1 Guaranteed Si If 11 It N1 Til M. |i I' I FOE EVERY 1 fe; I THE HOUSE, | I JBlfert^llSilli- PrSeesasBowj PPIIIE^K as good mer- i chandise can 1 pss^^|f?9! be retailed for. 1 fe fr 11313-1319 MAIN STEEET, I I VanMetres i FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMRALMER. i ? THE HARNESS HELPS Hk J&SStofe to bring ont the good points of your horse, and good horse sense .is displayed when a man clothes his horse in ahandjlJ^J^nHflHilHI^HS^ some, well-made and stylish harness. CT~ _ Everything in this line of the verv best ^ found at our store, 1517 Main street. yr H11 () fjvX jjWfifiH |v DAVIS & COMPANY, |f. "** 1517 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. I ?^ OUR PIES "^babes'and^mei^ ttelittl^girlln pinafores and h^mother and her sweet, delicious, wholesome, llii ^'AwEWF^^t Cm melt-in "your "mouth kind, and unu B'&la ^ aswaw |S I wj^vvxm wvxiwx XXV * J A/XO. J.\KJ. til, Ai xiAJiX3 -1 j Special School Levy Dis. No. 42, 3 Mills amZ gwa a | ! Special Scliool Levy Dis. No. 75, 2 Mills i;. ^Df. IllgS | PoUTasBAn:^LEVY:--$L00 m^u * " Saluda Township < 7A Mills New Dtseawen ;ia I Commutation Road Tax $3.00, payCHD /f^OUCHS sn?*?ino E able from October 15 th to March 1st, rUK ISOLDS T.^BoVe Frce| 1908. AND AU THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. ? Parties owning property in more than QPABAITTESD SATISFACTORY! %?****?* ^ ^ to TreasOB MONEY BEPUNDSD. g * ... r . . .. BTiTTffWEff Tip|rYujjit""JjLI'*1' hen writing for informal ion con* ? cerning taxes always give Township kimrds HOTEL, ^-01^:r ;DOt J. C. K1NARD, Proprietor, Treasurer Lexington County. Leesville ?# 0 The best attention given guest. Mod- YOU NEED GOOD LIGHT! era conveniences. Table supplied with uibtiev r n best the market affords, L> H? HAHILtTf bdStOD; b? . I am now selling the best light lamp, G1&5 9 suitable for streets, halls, churches, or ww 1 8Pll Ml M general purposes. They give a bright, 9 W w 9 1L y a ta nJ3 &e 62 OI mellow light, and are guaranteed to / give perfect satisfaction. One-third Chapin, S. C., less cost than kerosene oil. Call on or _ A , x .. . write me for prices. Nov. 20 om Has an up-tc-aatc line of ^ ^ TJ / F T T E Y COFFINS fiUD G5SKETS ' Gaston, S. C. Pric^ s'ra'nge from* ShotTup to^OCKX Ri"?-S Lit.'cl? Ljver pil>s wakes up Call on me and I will save von mouey. tozy livers, clean the system and clear I am prepared to furnish a hearse when- the skin. _ Try them for biliousness and ever desired in connection with my nn- } S1CK neaaacne. .trice xoc. Solcl by dertaking business. Jan. 2. 3m 1 Kaufmann Dru.z Co. ; % we're anions to have you try S& I *MI IcjnL ' Iff Ml them if you don't know theproducts of our ovens. If you do r?" MMHKff know we won't have to ask you. REIDLINGER'S STEAM BAKERY, IHhBUYTHEmM^ tax notice. ; V- L . T WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOW X ing mentioned places for the purpose MlIjwI of receiving taxes for the fiscal year, BlKj 0 ? ^ The balance of the time at. Lexington ^onrt House yn^DecembY ^ 1st, 1907, ?' Feb.will be added on March 1st, making | |LlllR^ Jyl^^niPlH ~ per cenr' t0 'De by those Before You Purchase Any Other Write ! r?v BaaL-c will PIaca Mt^k ik iqoo ? fflE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY j ,ttA UUVM v,u*" ,I,a,v" '"us" orange, mass. i >phe hours for closing the tax books |gfe .Many Sewing Machines are made to sen regard- | will positively be at 11 o'clock for tlie less of cuajdy.but thei"STew ilome" is m^ds morning and 4 o'clock for the afterlowear. Our guaranty never runs out. I nmn aimointmenta We make Sewing Machines to suit ail conditions ' - 1 T -p\rv ofthetrade. The "Kew House" stands at the _ _ xj-&Vx. . head of all Hijrfc-gTfuJe family sewing machines ior State Purposes. 4._. Mil.S. v Sold by authorized dealers ?my. For Ordinary County Purposes 31 -Mills. ? for sale by For Constitutional School Tax 3 Mills. W .1*. KOOP, Total 11 Mills. Lexington. S. C. Special School Levy Dis. No. 15, 3 Mills __l 1?? Special School Levy Dis. No. 18, 3 Mills MjMuuuKup'i uMg special School Levy Dis. No. 19, 4 Mills i If 3 8 8 vur ?**?[%3 1 Special School LevyDis. No. 25, 2 Mills I ^sV JTB I Special School Levy Dis. No. 34, 2 Mills I tun AIIQE TUC 9 SiMizS I Snoniol QoVinnl T .?iV7TT "HlC? "Ma Q? O Millc I !Vi< V a i ? ?*,? > 1 . RA ! iPT"!T!fr* dtt 1j.C;T>" Yrh ? sliUO Ii?i\j L-iir'.ijri.tfZ. '^ViL (.Ua.0 Ic'vb Wednesday, February 12. 1908, IB W><* WW W t.V.AV.' ulndiUWilil Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 3.?Exasperated over having lost in a contest ror the county printing simply because she was a woman, Miss Elizabeth Soham, editor of the Storm Lake Vidette, asserted her leap year prerogative last week, and in her current issue makes the following proposal : "A constant fight for-what rightfully belongs to her is a wear and tear on the nervous system of any woman, and we have come to the belief that in order to stay in newspaper work and maintain our health we will have to marry some good printer who _i _ j.y /> ^ i.? a _ f can ao tne ngniing ana swearing ior us. ''This is leap year, and this may be considered a9 a proposal by any one who would be qualified to fill the vacancy so evident in the Vidette office.'' G. A. Craig, the bachelor editor of the Lytton Star, believing that a proposal of marriage coming 'from such a talented woman could not be turned down, wrote an acceptance, and in the last issue of his paper says: "We believe we are eligible to fill the vacancy which Sister Soham feels exists in her print shop. We're a Missourri Democrat of forty 3rears' standing; considered a smooth printer; as to our fighting qualities, suffice to say we come from a family that kills; on the swearing proposition our press feeder says we would be there with the goods, as we swear in several different languages at once when things go wrong on press night. "But before we would agree to take up Lizzie's burdens she will have to show credentials as to her eligibility to the vacancy which we have known existed for some time at our wigwam. 4'She must* know how to make pancakes, fry ham and eggs and make good coffee; she must have the staying qualities to chase a dirty shirt up and down a washboard until it becomes clean; she must know how to darn socks and the gable end of our trousers, etc. If the fair editress feels like filling a vacancy or a vacancy being filled we stand ready to close the deal." In her next issue of the Vidette, Miss Soham will assure Editor Craig of her ability to deliver the goods, and all Iowa newspaperdom is preparing to extend pongratulations to two of the brightest members of the fraternity. ' * i This May Interest Yon. No one is immune from kidney troubl so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Derrick's Drug Store. Woman Laughs Her Jaw Ont of Place. t New York, Feb. 6.?While Mrs. Mary Lamberston was at supper with her hhsband, at their home, Brooklyn, he told her a funny story. When the point of the story was reached Mrs. Lambertson laughed so heartily for several minutes that she dislocated her jaw. She was taken to the Seney Hospital, where the jaw was reset. / The editor of the Memphis, Tenn., 'Times" writes: "In my opinion Foley's Honey and Tar is the best remedy for coughs, colds and lung trouble, and to my own personal knowledge Foley's Honey and Tar has accomplished many permanent cures that have been little short of marvellous." Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. Derrick's Drug Store. Florence's ETegro Postmaster. Washington, February, 4.?The president today sent the name of Joshua E. Wilson to the senate for confirmation as postmaster at Florence. Wilson is the colored incumbent at Florence and his caso was recently discussed in the papers of the state. The trouble with most cough remedie s is that they constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently but promptly on the bowels and at the same time it stops the cough by soothing the throat and lnng irritation. Children like it. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. ? ? Boll "Weevil Spreading. The State crop pest commission of Louisiana Tuesday withdrew the quarantine on cotton shipments from boll weevil territory. The quarantine has been in effect since the weevil was first discovered in Louisiana. The commission finds that the pest i9 now practically over the entire State and a quarantine against the shipment 01 cotton from infected territory is without effect. ' Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough grows in favor daily with young and old. Mothers should keep it 011 hand for children. It is prompt relief to croup. It is gently laxative, driving the poison and phlegm from the system. It is a simple remedy that gives immediate relief, guaranteed. Sold by Kaufmaun Drug Co. " *.-^MW system of a cold i satisfaction or ztioj Sold by Kir.fmauu Drug Co. % CITY NOTF \ \tejy a B ? s a \-r?> ? Ltcj I gg AWSERICAH an: I Frne Cool i^sw?v Farassfa I S<3 T^a-i jt;0c;;,r a iiCwi | jyy Aroencsra ^stss ${.06 So : ^ European Ra2 j ?S T218 Main Stresi : ^ I^RS, L. L KAHHRi M| Columbia , S U?LB?r* jcj x j s| Call or write for Prices. THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRIB Wliolesale a a GROCERS, FLOUR, F SEED RUST p We Want the Merchants, Pla\ ington County to Call and See Purchases. We Can Fill To Money. 1823 and 1825 Main Stn Final Discharge. This is to notify all persons that we i will apply to Hon. Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate for Lexington county, South Carolina, ou the Oth day of March, 1908, for a final discharge as executors of the estate of Benjamin Rawl. G. H. RAWL, II. J. RAWL, B. H. RAWL, 4"wlT Executors. Electric BITTERS ILandskidneys. ' mmm mmm m ?? i ktooctoam?nr nrarMni xrawc? CONFORMS TO MATSO." over many Cough, Lung and Eroneh >y acting as a cathartic on the bowel ley refunded. Prepared by PINEUL2 ! Three Arc | COLUMB Dry Goods, Notions, i Ladies' Tailored # Furs, Art Squ A Great Bargain Sale jnst started. J holidays. We have reduced the price of r have over bought ourselves and must unlc goods. The head of the house wants a go paid before. What we sold for $12.50 we you a $15.00 suit at $10.00. In black or o $8.50 to $5.00. A good pair of all wool bh them as low as GOc. Fine comforts from' can be found in this big store for less tl Do your Xmas shopping here while you c; l 1730 MAIN STREET. jl Is where you can find oi I OF ALL DOORS, SA BLINDS | LIME AND I rn a m -i >j&YA : -Jj?A8PA nyAwZstr2i9^m ry n 2 ^ ~^?3 L k; f*k /pj 1& * M ^4 ? e^rrrj ?s*i I 'i ^i-^S '^5z?' a~ ? J ii^.25 ^Bg 5 EM&QPEm, || 2d Scorns. gg s*re and SSaSe CaoSioL $2.00 For Day, 13 es IRoqstbs 60c. air.d 13p. Hf Phone SSI ES?, Propsdetress. |j|j I i h Store, IA S. 0. Nothing, Furnishings, Suits, iiiiinsry, arcs, Bugs. l grand chance for shoppers before th? learly every item in our big store-. We ?ad. You need many an article in winter od suit of clothes for less than he ever are selling now for $7.95. We can give olors ladies' long cloaks reduced from inkefcs at $3.95, the $5.00 kind, and have 75c. up. Any item of wearing apparel lan any similiar house in the State, an get the advantage of the bargains. COLUMBIA, S. C., I ae of the best stocks of KINDS. j| JSH, & GLASS v CEMENT. 1 MANTLES. | f [.I THE QUALITY SELLS* AY & CO., nek Retail E?D km mm, !' ROOF OATS. titers and Farmers 0/ Lex+ ' j Us Before They Maize llieir nr Wants and Save You =et, COLUMBIA, S. C. Notice, Debtors and Creditors, All ^.JLXX JAiillVO lUVltWWU UV UUU CSltUt/ Ui Paul T. Brodie, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment and those having claims against said estate will present them properly attested to the undersigned Administratrix, on or before the first dav of March. MRS. ISABEL BRODIE, Administratrix. Lexington, S. 0., Jan. 20, 100b. Sore Nipples and Chapped Hands Are quickly cured by applying Chamberlain'3 Salve. Try it; it is a success. Price 25 cents. . P. ROOF, LEXINGTON, S. C., at for all kinds of , 0 WHITE FOB PRICES. IICU fWHIP 11 tt si ^ a HKir \tiJ4 &a Ki w' Ja ?i La Vj?/ ii SAL PU3E FOOD A?iD DRUGS LAW. iial Remedies, because it rids the s. No opiates. Guaranteed to give MEDICINE CO., CiilCAGO, U. 3. A.