The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 18, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Bp I "hi nf 1 ^jjjjj litu iiuiiuu ui a P-' This is flrsi S^erejnusth S^tThe^stochofD satisfactory. No i j^eatm^itfto^eveii Bfl ; finances has caused a .great slum *" patronage of the past I want to \ J|||iind and fill your wants, Youi pfj Men's Shoes. Ml This is the largest and best stock of [ij South Carolina and consists of such celet prj Clapp & Son, Walk-Over Slr^es, Setson , M Edwin Clapp & S i tiCl $1-0? Clapp Shoes, sale price mm ^.00 Clapp Shoes, sale price /. M Stetson Shoes i Wj |o.00 Stetson Shoes, sale price gy ; Walk-Over Sho RJI $5.00 Walk-Over Shoes, sale price mm 4.00 Walk-Over Shoes, sale price MjH 3.50 Walk-Qver Shoes, sale price M Levels Specials in Every Sh Nn $4.00 Lever's Specials, sale price r\ m $3.50 Lever's Specials, sale price... ^ v ' rjl Men's Medium and Hea , v ' -llfll *2 00 Shoes, sale price 1 81ife Imf 2.75 Shops, sale price IHfll 2.50 Shoes, sale price IVV1B 2.00 Shoes, sale price I |Kj I 1,75 Shoes, sale price inn| Every pair of shoes is ap-to-the-mino ^ lIMlI &nd yo? re8t *88nrred of gettiDg the |fVj| All goods are new and we are offering a c Ipql is positively no old goods in this elegant i Iktff Women's Shoes ? i&JI Every woman in South Carolina knov IPCI I Shoes carried by Lever, The Shoe Man, i: |j*jl vite your attention to the very low price < I i ?M \ F ill Stock in lite Hands of 1 um| s xa D Tl EEEEIN i I 1* \ . . ' ... " ijj ' " % S j," [lots and Sheet tie Massachusetts 7 l . \ igardless of cost luRJuHG, f: : i . I I . ... . mmvtev-' m t < b stock of Boots ai lis great sale. Be Sale is how 011. b shoe sale ever co: '.V'' . .. *. ' . .. *--'?? .y, i should appeal to e accompanied by 3ver, the Shoe Ma] L Shoe Clearance I on approval durini jopds charged duri rone. We have bi be indebted to Lev f VIZ. ' . ? i : . yj ^ ' . / - ; ... . ' > / . ' 'A"^EsV" *.,- **.-,?& . ;>: - .- "... ,V-5 " . v ' . .. " - ; ' V .. ; \ Vy ' -.. , ' < oo much stoikvpn hand for this seai being very large in view of a hea\ eathei*and the extremely unsatis p in business, and in appreciation xiv^ you the full benefit of thi? sale, the Massachusetts Boot and Shoe 5 to turn the stock into cash, and fc Dst and loss and I ea*nestly advise s truly, LEVER, THE SHOE MAN,fin Co: I | 1613 ... : v 'V. ' ' 7 ' :V f men's shoes carried in $4r.00 j >rated brands as Edwin >i $3-50 I Shoes, Lever's Specials s |5.00' OIL 4^00' ...J $5.79 3.50' ....................$5.24 h ? ?*> I?'50 ....... 13.79 ?3.00 ; es.' |4.00 i:?5 ape and Leather. *3 5fl 12.50 gio 2.25 ^ " 2.00 vy Shoes. f 175 12.39 ? 1,50 .. ....I 2.24 T ? . 1.98 to-da 1 1.74 ...V.. 1.39 te in style and quality $3.50 best there is in shoes. 3.00 lean, new strck. There stock. r $3.50 l? / 3.00 rs of the elegant line of 2.50 ~ * ? . j _ a An a UOiumoia, ana we in- z.w quoted pn the stock. | 1.50 :ver, th , ... Pkn Unnonnkiinnffo Bflf i lie maddaiiuudciio uui i \ A ?!-S/X?u I / . - V ' ft >' v ' . < > A TEN Di { ..'I--. ? V . i, the property of LEVI Boot and Shoe Cleara / /1 and loss for ten days. ' V/v- " , ' DECEMBER : \ .t /" / ' r ; . "V ..- .f - *-": V' 7 '. ^ ' j id Shoes in South Caro imember nothing resei Let nothing keep you nducted in South Caro] everybody in search o: the cash and will be fi a, 1613 Main St., Colur Lssociation, the World g this sale. We' yrill hg this sale. Everyth at (me price, tp all and er, the Shoe Man, will \ IV VT.V .... ' * . * # ' I > ' / I TO THE son of . the year, I In tal y fall business, ' 1 $15,000 in fflnt.nrv /fit.nfp nf 9 WW of your valued I of business , so. have placed I |^ar in mi Clearance Asso- I bound to j )r* ten ddys my g to read thi you to be oh H (umbia. 9 THE MAS Sorosis Shoes. Borosis Shoes, sale price Borosis Shoes, sale price.. i "Wictart & Gardiner. Wichart & Gardiner, Shoes, sale price Wicbart & Gardiner Shoes, sale price Wichart & Gardiner Shoes, sale price Queen Quality Shoes. Queen Quality Shoes, sale price; !.. Queen Quality Shoes, sale price. J Ladies' Walk-Over Shoes. Ladies' Walk-Over Shoete, sale price Ladies' Walk-Over Shoes, sale price Ladies' Medium Shoes. v Shoes, sale price GV>rtoo aala nm'oo Shoes, sale price . Shoes, sale price ? Shoes, sale price.. V...... ...... his stock of women's shoes embraces all of the n< te styles and are shown in all leathers. Lever's Specials. Lever's Specials, sale price ......... layer's Specials, sale price. .. >. Boy's Shoes in all Styles. Shoes, sale price Shoes, sale pripe ? Shoes, sale pribe / . Shoes, sale prioe ? Shoes, sale price . tu r e? s_ I nEL or i , it and Shoe Clearance te w3^wS ?x*Z OfrS wX wZ ?X? t ?1 . n bob m V " A \ ? \ \ . . ' V " ER, The Shoe Man, nee Association with ~ 1 Sale began I3TH, AT ' X. . - i nMBHonnni nWHHBHHHBHHi ' t ? / ; Lina, and it will pay 'ved, everything to away. I lina and the elegant f high grade shoes a lied same day as rec ubiar now in the hari s Greatest Shoe Hai cheerfully exchang ing sold for spot cas! that will he the low please make imm - ' ; V r . \ -J , . . PUBLIC: ^ '/' sing charge of the stock of Lever, The S l 10 days, we were given to understand we quote to you on this elegant mercha i,. and we would ^rge you to he on hand pd that'this is no fake sale but simply i >rove a 'great benefit to the purchasing j s advertisement carefully and note the < Yo.urs truly, 3SACHUSETTS BOOT AND SHOE U The World's Larg < & i t Complete Line o: 83.59 ' 83.19 , ; ! Children's Leggins, al ?q qo * Children's heggins, all o-o Children's Leggins, all ? u?Ov 3.19 Entire stock of Ho crushing prices emoted I Men's Romeo Shoes, \ Men's Romeo Shoes, \ Men's Rompo Shoe9, \ Men's Bed Room Slipj Men's Bed Room Slip; 53 iy Men's Bed Room Slipp .$2.93 Men's Bed Room Slipj ( Men's Felt Slippers, w Men's Felt Slippers, vi $2.19 Women's Juliettes, wc 1.79 Women's Juliettes, w( 1.69 Women's Juliettes. wc 1.49 Women's Romeo Fur 1 1.39 ;w and up\ ? i This is the largest any shoe dealer in the $3.19 in this great stock. A Art Z.dV I $3.00 Shoes, sale price B z.50 Shoes, sale price $2.7& I 2.00 Shoes, sale price. I 1.75 Shoes, sale price. 1.7? I \ **5? Shoes, sale price 1.38 I U.25 Shoes, sale price lociation, 1613 Main Sire aBB3BBaaBaB aiaBaBa M 9 ?J2KE9^B9SE99E^!ii99HEEfiE9BBff t)C| Sf r^; has been placed in 1 I i positive instmc- i l 9 A. M. 11 every man, woman ? 1 be sold at panic M I stock of merchan- pg J ,t low prices. All M | lXJ 9 seived. El I Lds of The Massa- [3] I adlers. El 1 e any article not g I h. We extend fair g , J est. Anyone know- E ediate payment of ft] Ihoe Man, for the purpose ofraising I' jfc|H that the stock' must be sold, and I "Cfll ndise is sure to bring a great rush I lj?*l to secure your shoes. Please I fcjjl " i case of reducting stock, which is I wtjl public. And we kindly ask you l." j j|M| extremely low prices. B I LEA RANGE ASSOCIATION, I . ? |b|'; est Handlers of Bo^ts and Shoes. 1 r ^ f Men's, Women's and Children's RHi Rubber Shoes. 7 rJil ! colors, worth $1.50; sale price $1.29 Kj colors, wofth $1.25; sale, price S8c ttJ - ? l colors, worth $1.00; sale price 79c M Ididay goods to go in this sale. Note the IM ? . below: |M rorfch $2.00; sale price .i. .$1.69 ' Pjl * , . vorth$1.50; sale price 1.29 LflJ vorth $1.25; sale price ? 98c fffl >' >ers, worth $2/5C; sale price...'. $1,98 yJ > )ers, worth $2.00; sale price 1.G9 >ers, worth $1.50; sale price 1.29 Uaj ->ers, worth $1.00; sale price... 79c . Ml i - ^ rorth$2.00; sale price 1.69^ LJ 1 'orth$1.50; sale price 1.29 F*1 >rth$2.00; sale price 1.69 L&i >rth$1.75; sale price j 1.49 Ml i >rth$1.50; sale price .: 1.39 UJ 'ir; '.rimmed ell />rk1/M?o Trr/v?fV? ?1 . ~ ?: ? ~ i i u.r w W1W40) nviva <5?jl , Min pnt'tt iVC IVI . . EXlJ ^ Misses' Shoes. By and best stock of Misses' Shoes carried by South and you can find anything you want pQ ,...$2.39 ra 1.49 fJj 98c R| " BHBnHHBBHOBBBBOS #1 !_ P 3. L!~ n -n lH ei, in buiuinum, a. i. pi - < r j \ v . V^'" - - - '