The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 04, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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THE D Of Lydia E. Pinkh Great Woman's i UlfNo other medicine for Wo spread, and unqualified endon No other medicine has et hosts of grateful friends as ha For more than 30 years it Inflammation and Ulceration, It has cured more cases of one remedy. It dissolves and Irregularities and periodic Bloating, Nervous Prostratior also deranged organs, causi Under all circumstances it a It removes that wearing want-to-be-left-alone" fedli ziness, faintness, sleeplessness are indications of Female W which this medicine cures Backache, of either sex. Those women who refuse thousand times, for they gei everywhere. Refuse all subst e b. Allen < WHOLE l;;i" I Au SAVE - YOUR When You BO NOT] or. c. c Who keeps a good line of Gen Notions, Shoes, Hats, C Crockery, Gr( All these goods are sold at price* people to do is to inspect the goo right ????i Sterling Got Sterling silver, cutgla: china, clocks. A fine always on hand for y select from. Keep us in mind when i ing anything in Je?>?l I x . < Silverware. Good watch work an< ore crlflWPS. w fc ? If you can't come, sei our catalogue or telephor order to us. I P. 0. LA?01TM JEWELERS, , 1424 Main St, Columbia 'Phone 934 KIMRD'S HOT * J. C. KINARD, Proprieioi Leesville, ... The best attention given gnest. ern conveniences. Table supplie best the market affords. PARLOR RESTAUR!* B. DAVID, Proprietor. 1336 MAIN St, COLUMBIA. S The only up to date eating hous< kiud in the City of Columbia. It is v ?clean linen, prompt and polite Ton get what yon order and pay c what yon get. Within easy reach of Me sleeping apartments* OPEN ALL NIGHT. ISCOVERER am's Vegetable Compound, the i Remedy for Woman's Ills. i E. PINKH^M man's ills in the world has received such wide* sement. ich a record of cures of female illnesses or such js Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable uompouna. htui been curing all forms of Female Complaints, and consequent Spinal Weakness. Backache and Local Weaknesses than any other expels tumors in an early stage of development. ?al pains, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, l, Headache, General Debility quickly yield to it; ng pain, dragging sensations and backache, cts in harmony with the female system, '"feeling, extreme lassitude, *'don't care** and ng, excitability, irritability, nervousness, d lilt flatulency, melancholy or the "blues". These eakness. or some derangement, of the organs, as well as Chronic Kidney Complaints and to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred b what they want?a cure. Sold by Druggists itutea. / \ . PILCHER, =WI T H \ . - "fi % & Baxley, I ? A T ** iOJHLJJXJ GROCERSv gusta, Ga. . ORDER - FOR - HIM. i Co to Batesburg ?OEGET TO CALL ON eral Merchandise. ' Consisting of Dry Goods, laps. Beady Made Clothing, Hardware, series, Buggies and Harness. 3 Consistent with fair dealing. All we want the >ds and be convinced that they will be treated \ Oct. 23-3m I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfI IAS i see i | here! | 9 0 ^ stock Is your Liver all right? J ou to J Are your Kidneys in a J healthy condition? If so, J i want- S HILTON'S LIFE for S ry or the LIVER * I S . and KIDNEYS I 1 best will keep them so. If not, Hilton's Life for the Liver id for S Kidneys will make leyour ^iem so* A 25c. bottle ^ urill nnnviTiftfl vnu rvf t.hia ? " *** * ?? ?r ?- 0 fact Sold wholesale by flft S The Murray Drug Co., 2 1 v"1) 2 Columbia, S. C. 2 2 For sale at The Bazaar, 2 l, S/ff. Lexington, S. C. 2 Et Pfliitio Welle Wile, P'_ _ LEXINGTON, S. C. S. C d with I Library, Scientific and Classical Courses. h Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing 11 a and Elocution. College Trained Teachers. Expenses for Session $60 to $80. }, 0. Fall Term Begins September 2, 1907. s of lt8 Fall Term Ends January 10, 1908. rell kept Spring Term Begins January 13, 1908. service. Spring Term Closes May 15, 1908. desira- Send for catalogue. Address W. E. BLACK, Principal. M. D. HARMAN, Secretary. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December 4.1907. Za Memory of Capt. Friek. Capt. Robert William Frick was born?Ln Lexington county, S. C., on the 20th day of September, 1836, and departed from this life Nov. 14th, 1907, aged 71 years, 1 month and 24 days. In infancy he was baptized into the faith as confessed by the Evangelical Lutheran church, and later, when he was a young man, he ratified the baptismal covenant made for him, bj nniMnv himself as a member with St, Peter's, (Piney Woods), Evangelical Lutheran church. At his own request, his membership was transferred to St. Thomas' Evangelical Lutheran church of which church he remained a faithful and consistenl member until the day of his death. . On December 22nd, 1857, he was united in holy marriage with Mist Barbara Melinda Wessinger. This union was blessed with fourteen children?seven sons and seven daugh ters?his devoted companion anc four sons and two daughters having preceded him to the "Heavenly ,Canaan." He leaves to mourn their verj great loss three sons, five daughters twenty-four grand-children, five greai grand-children, and a large numbei of other relatives and friends. In 1661 when the war trumpel sounded and calls were made for vol unteers to go to the front to fight foi the southland, he enlisted in Capt Koon's company and was made first lieutenant. Later he was promotec to the rank of captain. His company ?Company I, 15th Regiment Soutl ? u uaroima vuiuuueeie?wua. paiv n some of the hardest fought battles o: the war. He was twice severely wounded, losing his left hand in the battle of the Wilderness. He came home from the war wound ed, and after his wounds had healed he collected his broken and scattere< fortunes, and builded a home for hi: family and himself. He was a sue cessful farmer and business man, i good provider and always had plenty of the necessaries of life about him. As a neighbor he was never knowi to refuse a worthy call for aid. H< visited the sick, and was glad to se< every one prosper; as a citizen, h< was honorable and upright in his deal ings with his fellow-man; he waf patriotic and loved his country; ai a father, he was considerate of th< claims of his children, and he re joiced at his children's doing th< right. On August 11th, 1907, the compan ion, who walked by his side for fiftj years, fell asleep in Christ. It seemed after this, by his words and actions that he instinctively felt that h< would, at no distant day, enter intc the same sleep; for, just a few dayi f-.Vio enmmnna fnr him tn ore MW&VAV Vt?V 'w O? came, he went*to his old home place and viewed the place where his fathei and mother sleep, and where he anc his companion had reared their family and spent the greater portion o: their lives. Returning home thai night, he was stricken with paralysis, which left him in a condition from which he never recovered. During his short illness everything that mar could do, and the most skilled medical aid was done for him, but to nc avail; for the time of his departure was at hand. He called his pastoi and another kind minister to his bedside and expressed faith in Christ Jesus as confessed by the church of which he had been a life-long member. ' So, another friend, neighbor, citizen, old soldier and father has passed to his eternal.reward. Peace to his asheg, and rest to his immortal soul. "The soul of origin divine, God's glorious image freed from clay; In heaven's eternal sphere shall shine, A star of day! The sun is but a spark of firel A transient meteor in the sky; The soul immortal as its sire, Shall never die." In the presence of a large congre gation of sorrowing friends the funeral services were conducted by Revs E. J. Sox and Enoch Hite. E. J. S. 11 U V . ? ? I How's This? We offer One Hundrad Dollars for any case of Catarrh that cannot be curec by Mall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially abl( to carry out any obligations made bj his firm. Waldixg, Kjnxan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood anc mucous surface of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle, Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti panuu. | / Fine Ridge Items. The farmers of this section are about through sowing grain. The school at old Pine Ridge is getting alongfine under the care of Prof. M. P. Lindler. Mr.^D. C. Fulroer, a well known farmer of this section is going to move to the beautiful little town of Chapin. Mr. S. C. Fulmer is building a new house for Mr. C. M. Farr. I. No. November 21, 1907. "I trust this may be read by many sufferers from kidney and bladder trouble" writes Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland, Tex. "I suffered four years and could find nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last induced me to try your 30 days' treatment of Pineules for $1. This one bottle has cured me and money could not buy the value it has been to me. Guaranteed. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. A Cherokee county farmer is said to have raised 107 bushels of corn to the acre. Another man in the same county made 99 bushels to the acre. They tried the Williamson plan. Ring.s Little Liver Pills wakes up lazy livers, clean the system and clear the skin. Try them for biliousness and sick headache. Price 2ec. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. P7TWMI1HII 11 nil I It Quiets \ I the Cough I This is one reason why Ayer's i 8 Cherry Pectoral is so valua I ble in consumption. It stops J I the wear and tear of useless 8 ! coughing, tsut it does more h . | ?it controls the inflammation, j quiets the fever, soothes, heals. 5 Ask your doctor about this. k ' ' The best kind of a testimonial? "Sold for over sixty years." JJLL-UJL-L_LIMILBIIJLULIWJ I III !! LIU I H rTT i Hsds by 3. C. Ajrer Co.. Lowell, Mui. j A| Also manufacturers of JLM f SARSAPARILLA. . jTiiiprs ^ j A O HAIR VIGOR. r * We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. . Hasten recovery by keeping the bowels regular with Ayer's Pills* ? ?MP? I , I , b . ' : ; : Wot the Lssington Holmes. In our local news columns last week 6 it was reported that Hattie and Carrie " Holmes, colored, had been lodged in r 3ail for "housebreaking and larceny." ' ; We are glad to state that it is not the j Hattie and Carrie Holmes, so well 1 known to the people of LexiDgton, but we understand that they hailed from | Fredonia. I Danger in Asking Advice. ! 3 When yon have a cough or cold do not ask snmfl ono what is irnnd for it. - as there is danger in taking some nn, known preparations. Foley's Honey 1 and Tar cnres coughs, colds and pre3 vents pneumonia. The genuine is in a - yellow package. Refuse substitutes. i Derrick's Drug Store. j . ? 1 7,'311,202 Bales Glased. l * The census bureau report, as sent ; I out from Washington; shpws a total , a of cotton ginned to Nov. 14, 7,311,202 "m bales. 26,671 active ginneries were [ reported. ( $ g * " * .,1 3 . A Dangerous Deadlock, c - that sometimes terminates fatally, is ] 3 the stoppage of liver and bowel func-' tions. To quickly end this condition - without disagreeable sensations, Dr. , 7 King's New Life Pills should always be , your remedy, Guaranteed absolutely , satisfactory in every case or money 3 back, at Kaufmann Drug> Go., or Der) rick's Drug Store. 25c. 3 ' . , I Figures indicate that the proportion \ of meat to bread in the British dietary j has increased considerably within the last 20 years. | TO OUR LEXINGTON j COUNTY FRIENDS > ' ' ! We have supplied maQy of. ; your homes with good* Organs and Pianos We now want to place our ' sweet toned instruments in the homes of your children who rei member the happy hours they spent in the old homestead playing on and singing with the aid of tho Organs we furnished. a Our Special Offer We will for the next 30 days make a discount of ten per cent, on our Organs and Pianos. Terms easy. Write or call for catalogs. 1 MALONE'S MUSIC HOUSE, COLUMBIA. S. C. ; ORIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does s not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver F m troubles and chronic constipation by restoring the natural action of the stom- t ach, liver and bowels. R?fUM substitute*. Price Boo. ' Derrick's Drug Store. WE HAVE JUST A CAR OF mmi ixlii i u Prosperity, FITZMAUR Three Arch COLUMBIA I Dry Goods, Notions, Clotl Ladies' Tailored Suil Furs, Art Square: A Great Bargain Sale jnst started. A grand lolidavs. We have reduced the price of nearly e lave over bought ourselves and must unload. Yc *oods. The head of the house wants a good suit )aid before. What we sold for $12.50 we are sell rou a $15.00 suit at $10.00. In black or colors la ?8.50 to $5.00. A good pair of all wool blankets : ;hem as low as 60c. Fine comforts from 75c. up ;an be found in this big store for less than ar Do your Xmas shopping here while you can get C. 0. BROWN |j 1730 MAIN STREET, COL J? Is where you can find one of I ~ PAIN" ;i . OF ALL KIN! DOORS, SAS] BLINDS & LIME AND CJ | CABINET Mi) |i v Call or write for Prices. Palmetto Res rhe cleanest place in the ci Ladies and Gen1 Norfolk Oysters and Fresh Wate PRICES VERY CHEAP. Opposite the Sky S 9HONE NO. 31 1. THE ONLY H ii Columbia, South Carolina, making a s hing in the MACHINERY SUPPLY I. Write us for prices before placing ore COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., On corner opposite Seaboard Air Lin dLV Farm RECEIVED FINE ni/v ul\ i Tangford, s. c. ice's ' Store, S. 0. ling, Furnishings, is, Millinery, i, Rugs. . chance for shoppers before the ^ svery item in our big store. We in need many an article in winter of clothes for less than he ever . ling now for ?7.95. We can give dies' long cloaks reduced from at ?3.95, the ?5.00 kind, and have . Any item of wearing apparel ly similiar house in the State, the advantage of the bargains. & BR0?1 MM, S. C., | the best stocks of i!> rs^ U DS. | a, ; GLASS, BMENT. | lNTLES. I VY HARNESS FOR HEAVY W6RK s just as careful attention from * .A be fanciest driving harness we Of course the leathei is solid, lined and can stand any reason- { *ain. We can equip your horse entire satisfaction. AVIS & COMPANY, Main Street, Columbia, S. C? staurant, ty of Columbia for ilemen. r Fish is our special. OPEN ALL NICHT. kraper. GIVE US A CALL. IOUSE " pecialty of handling every- 4 [NE. ler elsewhere. Columbia, S. C. ie Passenger Station. P. ROOF, XINGTON. S. C.. < all kinds of ing implements. [TE FOB PP.IoES. I