The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 22, 1908, Image 9

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Car Load of Fi MiiIP L* We have just received at our f v v I, oar lead of fine Mules and Horses money and experience can buy. In be able to find just the Mule or Hors Jr.vtv * &K/ Hfil farm or draught M I gentle and well br< Prices will be 1 I HH' ||H|ra||jK^ra chase now. Our t< BIB all. See us before l^fiiM?Mff iiyi'iiiT <*^1111 .? . ^f^tBtUSBStS^illMKnS^nsSKv^mw^aSS^avis^xSisi fe&---" I# f. :.< -. ' V J Tiir iiTTiinuo I j| A AMI All Hi pit mi J MASONIC TEMPLE, COLUMBIA, S. C. ?"' " ' V M*V ..- = s ' vJ- * . i i ' J I -J ' 1 B * a Va * _ f : B ( ii I j I ^ B m 1 V THE OLD TIME FISH CI Br ; the standard of the South* V Fuh icrap b used In every ton of Tarmert* Bib 9 .tabooed and carefully mixed, insuring big^ yitl<fe>ritbk: I / TRADE MAF 9il I See fliat fids trade mark Is < nL?*?r BBr vmT * i x | F. S. Royster Ci Norfolk, Virginia ?p * %- . "' - E f int mai intvvoi life ^ ; - Xieesvil] V. , ' ... v - J- -v " " In These Times I You may not want to spend much'money f I H. for itrMumtn hnt van want to send gome* 1 thing tb your friends. : I Why not send a Book? I One of the most attractive and satisfac- ! tory of presents and one of the cheapest, f a . Can and seethe Hew Holiday Books at I 11 riYAH HI ' ne t is and I atables another i?the best that > \ this lot you will e you need. Good ules, fine buggy a] )ke. [ligher and we ad\ Brms are easy?w you buy. HIGH Le9 S. C. How to Avoid Pneumonia. You can avoid pneumonia and other erious results from a cold by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the ough and expels the cold from the sysem as it is mildly laxative. Refuse any >ut the genuine in the yellow package, derrick's Drug Store. * For INSURANCE, LIFE, FIEE, ACCIDENT, SEE E. G. Dreher, LEXINGTON, & C. Strongest and Best Companies Notice, Debtors and Creditors. All parties indebted to the estate of the late Rev. Hiram Young, at Irmo, Lexington county. State of South CarDlina, are hereby notified to settle with Revs. T. F. Harper and G. K. Lyles, executors, and if there be any who have Legal claims against the said estate will send them in at once properly probated. T. F. Harper, G. K. Lyles, Executors. Newberry, S. C., Jan. 8, '08. Box 194. ^ I' KT I A r# ED I m every tag. i lano Co. I i M M t Horses! nd saddle Horses, rise you to purithin the reach of IT CO., STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, Court of Common Pleas. J. L. G. Hooker, J. J. Hooker, Martha Ann E. Chavis, Frances A. S. Wingard, Mary A. D. Wingard and Margaret Ott, Plaintiffs, against David N. Strickland, Bessie Hooker, Annie Hooker and Jessie Hooker, Defendants. Complaint in Partition. By virtue of the judgment of the court herein, signed by Ernest Gary,judge of 5th circuit, on January 11, 1908,1 will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S. 0., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in February, next, All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Lexington, and State aforesaid, in Bull Swampto wnship, known as tract "A" on plat of D. J. Knotts, surveyor, dated Dec. 81, 1907, containing thirtytwo (33) acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Dr. Sally, W. M. Coleman or Ellen A. Toale, and David N. Strickland. Terms: One-third cash, balance on a credit of one and two years with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and .mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Samuel B. George, - 0. C. C. P. & G. S. Lexington, S. C., Jan. 11, 1908. Negro Preacher is Held Up, Spartanburg, Jan. 17.?Rev. J. W. Miller, a well known colored preacher, was held up and robbed by two white men and two negroes here tonight about 9:30 o'clock on south Liberty street. The thieves took Miller's gold watch and about $2 in change from his pockets. He says two of the men held him while the others searched his clothes.?The State. I 8 ESTABLISHED (882. I I THE L D. 1 j. | MERCHANDISI I LTTh I* Capital Stock 3 Undivided Proti CORRESPONDEN f BATESBURG, \ The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 22,1908. SENATOR EFIRD WAS SUCCESSFUL. His Bill to Provide for a New Schoo District, Known as St. John's, Passed Over Governor's Veto. Senator D. Frank Eflrd has beer successful in his fight for the establishment-, of a neur school district known as St. John's. Inspite of the failure of Governor Ansel to approye the bill, for reasons 'setforth in a rather lengthy special message to the senate, the bill was passed by a vote of 30 to 2. The bill was introduced a year ago, but on account of^the governor's failure to sign the act, the new district has never been established. It will be recalled that a delegation from this county with their attorneys ?some in favor of the district and some opposed to the propositioncalled on the Governor some time last year, but he would not change his action in the matter. Following is the bill: "Section 1. That the board of education of Lexington County shall, within thirty days after the filing with them of a petition of one-third of the qualified electors of the hereafter proposed special school district, shall order an election therein on the question of a levy of two mills speciai tax on all property within said district for school purposes therein, saic election to be held at St. John's school house after fifteen days' notice thereol by the managers appointed by saic board." Lame Shoulder Cured. Lame shoulder is usually caused b] rheumatism of the muscles and quicklj yields to a few applications of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. Mrs. F. H. Mc Elwee, of Boistown, New Brunswick writes: "Having been troubled fo: some time with a pain in my left shoul der, I decided to give Chamberlain' Pain Balm a trial, with the res alt tha I got prompt relief." For sale by Kauf mann Drug Co. A Strong Bank. We desire to call our readers' atten tion to the People's National Bank o Prosperity. This institution is one 9 the soundest in the state. It officers are all business men of integ rity and have made a success of the! own offairs and the bank continues U grow. Mr. H. 0. Moseley is presi dent and to his good judgement tin success of the bank is largely due. Woman Jumped From 13th. Story. Mrs. Herbert M. Sears, wife of ; retired broker of Boston and membe onft of the best known families o that city, committed suicide on Frida; by jumping from her room on the 13t floor of the Hotel St. Regis whili temporary insane. Her body fe] upon the roof of a four story building adjoining the hotel, and was terribl; mangled. Mrs. Sears was 37 years old an prior to her mental trouble was prom inent in the social circles of Boston. Fine Mules and Horses. The Matthews-Bouknight Co., o Leesville, are advertising a car-loa of horses and mules in this issue This makes several cars they hav handled this season. This firm is to well known to need any commends tion from this paper. Suffice it to sa that they not only carry mules an horses, but everything in the way c merchandise. They will sell you o easy term9 at low prices. INCORPORATED 1904. J in rim rn I juLbUlTl LiU. | I : IBER, : and COTTON. ! - $30,000. its - $20,000. ICE SOLICITED. I ? _ _ w s. c. i Oar Virginia Letter. = To the Editor of The Dispatch: Surely my Lexington friends have : the marrying notion in earnest. Ifc hardly seems possible that some who were only children when I first knew them, should now be married. But . such is life. I am forced to admit what I do not feel?that I am growing older. Congratulations to all! This letter leaves us up here in Virginia mountains, buried in snow. For two weeks, we have scarcely seen trrnnn/L "Refnre one snow leaves. another comes. The cuts in the roads [ are about drifted shut, so that travel [ is well nigh impossible, The young folks have great times coasting these moon-shine nights. It is fine sport, but bruised faces are common. It is late to write about Chriflmas, but we enjoyed the season very much. ' We had a* two days pounding from our parishioners. Then our sendee at church was the event of the season. The day was very fine. Our sendee was held at 2 p. m., and the people ^ must have expected something good, for they came from miles. We were packed almost to suffocation, and standing room was at a premium. Many were turned away. We heard of no one being disappointed. The music, recitations, and drills were all good. No less attractive was the Christmas tree. Upwards of 500 pre| sents were on and around this. Among other things, a well filled purse came the pastor's way. It was 1 a good time, long to be remembered. ' Our Sunday school has had one ot ^ its best years. A a nanal. T'm ker>t onav. It is after I supper now, and as soon as Mrs. B. is ! ready, we will go out to call on a fellow-minister, who is laid up with grip. * I have made two visits to Salem, the seat of Roanoke College, where I I attended school. Here I met Rev. A. R. Beck, known to many of your 7 readers. S. C. B. Rural Retreat, Va., Jan. 16. j Letter to Prof. W. E. Black. Lexington, S. C. 8 Dear Sir: Will yon give your ArithJ metic class?and Algebra class?this problem? \ If average paint is worth $1.60 a gallon, and goes two-thirds as far as Devoe, and wears half as long, what " is Devoe worth put on, painters' f *0 CA . J A ? WHges u?iug f0.w a irajr auu a uaja work a gallon of paint. 8 The answer is $11.80 a gallon; bat don't tell 'em that. r Yours truly, \ 5 P. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S. Kanfmann Drug Co. sells our 9 paint. billing to SU For Thaw. New York, Jan. 16.?One of the two thousand strange letters which have a been received by Mrs. Evelyn Thaw r since Harry K. Thaw's trial began, f which was made public today, cony tained an offer from an Ohio man to h substitute himself for Thaw, and if 9 necessary be executed. The writer 11 imposed the consideration that his I family be paid $3,000,000 as soon as y the proposed substitution is complete. His letter covered 9ix hundred pages, d He declared that he was a double of the prisoner in appearance and could take Thaw's place in his cell by visiting him in prison in disguise. The ,writer, whose name was not made ^ public, said he had no special desire A to live and was not afraid to die, but u made the offer in order to provide for " his family. The letter was written coherently. y A Card. d This is to certify that all druggists ai authorized to refund your money < Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cu. n your cough or cold It stops the lungs " and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe couglis and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains I no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Derrick's Drug Store. Eelp Lever To Bass Bill. The News and Courier says 4'the water courses and consequently the lands in Mr. Lever's Middle South Carolina district are nearly affected . by the mountain woodlands and so It is that a dozen States are dependent upon Congress to protect their respective interests in the mountain, regions." That is true, and the people in Mr. Lever's district should I make their wants known in the matter. It will help Mr. Lever in his effort to pass the "Appalachion Parks" or forest reservations bill, which will Drevent our low lands from being I flooded.?Orangeburg Times and Dem-oarat. Negro Sua? ia Charlestoa. George Kenney, convicted of the murder of Convict Guard Hermon Stello on the 16th day of August, 1906, was hanged in Charleston Friday. I Four Girls Did in Flames. Four girls were killed, nine seriously injured and a score or more slightly hurt at a fire in the Imperial Knitting Company's mill in Scran ton, Pa., on pf Friday.