r - i Tboasands Haw Kidney iff Troebte and Never Sespest it How To Find Oat. - y Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; t mmm a sediment or set/pill tlingindicatesan M Twyl (?vffiJbTo)unhealthy conttrrf dition of the kidlyA EH/i -V ne3's? ^ it stains y?ur linen it is evidence of kid> W fl* ney trouble; too ffiK?' to pass it or pain fepfl. "* in the back is ^k'-also convincing proof that the kidneys : * and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Ro0$r the-jp*eat kidney remedy, , ( fulfills-everjf wish lncnringrheumatian, pBTfttn lflC"t)?lCK, K.iuneys, n>a., and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold "water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It . stands the highest for its wonderful cores ci the * mostdk \ tressihg cases. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all 811^ fcbont it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghauston, N. Y. When Bm?ot 8vaap-Bo writing mention this paper and don't snake any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. PROFESSIONAL 0A8DS." A D. MABTJN, ATTORNEY ~ A. AND COUNSELOB AT LAW, LEXUiGTON, ?. C. Office in Hannan Building, rear of court house. Will practice in all courts. Special attention to collection of claims. UTM. W. HAWES, ?* Attorney and Counselor at *Law. NEWBROOKLAND.S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1, W05. * . ?? W W U VR U. J?. KIT J. ILL'. c. , PFIRD & DBEHBfe, -Ef ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXUSGTON 0. IL. 8. C. Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will* always be at office, Lexington. 8. C. - | T~H. FRICE, 7 ~~ " J. ATTORNEY AT LAW, r CHAPIN, S. 0. . Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, 8econd ^ Floor. WiU practice in all the Courts. rpHURMOND & TTMTfrBRMAN, ' 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL OOUBT$ Kaufmann Bldg, LEXINGTON, S, C, We will be pleased to meet those having le* gal business to be attended to at our office (n the Kaufmann Building at any time. Respectfully, _ y Wk. THURMOND. 0. BELL TIMMEBMAN, ' ;| ALBERT M. BOOZER, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, 8. 0. i I Orncs: 1516 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture Store ,, Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his feflow citizens of Lexington county. flEORGE R. REMBERT, - I AT ATTORNEY AT LAW. r 1221 LAW RANGE, COLOMBIA, S. V. I will be glactto serve my friends from Lexlngtou County at any time, and a.u prepared to practice law in all btate and Federal Courts. Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( > ' Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. ? BOYD EVANS, ? LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. 0. ' nR. P. H. SHEALY, ; f.: V > DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. 0. Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building. Dr. f. c. gilmore, DENTIST. ^ 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. O. . Oitice Hours.- 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from a to 6 d. m. Dr. d. l. hall, j DENTIST, steedman, s. c. Office hours 8 a. m.. to 5:30 p. m. Dec. 23,1907?6m | M. D. HARMANl t DEALER IN X I General I S Mnm/iliofi/licifl S | uici tuauuiot,? ' ? Corntr Main and Naw Strut, $ 9 Opposite Confederate ? i Monument, f 1 Lexington, - - S. C. e "I trust this may be read by many sufferers from kidney and bladder trouble" writes Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland. Tex. "I suffered four years and could find nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last induced me to try S voor 80 days' treatment of Pineules for $1. This one bpttle lias cured me and money could not buy the value it has been to me. Guaranteed. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. ' j > "I The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 29, 1908. Report of The G-raad Jury. His Honor, Judge John S. Wilson, j presiding: We the grand jury desire to make | this our presentment: We have inspected the county jail and find it well kept by the Sheriff, but recommend to the Supervisor and County Commissioners that they have constructed, at once, a steel tower and steel tank, as the one on hand has become worthless. We desire to respectfully ask the City Council of Lexington to remove the guard house adjoining the jail, if it be possible. The Sheriff and his family have made complaint that the aattia id ohi potion able and a nuisance. We desire to commend the efforts of oar county authorities to establish a bridge across the Saluda river. We again call attention to the Supervisor, the need of water-closets in thecoUrt house. We ask our members of the Legislature to increasb the pay of the expert for the grand jury, it being inadequate for the importance and amount of work done. We have eleoted John Bell Towill, L. Bennett Frick and J. C. Reynolds as a committee to investigate the county offices, chain gang and poor house, to make its report at our next session. We have elected Barrett Jones to assist us in our investigation. We respectfully ask our members of the General Assembly to make an effort to have the pay for witnesses raised to one dollar per diem and milage at six cents. We have examined and reported on all bills and matters given us and returned them with our findings. We desire to return our thanks to His Honor and all courfc officers for their kindness and co'urtesies^shown. Respectfully submitted, . JOHN BELL TOWILL, v ' ^ Foreman. , An Insidious Danger. One of the worst features of' kidney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and .before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregularities and oreveuts Bright's disease and diabetes. Derrick's Drug Store. Ce&iem&ed* By Legislature. Mr. Lane introduced a resolution on Wednesday which passed the house without a dissenting vote, condemning the action of the Aiken county dispensary board in "establishing a dispensary at North Augusta over the protest of that town as "undemocratic and subversive of good government." ^ Obituary. James Hook was born on the 10th of January, 1823, and died on January 4th, 1908, making him 85 years old, lacking six days. It was not the writer's privilege to know Brother Hook in his active days. He suffered a stroke of paralysis before "I knew him. \ Uncle James Hook was a faithful good man?faithful to the church, and honest almost to a fault. On the 5fch of January we laid his mortal remains away at the old home burying ground to await the morn of the ressurrection. A. S. LESLIE. To Create New Circuit. . i A bill was introduced in the lower Louse last week 'Which purports to create a new court circuit by placing Richland and Lexington in a circuit by themselves. It is claimed by those who fayor the bill that it will go a long way toward relieving the congested court dockets of the State, especially in these two counties. The bill is favored, so it is said, by the representatives of both counties, and its passage is almost certain. y " Purs and Beeswax Wanted. I Wanted?Otter, mink, coon, fox and all kinds of furs. Highest prices paid for beeswax and furs. Rice B. | Earman, Lexington, S. C. , No need to , fear coughs and colds this year as yon can obtain Bees Laxative Cough Syrup now from your dealer. This is good news to mothers who fear cronp and whooping cough. It is a gentle laxative that expells the poison from the system in the natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. Guaranteed. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Prohibition Fight in Texas. Dallas, Texas, Jan. 26.?The fight before the people for state wide prohibition for Texas began in earnest on Wednesday. Three mass meetings were-held. Five speakers addressed nearly 1,000 persons at Bush Temple and twice that many were addressed at the First Methodist and First Baptist churches. W. D. Upshaw, known as "Earnest Willie" of Atlanta, Ga., was among the speakers at both places. The Old, Old ^crld. This old, old world is a dreary place For the man whose pass is a frowning i face: Who looks for the shadows instead of the light; For the sordid and dull instead of the bright; Who sees but the worry and labor and strife Instead of the glory and sunshine of life. This old, old world is a sad abode For the man who travels along life's road With never a lauali and never a sontt To lighten the toil as he goes along: With never a smile or a word of cheer To shorten the way for his fellows here. But for him who possesses the saving grace Of laughimg heart and smiling face, Who sings at his work and laughs at defeat, -And looks for the good and the bright and the sweet; Who cheers on his fellows by word and by deed, This world is a pleasant place indeed. Emil Carl Aurin. Ml * JJ9&TA OX AT. W. W. dpiTOB. Mr. Wm. Wesley Spires, son of W. H. Spires, died Nov. 17, 1907, was born April 4,1837, making his stay on earth 70 years, 7 mobths and 13 days. He leaves a wife, five children and eighteen grandchildren living,, and five grandchildren and two great* | grand-children dead. He has been a [ member of Old Bethel church for 56 years. 5 | / i "Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep." Written by his nephew. A Young Married "Woman Victim of Jealousy. Christianburg, Ya.?Mrs. Sidney Jones, aged 19, was shot and killed at her home in Cambria by Frank Cart-' hon, aged 20, whose suit she had rejected to marry Jones. Her husband who is employed by the'Norfolk and Western railroad, was at work, and Carthon found Mrs. Jones alone in the kitchen. He shot her three times with a pistol, one bullet taking effect in the center of her forehead, one in her breast, and one in her neck. Any one of the wounds would have been fatal. After the shooting Carthon came to Christianburg and surrendered to the authorities, telling them that, he had planned the death of the girl for a year, and asked that he be protected, j as he feared her husband and relatives would kill him. While Carthon fears lynching there is not at present any indication of mob violence. i f It Does The Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says of Bncklen's Arnica Salve. "It does the business; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and it healed it without leaving a scar behind." 25c. at Kanfmann Drug Co. and Derrick's Drug Store. I Man Silled "by Woman in New York Restaurant. Frank Brady, a well known adver| tising man, was shot and instantly killed in a restaurant in Macy's department store in New York by a | woman who emptied a five chambered i revolver into his body: Drawing a second revolver, she fired three bullets into her own head and was taken to New York hospital iu a dying condition. She died a few minutes after reaching that institution. The woman was identified as May ' Roberts Clarke, of No. 214 "Vyest 133rd street. No reason can at present be giv*en for the tragedy. Bravo Woman Bold Burglar. At Waterbury, Connecticut, Mrs. Lizzie Wolf, a frail woman, wife of Adrian F. Wolf, superintendent of the tool room in the Scoville company's works, held up a fiat thief in their home on Ridge street a few night's ago, made him disgorge, and then with a revolver, held him cowed in a corner until the police arrived, eighteen minutes later. He is Arthur Rosenthal, a Boston crook, sentenced for burglary in Concord, March 28, 1906, and having a long criminal record. Mrs. Wolf was at supper when, hearing a noi9e, she grabbed a revolver, swung the electric switch lighting the apartment, and found Rosenthal ransacking her chamber. Disturbed The Congregation The person who disturbed the congregation last Sunday by continually cough ing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. Derrick's Drug Store. JUST O^ii WORD that word Is it refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pttls and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Sick headache? Virtigo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many others Indicate inaction of the 1TYFP ian You Need. Toil's Pills Take No Substitute. TAX RETURNS. In accordance with the law in reference to the assessment and taxation of real and personal property, the Auditor, or his assistant, will be and attend the following named places for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the fiscal year 1908 and in order to meet the next appointment the hour will close at 11 o'olock in the morning and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon; tax payers will, therefore, be prompt in meeting the appointments, so as not to cause delay. Tax payers will please come prepared to give the name of the township and number of school district wherein they reside: Red Bank, Saturday afternoon, Febuary, 1. At Lexington C. H., all day not included in atxwo schedule from January 1, 1908 to February 20, 1908, when the books will close, after which 50 per cent will be added for failure to make returns. Tax retorns sent in by mail are not legal unless sworn to before an officer qualified to administer oaths. All male persons are subject to poll tax from 21 to 60 years or age, except those exempt by law. ? Under the new law all dogs are subject to a capitation tax of 50 cents and mus be returned at the same time when other property is returned. W. D. DENT, Auditor Lexington County. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, Court of Common Pleas. ! J. L. G. Hooker, J. J. Hooker, Martha Ann E. Chavis, Frances A. S. Wingard, Mary A. D. Wingard and Margaret Ott,'Plaintiffs, against David N. Strickland, Bessie Hooker, Annie Hooker and Jessie Hooker, Defendants. ' Complaint in Partition. By virtue of the judgment of the J court herein, signed by Ernest Gary, } judge of 5th circuit, on January 11, ' 1908,1 will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in February, next, All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying ana being in the county of Lexington, and State aforesaid, in j Bull Swampto wnship, known as tract , '/<5??\^n plat of D. J. Knotts, surveyor, dated Dec. 31, 1907, containing thirtytwo (32) acres, more or less, and bouDd-n? c?7i?- -vr OU UJ lOUIW UL JU1. KSaiLJ f YY . -'JL. vuitman or Ellen A. Toale, and David N. Strickland^. Terms: 1 One-third cash, balance on a credit of one and two years with in- terest from day of sale, secured by bond . of the purchaser and .mortgage of the '? premises sold, with leave to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Samuel B. George, C. C> C. P. & G. S. Lexington, S 0., Jan. 11, 190S. Notice. Overseers and road hands will please take ndticc that hereafter no body, but the County Treasurer will be allowed to collect and expend commutation road tax in Lexington county. Hands desiring to pay commutation tax must pay the same to the County Treasurer. GEORGE IT. KOOjST, Supervisor Lex. Co., S. C. Jan. 10, 1008?lwl4. Notice, Debtors and Creditors. All parties indebted to the estate of the late F. W. Oswald are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against said estate will please present them properly attested on or before the 1st day of March, 19CS. EMMA D. OSWALD, Administratrix. January 14, 1908?3wl3. H|||K1 and WHI8KEY HABIT8 B III II cured at home with r HI |W| out pain. Book of par || | V I VI ticulars sent??BEk t . ir tv d. so., vvuu^m.iii. i/. Atlanta, Ga. Office 101N. Pryor Street. FOR MAN ANDBEAST For Internal and External Use. Positively guaranteed to do all claimed for it or money refunded. Recommended for rhcumatism.pcinsoud soreness of all kinda " burns, bruises and sprain*, inflammation,pulmonary . and lung complaints, sore thrust, cramp and colic,and numerous other ailments. The fact that Noah's Liniment being recommended for stock as well as man should not give the impression that it is too powerful for family use. Noaii'8 LlMMENT is absolutely pure ana clean and can bo applied to a ( child with safety. It is not a dirty, greasy liquid and will not stain the flesh orclothes. Requires but little rubbing and penetrates immediately to the seat of pain. For sale by all druggists and dealers, 2Ac. Be prepared fur action bv having a bottle in your house.' Noah Kekshy CO.,Boston, Mass.,U.S.A. $ t??T?g?T*gz?gxgTggrrg*yggxYagr 5; No. 6! ill The People's 1 3 PROSPER! 2 Paid up Capital jj , Surplus and Individua S2 Stockholders' Liabiliti : n 1 3 For Protection < j a 3 H. C. MOSELEY, President. M. h W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. CE 2 - Better a conservative intei 3 safe return when wanted, than g doubt about the principal. 5 A National Bank is a safe 3 vision makes it so. Likewise < IN . /? T 1 , U guarantee 01 prudent conservat 5 We Allow Interest jj DIRECT ! C. W. Bowers, J. A. C. Kibler, J. H. Hunter, W. P. Pugh, ! Geo. Johnstone, H. C. M tn?Knmin??n?????rm HARM AN'S S] Post Office Block, Our store is being filled e^v newest and best goods. All tl Winter Dress G oods now ready j MILLINEI We have everything that's u style and shape. If our designo] be pleased. See the new styles ] NEW NO\ The Notion department of 01 the new Novelties, embracing < bave ever carried. Lexington friends make our when in the city. WHOLESALE i 1603 MAIN STREET. nnnm DONT F( JHL. JBLm TJ Successor to Max NEAB POST OFFICE, When you are looking for I Solid Car Load Lots and at the therefore, can sell you for less tl ments. Snliir! Oa lr Eoil Nine Pieces?One Bed, One 1 Centre Table, Four Chairs. One ! No. 7 Black with a complete list of Cooking Black Oak, with a complete lii ine is complete. All grades. Furniture of the same grade car 490 for prices H. rSTM COLUMBI ?I rTTTTTYTTTTTTT m |s National Bank I H TYS S. C. jj $25,000.00. ! 1 Profits $5,000.00. 5 es - $25,000.00. jj __ H of Depositors. S M A. CARLISLE, Vice-President. J ORCE JOHNSTONE, Attorney. J rest on your deposit with its jj a high rate and a feeling of , jj M M Deposit. Government super- jj Dur Board of Directors is a jj JLVC mauagciiieill. U on Time Deposits / S rORS: 5 R. L. Luther, M. A. Carlisle, !i Jno. B. Fellers, W. A. Moseley, J oseley, J. P. Bowers. ; "WE CARRY THE CHOICEST SHOES." It is never a mistake to "put your foot in it" if one of our Handsome Shoes is meant. They are at once the shapeliest and most comfortable - shoes you ever put your foot in. Well and stylish, yet strongly made for long and cemfortable wear, they easily command praise and admiration from all lovers of style and "unusualness" in shoes. Our prices, too, command the respect of your pocketbook. ^ EOE STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. EVERY DAY! rery day with the season's he advanced styles in Midfor your inspection. tY, ETC. v ip-to-now in Millinery?every r can't please you, you can't low on display. 7"ELTIES. ir store is replete with all everything?largest line we store your shopping place LND RETAIL , COLUMBIA. S. C. )EGET LYIiOR, well & Taylor, , COLUMBIA, S. 0, furniture. We buy only in i lowest spot cash prices, we i&n if we bought in local ship[room Suites* lureau, One Washstand, One Roftker?all for ?17.25. Oak Stove Utinsels, for $7.50. No. 8 3t of Utinsels, $12.50. Our Prices guaranteed as low as. l be bought Write or phone LYIiOR, A, S. C. I - L.