> MISS JU112 FLORENCE WALSH I Lydia E. Pinkham's^ a mad e from^ative ro<^?JJnj^er*>^ S cine has such a record of cures of fe W Miss J. F..Walsh, of 338 W. 88th m?r*U dreadful headaches, dizriness, and a medicrne soda brought about a ch | me up axxd made me perfectly well**1 / Mid during the Change of Life, it | Mrs. Pinkham's Standi) Women suffering'' from any for write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mas FINE Cfi I'"iS.tESf Hand Made Bonbons, Chi Candies. Fromtfn ICE CREAM AND H | v '.especially Fair" Week. Yea wil | a box for your sweetheart orSa . August When You Co I r ^ DO NOT FORGE' , ]&otk?s^hoes, Hats, Oape, Bead Crockery, Groceries, Bn ;^3|aSFthei8e goods are sold at prices consisten people to ao is to inspect the goods and be THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRID GROCERS, FLOUR, F ' SEED RUST PI : We Want the Merchants9 Plat ington County to Call and See Purchases. We Can IW, Yo\ 1833 and 1825 Main Stra Weiiii collegiate Mitt. LEXINGTON, S. 0. { j*m fflmom# "D-wrtTvro T a %trr a T>TT 1Q 1 QAO SfKIAU X RBI O&UJLID *J Ail U AXV Z XV, X WJ. Spring Term Closes May 15, 1908. Send for catalogue. Address % . W. B. BLACK, Principal. M. D. HARM AN, Secretary. H| 11 and W^tSKEY HABtT8 I 11 |U WW B ??? w I M-- . ^ ; i.y,NDiES! y Manufactory, : , Cfolumbia, S. Q. Proprietor. - i < acolates and all kinds of ?Finest1 French to tandy. j and Retail. ? ? ; . IOT SODA WATER. * ? ' ly time you are in the city > and I enjoy /these delicious candies. '] rife. Oct 16-^Smo 3 ". '$ f : ' i LCHER, rH ? i ^ LLE 1 f ROGERS,. &? Ga. ? mm FOR - HIM. ' to Bafesburg r TO CALL,ON ^ j V m handise. Consisting of Dry Goods, J y Made dotting, Hardware, It ggies and Harness. . 5 it with fair dealing. All we want the p convinced that they will be treated t . . Oct. 23-3m ^ ' i " { THE QUALITY SELLS-7 , 1 At & CO.. ; , * x ad Retail ' * EED AND GRAIN, ' Jfc, * ROOF OATS. ; , i , \ \ iters and farmers of Lex- J Us Before They Make lheir ur Wants and Save You E ? t St, COLUMBIA, SiO. , 1 1 | J W. R QUICK, ( Lexington, - S. !r DISTILLER and DEALER In TIIDBCMTIVC ^ 111 i wnriaii i insit s Will, at all times, pay high- 1( 3st market prices for Crude, c based upon Savannah quota- f( Hons. y PARLOR RESTAURANT. I B. DAVID, Proprietor. ? 1336 MAIS St., COLUMBIA. 8. C. ? The only up to date eating house of its g tind in the City of Columbia. It is well kept . -clean linen, prompt and polite service. I fou get what you order and pay only for la rhatyoagfet. Within easy reach of desira* tl >le sleeping apartments, OPEN ALL NIGHT. g 1 The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December II, 1907. TAKES NO TAPES. / Money for Liquor, but None for Read ing Matter for His Family. Saturday, observing a nice lookinj white woman and child sitting in farmer's buggy, we approached ther md asked her if she did not want th Aiken Recorder, and the New Ide Woman's magazine. She replied tha *he took in sewing from her neigh x>r8, and would like very much t iave them, but she had no money and we, would have to see her hus band. ' , . . % ' A little while after when her hus band?her worse half?came up, w spoke to him on the subject. lie sai tie could not afford the expenditure c $1.50 a year, or even 75 cents for cnonths. He could not afford to tak any newspaper. His breath, at th moment smelt so of rum that it wa unpleasant to stand in front of him A. little whiles after we saw him g into the vacant lot by the side of on office, take out a quart bottle of die pensarv rum, and take another drinl He haa money for liquor, but none t spend for reading matter his wif wanted. Surely many married won en have hard lives. , Such a circumstance as this, a ver common one, almost inclines us t endorse the prohibition movement.Aiken Recorder.. \l How'sTMs? - . We offer One Hundred Dollars fc anycase of Catarrh that cannot be cure by Hall's Catarrh Cure. .< F. X CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known I J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and tx *? * 4 * * ? i . i iieve nun perieciiy nonorawe ui an du: iness transactions, and financially abl bo carry out any obligations made^ his firm. Welding,'Kinnan &:Marvu Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,. C Hall's Catarrh pure is taken interna Ly, acting directly upon the bloods an mucous surface of the system. Test monies sent free. Price, 75c. per bottL Sold by alf Druggists. , , Take Hall's Family Pills for const pation. ' ' _ ^ * * * , :? Doa't Buy Tour Presonts. Don't buy your wedding, Christma :>r birthday presents until you see th Sue line of goods, suitable for an land ^pf gift, just received at Th Bazaar. We can certainly please yo in price, quality, and variety. Don5 forget the place. Hps. B. W. Taylor Dead. B. W. Taylor, wife of th amtented Dr. B. W. Taylor, died a ler home io Columbia on Wednesda from a stroke of apoplexy. ? ? ?i . Teggaaa' AtBranclmlla. Jranchville, Dec. 4.?(Special.)--Yegg non here before day broke ih the sfcor >f Byrd, Dukes & Pearlstine and th Branchville Journal office. There i 10 clue to the identity of the burglars Danger in Asking Advice. When you have a cough or cold d tot ask some one what is goW for it is there is danger in taking 3wie nn mpwn preparations.. Foley's>Hone; md Tar cures coughs, colds ana pre rents pneumonia. The genuine is ini rellow pa ^kage. Refuse snbstitutes derrick's Drug Store. . + \ 1 Brothers Convicted. I. W. and J. P. Rountree, brothers vere convicted at Barnwell last wee! >f having received stolen goods am vere sentenced by the judge to serv< hree years on the public works o he county. % Pour Drowned in Boat. Savannah, Ga., Deo. 3,?Georg dooney and A. J. Elliott, of Atlanta ind John Home and W. F. Hunt, o Savannah, were drowned in Atlant: Iyer at Mount Pleasant this mornicj >y the capsizing, of the boat. The; vere on a fishing trip. Their bodie iave nob been recovered up to noon Chey were all prominent railroad men A Dangerous Deadlock, ;hat sometimes terminates fatally, i he stoppage of liver and bowel func ions. To quickly end this, conditio] without disagreeable sensations, Di Sing's New I^ife Pills should always b pOur remedy; Guaranteed absolutely atisfactory in every case or mone; ack, at Kaufmann Drug Co., or Dei ick's Drug Store. 25c. 1 Store Bobbed. Thfe store of 0, M. Denham at Ne\ Jroofcland was robbed one night las ?eek., The amount of goods stolei tOuld not be ascertained. The robber tave not been captured. *A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after eac] neal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsii wd other stomacfce ills. Two day' rial free. Ask our dealer. Sold b; iCaufmann Drug Co. Nearly $75,000, the life hoardings o ,n old bachelor, was discovered ox ''riday stowed away in an old nail kej >y relatives searching the home o iamuel Packwood, a retired lawyer iving near Magnolia, Miss., who diet ecently. King Leopold has offered a prize o 30,000 for a remedy for the sleeping ickness, which i9 wiping out his sub ects in Africa. J. T Flynn, a white man, has beer Ddged in jail in Charleston on the harge of sending in false fire alarms, "I trust this may be read by manysufBrers from kidney and bladder trouble' nrites Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland, Tex, I suffered four years and could find othing to give even temporary relief, tar druggist at last induced me to try our 30 days' treatment of Pineules foi 1. This one bottle has cured me and loney could not buy the value it has een "to me. Guaranteed. Sold by laufmann Drug Co. fRing.s Little Liver Pills wakes up izy livers, clean the system and clear re skin. Try them for biliousness and ck headache. Price 25c. Sold by [aufmann Drug Co. * \ ! For Lung . Troubles _____ ? jlAyer's Cherry Pectoral cerQ i tainly cures coughs, colds, e krnnrhitic mnsiimnfion. And ,t jj it certainly strengthens weak l- !jthroats and weak lungs* ? jj There can be no mistake about 3 this. Yoi^know it is true. And J your own doctor will say so* ? 1 The beet kind ot a testimonial ? ^ 3 "Sold icr over sixty years." 6 I A Sladaby J. C. Iyer Co., Xrc p?-ls. g u uL O HAIR VIGOR. | 0 I . Wo have no seorots! Wo publith | ir I tho formulas of all onr modlolnes. I !* Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's I o* 'pills and thus hasten recovery. 'e ? 1 Sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine ?r china, clocks. A fine stock always on . hand for you to select from/ 5- / Keep us in mind when want[e ing anything in Jewelry or J Silverware. ). . Good watch work and best Jj eye glasses. j , , i- . If you can't come, send I for our catalogue or telephone your order to us. . P. H. l ACBfCOTTB & CO, e; JEWELERS, e 1424 Main St., Columbia, S. C. t 'Phone 934 ^ TO OUR LEXINGTON I COUNTY FRIENDS ' We have supplied many of youf homes With good 6 r; . 8 ' A . ! Organs and Pianos We now want to place our 0 sweet toned instruments in the 'l hojnes of your children who rey member the happy hours they spent in the old homestead play* tag on and singing with the aid of tho Organs wes furnished. r ' * f Our Spseial Offer 1 We will for the nextdays 8 make a discount of ten per cent. on our Organs and Pianos". Terms , easy. Write or call for catalog#. j MALONE'S MUSIC HOUSE, S C0I.PHBIA, 8. C. KlNABBVe II ATI? I ntiiiiiiv ki uviul, s ? J. C. KINARD, Proprietor, Leesville, - - - S. C a The best attention given guest. Mod; e ern conveniences. Table supplied with ' y best the market affords. j FOLEY'S i MONEY CURE WILL CURE YOU 11 5 l of any case of Kidney or | r Bladder disease that is not f beyond the reach of medi- | i cine. Take it at once. D6 y ^ ? not risk havinsr Briffht's Dis & U o ? ? ? j ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. i x 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ! 1 L Derrick's Drug Store. 1 i WE HAVE I A CAR O i/riiTi MNII HORSES at QUATTLEBAUM Prosperii FtTZMftl Three Arc ! ' coltjmb: V Dry Goods, Notions, C Ladies' Tailored Furs, Arf Squ \ ' .1 \ I A Great Bargain Sale jnst started. A holidays. We have reduced the price of n have over bought onrsfelves and must unlcw goods. -The head of the house wants a goc paid before. What we sold for $12.50 we ? you a $15.00 suit at $10.00. In black or cc $8.50 to $5.00. A good pair of all wool bla them ae low as 60c. Fine comforts from 7 can be found in this big store for less th Do your Xmas shopping here while you ca C. 0. BROW 1730 MAIN STREET, ' Is where you can find or i ^PAH ji ' '* * . OF ALL ] DOORS, SA J BLINDS C v MB MM MMiM B I DIME AND | oabinetTi ; I Call or write for Prices. ' _ i ' , Palmetto R The cleanest place in th< Ladies and ( Norfolk Oysters and Fresh 1 PRICES VERY CHEAP. Opposite the S! PHONE NO. 311. THE ONLY . i [n Columbia, South Carolina, makin thing in the MACHINERY SUPPI Write us for prices before placic COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., On corner opposite Seaboard A i w j / ST RECEIVED'' F FINE | JCKY * v ' ] I HflBIl PA 10 MULtS & LANGFORD. | ty, S. C. JRICE'S f h Store, [A S, O. * nothing, Furnishings, Suits. Millinerv. 7 J7 ares, Rugs.