The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 11, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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^#00 YOU GET UP * WITH A TAME BACK? = SUae; Trouble Hakes You Miserable. . Almost everybody who reads the hews-/ papers is sure to know of the wond&ful^ 0 j, cures made by Dr. 1 t Kilmer's $wamp' - JL - I Root, the great kia- g h-V linev, liver and blad ISf It is thegreatmed- ^ 9 ical triumph of the o _ I nineteenth century; b of scientific research h by Dr. Kilmer," the . eminent kidney and r Ink, and is wonderfully n romptly curing lame bade, f arrh of the madder and ? se, which is the worst v Swamp^Root is not rec? ii ; very thing bnt if you have : bladder trouble it will be c Temedy yon need. It has * <o many ways, in hospital k irivate practice, afid has j< ssful in every case that a ment has been' made by - ft -which all readers of this paper, who have jjbtalready tried it, may have a sample 3^ and? ~ l^^^erwsoffer inthis paper andsend^your g good druggists. Don't make ^ ; >,iuny JShStake, but remember the name, q - ^^smprRoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, / ;; ^CjPg^Kg^^ ^ CABDST *&. LAW, oi * io Herman^Bnilding rear of court in^ull courts. ^Special ^ ' vV^ '. NKWBBOOKLAKD.S. 0. ! ^ Columbia^ a o. ; I wUl be *lad to serve my friends from Lex- ai ^^prifcetlca ?w in all Mate and Federal * Tjk* QBteb? ; C ) . Hesidenoe, 1529 oj I209 "^shington j ^ Pendle ton Street; 2^ - v Re^dence Telephone No. 1086. OkiiM**, 8. O. ^ | rvB. P. H. SHEALY, ~ Jt ' D V 1J f , DENTIST, at ? V ; LBXJNGTON, S. C. \ V Office Up Stairs in Boot's Building. " " TIE. F. O. GILMOBE, oi : V DENTIST. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. ] $nxoE Hops* to 2 p. m., and from a to 6 p.m. luwwji - $ DEALER IN ) tGeieral Is I Merchandise; | ? ? ? Corner Main and law Stroot, i u ? Opposite Confederate f J Monument, | ^ 1 Lexington, - S. C. | fc G. W. UNDLER, Chapin, S. C., a; Has an up-to-date line oi tc aammu* u n nirisr-re ft BPffflra asp wmu | ^ On hand, at priees to suit everybody. K Prices range from $1.50 up to $50.00. Oall cm me and I will save yon money. I am prepared to famish a hearse whenever desired in connection with my nn- Y.1 dertaking business. Jan. 2. 3m a Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new Laxative, stimulates, but does not irri- ti tate. It is the best Laxative. Guar- oi anteed or your money back. Derrick's w . Dr?gStare. b; " Y - * '"i 1&5 'i - - , - \ The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December 11,1907. From Piaey Woods. to the Editor of The Dispatch:. Farmers are through sowing small rain. w Hog killing is the order of the day. The members of St. Peter's (Piney Foods) are doing some repair work ? ?u;?u ?u ~ in ure parsonage atuu nmuu wc uilding will be painted. Mr. M. L. Wheeler is now running is new saw mill. Mr. J. J. Black is the champion abbit hunter and; his four fine dogs ever miss a jump. v The people of this section are always glad to read the Virginia letters written by S. C. B. Write often, Mr. idney, your letters are so in teres tlg to us all*. 'Miss Borena Shealy, who has been onfined to her bed since she was , bout fourteen years of age, is as ind and cheerful as ev^r, and en>ys rbading the Virginia letters. Ohapin, Dec. 6. Patron. > ? . Beware oi Frequent Colds, v ' A succession of colds, or a protracted aid is almost certfin to end in chronic starrh, from which few persons ever | rholij& recover.? Give every cold the ttenfion it deserves and you may avoid 1 lis disagreeableidisease. How can you 1 ire a cold? Why not try Chamberlain's ; ough Remedy? Itis_ highly recom tended. Mrs. M. White,_ of Butler, 'eah., says; "Several yjejtK^ age I was ; otbered with niy throat and luhgs. ome one told me of Chamberlain's ongh Remedy. I. began using it and j relieved me at once. How my throat : nd lungs are sound and well." For ; tie by Kaufmann .Drug Co. Prfcit Cake Ingredients. ; Ladies, you will find a fresh stock f fruit cake ingredients such as seedi raisins, currants, Citron, etc;, and . ressing, in all colors, icing tubes ad sugar plums for Christmas and. edding cakes?all of these and much iore you will find at The Bazaar. . Purs tad Besswar Wanted. Wanted?Otter, mink, codn, fox ad all kinds of furs. Highest prices aid for beeswax and furs. Bice B. 'arman, Lexington, S. C. j m *'[ - vjy-y- ' Badly Mixed Up. / Abraham Brown, of Winterton, N. j ., had a very remarkable experience; 1 *saye: ''Doctors got badly mixed np ? rer me; one said heart, disease; two died it kidney trouble; the fourth ood poison, and the fifth stomach and ver trouble; but none of- them helped ( ,e; so my wife advised trying Electric itters, which are restoring me to perct health. One bottle did me more X)d than all the five doctors prescrib- A V* Guaranteed for bloqd poison, ' eakness ana all stomach, liver and tdney complaints, by Kanfmann Drug ^and Derrick's Drug Store, drugB. B. Tilimati,Jr. Carthage, Mo.?Benianiin Tillman, r., son of Senator.Tfilman, 1b now' a i iner in the stmilnwestern Missouri i [strict. Tillman began work today. e came here last week, and, after 1 m'4.U US? T . KUUUig ? H/W UOJB W1VU UXO VUUOIU, tf. j . Tillman, of this city, he caught the mining fever" and concluded to en- I ir the ousmess. Senator Tillman has mining interests ifchis district, and the yoong man ill assist in taking care of his father's ines, where he begins, with a pick id shovel to learn thebhsiness; Tire Silled in1 "Wreck. Five persons were killedln.a wreck ii the Baltimore & Ohio railroad and > or 30 more or less seriously hurt on Wednesday. .p. Notice of Public Meeting. Th erdv will be a county meeting at rise V Spring, one mile below Red tore, near the residence of'Mr. T. < . Crider, Saturday, December ,14th.' ^ istinguished speakers will be present 3 follows : Col. D. O. Herbert, j T. C. Wolfe, Esq., and Ex-Congress^ tan Dibble,, of Orangeburg; Senator , ftrdi Col. Q. T. Graham and perhaps j &hers are expected. v Public Speaker Interrupted. i Public speakers are frequently inter- ; ipted by people coughing. This would i it happen if Fold's Honey and Tar ere taken, as it cures coughs and colds x * id prevents pneumonia and consump,QjQul fEha genuine contains no opiates id is in a yellow package. Derrick's 1 rug Store. ] Beta Opened. The; 'Colonia," jbhe beautiful tourist j otel m Columbia, opened on Decern- j sr 1st. ? j? Death of ICr. Mr. Thomas Agnew, for 18 years - I innected with Lorick & Lowrance, ? olumbia, died at his home in that j ity,Thursday morning. He was well ' nown and numbered his friends by ! le score. I m ? ! - \Tfcre9 Silled, j A freight train crashed through a i.i tni i . -r-rr _ j_ . esue near jsiairs last >v eanesaay < illing three persons, supposed to be ; [ill operatives from Union. Nope of le train crew were hurt. Bees -Laxative Cough Syrup for raghs, colds, croup and whooping ragh grows in favor daily with young ( ad old. Mothers should keep it on \ and for children. Id is prompt relief > croup. It is^enfeiy laxative, driving te poison and phlegm from the system, j is. a simple remedy that gives im ediate rehef, guaranteed. Sold by aufmann Drug Co. 4 Alvin Roberts and H. R. Van Deinfor ai>D uaam nammonna fVi a Tvnh. b/llVVA WAV W OV/VU VVAliiilVJLJVV U1V ^/U V cation of a paper at Sumter to be ! 5 ilied the Southern Farmer. j ? Union county will vote on the ques- j on of "dispensary or no dispensary" 3 1 ,Dec. 27., The State dispensary ( as voted out of that county in 1894 i f a vote of two to one. i Ms Pills After eating, persons of a billons habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve tta e nausea, SICK HEADACHE ?. 1 , and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feel* tags. Elegantly sugar coated. lake No Substitute. ( Election Notice. ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. An election having been ordered by his Excellency Governor M. F. Ansel, to be held in compliance with the requirements of Section 575 of Volume 1, of the Code of Laws of South Caro- , lina of 1902, upon the question of the | proposed new county of Calhoun, to oe formed out of portions of Orangeburg and Lexington counties, to be held on the 17th day of December, 1907, in accordance with the requirements of law, at which election the electors shall vote "yes" or "no," upon tfie question of creating a new county ana upon the name and county j seat of the proposed new county, the 1 following managers are hereby ap- . pointed to conduct said election at the precinct named below, and to canvass and declare the results, and return the same to commissioners of election at Lexington, C. H., S. C., immediately thereafter. The first named manager is hereby declared chairman and is requested to secure the boxes from the Clerk of Court's office and return the same with the number of f rotes polled, &c. Boxes may be secumLany time after the l2th day of December. f m MANAGERS OF ELECTION. Sandy Run?W. F. Stabler, W. H. Furtick and George K. Davis. D. R. HALTIW ANGER, Chair. ( J. SOL DOOLEY, . ^ JOHN H. SHEALY, - | Commissioners of Election for Lexington County, South Carolina. November 18, 1907. j 1111"; BUN anil LOCKSMITHS . 1719 Main Street, < COLUMBIA,1 - S. C. i i 7 \ : Repairers of ; , ? guns, ' , - j bicycles; automobiles, ' etc., etc. I We give special care and " ittention to all work in our [ line and solicit a share of the' patronage of our Lexington fiends. Satisfaction Guar- | wteed. 5bhl h/tirrbalsam [ ^^ KBCInow and basatlfisa the hate. Bai^EfpM^BPromotai ft luxuriant growth. l|96Hg^HVftv?r Valla to Bertora O^ HB)< I i TAX NOTICE. * r WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWL ing mentioned places,for the purpose 1 )f receiving taxes for the fiscal year, 1907: . 1 The balance of the time at Lexington ' 3onrt Houseiuntil December 31fet, 1907, ifter which time the following penalties will be added by the County Auditor collected by the County Treasurer. s On January 1,1908, 1 percent penalty ] will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st, 1908, an additional I ? i. Ml i._ J.I 1. ~ l per roiiu wm uc auueu uj must; w jiu have not paid, making 2 per cent, for Feb.will be added on March 1st, making r per cent, penalty to be paid by those svho have not paid by March 1st, 1908. rax Books will Close March 15, 1908. The hoars for closing the tax books will positively be at 11 o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock for the afternoon appointments. LEVY. ./ For State Purposes 4.} Mills. For Ordinary County Purposes 31 Mills. For Constitutional School Tax 3 Mills. x 'Total 11 Mills. Special School Levy Dis. No. 15, 3 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 18, j$ Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 19, 4 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 25, 2 Mills S?w>ial Rr>}wvil T -Qi't? TVio *\Tr\ QA 9 Villa waivwi X/iO. XI 1U.1JULO Special School Levy Dis. No. 37, 2 Mills Special School Levy Dis. No. 42, 3 Mills Special School Levy Dig. No. 75, 2 Mills Poii Tax.... $1.00 RAILROAD LEVY. Saluda Township 71 Mills Broad River Township 71 Mills Fork 'Township 7 \ Mills Commutation Road Tax $3.00, payable from October 15th to March 1st, 1908. Parties owning property in more than 3ne township must so state to the Treasurer. i w hen writing for information conserning t*xes always give Township >r chool District and name in fall, not ini ials. FRANK W. SHEALY. ] Treasurer Lexington County. Here's (rood Advice. J O. S. Woolever, one of the best known nf T .n T? r* *Tf>Trilln \T V ontto ^ JAUiV/iiauuo vjl xju ivajovnic, xi . i. .9 cojd, u 'If you are ever troubled with piles, ap- b ply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured ne of them for good 20 years ago." guaranteed for sores, wounds, burns or ibrasions. 25c. at Eaufmann Drug Co., md Derrick's Drug Store. RECKLIHG i SOI, j Portrait Photographers. Opposite Wright's Hotel, COLUMBIA, - - - SC. ! 9 ' 1 Strictly High Grade Work. i ' i t ,f ' Did and New Pictures V j Copied and Enlarged. ' | I ~ Please call and see our beautiful Photo Color Dispay. * I Write at once and learn why we secure best ? i positions, and best salaries fox our graduates, fi v ^ EUGENE 'ArtpERSON^JPr^. ^>r J DR. L. L. TOOLE ; ' J 1608 Main Street, . COLUMBIA, - - S.C. AIMLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR AMD DEHTISTi . ' . t 3EST PLATES - # ' - - $10.00 BRIDGE WORK (per tooth) $5.00 I 3K>LD FILLINGS - , - $1.00 up | PAINLESS EXTRACTION 25 and 50c Ml dental work done at monejr saving prices. Sep. 5 tf ; Backache ' toy person having backache^ :idney pains or bladder'trouble vho will take two or three 1 9lne-ules upon retiring at night ' hall be relieved before morning The medicinal virtues of the erode gome and reaiss ok I . tained from the Native Pine are heen recognized by the medical pre- g lesion for centuries. In Pine-ules we eflsf , Q of the virtues of the Native Pino thai * re of value in relieving all (idney and Bladder Troubles lesrsatesd is Uve SsUstscdsa w Misty IsfandsA \ Prepared bjt MNB-ULB MEDICINE CO*, CHICAGO > The Kanfmajm Drug Co. J AT? DERRICK'S DRUG STORE, H -Lexington; s. c., ' iVill be found YAGER'S Cretin Ohio rofOrm Liniment, tHe greatest of all liniments for Man or Beast, Rheumatism especially. 1 iTAGER'S Sarsaparilla. the best of' Tonics and Blood Purifiers. PAGER'S Oleo-Vino, the Systetao Builder and best of Cod Liver Oil Preparation8r4You can't taste the Oil. ' i Ask For Yager's Remedies at DERRICK'S DRUG STORE. (Hystoria?Woman's Friend) KILLthe COUGH I i and CURE the LUNC8 -Dr. King's New Discovery 1 tnn Aniiftus run V#olds~ imbS*?**! AMD ALL THROAT AND LUHG TROUBLES. | GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY) , OR MONEY REFUNDED. | Befcr* You Purchase Any Other Write 'HE NEW HOME SCWlMEt MACHINE COMPANT ORANGE, MASS. f Many Sewing Machines are .made to sell regard- ? ks of Quality, but the " New Home " is made X 5 wear. Our guaranty never runs out. ; We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions f the trade. The " New Home'* stands at the Jf iead of all High-grade family sewing machines a Sold by authorized dealers only, foh sale bv ^ W.P.KOOP, J Lexington, S. 0. 9 I No. 6994 I The People's Na PROSPERITY, ; Paid up Capital Surplus and Individual Pr S Stockholders' Liabilities N " jj For Protection of D ! ? H. C. MOSELEY, President. M. A. C ! W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. CEORCt * ! ! Better a conservative interest < ! safe return when wanted, than a h: j doubt about the principal. J A National Bank is a safe Dep ! vision makes it so. Likewise our 1 I guarantee of pfrudent conservative j ! We Allow Interest onr. j < DIBECTOB C. W. Bowers, J. A. C. Kibler, R. L J. H. Hunter,.. W. P. Pugh, Jno. Ceo. Johnstone, H. C. Mloseli \ 5_A BARGAINS AT V Our stock of General Merchandise i re are positively offering big Bargains )ress Goods, Domestics and Notions, Me gs, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Groceries, Hare aents.l f 7 | BUGGIES, SURRIES, "WAGONS HARROWS and FLOWS, MO' ENGINES, Highest Prices always paid for all i jggT* Call and see us if you want neasea. ^__ D. A. Richards WHITE EOCZ, 1 ? FAIL GOODS N y V Our store re being filled every tewest and best goods. All the adv Vinter Dress Goods now ready for; MILLINER'S We have everything that's np-b tyle and shape. If our designor ca >e pleased. See the new styles nov NEW NOVI . \ ' The Notion department of our s he new Novelties, embracing evei lave ever carried. Lexington Mends make our sto *rhen in the city. ? ^ , - j j ^/WVW\/WVS/N^NA/>AAAA/V N. A. Y WHOLESALE A1 . ' 1603 MAIN STREET, C( r DONT FORG HEe J9L. TjBL' Successor to Maxwel w f _ NEAR POST OFFICE, CO When you are looking for Fun olid Car Load Lots and at the Iot herefore, can sell you for less than aents, Solid Oak Bedr< Nine Pieces?One Bed, One Bure Ifntre Table, Four Chairs. One Roc No. 7 Black 0 rith a complete list of Cooking Uti: Hn Anl. n /lAmttlo^A 1 ?o4" rt uaoA. uaA) nrxbu a aaou v ne is complete. All grades. Pri< 'urniture of the same grade can be 90 for prices wear a nr a ^ COLUMBIA, _J / i iHl N j N ! N tional Bank! N S. C. ?i ' $25,00*00. / jj ofits $5,000.00. : - $25,000.00. . g M epositors. S ARLISLE, Vice-President. E E JOHNSTONE, Attorney. J ' M >1# your deposit with its * igh rate and a feeling of 5 i * osit. Government super- ? Board of Directors is a 3 nanagement. J rime Deposits 1 w s: ii . Luther, M. A. Carlisle, 3] B. Fellers, W. A. Moseley, aj j ?y, * J. P. Bowers. jfl IHITE ROCK. iiBUHmnii s full to over flowing, and to our customers in. Fine jn's Clothing and FurnishIware and Farming Imple- \ V and HARNESS. DISC WEES, GASOLINE ETC. kinds of Country Produce. anything and you will be / , < t tummm A Cam IVII tBt WUIIj S. C. : ! V . OW READY! i \ r day with the season's anced styles in Pall and your inspection. t lkr, ETC. , ' o-now in Millinery?every n't please you, you can't* r on display. 3LTIES. i > / : tore is replete with all ra4ltin? 1 nvnrAaf lino tiro , J bXLUlg AMgCOW iiUV IT O * / <**.? >/:V , ire your shopping place - ' ' ; ,rS . 'I OUNG, *D RETAIL, - is )LUMB1A, S. C. ITO. I VUAII . }ET sriuORf r [1 & Taylor, LUMBIA, S. 0 , i ".'i liture. We buy only in" rest spot cash prices, we if we bought in local ship oom Suites. au, One Wash stand, One ker-all for $17.25. >ak Stove nsels, for $7.50., No. 8 f Utinsels, $12.50. Our ces guaranteed as low as bought Write or phone iTIiOR, s. c.