The Lesington Dispatch. Ssll^ V Wdrfnddau Innimrv 1R 1 QfiR_ EVV VMUWWUJ % VMMMM. J |V| ivwa QUABTSBLY BEPOBT George H. Kooiv Supervisor ot .exington County, For Quarter Endig Dec. 31, 1907: Name. Character. Amt. DrHG Eleazer, post m ex $ 5 00 J H Snelgrove, nails, bdg 60 Adam F Corley, al. paup. 8 00 G W-Asbill, serving warrants ont of county. 23 65 W J Roberts, lum and wk. 6 00 RUa Hall, washing at p h. 4 00 S I> Fulmer, supplies p h. . 1-50F C Cockrel, himber. ..... ' 3 00 J W Ballentine, lumber... 14 58 S B Georere. salara clerk, 29 16 vv mc W Caughman, wood.... 6 00 501 G S Drafts, pro. lunacy.. 5 00 $03 G H Koon, supplies', eg 4 00 Vv 503 Wm Eargle, lumber 5 50 ,504 CL Meetze, sal. capt. eg 48 45 3505 DJML erosson, supplies c g 7 55 506 J E R Kyzer, sal and pstg 52 00 x. 507 S L Hendrix, lumber 1 50 v 606 H J Lyles, rep. on bridge 6,10 C ? 500 Job O Swygert, lumber... 3 88 " 516 A W Cumalander, wk e g 6 70 ( . 511H M Wingard, sup p h 32 80 612 B D Clark, salary coroner 12 50 , ' ft. 61$ A B Eargle, supplies eg 70 87 Er &H J S Boozer, supplies eg 8 2o 615 H M Wingard, sup. eg 1 50 Sightler, conveying . ^ > pauper to poor House..... 2 60 trfl, ex inn.; 5 uu Meting pris. 30 30 onv. lunatic 4 65 t, p m exam. 10 00/ >n, sop eg 5 06 r, wkiorcg 4 25 supplies eg 124 11 umber, etc. 34 66 '& ^gsweS4 91 35 clerk court 6 45 iek, exami^^^^| * 32 56 Uwo? % * ? ? . OiS5 W mp^tor p h 23 20 <>? fvv< 4 65 see. ?...... 100 00 er, attorney's 9 cases...... 100 00 jonsfe fee etc 3 80 , sup for p h 2 25 lias, p m ex t 5 00 sal co com > 24 00 tan, wood c h 13 50 [son, lumber, uls.......? 7 66 i, sap for p h 38 25 cleaning jail 6 50 seir warrants \12 00 sery warrants 5 90 IHetmg- pris. ::32 70 Serv m/ war 6 80 Serv m war 3 80 g?? 572 X C Hamby, surveying for Pp 131 00 |l 57fi ^Sfcon Taylor, alP paup 2 CO P * 576 Mary and Rebecca Jacobs, |k, ' ^aJlotfance paupers 6 00 f 577GIlsie Ganfcer^ al pauper 4 00 ; 578 Jas H Fields, sup for eg 15 00 - 579 ,B D Clark, salary coroner 12 50 fe. H Corley, serv m war 4 80 f v 581 L C Hutto, fine for. arrest!%?' '* iite gamblers : 25 00 Icy. 588 O J? Hendrix, wk on -*oad 9 37 H MS Adam'COrlev. al nauner 12 00 pi- ifiM ABBachman, salary magI istrate and constable..... 57 45 p; 585 V Vf Jefcoat, salary magi istrate and constable 86 25 586 V W Jefcoat, increase in I ' salary and constable...... 19 -15 if . $87 B P Neece, repair bridge 8 00 ffcy588 Ben Hampton, nired labor I . forchaingang 3 30 I - 689 Jim Sport, hired lab c g 3 10 p 688 Wm Bawl, allow panper 150 p 694 C L Meetze, sal capt eg 49 35 if 592 A J Royal, sal guard eg 20 00 |;: 583 Shull & Wessinger sup c g 162 76 if 684 6 H Koon, freight eg 182 |F 586 Jess Hopkins, hired laf> c g 1 30 if1 588 T B Aughtry & Co., "tools 10 95 Klf 597 W H Suber, supplies c. g 10 21 ||r 688 J 8 Wesainger, supplies^ g 2 35 P^v 609'WI* Roof, supplies for eg 2 38 pf 600 8 D Pulmer, salary, etc., i steward poor house 89 85 ?? 001 Br D R Kneece, exam lun 5 00 || 602 Dr W L Kneece, 44 " 5 00 flftS Mftfltze & ftnr?. ffnrmHps r? h 24 42 i? - 664 S C Penitentiary, con ciths 38 40 B^;- 0O5 Frank W Shealy, co treas 75 00 I'000" " " postage 27 63 [ - 007Willie Koon, reprs bridge 5 00 B~' 608 J J Chapman, lumber.... 13 09 B 609 Dr E P Derrick, salary 1- physician poor honse, etc. 30 25 B - 61C G A Derrick, sal as mac 50 00 B 611 Clarkson, Graham ana B Starkie, judgment cost- in Saunders cases -148 05 I \812 G S Drafts, pro in lunacy 11 00 B 613 WP Roof, supplies p b 8 35 B 614 DrRH Timmerman ex lun 5 00 "Att n* T? T? DoiffAi1 o ? m ov in nn EG M H&rxnan, publishing 36 63 B D Chirk, 'salary coroner 12 50 W S Black, serv bd of ed 6 00 B D Clark, constable fees 4 00 W D Dent, sal and postg. 26 00 MP George, sweeping ch 1 50 - " election ex. Calhoun County 2 00 S B George, sal clerk c 29 16 8 B George, costs Saunders cases 20 00 S B Geoxge, postage, etc. 9 29 Levy Bros Co sup tor cPk 1 78 627 J E R Kyzer, sal. postage 52 00 628 F P Shealy,- sal magistrate 62 50 629 G W Asbill, sal constable 31 40 630 Aull & Hipp, tools 5 75 631 W P Roof, supplies for p h 38 73 632 '* " *' roads 21 93 633 P H Corley, dieting pris. 58 20 634 " " sal sheriff... 200 00 635 " ' " wood for jail 3 00 636 " " con pris to eg 3 45 637 E U Shealy, sal mag and c 66 30 638 C W Caughman, salary as constable and wood 32 50 639 J B Wingard, postage . of. 7 75 640 *' 14 sal clerk co 25 00 641 Wingard & Dreher, general counsel fees.% 50 06 642 GeoHKoon,sal supervisor 187 50 643 Mary and Rebecca Jacobs allowance pauper 3 00 644 Gilsie Gunter, al pauper 2 00 645 Preston Taylor, al pauper 1 00 646 Lorick & Lowrance, tools 24 35 647 Banhard & Co supplies c c 10 85 / :? TOTAL for January 9 1908, $2,083.16 44 44 Dec. 2, 1907, 1,074.09 44 44 Nov. 4, 1907, 736.75 GRAND total for year 1907, $3,894.00 Respectfully submitted, , GEO. H. KOON,1, Supervisor. J. BROOKS WINGARD, , Clerk. January 10, 1908. , FOUND SUE WAS DUMB. The 9treet Masher's Discomfiture Was Then Complete. She had arrived in the city quite recently from the country and had still much to ^earn. For instance, when she was told that she could not go for a ' walk alone after dark, as she had been accustomed to do in the primitive security of her birthplace, she smiled the superior smile of one who knows and is wont to follow her own wishes. ^ So she started out one evening with the intention of "dropping in" to see a friend for a% hour's chat before bedtime. Brightly and blithely she skipped along, her head in the air. She made a pretty picture, and it was ' scarcely astonishing that she attracted the attention of other pedestrians also out.for enjoyment One of theise, a, young man, thought it a pity that Such unanimity of thought should not orxn a "trust combination." He approached her. She affected not to see him at first and hastened her steps. But he kept' pace and finally tried to converse at the same time. Them she remembered the advice she had disdained. Watching her opportunity, she increased hfer walk to a run and sought' refuge in a large building, the lights of which loomed aheiyl likev a beacon of safety to a shipwrecked 11/IfK/\iif noncln/. , yv 1/t/itr mm Mro*. ?iuivu? ynmmn w where she was going, she rushed up a flight of steps that led to it and placed her luuuLoa the beiL Before she could ring It she was startled by an exclamation from her pursuer, who stood in t^e street heiow staring at the bnildlng with bulgipg ey^s. 'That's one on mer he said. And he walked away as if he would like to leave the earth^unseen. y*r Raising her eyes, she saw this inscription overthedoor: "Home For the Deaf and Dumbl"? New Torid Poet \ ' .. Common Prudenefe. A teacher in a downtown school has for her pupils the children of Russian parents. The other day she was explaining a sum in'subtraction which the little ones found difficult to under*" stand. ^ ^ "Now," said she to exemplify the proposition, "suppose I had $10 and went into a store to spend it Say 1 bought a hat for $5. Then I spent $2 for ^gloves and $1.50 for some other things. How much did I have left?" s For a moment there was dead silence. Then a boy's hand went up. "Well, Isaac, how much did I have left?" x , v "Vy didn't you country our change?' said I sage in a disguitil tone.?Woman's Home Companion. On the Links. JMl ^ , o Mr. Timtot Cteacliinc a friend coif)? Before I go hany further let me himpress upon you, old man, that hevery! think is in the way you stand! / Piling It On. A convipt in a western prison had j been extremely refractory, and differeht means were tried without success to break his spirit One morning the | superintendent said to the warden: "That scoundrel No. 213 is behaving worse than ever. Put him on bread and water/' "But he is already on fast diet," replied the warden. "Then keep it up and give him a cookbook to read."?New York Times. Queer. It f io K/\n4- a fAnmla '* r uuu.v auvui a umu o ivu^uv) said Joakley. "Go ahead," said Markley; "let's hav? it." "When it's thick the excuses he makes to his wife are too thin."? Catholic Standard and Times. I y ? Plain Talks A Talk to 1 You use a fertilizer of course, but do you Iglfej use enough ? Inffp The yield per acre, and the profit therefrom increases in far greater qfeS proportion than the cost of additional fertilizer. '&y What is an increase in cost of'#2:00 to $10.00 per acre for fertilizer v when the returns therefrom show an increase of $50.00 to #250.00 per acre? The big Magnolia Fruit Farms at Durant, Miss., tested the well-known Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer in different - '?quantities on their strawi v acre were'used acretifen when 500 lbs. per * acre were used. This is/ modern intensive culture, the method that is doubling and trebling the crops of all kinds ot Inut in - either good or in poor tav and worn-out land all over the country?and in good soil, too.r HE \ V ' ' . > >, RELIABLE V \ ? i Guaranteed I U RN ITUR E FOE EVEEY I EQOM DT THE HOUSE IIL I FUNERAL DIREGTO I la TJaioa There is Not Strength. A majority of the people of Union have said by their ballots that for the .nextfour years at least, they wish whiskey to be sold in that county. We are profoundly sorry that such is the case. Over in York county*there was no whiskey legally sold for about twenty-five years, and then the people of that good old county concluded that they would have a dispensary. The was tnat xn a snore tune young men who were neiver known to drink before, becam# drunkards, debauching themselves and disgracing their people. Now mark the result, the people of York arose in their might and voted out the damable thing, and now York county is busily engaged in trying to recover from the effect of I having had the nefarious institution within her borders. Another reason f for regret on our part is that Union is so close to Cherokee that it mil in no small degree affect the people of our county and prove a curse to them. We can only hope that when the geperal assembly meets they will wipe the infernal system off the face of the earth.?Gaffney Ledger. I A Cure for Misery. "I have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces," says R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. "It's called Electric Bitters, and comes in 50 cent bottles. It breaks up a case of chilis or I a bilious attack in almost no time; and it puts yellow jaundice clean out of commission." This great tonic medicine and blood purifier gives quick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at Kaufmann | Drug Co. and Derrick's Drug Store. * gT-rr?r-i I ! iiwrfiT-fn^ ? i , on Fertilizers ?ruit-Growers The yield will be I according to the | IsSaSf amount of plant food | If; you give your trees or g y plants.? you can dc- J pend 011 it. The better I they are fed the greater f and more valuable will j - be your crop. Fertil- J ize sparingly and you 3 reap sparingly. |. ; _ . jj The fact that over a million tons of Virginia-Carolina I | Fertilizer were sold last year c | proves them to be without I 8 equal. Every fruit farmer, | no matter what method he now uses, should get the Vir- 1 ginia - Carolina j VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C. Norfolk, Va., Charleston, S. C. Columbia, S. C. Baltimore, Md. Atlanta, Ga. a Montgomery, AlsO Shreveport, La.lT \ I , fj| jfejf ^'si*' ^ ^ Prices as low j as good mer- \ i chandise can ] i be retailed for. \ :;';a ' ^ 1313-1319 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. e Uetre's i R AND EMBALMEB. j * ================== j Not Allowed to Sail Liquor, i Postmaster General Meyer has issued an order which has a direct bear- ? ing upon the prohibition movement. * The order is as follows: "It is hereby ordered that it shall 11 be a condition of any contract here- 1 after entered into for carrying the mails upon star, screen wagon, mail messenger special service route, that the contractor or carrier, shall not , transport intoxicating liquor from one point to another upon such route while r . | in the performance of mail service." I Lame Shoulder Cured. I Lame shoulder is usually caused by ^ rheumatism of the muscles and quickly yields to a' few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Mrs. F. H. McEiwee, of Boistown, New Brunswick, writes: "Having been troubled for some time with a pain in my left shoul- . der, I decided to give Chamberlain's - Pain Balm a trial, with the result that I got prompt relief." For sale by Kauf- . mann Drug Co. A ' More Children Than He' Could Support Man Hills Himself. Despondent because of his inability to provide for his family, Joseph H. Shepherd, of Millville, N. J., killed himseli by firiog bullet into his brain. Shepherd complained often he had more children than he was able to ? nrn-nm-1 T7- onr\r\/-?>.*- ? "^ 1 '' ouyj/vi u aiiu scvcrEi Limefl K| had threatened to commit suicide. H Last week a seventh child was born K to the famity and the. man became totally distracted. B Sore Nippies and Chapped Hands 1 A.te quickly cured by applying Chamberlain's w Salve. Try it; it is a success" Price 25 cents. * 1 x % X ' '.. \ \ '. \ 1 > SE1 THE HOLMAN-CU ware Coi TO3K I IF" W A fl * I oMRUWAf FOR WHAT YC Goods ftight. Right Prices on ( Headquarters for i Hardware, Mechanic Tools, Crockery and Glassware, Majestic Ranges, Bucks Stoves and Ranges, Coles Combinatioi A full line of Belting?all si r 13 stock. , Let us Kguure on you iUMMLUl court T> A mWflTIITT*/1 DA.XJ!j0JDUJ&tX, FURNITURE 0 AT THE NEW ;> ' ' . ' : I Columbia, We have here now a ( md High Grade Furnitu: shings not to be surpa South. Beahtiful Sui1 Parlor, Hall, Library, De: n Circassian Walnut, Di lOgany, Bird's Eye Ma; leathered and Golden (. Odd pieces in House 3 irs, Cellaretts, Smokers' Stands, Clocks, Pedefetali ires, Plate Racks, Rugs, Exclusive agents for 3ross Sanitary Felt Mat1 to Carts. All Goods marked in )ne Low Price to everyt No misrepresentatio Svery article guaranteed ou can buy cheap Fumiti Ife cater only to trade wh x II* want ni \ x f ' \ 1409 MAIN ST? CO r 3750 i Square. Feef of Floor I WITH: I PUMPS, PULLEYS, PA( I A TIN PI I Plumb^a S Southern States I COLUMBIA / < i ? i <" Oil HARDmpany, ?E PEOPLE IU NEED. Prices Right. Sood Goods f v ill kinds of Chattanooga Plows, > Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Engines, * L. & M. Taints, 1 Planters. izes and kinds carried in ' \'i ir requirements. | I HARDWIRE1 I L MiiilU V V ilHU | II s.c. K I F QUALITY - i . |. STORE OF LLER CO. i. , lIC: ^11 ^ ; uiun ui mem uiu re and House Furn,ssed in the entire ;s for Bed' Room, a and Dining Room, ' ill and Polished Maple, Early English, )a"k. Desks,Tables, Rock- ^ Tables, Magazine s, Tabouretts, Pict- - i Etc. the Famous Red ;ress, and Whitney . I \ Plain Figures and ?ody. ns in this Store. L as represented.. ire anywhere. ' ?? 0 gh Class FURNITURE. LLER CO. LUMBIA, S. 0. Space' Covered I JKINGTroofing I LATE. I I i / I I