* r Worm as Well as lea Are Made Miserable by Kidney and < Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, ^ vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear I - when the kidneys are out of order or dis11 ^>ecome ?? prevalent jr-l*. ** *s uncom/w uDkN^nHBBp mon for a child to be ^jFMTr* 0001 amictea wiut r. weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds V5;^: the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, thecause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made misera ; ?tble with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- ? %?wt^ uuu VMI? size bottles. Yo^nav w - by mail free, also a Home of Bw??p-Boot ^ I pamphlet telling all about Swamp-R6ot, mclnding many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,,be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad* dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every I bottle. gBOFSSSIOyAL CARDS. dTmartin, attorney . and counselor at law, lexington, s. c. Office in Harman Building rear of court house. 1 i Will practice in all courts. Special attention to collection of claims. rtnc w. hawes, u Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLAND. S. 0. Practice in all Courts. Business, solicited. November 1.MQ6. v 0. ar. nxu). r. s. nasaxB. Efird ft dreher, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lexington a fc & 0. Will Draetice in all. the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington. S. C. T^H. FRJCKT J. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHAFIN, & 0. ' Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom, Second 5? floor. Will practice in all the Courts. rpHURMOND & TIMMERMAN, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Kanfmaim Bldg, LEXINGTON, B.C. We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office in the Kant man a Building at anytime. - W*. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN, A LBERT M. BOOZER, " 7~ A ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. a Oryxes: 1816 Main 8treet, upstairs, opposite Tan Mttrete Furniture Store Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citisens of Lexington county. )RGE R, REMBERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA. S. 0. I will be glad to serve my friends from Lexiitgton Oountyaft any time, and an prepared to practice law in all btate and Federal Courts. i * Law Offices* ( 1 Residence, 1529 ^ 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street ( ) Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. Wboyd evans, .lawyer and counsellor. Columbia, Si 0. fVR. P: H. SHKALY, U DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. a ^ Office Up Stairs in Rooffe Building. Dr. f. c. gilmore, DENTIST. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Office Hopes.* 9 a. m. to 2 p. m? and from 8 to 6 p.m. DR. D. L HALL, dentist, ^ steedman, s. c. Office hours 8 a. m.. to 5:30 p. m. Dec. 28,1907?6m " * - ? [m.d.hm] I DEALER IN | | General 1 1 Merchandise,! i Carnar Mala and law Slraat, ? i ' Oppasita Confederate 8. 8 Monument, \ 5 i Lexington, - - s. c. ? "I trnst this may be read by many suf ferers from kidney and bladder trouble" i writes Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland, Tex. j "I suffered four years and could find nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last induced me to try your 30 days' treatment of Pineules for $1. This one bottle lias cured me and money could not buy the value it has been to me. Guaranteed. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. j. f The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 22,1908. What About Sard Times? In this State we believe in the whole country there i? a great cry of wolf when there is no wolf in reach and none approaching. There is a disposition to grumble and many people are crying hard times. Some raise that cry to conceal their thriftless habits; others cry out hard times when they have plenty of money and do not wish to pay debts or purchase desirable things for the family. There is perhaps $480,000 worth of cotton in this county in the hands of producers. There is more corn in the country than has been the first of January for the last ten years. There is no unusual pressure brought to bear on debtors. The merchants have had a good trade for the last four months. More men are getting on a cash basis than have been there for years. Get this hard times idea out of your head. Quit talking about it. When cotton is 10 to 11 cents, corn 90 cents, peas $2. 00 and a strong demand for all surnlus farm Droducts. there ought to be M. i ' w no hard times on the farms. Common laborers on heavy work can get 75 cents to $1.00 a day and skilled mechanics $2.00 to $4.00 a day. There is work at a fair price for all who wish to work. Let all go to work and cease this everlasting talk about hard times.?Carolina Spartan. An Insidious Banger. One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregularities and prevents Bright's disease and diabetes. Derricks Drug Store. Tiads Sing in Cafetaga. One day last week Mr. M. D. Dickons bought a cabbage at Charlie Saleeby's which he carried home for his wife to prepare for dinner. When. Mrs. Dickens attempted to quarter the cabbage she found that the knife would not cut through. With the as distance of Mr. Dickens the cabbage was finally cat in two, when it was discovered that a heavy gold ring was imbedded near the centre. The only plausible explanation that can be given is that when the cabbage was young some person working at or near it dropped the ring which lodged in one of the leaves. As the cabbage cost only 15 cents and the ring is valned at $18 Mr. Dickens is quite well satisfied with the transaction.? Dillon Herald. Avoid Extreme Fatigue. Exercise that brings into action every muscle of the body is absolutely necessary in the attainment of health and perfect physical development. Tired brain workers especially need exercise to renew the supply of blood in the brain, for new blood will give clear thought and new ideas. To avoid that "all in" feeling after any violent or unusual exercises, a North Carolina contemporary. So long as that is all, the bill has almost as good a chance for life as the proverbial tomcat in Tartarus without teeth or toe nails.?Louisville Courier Journal. February, this year, will have five Saturdays. So you know that it is bound to be a prosperous year, with five pay days in its shortest month.? Augusta Herald. The Jamestown fair commission for South Carolina'has ?4,600 left after having produced the best exibit at the big show. In a favorable wind a fox can scent a man one-quarter of a mile away. r..u!. n:n. iutis rins FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, ?. Dyspepsia, Costiveoess, Rheumatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTPS LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Take No Substitute. A Eansaa Stops Bis Paper. About two months ago one of our farmer friend9 dropped in and stopped hi9 Farmer. He said he couldn't afford to take the paper and just had to do without it. He dropped in again last Satnrday and planked down $1.60 f/-?r a. in advance?and f.henheav AV' w J w? ? ed a big sigh of relief. Everything had gone "wrong since the Farmer ceased to visit him. His chickens refused to lay, his cow got on the alfalfa and died, and his hogs got the I cholera. The rats knawed holes in his grainary and his wheat ran out and the birds ate it up. His wind- j i mill blew over and killed a horse, and his best shepherd dog got a bone in j his throaVand choked to death. His children got the measles and his wife mashed her thumb in the wringer and couldn't do any housework. Thieves broke into his smokehouse and stole his winter's supply of meats, and fire destroyed several stacks of his alfalfa. He bought groceries of a travelling faker and never got them, while his neighbor escaped because he read in the Farmer to watch out for crooks. His days were filled with misfortune and his nights with bad dreams. He stood it two months and then gave up the unequal struggle.?Osborne Farm er. The National Sim. The Star Spangled Banner! Tfa erlnnoa ore Him 6?V**VU >~V V..IU) For pray, isn't Roosevelt The National Him? Puck. It Does The Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says of Bncklen's Arnica Salve. "It does the business; I have nsed it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and it healed it without leaving a scar behind." 26c. at Kaufmann Drug Co. and Derrick's Drug Store. lCysterious Figures. Put down the number of your living brothers. Doable the number. Sloan's Liniment should be U9ed as a rub-down. Mr. Harry K. Oilman, instructor of athletics, 417 Warrdh Street, Roxbury Mass., writes: "Duringmy connection with athletics and athletes, will say that I have used Sloan's Liniment in extreme cases af fatigue after physical exertion, where an ordinary rub would not prove beneficial, with splendid success. I have also used it in massaging elderly men afflicted with rheumatism. "We always keep a bottle around the house for household emergency, and I always carry one in my grip, and will in the future." Furs and Beeswaz Wanted. Wanted?Otter, mink, coon, fox and all kinds of furs. Highest prices paid for beeswax and furs. Rice B. Harm an, Lexington, S. C. No need to fear coughs and colds this year as you can obtain Bees Laxative Cough Syrup now from your dealer. This is good news to mothers who fear croup and whooping cough. It is a gentle laxative that expells the poison from the system in the natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. Guaranteed. Sold by Kaufman n Drug Co. Nothing but the bull-headed opposition of Joe Cannon prevents the passage of the Appalachian bill, says Add three. Multiply result by five. Add number of living sisters. Multiply result by ten. Add number of dead brothers and sisters. ~ Subtract 150 from the result. The right hand figure will be the number of deaths. The middle figure will be the number of living sisters. . The left-hand figure will be the number of living brothers. Strange freak of figures, isn't it?? Dixie Home. Auditor Removed. Gov. Ansel has ordered the removal of C. M. Wiggins, the auditor of Berkeley county, on account of carelessness in office. Ring,s Little Liver Pills w^kes up lazy livers, clean the system and clear the skin. Try them for biliousness and sick headache. Price 2oc. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Many a man who makes up his mind to do better next year would do a great deal better if he would bite off one day at the time. C. R. Maryin, of Manning, has invented a cotton picking machine. Any kind of a hat looks good on a woman if she has the right sort of a face. jj^^^REAflON^ I ^0 | AQmtHom( Remedy. For tale by all druggUt* I and dealer*. 25c. Money refunded if it fail* to do all |claimed. Noahremgi>YCo.,Bortoo,Ma?a.,U.S.A. TAX NOTICE. T WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWX ing mentioned places for the purpose of receiving taxes for the fiscal year, 19^7: The balance of the time at Lexington Court House until December 81st, 1907, after which time the following penalties will be added by the County Auditor and collected by the County Treasuror. On January 1, 1908, 1 percent penalty will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st, 1908, an additional 1 per cent, will be added to those who have not naid. makinc 2 r?er cent, for Feb.will be added on March 1st, making 7 per cent, penalty to be paid by those who have not paid by March 1st, 1908. Tax Books will Close March 15, 1908. The hours for closing the tax books will positively be at 11 o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock for the afternoon appointments. LEVY. For State Purposes 4i Mills. For Ordinary County Purposes 3| Mills. For Constitutional School Tax 3 Mills. Total 11 Mills. Spepial School Levy Dis. No. 15, 3 Mills Special School Levy Bis. No. 18, 3 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 19, 4 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 25, 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 34, 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 37, 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 42, 3 Mills Special School Lew Dis. No. 75, 2 Mills Foil Tax $1.00 RAILROAD LEVY. Salnrln Tmvnshir* 7A Tvfills Broad Rjver Township Mills Fork Township 7? Mills Commutation Road Tax $3.00, payable from October 15th to March 1st, 1908. . Parties owning property in more than one township must so state to the Treasurer. When writin? for information concerning taxes always give. Township or ?-chool District and name in fall* not initials. FRANK W. SHEALY, Treasurer Lexington County. TAX RETURNS. In accordance with the law in reference to the assessment and taxation of real and personal property, the Auditor, or his assistant, will be and attend the following named places for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the fiscal year 1908 and in order to meet the next appointment the hour will close at 11 o'clock in the morning and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon; tax payers will, therefore, be prompt in meeting the appointments, so as not to cause delay. Tax payers will please come prepared to give the name of the township and number of school district wherein thev reside: Swansea, Thursday and Friday, Jan. 23 24. Sandy Ran, Saturday morning, Jan. 25. Croat's store, Tuesday evening, Jan. 28. E. H. Addy's Wednesday morning, Jan 29. Franklyn Keislcr's Wednesday evening, Jan. 29. Red Bank, Saturday afternoon, Febnary, 1. At Lexington C. EL, all day not included in above schedule from January 1,-1908 to February 20, 1908, when the books will close, after which 50 per cent will be added for failure to make returns. Tax returns sent in by mail are not legal unless sworn to before an officer qualified to administer oaths. All male persons are subject to poll tax from 21 to 60 years or age, except those exempt by law. Under the new law all dogs are subject to a capitation tax of 50 cents and mus be returned at the same time when other property is returned. W. D. DENT, Auditor Lexington County. Notice. Overseers and road hands will please take notice that hereafter no body, but the County Treasurer will be allowed to collect and expend commutation road tax in Lexington county. Hands desiring to pay commutation tax must pay the same to the County Treasurer. GEORGE H. KOON, Supervisor Lex. Co., S. C. Jan. 10, 1908?4wl4. jMimmjsijmi n ii WMfiT' I KILLtheCOUCH S i MID "cure the lungs i |mn Dr. King's | |New Discovery ran CStSi18 ,z?s.l IAMD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. g E GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! g OB MONEY REFUNDED. | Before You Purchase Any Other Write THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardless of auaiity, but the " Now Home " is made . Ui wear. Our guaranty never runs out. We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of the trade. The '"Now Home" stands atthe bead of all Hlgh-grrade family sewing machines * Sold by authorized dealers only. FOR 3ALC QY W . k*. KOOF, Lexington. S. 0. 1 | The People's PROSPI 5 Paid up Capital jj Surplus and Indivii S Stockholders' Liabi N 5 For Protect} 5 H. C. MOSELEY, President. 5 W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. M Jj Better a conservative i N _. _ 1*- _ - i 1 _ i 1 i m saie return wnen wanted, t M 5 doubt about the principal. ; A National Bank is a j i vision makes it so. Likew jj guarantee of prudent consei * We Allow Inter I H ? die: J C. W. Bowers, J. A. C. Kible n J. H. Hunter, W. P. Pugh, m Ceo. Johnstone, H. C N H \ HARMAN'S Post Office Block, NEW GOODS WWWVA/VW^WVWSi Our store is being filled newest and best goods.- A] Winter Dress Goods now rea MILLINJ We have everything thai style and shape. If our desif be pleased. See the new sty] NEW N( The Notion department o the new Novelties, embracii have ever carried. Lexington friends make < when in the city. \ WHOLESALI 1603 MAIN STRE DONT H. Mi. T. Successor to & NEAR POST OFF] When you are looking fo Solid Car Load Lots and at therefore, can sell you for lea ments. Solid Oak Nine Pieces?One Bed, On* Centre Table, Four Chairs. 0] No. 7 Blac] with a complete list of Cooku Black Oak, with a complete ine is complete. All grades Furniture of the same grade 190 for prices a. t. COLUM k .. 6994 jj National Bank I M tRITY, S. C. jj $25,000.00. ! iual Profits $5,000.00. * 5 ilities -" $25,000.00. jj on of Depositors. I M. A. CARLISLE. M GEORGE JOHNSTONE,' Attorney! H nterest on. your deposit with its jj han a. high rate and a feeling of E M M safe Deposit. Government super- ! ise our Board of Directors is a j rvative management. E est on Time Deposits 5 ECTORS: , 5 r, R. L. Luther, M. A. Carlisle, 2 Jno. B. Fellers, W.A. Moseley, * r. Moseley, J. P. Bowers. J M rmmmmnmmmiiimmm) "WE CARRY THE CHOICEST SHOES." It is never a mistake to "put your ? j_ /* ?? v lout, m 11 11 one 01 our Handsome y Shoes is meant. They are at once the S shapeliest and most comfortable shoes you ever put your foot in. Well and stylish, yet strongly made for long and cemfortable wear, they easily command praise and admiration from all lovers of style and "unusualness" in shoes. Our prices, too, command the respect of your pocketbook. SHOE STORE, COLUMBIA. S. C. EVERY DAY! IVWWVW^/WN^WWWN^ X every day with the season's 11 the advanced styles in Middy for yonr inspection. ERY, ETC. , / b's np-to-now in Millinery?every jnor can't please yon, yon can't Les now on display. DVELTIES. (four store is replete with all Lg everything?largest line we >nr store yonr shopping place H Ih faff m HuBns hi SfXB MjjR jwa p|PU| 3 AND RETAIL, ET, COLUMBIA. S. C. FOSGET laxwell & Taylor, CE, COLUMBIA, S. 0, r Furniture. We buy only in. the lowest spot cash prices, we 3 than if we bought in local ship?drooxn Suites. i Bureau, One Washstand, One ae Rocker?all for $17.25. i Oak Stove lg TJtinsels, for $7.50. No. 8 list of TJtinsels, $12.50. Our . Prices guaranteed as low as can be bought Write or phone BIA, S. C. %