.? ...JOTMBSSaCCgBg || The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday. January 29.1908. fep lades to Wovr Advsrtisanaats. ; <'v Blank Books?R. L. Bryan. * % Barber?C. Haynesworth. * ' ; Auction Sale?L. J. Frink. > ggg Contest?Tapp. j Furniture?Swansea Fnrnitnre Co. ' Merchandise?Reeves-"Witt Supply Co y Seed?T. W. Woods & Son. i Stoves, etc?Parrott-Bailey Co. j ? . ? Cottoa Market. $ Lexington..... 12 -VaK. . ' Married, At the home of the clergyman, Rev. A. R, Taylor, Mr. Caleb Hallman and Miss Marcella Hallman. All of near Bethlehem, Black creek. Valeatiaes. New comic, lace, sachet, fancy, . novelty and post card Valentines. New line of fine imported Valentines. Largest, best and cheapest selection ever shown in Lexington at The Ba *""" I11SI3S1S 1 ' ? j % Church Notices. i At Nazareth next Sunday promptly i at 11 a. m., the subject of the dls- < coarse will be, "The Scriptural Teach- < ing on the Crime of drunkenness." 'i Bp1 At St. John's at 3:30 p. m., there 1 . will be a lecture on, 4 4The Catechism < and the Doctrines of the Church." ? ? i < I Wiajwd-Corley. i On Thursday afternoon at the home i of tfce bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i E. L. Wingard, Miss Maude Wingard < ^^^il^Mr. Ernest Qorfey were quietly J married by Bev; J. A. Cromer. i I Both of these young people are ' widely popular, and .have the best ] wishes of a veryiargedifole of friends. 1 cjixiioh Buildiaff for S&lo. i The old church building known as f Mfc. Hebron, will be sold at public ' m ohteVyon Monday, February 10th, at 1 II o'clock* at the church. By. order of the board of trustees. 13 B. N. S3BNN. Chairman. * . . t PxicaGmtly Beduoed. pxitfe have a number of useful and 1, ornamental articles, suitable for New , Year, wedding or birthday presents, J which we are offering at greatly re- i duced prices. Come quick, for we ] are going to sell them. , THE BAZAAR. j 0s. Campliell Speaks at Chapin iKMr. J. P. Campbell, of the U. S. < : DepartmentofAgricnlturewill address the Farmers' Union at Chapin on Sat-, 1 urday, February 1st. Wholesale and Retail Merchant. T. B. Augbtry & Co., Colombia? have at aU times a full line of staple and fancy groceries, blacksmith and wheelwright supplies, buggies, wagons and harness. They sell at wholesale and retail. Write them for prices. Mr. Quick Has Sold His TurM&ti&ft Business. JrfMVMN! . ?r WfMiWife ? Rev. W.; D. Quick^ whe has successfully conducted a naval store business 'at t: as place forthe past several years, t has sold oat to Mr. J. Press Clark, ] ""5W mntro T,PTlTHTtor? ATld COn- i WUW H1U JLUUIV w ? r-g j tinue the bnsiness. t ( | Be v. Quick will devote more time < to ministerial work, for which he is < # peculiarly fond. Mr. Campbell Sere. Mr. J. P. Campbell, representing the United States Department of Agriculture, was here yesterday. He will spend several weeks in this county ^ his present headquarters being Colum bia. His mission is to work in the < interest of the farmers^ and to find out what kind of seed is best adapted to the different soils of the country. Mr. Campbell has worked all over " Georgia and many other states. He is an interesting conversationalist, a j native Georgian and i9 pleasing in address. Wo shall have more to say \ about his work next week. Death of Mr. Willie D. Shall. j The entire community of Arthur's station was shocked on sunaay wnen Jhe announcement was made that Mr. Willie D. Shull. one of the best citizens of that section, had died quiet suddenly. Mr. Shull had been complaining for a few days, but nothing i of a serious nature was anticipated by his family and his sudden demise was a severe shock to them. Mr. Shull was a good citizen, devoted father and Christian neighbor. He leaves a wife and eleven children to mourn his death. The remains were interred in St. David's churchyard on Monday in the presence of a lurge congregation. < The last sad rites were performed by his pastor, Rev. R. E. Livingston. Straid or Stolen, , On January 17th, one white and black spotted pointer bitch. Will come to the name of "cash" a liberal reward if returned to or notify, P. C. Shealy, New Brookland, S. C. J. Sinsler Davis is Dead. Mr. J. Kinsler Davis, one of the bestmown men of Richland and Lexington counties, diedThursday and was juried yestsrday at Bakersville, in the family burying ground, the services having been conducted by Rev. Vir. Manly of Fort Motte. Mr. Davis has been in failing health 'or some time. He was unable to be present last Monday at the State capful t,r> rfinftive in nerson his bronze WV* ? iross of honor in commemoration of I lis services as a Coniederate soldier, lut the cross was received by a friend md was given to the gallant veteran 11 his dying hours. Mr. Davis was a son of Col. Tom Davis, a prominent figure in this county in ante-bellum days. As a student it the South Carolina college Kinsler Davis volunteered for the Confederate service. At the end of six months in Gregg's First South Carolina, that regiment being organized, Kinsler Davis returned to college just long enough to get his diploma. He then returned to Confederate jervice, and was sergeant in command of Smith's couriers. He was ine of the first men wounded in the sntfre war, this having been in the Sighting around Charleston while he was a member of Coi. Alex Taylor's company. - * After the war Mr. Davis settled upin his farm in Lexington county. Ihat he was a man beloved and honor Kt is evidenced in ine iacttnatne was sleeted to the legislature by 2,600 out sf 3,000 votes. He married Miss Sallie Kaigler of Lexington county and is survived by the following children: r. R. Davis, Qeo. K. Davis, Mrs. T. ML Nelson, Wm. 'K. Davis, Mrs. 3kottowe Bellinger, Ed. H. Davis and Dsrolus F. Davis. One daughter died, Mrs. J. B. W. Beckham. Mr.Davia was regarded as ? man jf the highest integrityv a man whose ife' was just what it should have been. ?The State, 25th. .Lots &t Auottoa. . On the front page of this issue appears an advertisement of Mr. L. J. Prink. Read the ad; it speaks for tself. We will say, however, that Mr. Frink will furnish you money at i low rate of interest, with which to ; mild a home. A better opportunity has never been >ffered to buy a beautiful suourDan i ot. This* property will double. in Talne as the weeks come and go. Yalentines of every description at the Bazaar. MEET ME ] . * JXTST A FEW S THE CREA1 Two Coupons ] WHO WILL GE! The voting contest will end next Fr eft. No\v> get busy. You get two cou] purchase of 25c. While the Mill End s< 3xceptional opportunity. You 4'kill tw >f the great values offered here now am >r girl. First prize Second prize Third prize Fourth prize Fifth prize Sixth prize What six boys or girls will get thes follows fcounted Friday, Jan. 21.) Henry Lawrence Eskew 5.91S Sarrett Peak 5,779 Elmo Caldwell 5,498 Glenn Springs, S. C. John Stanley Watkin9 5,111 "r T ir.zlQo.T7 .Tr 4,848 V > JUL! JLJiuugwj y _ Miss Mary Fetner 4,548 Miss Ella McCarley 2,846 Frank G. Gaskin 2,775 Otis Withers Livingston 1,834 Demetire Johnson ? 1,615 rhos. N. Price 1,35.1 Miss Marion E. Green 1,348 Miss Bessie Thackum 1,278 Miss Verna Summer 1,094 Miss Mattie Miilican 1,040 Clarence Lewis 1,028 Albert Ehrlich 885 Miss Jewell Sandell 882 New Brookland, S. C. Miss Robbie Bissinar ... 750 Ihos. Eugene Gray 640 Ernest Horton 609 Miss Reginald V. Dicks 574 Miss Estell Kinkead 551 Miss Nell Carter .... 420 Miss Christine Tunander 407 Miss Corrie Boineau 316 Miss Artrel Irene Levy 301 Miss Geneva Edgar 281 Hattie Wallace 259 Miss Gwendolyn Conder 258 Leroy Price , 24S John Kaminer 238 William White 216 Miss Effie Cannon 212 Georgetown, S. C. Miss Marie Dent 209 ORDER We prepay mail, express or freight shippedto any point within a radius of THE JAMES I DEPARTME 1638 to 1646 Main Street, I ggggMggPWMggMgagMBMBBIIMMjagMI j^aprr ^k . j BEST PLAOl |pj Dry Go< | u-roceru Glassw; I FAIR 'M ? Booocoecoeoooeoooo Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer. Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon-all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co. , Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advisedibr chronic, * J ?" U nnnoa after all Q66p*S6ttU)U ptuscB) no iv vtuuo maw* ... else fails. Sold ill Lexington, S. C., by Derrick's - Drug store and Kaufmann Drug Co. r ' T;' X/* 6. HAYNESWORTH, BARBER, 1932 Main Street, Near Skyseraper, Columbia, S. C. - ?-o Expert Barbers, Sharp Razors and Qlean Towels?Everything Firstclass. ' His Lexington customers and many friends will, be served in the highest aTt of the profession. Wasted. ? A good family to farm on shares or wage hands. Fine land; good house; fair terms. Apply to R. Hampton Kyzer, Gilbert, R. F. D.. 2. 2wl3p AT TAPP'S <; [ORE DATS IN i / " r CONTEST instead of One.. T THE $112.50? iday, Jan. 31. Just two shopping days jons instead of one with each cash lie values are on this week, this is an 0 birds with one stone." Buy some 1 get the votes for your favorite boy f. |50.00. $25.00. $15.00. ?10.00. $7.50. ?5.00. e six cash prizes? Votes n.ow stand as 7 Herman Jordon 20 Miss Ollie Padgett.. 132 Lykesland, S. C. Miss Nell Peterkin 127 Miss Katherine Bay lis 118 Homer Derrick 117 Lexington, S. C. Joseph Civil 109 Miss Lylie Buzhardt 100 Ward, S. C. Joe McBates 98 Miss Myitis Phillips 90 Miss Edvenia Steele 84 Clyde Brown 79 Miss Willie B. Lorick 74 Irmo, S. C. Thos. P. North 64 Joe Frank 61 Miss Evelyn Weyker 56 George Abraham 47 Miss Susie Strother 46 Miss Sarah Martin , 34 Miss Caroline Banks 29' Edgar Raines 29 K. t\ jj. ?uageway, o. u. Leroy Crim 24 Miss Pearl Duncan 24 Miss Nellie Mellichamp 24 Simmons Heidtman 23 r Gail Haynes ; 20 Leesville, S. C. Miss Mary Helen Perry 14 Miss Mamie Graham 10 Miss Emma Morrison r 10 Arthur Johnson 7 Miss Ethel McDaniel 4 Frank Spigner 3 Clarence Wilson a BY MAIL. I on all purchases of $5.00 or more 600 miles of Columbia. L TAPP CO., I NT STORE, Columbia, S. C MBjjJJLJUMUl JilIU, .tML 3BBC ygJ.J-'J-'J ? ? ?i ETU-bUX }ds, Notions, 3S, Hardwar are, CrockeryFarming In TREATMENT I A. H. BALL. P.O. PRICE You Should Haro Annnnu/ATou H UUUU TTM I till One that will keep time. This is a necessity for a man who lives in the country. We have a nice selection of watches for i men. r Walthams and Elgins in gold filled case, $10.50 np. A "fine 17 Jeweled Rockford at $16.00, Don't be without 'A Watch That Will Run. A. H. BALL & CO., JEWELERS, 1637 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. Repairing a specialty; lOlETSHOm^TAB for chiidrmat oafo, #ur*? Mo ooiotoa \ Notice, Trespassers. ,f This is to notify all persons not to hunt birds or trespass in any manner Upon our lands. The law will certain, ly be enforced against those trespassing J. Y. GUNTER, . W. E. WELLS, B M. C. GANTT. ' Jan. 20, 1908?3wl5' " ' Lan,d For Sale. I will sell abont 30 acres of land lying on Fourteen Mile creek, adjoining lands of Jake Snelgrove and S. B. George, on the 1st Monday in February, 1908, for cash to the highest bidder before the court house door at Lexington, S. O. P. H. GROSS. . Dec. 28?5wl3pd. \ Notice, Debtors and Creditors. > .All parties indebted to the estate of j I^aul T. Brodie, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment and those having claims against said estate will present them properly attested to the ^Undersigned Administratrix, on or be- j fore the first day of March. MRS. ISABEL BRODIE, Administratrix. Lexington, S. C., Jan. 20, 1908. tJR.KlNG'S NEW DISCOVER* Will Surely Slop That Cough. m ? ca 59 Wishing you a *?& thanking each 55 during the yea Q9 business for IS SS Horses, Mules, VH 23 cover the ea gg Hearses 23 Mr. L. B. Brat ! Cfll and we propos | |g with us. I M. E. W I S3 1 caeflcflcaeacacfl pgntgg ag3g3Kga?MBBWBBBMMBEgg3gggieCBgZg2SBE^^MEMg7ggagg;nHBBMMaggBjCgjlBig?? ss# ~ ? ~~ ^ Shoes, Hats, iji e, Harness, Buggies, ware. Tinware, and I a lplements. J I - EVERY - TIME I I I CUPR "Tho Shno Man " I 1 kkihii; i nil Vliuu muiij I H * I (IN COLUMBIA.) I 1 The place to buy your every- A day and Sunday go-to-meeting I B Shoes. Largest handlers of I If Shoes in the Carolinas. Prices I Mia ' B are extremely low at this sea- I S son. Come and inspect our I M Stock. W LEVER, "The Shoe Man" I (In Columbia.) Sash, WKJll ? BHnds, !r = >BafelMi|ll! mouldings ' We give the lowest market t 11^ Wc make prompt shipments an& g, g*ve y?u the ^est grades ^ [m you ever saw? ''f x/3p^~==**&*z (%J^ We carry the biggest stock iit Columbia. SHAND BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO., 615 Hampton Avenue, Columbia, S. C. Long Distance phones, 251 and 1451. NEW YEAR TO ALL i =?==?. 88 ; ,11 a happy and prosperous New Year and Bflj and every one for the liberal patronage 2fS * r 1907, and soliciting a share of your 108, for everything in our line fagons, Buggies, Harness, Paints that ?S irth, Coffins and Caskets, Three gg in connection, and Hardware. gg )ham will be associated with me this year Sg le to make it to your interest to deal gg RUTLAND I 1 1 ?J M 3atesburg, S. C. fig i^SSsaSa^QQroQQSS ' J