HEyery depart: is full of ( the oldest and the si horses, doll carris good. strong and ' t jpf ?r gir1, at tlle ver 2jr On our 10c. cc ffl]| the very best gra< SmM ifully decorated, i rs?| plates, gravy bov |pj fancy gold band g 5S We have a lot , 1 pies, worth up to Ma that we are selh MP bowls, cake plat* M saucers, pih trays - Mi of nice things for! nun i UHILI . V - ? f " V . ... #v; -;.. . . . . ' " ?i8?-.. :Nr. "> *: ' * ' " ;< .: ^' ->.V > . 1 > 0K'h - .. ,: " IF PRICES cot: IN A VERY FAKE-?< y:". - ' : - ;< " ? * . ... i..' Goods i / mr 1 I? Redu IVIB I ' ^ \ . * .i Uexingi - V. - v - . ' ' : ? ' *- ; '' ' ? ' * > cimuaci (i1 SIMS S ment of our great store Christmas goods and lie ?and the prices are boi bore is crowded with CI \ f . i Children. * II tricycles, wagons, il' iges, go carts, autos, [I an< inytMng made in. a [J All nsefnltoy for the boy II fro y lowest price. I Ian Counter. II >unter) you will find II le of porcelain,"beaut- || in cups and saucers, II of1 rls, soup plates and || an( glassware. || -Pla Counter. I 6f fancy china sam- II 50c. and 75c. each, ||, ng for 25c. Salad || i 3s, vases, cups and J| day: , puff* boxes and lots j| thei Xmas presents. |j in ti IS M l IV - x' *' ' v 1 ' *? ' \ ' t'Kj .v ,\ &&}. Oo % *;' ?. ' ' \ ' >v^.' ' V ' / . ? < >/: r~xir ? J >*' "i'+it , A *-T -ft ; ?; - ? -.. V t IAL SI : ,4 i " - &5>" * ^ B O SHOES, OATS, M HENS' CLOTHING. . /.-i ' - . . ' , ' e. Tinware ^ INTO m SALE BEGINS EkIBER X rNT WE WILL MO SHORT TIME. THIS HOME EARLY AND i CONVINCED. Must Be AT iced Price Hartley jon Depots \ \ HOPPING mi i nm presents a scene of be re you will find preset] md to please you. Ev iristmas shoppers. i * - ' Lamps. We have the largest line o 1 fancy china lamps in the the new shapes and decoi in 25c. to $20 each. H ips $1.25 to $5. 1 ! Cheap Crockery. _L__ . ' We have just received a ce she better grades of white po 1 are selling it at the cheape: ,tes 25c. to 60c. per set, cu; Leers 40c. to 65c. set, dishes bowls and pitchers 75c. tc Merchants, Attentio] SVe can supply you with a complete lim goods at better prices than yon can get rig jobbing towns. Then there is a gre* ie freight. , , ' \ i IN A U G i , + k * . _ CALHOUN COXJ I Vi IN SUPEEM k H SB . Election Law Will be B Show Cause Issi B h k Returnable > Judge Eugens B. Q ( preme court has issu< cause why the electi< Z 1 lishment of Calhour not be stopped. Th returnable tomorrow ivc! nun ^?ntcomei9awa I V II |W 11 Last Wednesday I1U flllft# Wolfe, D. O. Herbur attorneys from Oran before Mr. Gary in b opposition to the ncv It is alleged that tl ' 5 1895 has not been c the matter of issuing tyficates. Some of tl ed that, should the si ^ cide in their favor m g comes up on its mc J election machinery c be upset. But bette argue, when there is A A i A 1 fVR election at stake, the III I 11 V V if'.compliance with t All II H I ii cliinery has been \ yu ma* | y. eviia may oe correeti . A statement prepa: who appeared agains says: The most importan be raised is that the ; the election is propos x , uhconstitutionel and and void. This is 1 ' _ ' touched hpon by the W some days ago in h W JIL. JC3L. persons who resides i tory of the proposed : f whoss regular voting \7 L! r |11_| -pivr 8*de ?* fc*"8 area, cou V HA X XX riilfl the question of a nev I tm \ It will be stated to j J3| ^7 the-proposed lines ha utter disregard of t ID "171 township and pollin DJU Orangeburg county, N cases the townships a uiiiuia rtic uub up aim include the greater p ; ship or polling-precin the polling or voting is the case with Oram 0b Poplar townships. 0b Wb Dantzler's mill and ! only voting places i Hi II Poplar townships am BL outside of the propos< and those persons wh places and who reside posed new county ter: prived of exercising tional right of voting tion. This is in direc ^ 0^ the provisions of the I the State, which upon the establishment of ' plainly says that all tl tors residing within th situ ting the proposet shall have the right tc Hj election for or against B fl^k such new county. B B Another point of ob B H B B boundaries and lines o BH BH new county are not "piamiy marKea," as ] with soch clearness t< 0 interested to know ci these lines are locat among those residing ^ posed ^ew lines, are w -MIWWi auty and loveliness; e ;ts for everybody-from ery day is shopping da * . I Fancy Ch f glass . ' Pi South. ; ations, You Wl11 not fin4 hanging f stock of fancy china have anything you v !; and have a big lot o import price. You ir load want at Mimnaugh's rcelain r price. Two Thousa ps and 10c. to pi ) $1.25. t j Here yop will f ? bisque, dressed or u: i T. *n e of holi- I eacn' Wlli Pa.v T at any of dows and be sure to it saving i Qf goods> f iH & C it c. \ * * ft ,* 4 KIT FIGHT without, the proposed new co AAmffl Still another.objection i9 tl E vUUSX. governor allowed the original] for the new county to be amei as to bring in new territory ai Tested?Rule to people; that the governor 1 led, Which is power under the law to alia 'nmnrrnw amendment, and that theref omurrow. proclamation, ordering the elei ary, of the Su- null and void and without force 3d a rule to show Of a much more startling m fox the estab- are some of the other point i county should which the court will be asked e order is made the election, and these poirn , then 12th., and have far reaching effects in ot ited with inter- rections than ;.r the new count ter. One of the surprising siai Messrs. W. C. is that there are really no lega t and B. H. Moss, of registration in this county : geburg appeared time, which means, in fact, tin ehalf of those in are really no qualified legal vo v county. ^ Orangeburg county today. -\o r>AnaHfnfmn rtf THo AW VVA1UVXVUVAVU, VA J. lllO OUOUC1UU11U 19 uascu Up omplied with in\ following fact9: : registration cer- First. The constitution of 1 le attorneys 9tat- qiiire9 that there shall be a m preme court de- rollment of every voter once ii when the case 10 years. Thi9 has not been d< irits, the entire Second. The constitution p: ?f ,the State would that a separate record of all r so now, they registered before January, 1898 no congressional be made up and filed ip the ofl m next year, for the clerk Of the court and the ke election ma- tary of state. That was neve prong, then the . in this county. =d. Third. The State law requir< red by attorneys the registration books be revis t Calhoun county fore ev?ry election. The regis books of Orangeburg count} t point that will never been revised in any part act under which Fourth. The law of Februrj 3ed to be held in requires that the supervisors o L therefore null tration 9hall open their books the same point istration in all towns of the attorney general containing more than 300 inhal lis decision that This has not been done in ( vifchin the terri- hnro* pnnntv ne\jr county, but The registration books, th( places were out Id not vote upon < ^nd in several ^ md polling predivided so as to , I UK art of the townct, and exclude 1248 MAIN STREI place, and such ge, Goodbys and For instance, S> 11 I KV Elloree are the WI U I n Goodbys and d they are left -j- ii r j_ 2d new county, J.S tile DGSt 1 o vote at these - # . _ _?j! n^X-X?z lma to buy H upoTthen9q^: Stoves and R constitution of always carry i the question of t n j new counties and sell them ie qualified elec- _ _ . _ f new Tounty D1? PriCCS. _ J the creation of them when in jection is that and courteous f the proposed j surveyed and ! ?mmmmmmmm required by law j ertainly where If you haven't en -ed, and who 9 ? an! who you want they will ( i Mil very department . the youngest to nH y at Mimnaugh's H ina for Xmas S8 'esents. M a larger or more complete waSf this side of Richmond. We rant from 5c. to $25 each, ^Jj7 f fancy china samples at jSfe can't fail to find what you xO ,nd Dollar Stock H f. Dolls. Hp iiyl dolls in kid, china, cloth, jsfe* ndressed, from 5c. to $10 ou to look at our front win- MjK visit the /basement display r IJ I . unty. which it is proposed t:> send out lat the the poling places are absolutely petition worthless. H ided so The application for the' injunction, H id new will be made by the attorneys in the lad no name of Messrs. A. R. Parler, D. H? I w such 'Rush, C. D. Ball, Fred I. Culler, T. W. ore his Murph, A. C. Smith and H. D. Felkel H stion is against the commissioners of election* ' H s"upon Nev York Prohibitionists. I to halt New York, Dec. 4.?That the prohibs may hitionists are making an effort to move her di- New York State into the "dry column" y mat_ and that unless action is at once taken ements they will haye the fight more/than 1 bdoks* half.won was ths statement make be- H| at this the annual meeting of the Hotel ^B it there Men's association of the State. A good .^B ters in portion of the session was devotea to ^B a discussion of the (ubiect, several ^B on the speakers urging that \he assignation ^B take active steps to begin a campaign 895 re- opposition to the prohibitionists. ^B a every Pour HiSlirsd KilTfli* iw Dne. " ^B rovided Four hundred coal minertswere kill-^B voters by an explosion in a mine near , shduld Monogah, W. Va., on FridajxOnly^B ices of fiye men in the mine at the tim&es-^B secret caped death. r done a that Baptist Convention. I ed be- The State Baptist Convention wai >tration jn session at Orangeburg for fou : have ^ays week. Many prominer fl| , i