The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 15, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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In order t< cash, every it< The public kn Everything st SJUL] J. L. ?}$*... " > , PSSTCXL A2TQ SCISSORS. ; '* ? n > Wayside Notdi Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Beantffnl dinner sets now going at cost at The Bazaar, . . Barrett J6nfes, Eso., of Batesbnrg, ?l - ? ,, . wa^ here yesterday on. xegtu uuaiucooi : , Mr. C. B. Dreher. of Selwood, was sfe'- here Tuesday and called in to see us. '' > : Buy your garden seed at Herman's 0*~ - Bazaar. Fresh stock just arrived. Mrs. Margaret Nichols is desperately home a few miles above town. Mrs. Katherine Caughman, who has been quite sick for the past several days, is much improved. * ( - Hon. 0. M. Eflrd is attending the ^ meeting'of the State Bar association in Columbia. . : Mr. Julius Ballentine is spending a - few days with, his parents* Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ballentine. / . t Monday court will begin. Don't nv-v forget to bring or send your dues to. itf'I this paper. tmlmi -. K Mr. Samuel B. George spent yes? terday in Columbia on matters of business. \ Mr. D. E Ridgell, travelliag1 representative for the Armour Fertilizer Company, was here Monday/ r Messrs Reedy and Oscar Bcatwiight, of Leesvillft R. F. D. 1, were -here onbusiness Mcfcday. Don't forget to call and see the beautiful crockery going at cost at The Bazaar. ^ HBfe'/"- Mr, Wm. H. Bickley has beed conined to bis room for the past several days wftiUa^pe.. Mr. M3$ .&oog is quite ill at his ] home near X?esihgfcon, which is caud~ ] ing his relatives and friends vno little - Miss Minnie L. Garvin, one of Wag-, ? ^ u_ v tfte^ mregc young hkuw, uao uCOU on a visit to her sister, Mrs. P. fi. Cook, of the Providence section. ' PlOft L. E, Whittle, principal of j the KewBrooWajjd hijjh school ^nd j ope of the finest educators in the ! country, was here Saturday. l WAET?D--Tc> buy a good second hiuid cotton gin, about 70 saws, also i f S&&QT and press. Apply at Dispatch j "i ; ' office. , \ j Gangsman Bros., Columbia, native j ibexingtonian's, have a new ad., in j this issue. They will treat you right on everything in their line. v ,Miss Bessie Duffie, of Winston-Salem, N. C.", passed through town yesterday enroute to her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Corley. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hiller returned last^week, after spending several days with the former's mother in ^ ; ^ t Vteorgia. ' ' Mr. P. I. Raw!, of Boylsbon, called in to 'See us last week and paid for his paper. Brother "Phil" is one of The Dispatch's stannchest friends and we are always glad to see him. " .** >' .-vfc; Mr. J. Luther Smith, ex-supervisor .of Lexington county and one of the most substantial citizens of the Fork, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Lilla, visited his daughter, Mrs. J. J. Bickley, for several days last week. ? Mrs. F. W. Ranch and little daughter are expected to return to-day from Blythe, Ga., where they have been spending a month with relatives. Brother "Fed" is wearing a broad smile. Misses Bessie and Hattie Hook, two charming and popular young ladies of the Hebron section, were in town shopping Saturday, accompanied by their friend, Miss Mary Gayle, of Columbia. j ?aa the change of advertisement of the Lexington Savings Bank in this issue. It is the oldest bank in the county and is run on conservative business methods. The clerks are courteous in their treatment to depositors add the bank continues to grow. Hon. Qeo. S. Drafts, time and time again honored by the good people of Lexington county, will not read a newspaper on credit. He called in a a day or two ago and paid his subscription and that of his sons, who are now away from Lexington. Would that our State contained more such men as Mr. Drafts. May his shadow never grow less. mm > / o get rid of a lot of em in Mimnaugh's ows what this anD )ld for spot cash 01 ^ MIMNAU * ** Vf / On account of the quarterly conference meeting in the Methodist church here Sunday, Rev. W. D. Quick will not fill hjs, regular appointment at Irene Sunday morning. However he will preach at the poor h0h9e in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Roberts have purchased the house and lot of Mr. Frank Corley on the new street Jeading out fropa the Lutheran church. The property is being, improved and when completed will present a handsome appearance. ' Miss Anna Brown, the popular milliner at W. P. Roof's for the past two seasons, left for her home in George, N. C., Saturday. Miss Brown will spend about six weeks with her parents and then she will go to Baltimore, where she will study the spring styles of ladies head wear. V- - 1 Note of Thanks. To the Editor of The Dispatch: On New Year's day and during the holidays we have been kindly remembered with generous donations of provisions, horse* feed, etc., to which must be added a fine large turkey for Christmas, arfd by your kindness we desire through your paper to return our many thanks to the givers. These gifts and many others during the year are highly valued not only from the financial side of life, but more especially as a token of the good will of those among whom we are called to labor. Such acts of remembrance afford much encouragement amid the many duties of a pastor's busy life. , May the Giver of every good gift reward each one richly with His blessing. ! ? B. D. Wessinger. Gilbert, Jan. 13. .. .. . ? . Obituary. '. D. C. Shumpert was born in Lexington county, S. C., September 5, 1851, and died December' 15, 1907, making his stay dn earth 56 years, 3 months and 10 days. He leaves in ; South Carolina two sisters and one brother, besides a host of other relatives' and friends to mourn his depaxtvire, and a wife and four children lii Pine Bluff, Ark. One daughter preceded him %o the Promise Land. Dearest brother* thou hast left us And thy loss we deeply feel; But 'tis God whq hath bereft us, He can all our'sorrows heal. Jacob W. Shumpert. - T&o Dispatca a u-ooa raper. Mr. D. R. Haltiwanger who has been otherwise connected with the Lexington Dispatch, is now assistant editor. Mr G. M. Harmon is editor and proprietor of the paper and it is a good one. The buisness of the paper has increased so much that it was necessary to increase its force.?Edgefeld News.' 16 Children Tramped to Death. Sixteen children were trampled to death, and forty others seriously hurt, in a mad rush for seats at an entertainment at Barnsley, England, on Saturday. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, Court of Common Pleas. J. L. G. Hooker, J. J. Hooker, Mantohun E. Chavis, Frances A. S. Wingard, Mary A. D. Wingard and Margaret Ott, Plaintiffs, against David N. Strickland, Bessie Hooker, Annie Hooker and Jessie Hooker, "Defendants. * Complaint in Partition. By virtue of the judgment of the i court herein, signed by Ernest Gary, judge of 5th circuit, on January 14, 1908,1 will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in February, next, ? All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lynig and being in the county of Lexington, and State aforesaid, in Bull Swamp township, known as tract "A" or plat of D. J. Knotts, surveyor, dated Dec. 81, 1907, containing thirtytwo (82) acres, more or less, and bound ed by lands of Dr. Sally, W. M. Coleman or Ellen A. Toole, and David N. Strickland, uwma* Onp-tbird cash, balance on a credit of one and two years with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and .mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Samuel B. George, I C. C. C. P. and G. S. Lexington, S. 0., Jan. 11, 1908. J ': ' . x 2E SA SamammBmammmwmmamam surplus goods befo "Rip- "nA-nnrf.mArit. S Louncement means lly. : : : MOST! ICH & SOLID LEATHER SOTS' SHOES For Big Boys - - - - $1.50 Smaller Boys'?- " $1.00, $1.25 These Shoes are, made of good leather through and ' i-T "L '' ' wruugii. The yamps are not cut off just where the tip is sewed on, but goes on out and is sewed same as the tip. They won't rip and tear the first few times a boy goes rabbit hunting. ^ They are made for that kind, of wear. Then they have got every style; you can brush them up and wear Sundays. We are prepared for the girls also. Come see them. " < )j. ?iYtiL EHRLICH'S, \ / 1648 Main St., ( pni liynfft C. P 1627 Main St., \ OULUIflDlJI, Oi Ui c _________________ A1 V/JL -r . -v- p Reliable ? ' Banking In all its branches. We issue /drafts payable at- j any point, furnish letters of credit,-make a specialty of collections and give prompt attention to the accounts of non residents as well as to our city depositors. Every privilege consistent with safety we offer patrons of tins bank. Our capital is $200,000.00. Can we do business with you? Carolina National Bank, /COLUMBIA, S. C. W. A. CLARK, President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. Engine and Boiler Fixtures. I have just opened up a new and full line of engine and boiler fixtures, consisting of valves, gauges, coupliners. etc. PiDiner cut and threaded to order. Engine" and boiler repairing also done. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Give me a trial. J. J. RIKARD, 45tf Lexington, S. C. JEWELRY! I / ?? ?? One couldn't suggest anything more desirable for an Xmas gift fiViftn n nir(a nipna nf -Tpwp1t*v Arid one could not wish for a better and more varied line from which to make a selection than ours. We feel snre that we have just what you should give. Have it both in quality aud price combined, while our Christmas line is decidedly now. Let us lay something aside for you early. We will keep it until called for. I CHARLES I.SENTZ, I I JEWELER, I I Columbia, S. C. I re stock taking and to conv tore will be sold at Cut Prici . No goods charged; no go ' ~~ >.* I . .. i t~ ? > * i ; v '>'/ r? - - i \ | WANTED^ S thirty-five head. f S Horses and Mares I change for Mules. GREGORY-GONDE \ 1113-1115 Hamm Colu^k, ,\ / ?. * *\ * * i / y * V \ \ / , ^ - - - 7 7~ / ^ : A . i ' * ./ '' BB I Lexington Sa^ I LEXINGTON, 1 Canifal. Surplus and Undivic m , ? * I 5 per cent, interest paid on m being computed semi-annually. V < received. Commercial accounts also gi\ I Ample facilities for handlinj m account will be appreciated. Safety deposits boxes for ren1 I ' ' W.P.EO \ \ / ' . " \ J || CITIZENS OF || Are You Coi FURNI" BHBBHBBBfBZZSZXKlSSEanBl V ) _ __ . / We have every article in this line, a Installment, are the very lowest. We ta giving them just what they want at pric< erate what we carrv in stock, but we assi V ' see us, you will find any kind of Furnitu * Bed Room, Dining Room or Kitchen. f you read this advertisement and be sure Mwrai 1208 Main Street, 5============= 14 DAYS m f^SSSamSi ' IBMmS ert the goods into es the next 14 days. ods on approbation. ? iR? 6th. Columbia. _ i i * I * - A * \ ' i ? f : jtome]^ goou young ? i, or will ex- > j ' ? ;R MULE CO. s ton Avenue, j S.C. < 0 V / '* ? ^ * rV ' l' t7< 'f. r %*. * A ' " # t "'v ' " I \ > ' ' . * \ ?r. ' j f , i -, '-^T ' *. * /- "i .( ; *' ' 4 ' X \ ' i ' \ j.r ? V ' . i v / t .>|1 1908. I rings Bank, J led Profits $27,000.00. 1 1 Deposits of $1.00 and over I , , en special attention. M y vmir business. and vour B $1.00 per year. 9 m 1 I OF, President and Cashier. m M ? ' . ' I . ,".;: % LEXINGTON, I I / * ? ng to Buy rURE! . V i. * ind our prices, either for Cash or ike pride in serving our customers, i bs that suit. It is useless to enumire you, if you will only drop in to re you may need for your Parlor, rhink of us while at home when to call when in Columbia. FIDE CO. Columbia, S. C. j H ?-?r -.w I 5 I