been in conference on the political situation and after looking ?over the field decided to authorize the use of his name. ! Mr. Featherstone has been a lifelong prohibitionist, and in 1S9S made the campaign for governor against Gov. Ellerbe on that platform. With 1,500 more votes he would have been elected, despite the prestige given Gov. Ellerbe by the fact that the latter had served one term as chief executive, and during that time had had the organization of two regiments of militia and an independent bataliion l for the Spanish-American war. Mr. Featherstonc's entrance into the race will add to the interesting situation already developed, and doubtless will cause other announcements for or against entrance within the next few days from those" who have been spoken of by their friends. ?The State, 21st. ' 1 Ld Grippe and Pneumonia. . Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. Derrick's Drug Store. Tnskegee for Prohibition. N Tuskegee, Ala., Feb. 19?The annual Tu9kfcgee Negro conference today adopted resolutiops advocating the temperance movement , in the South and heard addresses from many prominent educators of the country. Dr. J. H. Williard, secretary of the million dollar Jeanes fund for rural education of the negro, said ..that he believed, the reactionary movement in the South had spent itself and that the relations of the two races are now improving. ;> The. prohibition resolution adopted was as follows: "The Tuskegee conference, realizing that the manufacture, sale and use of intoxicants is a menace to they spiritual, moral and material uplift of t|ie race, hereby puts itself on record as heartily in accord with the great movement for statutory prohibition that is now sweeping over the Southern States." Ask Yourself the Question. Why not use Chamberlain's Pain Balm when you have rheumatism? We feel sure that'the result will be prompt and satisfactory. One application relieves the pain,, and many have been permanently cured by its use. 25 and 50 cent sizes. For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. * The Legislature Raises Pay. The house by a vote of 67 to 34 yesterday passed to third reading Senator Walker's bill providing that the memv 4-v. UCiO VI lllio gCiiCl ?V1 ODBCUXUljr iicicaiici receive $200 annually instead of $4 per day for 40 days, as at present. There was no debate on the measure, but an amendment was adopted providing that the speaker should teceive double . the salary of the members. The bill follows: "Be it enacted by the general assembly of the fState of South Carolina: ''Section 1. That members of the general assembly shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of $200 for each regular session, and mileage at the rate of 5 cents per mile for the actual distance traveled, in the most direct route, going to and returning from the place where the session of the general assembly shall be held. The speaker of the house shall receive double the pay of the members. "Sec. 2. That the provisions of this act shall not g'o into effect until Jan. 1, 1909. * 44^ Thaf. confirm 14 rnlnmp 1. code of law9 of South Carolina, 19&2, be, and the same is hereby, repealed." If you have Catarrh, 4rid yourself of this repulsive disease. *Ask Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis., to mail you free, a trial box of his Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. A simple, single test, will surely tell you a Catarrh truth well worth your knowing. Write today. Don't suffer longer.. Kaufmann Drug Co. Jno. C. Bowen, J. T. Kennedy, G. S. Likes, J. H Lancaster and S. M. Williams, all South Carolinians, have graduated from West Point. The mayor of Jonhston has issued I an edict that all young men calling on young ladies of the town these cold nights must furnish their own wood. ^ Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold from the system as it is mildly laxative. It is guaranteed. The genuine is in the yellow package. Derrick's Drug Store. Two colored men who conduct a pressing club in Greenville found a purse containing $100 in a suit of clothes that had been sent to the club to be pressed. The money was returned to the owner. The republican governor of Kentucky hasn't dared to tackle the "night riders", and they are still committing depredations in that state. The State supreme court has decided that magistrates and rural free delivery carriers are not exempt from jury duty. Clarence Davis, of Chesterfield, was probably fatally injured in a runaway. * A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues' is seldom occasioned by actual exist* ing external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a disordered LfVER. - ? THIS IS A FACT which mav he dpmnnctM? I ' ted by trying a course of They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the They bring health and elasticity to the body. 7&KE NO SUBSTITUTE. Fivo Hundred Dollars for One Word. This is what the Semi-Weekly Journal proppses to give. Send in the Missing Word and take the Prize. 1\ /~v ? /-,x *? *? /> rt -M! ? f / ? *1 h n /"] 111 f ! /> ^ f S~\ f K vv icii tsytuj yKnxny auuDi;iipu'.ni iu inc Semi-Weekly Journal you are entitled to two trials at the missing word. A sentence has been selected from a well known and widely read work of fiction. From this sentence a word has been dropped, leaving a gap. This word is English and notf a proper name, and can be found in any ordinary dictionary. Here is the sentence: "THEY CAN'T GET ANYTHING BUT NOW SIR. EVERYTHING ELSE IS GONE.''; What is the sentence? For full conditions of the Contest write the Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga. Keeping Open House. Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and feel that way only when our digestive organs are working properly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the action of stomach, liver and bowels so one cdn't help feeling good when he uses these pills. 25c at Kaufmann Drug Co. j T\ ? r\ ci A. ana nernct s urug own;. EXCTJBSION BATES To New Orleans,,Mobile and Pensacola via Southern Railway. Account Mardi Gras celebrations at New Orleans. La., Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla., the Southern Railway announces the very low rate of one firstclass fare plus 25 for the round trip. Tickets on sale February 26th, 27th, 28th and29th, inclusive; March 1st and 2nd, ihclusive, good to leave New Orleans returning not later than midnight March 10,1908. Stop-overs allowed going and returning. For rates, detailed information, etc., applv to nearest^ ticket agent or address J. C. LUSK, Division Passenger Agent, , Charleston, S. C. A Problem. Having gained the consent of a girl to marry him, the<young man asked the sanction of her father to the union. The old man scratched his head and informed the suftor that he could haye the girl on condition that he would go into the orchard,' gather a number of apples, and on returning, leave the one half of them and one half of one at the gate and half the remainder and one half of one at the . < i door, and bring three apples into the house with him, this without cutting one in half. The young man did as he was told, and got the girl. How | did he do it??Ex. | No need to fear coughs and colds | j this year as yon can obtain Bees Laxa- I tive Cough Syrup now from your dealer, j This is good news to mothers who fear | rrnrm and whnoniner cousrh. It is a I gentle laxative that expells the poison from the system in the natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. I Guaranteed. Sold by Kanfmann Drug Co. Little boy: "Mama, that man what comes here on Sundays spanked me." Mama: That i9 your papa, my boy." A chicken thief in Greenville/ was sentenced to serve bne year on the chaingang by the recorder. Rational Pneumonia Treatment. The most successful physicians are now treating pneumonia by? the application of counter-irritants. They are learning Tocict. fho ?f*mnta.tinn tn dnetnr the cough, which, after all, is only nature's effort to relieve herself, and are endeavoring to reach the seat of the congestion without the use of internal remedies. Some are using preparations about as pleasant to the patient as an application of mud or putty, but the wisest use a pleasant liquid counter-irritant. The ideal remedy*is Noah's Liniment. Its carefully compounded ingredients possess wonderful powers of penetration and immediately reduce the inflammation and congestion. Noah's Liniment is absolutely harmless, and can be used freely without consultation with a physician. Apply the liniment freely over the point of pain or congestion. Saturate a hot flannel and keep it applied to that portion of the body. The effect will be almost imme-' diate, and in many cases the threatened pneumonia will be dispelled before a physician can be secured. Best for rheumatism, sciatia, lame back, stiff joints and muscles, sore throat, colds, strains, sprains, cuts, bruises, colic, cramps, etc. For internal and external aches and pains Noah's Liniment has no equal. For sale and guaranteed by your druggist 25c. Sample for the asking. Noah Remedy Co., Richmond and Boston. I M : . No. e [ The People's | PROSPER M I 3 Paid up Capital S Surplus and individu: 3 Stockholders' LiabilH | H Hi Per Protection 1 H. C. WOSELEY, President. M g W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. CI Ej; Better a conservative inte jC j safe return when wanted, thai j jj | doubt about the principal, jjj A National Bank is a saf( t vision makes it so. Likewise b guarantee of prudent c-onserva jS We Allow Interest | DIEEC IP C. W. Bowers, J. A. C. XiMer, k J. II. Hunter, W. P. Pugh, 2 Ceo. Johnstone, H. C. A K j-iN HARMAN'S S | Post Office Block, . / \ SPRING 1908 ? t iAAAAAAAA^VWWWWW We beg to announce to our % that we are receiving all the a< for 1908, and we ask a careful: you buy elsewhere. Our store beautiful millinery, and if our hai you can't be pleased. Call awaits you. N. A. WHOLESALE i 1603 MAIN STREE' 0 i / DONT I H. A. Ti Successor to Ma: NEAR POST OFFICI When you are looking for Solid Car Load Lots and at th therefore, can sell you for less t ments. Snliil Oalr Rai m, f u*^ a w V/ ^ Nine Pieces?One Bed, One ! Centre Table, Four Chairs. One No. 7 Black with a complete list of Cooking Black Oak, with a complete 1 ine is complete. All grades. Furniture of the same grade ca 490 for prices H. A. TJ COLUMB tij 1994 S National Bank i M ISTY, s. c. I\ " $25,000.00. 3 alProfits $5,000.00. is ties - 825,000.00. j! j of Depositors. j | . A. CARLISLE, Vice-President. " ZORCE JOHNSTONE, Attorney. * H ucsi u;i yuur ue^)Sll Willi IIS * i a liigh rate and a feeling of K ; a' M s Deposit. Government super- |K our Board of Directors is a u live management. - B ; * ; cn Time Deposits * : 3 TORS: la R. L. Lusher, M. A. Carlisle, m Jno. B. Fellers, W.A. Moseley< J Hoseley, J. P. Bowers. ? : ^ , ? ' !M ,*? WLlll V.YTVYT 11X v >: ^TYV ^ Vtt fTYT^n _?. "WE CARRY THE CHOICEST SHOES." It is never a mistake to "put your foot in it" if one of our Handsome Shoes is meant. They^are at once the shapeliest and most comfortable shoes you ever put your foot in. Well and stylish, yet strongly made for long and ( i cemfortable wear, they easily command praise and admiration from all lovers of style and "unusualness" in shoes. Our prices, too, command the respect of your pocketbook. HOE STORE, COLUMBIA, Si vi " i > AT YOUJWTS. 0 ?, friends in Lexington county ivanced styles in spring goods Inspection of our goods before will again be headquarters for designor can't please you in a / at our store; a'warm welcome If AIIIIA TUUNUp ? AND RETAIL, r, COLUMBIA. S. C. f ORGET LYIiORf swell & Taylor, 3, COLUMBIA, S. C, Furniture. We buy only im e lowest spot cash prices, we han if we bought in local shipIroom Suites. Bureau, One Washstand, One Rocker?all for $17.25. C?X vraji oxuve ITtinsels, for $7.50. No. 8 ist of Utinsels, $12.50. Our Prices guaranteed as low as . n be bought. Write or phone IA, S. C.