' " INC 1248 MAIN STREI nnliirr Is the best i lina to buy H< | Stoves and R always carry and sell them ble prices. 1 fe them when in and courteous If yon haven't ei you want they will i JUUUUV Happy I S To ail our L< ? 2 store is the pi pi? ' ^ \ gooas, notions. / -5 especially attr J WM. PL/ v 1 Main Sfcrt " . ?ay wmpt a . - ' - ||l \ Wiiunnin, 1519 Main J0BBEB8 - J SHw and Ranges, Stove Pipe, Tinware, . Enamel ware, Hollow Wa' ^ Tin Plate, Iron and Asphalt Roofing, Eve Tronj fe S v Conductor Wood Maj Grates an< Flue Pipe, J ' a* ***" ' ' VrV / J' ? W≷. - ' - ' \ SffiZ Mj. *4; '^. ,. " r fIfctSJu. S. B. J Whole * Martin (runs, JLen Gun Repairii in the S The only Automobile f through sand and S. B. ft $t COLT THE O In Columbia, South Carolin thing in the MACHINERY Write us for prices befo COLUMBIA SUPPLY C On corner opposite S< ORPORATED. ST, Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. ibia. S. C., ~ 0 w )lace in South Caroeating Stoves, Cook anges, because they the goods in stock at the lowest possiDon't fail to call or Columbia. Prompt treatment assured. t ? lough cash to pay for what maJU u*n Ik a httloiftM Iff Villi JUU I III IHV HUIMHVVI NewYear] jxington friends, Our i ace to. buy your dress 4 , etc. Our prices are J active these days. Come S in & son, I ?t, Near Postofflce, \ 8. C. J IRICK' I H| Street, Columbia. S. S. LND DEALERS IN 1 - ' I j ;h aid , Sheet Metals, itels, 1 Tiles, Fire Brick and Clay Pumps, Pipe, . Fittings, Valves, Cocks, Hose, Electric and Gas Fixtures, Paints and Oils, Cutlery, Wire Netting *' y \ \ * mastS, ssale Dealer in aver G-iins and Ansley H i'ox G-uns. ng and Everything (hooting Line. ? at Moderate Price that runs mud?Four Cylinder FORD /IcMASTERs TMBIA, S. C. NLY HOUSE a, making a specialty of handling ever) ' SUPPLY LINE, re placing order elsewhere. 0., - - Columbia, S, C ^aboard Air Line Passenger Station. - i The Lexington Dispatch, Wednesday, January 15, 1908. Shady Grove Nevrs. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Cake walks and card parties have . been the order of the day for several weeks. It seems that the members of the * Farmers Union are not going to suc ceed in getting 15 cents for their cot- ton, but we are going to hold right t. on until that price is reached. r Mr. J. E. Haltiwanger has returned to his home here, after spending sev- ' * eral days with his son at Sally, and L visiting other relatives at Pelion and ? Batesburg. ^ Mr. W. W. Amick is on a business L trip to Charlotte, N. C. 5 Miss Lela Fulmer, who is teaching 9 the Broad River school, spent the , Christmas vacation with her parents near Hilton. , Rev. J. C. Holly, preached a very appropriate sermon to a large con| gregation at Shady Grove Sunday a 1 week ago. S. J. Jan. 11. The Weekly Newspaper. The country weekly has far more inI fluence in proportion to its circulation than the city daily: first, because it has behind it a person who is known to the readers and whose character adds force to his words; second, because the weekly is read with more care. The country weekly comes much nearer reflecting the sentiment j of the community than the large daily. < In fact, in ervery contest between the ' i unorganized masses on the one side ; and organized wealth on the other, the big newspapers are generally on f>iA m'dp nf orcrn.ni7.pd wnalfch. and fchifli 1 fact has become so notorious that candidates are often elected with practii cally all of the daily papers against , them.?The Commoner. ! i, ? . , Zf the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It sooth; es the child, softens the gums, allays rali pain, cures wind colic and is toe 1 best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five centr a bottle. Guaranteed on- , der the Food and Drug act, June 30, 1 1906. Serial number 1908. ,w tf J It is the best of all. i Soaicides In The Stats. , Rev. Lewis J. Bristow of/ William , ston, S. C., has been keeping an ac- , * count of homicides in South Carolina for the past six months. He makes the following report as the result of * his efforts: j Total number of homicides, 158. Whites 79; colored 79; of the slayers, whites are 70 and negroes 85, unknown 3. Of the dead, 121 were killed by guns or pistols, 18 by blows from rocks, i bricks, and pieces of wood; 17 by knife cuts and 2 by blows from axes. Of the 158 homicides, 82 were committed in prohibition counties and 76 in counties where there were dispensaries. He advocates drastic punishment as a preventative of homicides. ?Edgefield News. TJftwTr ioVinooc JMigil ft A WiiOlUiVS0i "When attacked' by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine thau Dr. King's New Discovery," says C. O. Eldridge, of Empire, Ga. "I have ; used New Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. My children aTe subject to croup, but New Discovery j quickly cures every attack." Known the world over as the King of throat ! and lung remedies. Sold under guarantee at Kaufmann Drug Co. and Derrick's Drug Store. 50c. and 11.00. Trial ! bottle free. . I i | Negro to Contest Lever's Seat, j Formal notice was made in the | House of Representatives on Jan. 9th, of the fact that Aaron Prioleau and the other negroes who have been con- j testing the seat of Representatives j Legare, Lever and Patterson, mean j to keep up the light. According to \ . law the clerk of the house made pub- I lie a communication to the effect j that all three of the contestants in j the 1st, 2nd and 7th districts had complied with the law in the matter , J of filing testimony, etc. The committees 011 elections have never considered these contests in a serious light, and though they are compelled to go through the form of * hearing long-winded arguments every j year or two from the South Carolina ! negroes and their attorneys. There is very little chance for any of the present Representatives to be unseated unless moredamagingevidence is brought out hereafter than has al- j ready been produced. I To stop that pain in the back, that stiffness of the joints and mucles, take Pineules. They are guaranteed. Don't suffer from rheumatism, backache, kidney trouble, when you get 30 days' treatment for $1.00. A single dose at j < j bedtime proves their merit. Get. them J to-day. Sold bv Kauimann L>rug t^o. | The Joy of Life, [ do not wish for riches vast, Nor fame or high estate; [ do not care when I walk past, To have men call me great. Ike joy cf life is all I a3k, In perfect peace to dwell; Beneath the summer sun to bask, To live and dream a spell. Glood health is but my one desire, TTtTifVi o /~\y fnrn IT xun juov cv it ivnu vi vn v j A. wife to love me and inspire, In Yv'hat I have to do. The joy of living is enough, No greater boon can be; Then, though my roads be e'er so rough, Content shall dwell with me. For one need not be rich or great, Or even known to fame; 'Round humble cot or vast estate Earth's glories are the same. The same sun shines on us all, The same stars gleam at night; The flowers that deck the garden wall The poorest man may sight. rhen grant to me the joy of life, And I'll not ask for more; For in the heat of bitter strife, I know when it is o'er. Beneath God's sky I'll take my rest And glory in its blue; With peace and love within my breast As God meant we should do. * ?Detroit Free Press. The Pure Pood Law. Secretary Wilson says, 'One of the objects of the law is to inform the consumer of the presence of certain harmful drugs in medicines.'' The law requires that the amount of chloroform, opium, morphine, and other habit forming drugs be stated on the label of each 1 twi m _i__ j rn Dottle, ine manuiaccurers 01 *jnamberlain's Cough Remedy have always claimed that their remedy did not contain any of these drugs, and the truth of this claim is now fully proven, as no mention pf them is made on the label. This remedy is not only one of the safest, but one of the best in use for coughs and colds. Its value has been proven beyond question during the many years it has been in general use. For sale by Kaufmann Drug. 11 40 Passenger Trains a Day. The Columbia union station schedule in effect at 12:01 a. m., January 5, 1908, shows 40 passenger trains in and out of the station daily. Of these 32 are over the Southern railroad lines, eight over the Atlantic Coast Line. The eight trains over the Seaboard Air Line arrive and leave from the Seaboard station on Gervais and Lincoln streets. Passenger service Over the Columbia, Newberry & Laurens railroad is rendered by Atlantic Coast Line trains Nos. 52 and 53. It will be unnecessary for you to go through a painful, expensive operation for Piles if you use ManZan. Put up in collapsible tube with nozzle, ready to apply to the soreness and inflammation. For any form of Piles, prices 50c. guaranteed. Leadagtoa Needs Blacksmith. Th9re is a fine opening in Lexington for an allround blacksmith, one that can do all kind of iron and woodwork and shoe horses. Such a man could make big money here. Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poul- ,i tice, draws out inflammation and poison. Antiseptic, healing. For chapped ? hands, lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. It would be interesting to have the baby's opinion of papa's mother-inlaw joke. I Headache I I Every Month 1 H| Yon may think, because you M? have loner had ?L that vou must BsC'i I have a headache every month,, gl being a women. j||j But II you think so, you are || wrong, since a headache Is a ra sign of disease of your womanly gl organs, that thousands of other women have been able to relieve raji or cure, by the use of that wonder- ||P ful. woman's medicine, ??8 vomrn rh1F p$j "I recommend Cardui to all sick ^ Eas women," writes Mrs. A. C. Beaver S^l oi Unicoi, Tcnn. "I suffered with headache, bearing-down pains, j|& |gj feet swelled, pains in shoulders fej km! and many others. At last 1 took jfpj Cardui, have 20 pounds and have found ft the hest med* jrag feme I ever used for female P*j troubles." || At Ail 0n?.ggists p ' ?ff WRITE FOP. FREE ADYI'JH, j?'j istating ago an ;.?k' BB| toms, to Latlnis Advisory Dept., L;"-. |Sj?l The Chattanoega Medicine p|H Cr.attanocga, Tt-nn. B 57 |y3 ^ a^" 5588 ^ ^ vlsl Cooper Explains Reas f? T~fc ^Average or do During L. T. Cooper's recent stay B in Boston, it is estimated that siffy- H five thousand people talked with him and purchased his medicine. This li< is an average of over two thousand a aj day. w, His Euccess was so phenomenal as rc to cause universal comment both by bi the public and the press. There must ha be a reason for this. Here is the se reason given in his own words by Mr. a: Cooper when interviewed on the sub- b< ject He said: , ai "The immense numbers of people oi who are calling on me here in Boston Is not unusual. I have had the same ti experience for the past two years ai wherever I have gone. The reason is fe a simple one. It is because my medi- b< cine puts the stomach in good condi- 01 tion. This does not sound unusual, tt but it is in fact the key to health. The w stomach is the very foundation of w life. I attribute 90 per cent. of a all sickness directly to the stomach. w "Neither animals nor men can re- a main well with a poor digestive appa- I Tatus. Few can be sick with a diges- di tion in perfect condition. As a matter ta of fact, most men and women today lo are half-sick. It is because too much b< food and too little exercise have grad- tr ually forced the stomach into a half- ai aick condition. My medicine gets the n< stomach back where it was, and that ly is all that Is necessary." tc Among Boston people who are staunch believers in Mr. Cooper's rw theory, is Mr. Frank D, Brown," of 571TUC Wlinr DflTADV 111L TfllllL HUl/ili 1 ' The design and finish of the s to equal it has yet appeared on t STEADY, SWIF1 Has a very large Bobbin?Hole BALL JBE A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and dm (White SHUTTLE Machine has been in i The NEW HOME stands at the top of SE Always on hand good Second Hand Ma machine attachments, shuttles, belts and th J. B. BERRY, 1802 Main: Parlor He BEN DAVID, I NEXT TO SKYSCRAPER, / / / Finest Bestaurant in South Caro Onlv "Watt Special Bates by the Week Meal MORGANS!; Ai Factory Prices. I 1 . j Every home can afford and ; | should possess the best Or- j j j j gau. Terms so easy. I | j For a limited time we will ( sell $90 Organs at only $75. I Only $25 now; $25 Nov. 1 1908; $25 Nov. 1909, and no interest. j | $80 Organs now only $75. Don't pay the peddler a big profit, but come to us or clip and send this advertise- | ment with your letter asking j for catalogue and price list, | ^ to | MALONE'S MUSIC | j HOUSE, | Columbia, S. C. . PIANOS & ORGANS. | " ??AT ' i DERRICK'S DRUG STORE, I LEXINGTON, S. C., Will be found YAGER'S Cream Chlo- ( roforrn Liniment, the greatest of all liniments for Man or Beast, Rheu- i C matism especially. F YAGER'S Sarsaparilla. the best of ! C Tonics and Blood Purifiers. I YAGER'S Oleo-Vino, the System G Builder and best of Cod Liver Oil d Preparations?You can't taste the ! Oii. | 4 Ask For Yager's Remedies at ? r DERRICK'S DRUG STORE. 11 (Hystoria?Woman's Friend) j ' ss#?jgg&*~ . on for" Remarkable ston Callers. loomingdale street, Chelsea, Mass. e says: "For five years I have sought rest for indigestion, stomach trouble id dyspepsia, spending nearly all my ages with doctors and obtaining no suits. I had dull pains across my ick, radiating to the shoulders. I id splitting headaches, which nothing emed to cure. There was a gnawing ad rumbling in my stomach and ^ >wels. I was troubled with vertigo id dizziness, and at times almost rercome by drowsiness. "I felt tired and worn out all the ' me, my sleep was not refreshing, id I would get up in the morning ieling as weary as when I went to ;d. My appetite was variable?ravenis at times, then again nauseated at Le sight of food. Sometimes my face as pale, at other times flushed. I as constipated and bilious, and had itarrhal affection in nose and throat, hich caused me to hawk and spit * great deal, especially in the morning, heard so much of the Cooper reme!es that Idecided to try them. After iking one" bottle, a tapeworm 50 feet ng passed from my system. I felt itter almost immediately. All my oubles? disappeared as if by magic, id, my improvement was rapid. I >w feel entirely well, and c?n honest' recommend Mr. Cooper's medicine i anyone who suffers as I did." We sell the Cooper medicines hich. give universal satisfaction. * The Kaufmcum Drug Cow SFWIIUr. MJirUllUF I? LIT 111(1 IH/lUlllllL i itand is unexcelled. Nothing he market ! AND SURE. \ is more thread than any other ARING. , able. It is something new. ose twenty-five years.) rUTTLE machines. I have the latest, chines. Needles for all machines and Le best pure SPERM OIL. Street, Columbia, S. C. . V JL* staurant, " Proprietor, - * COLUMBIA, S. C. I lina. / ' r ' \ . . lan's Restaurant in Columbia. . 1 s at all Hours?Night or Day. DE. L. L. TOOLE 1608 Main Street, COLUMBIA, - S. C. M 'AIMLESS TOOTH EXTRAGTOB / AND DENTIST. 3EST PLATES - - - $10.00 3RIDGE WORK (per tooth) - $5.00 tOLD FILLINGS - - $1.00 up 5AINLESS EXTRACTION 25 and 50c 111 dental work done at money saving prices. Sep. 5 tf Win ftinii MM > Willi V 11 V UVIIVIJIUIV IllVlltUIV} LEXINGTON, S. C. Literary, Scientific and Classical Courses. 7ocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing and Elocution. College Trained Teachers. Expenses for Session $60 to $80. * ?all Term Begins September 2, 1907. ?all Term Ends January 10, 190S. ItlDTVA T ? 1 O 1 AAt'i ;rxvxx>v_T x jzjxxjl t AU X XOj 1 WO? ? Spring Term Closes May 15, 1903. Send for catalogue. Address W. E. BLACK, Principal. M. D. HARMAN, Secretary. B. W. LINDLER, Chapin, S. C., las an up-to-date line of S9FF1N3 AND CASKETS in hand, at prices to suit even-body. 'rices range from $1.50 up to $50.00. Jail on me and I will save you money, am prepared to furnish a hearse whenver desired in enimectirm wif.li >v.tt ? ? if Avi* 1J1.J l4JLi~ ertakiiig business. Jan. 2. 3m [||^gg RJ| and WHISKEY HABITS ^ ^ jj lap IBB ticnlars sen #~'\R j?32' 1$ Atlanta, tea. Office 104 N. Pryor Street,