fry * The Lexington Dispatch. f Wednesday, November 27,1907. "V " fr^L-i ! . laid* to JSTrw Adverfeeaeata Citation?Estate J. A. Bister, gff Stoves?Holman-Culium Hwd Co. Jeyoiry, etc?Tapp. ^ XJndertaker?sJolm C. Boozer. Sale?H. A. Meetze. ^ t MffohalL I oawr**w>* *??*uww v? ? r Sale?Ervin Son. s&ygw | Citation?Estate of A. N, Sanders. ! ^ Notice?Azriah T?ylor et. ippw bsirol .......... |7i ?50. JfJP' Spirits per gallon 4< k." . ?er vice, at Providence Lutheran ohnrcl Thursday at 11 am. Stem and Sugta, , I h^ve just received a car load o Heating, and Cooking Stoves, anc Ranges, of the very best make a right prices. See jpe bay 1526 Main Street, Columbia. S. C. j.: M&rmd. ~jSoy. 24,3907, at Irene, S. C., Mr | Cbanpu Roof and Mis9 Annie Gantt :Rev. A. B. Taylor officiating. Ginnery Notios. 1 x The public generally is notified thai I will ran my gin only on Tuesday? and Fridays. H. L. Scoffill, p Pehon, S. C., Nov.-22,1907. 3w< f-%1 Thttkagi*in&. An Autumn '.Leaf Social will be ': -^iven by the ladies of the W. A. S - at the home of Mr. and" Mrs. W.. P J# iBoof Tfcihiksgi vine night. Everyone is cordially invited to be present anc v ^enjoy the festivities, of the evening -. , - A1Y?1AATV fn alcvon AXIOUTB SCVCU U VlWVtt ?y wyi-wv To Bent I bara a good two horse farm neai H Chapin, S. Or, to rent. For infor jH| mation, apply to J. J. Schwartz, Lex |j?j| Ingfon, S. 0. . '' Bp. Ojmtinu ' A . The many friends of Mr. J. K. Swy ^ert will be pleaded to learn tbafc ?< ^is recovering nicely from an opera . Jr Ipion performed with skill by Dr. B E. Mathias, of Irmo. C. - For Safe ' I At a bargain a 10 horse power gaso? &^I^e^n^ne car s. c. w . ' : . . JdUTgJ W?i. While out hunting a few days' age Mr. Robert D. Smith killed ah ow -which-measured 5 feet from tip to tip He was rewarded for his act, one o % his neighbor's presenting him with * big fat hen. ~~iS?Sr~ Two mules for sale at the courl ; -V . house on the 1st Monday In Decern Iyer. Gross Bfos. Iw4pd. Offers of Kill Keet. The officers of the Leesville Cottoi * Mill held a meeting on Friday looking to the erection of tne building, etc. Mr. Tyre Johns haeabont completed the grading for the side-track fron the Southern road to the mill site. The track will be placed at once anc -work on the mill will commence. Great Bargain Sale. , Fifczmaurice, of (Colombia, has jusi inaugurated a "Great Bargain Sale.' Every article in the store has beei w reduced?Holiday and all?and sucl -an array of valnee has never beer offered before by any firm. Watch out for "ad" in next weeks Dispatch ' Correspondent's Notice! On account of onr very crowdec -space it becomes absolutely necessary ^for us to leave out a number of com munications, and we trust that om correspondents will appreciate th< situation and no$ get offended because their articles do hot appear the same week they are written. We are doin{ v the best we can, and will get to then just as rapidly a9 possible. After the ' l - holidays are over, our space will b< more plentiful. ^ 2 Disc rust oa Organs and Piaaos. * ' ^ For the next 30 days Malone^f " Mosi'i Hou?e in UolumDia win maKe a discount of 10 per cent on all pianos and organs. If y6u want to ouy a piano or organ go to Maine's Music House, Colombia, S. C. Terms easy. *. Doath, of Henry Dooley. Mr. Henry Dooley, one of the besi * and most substantial citizens of this eection, died at his home sear Lexw ington on Wednesday last Mr. Boolej was about 70 years old and leaves several relatives, besides a host of friends ~7to mourn his departure. He wac buried at St. Davia'schnrch on Thursday afternoon in the presence of a large congregation. i . ' ^ ^ ' Tluuiksgiving Zxsxcises at Pal. mitto Collegiate Institute. .^4 There will be exercises of about one hour's length in each of the rooms ai the school building on Thanksgiving * _ ? a t: a " day, oegramng at?.iu. Aupawuua and friends of the school are most cordially invited to be present. Al] students are expected to answei roll call at 9.30 The enrollment of stndents at the school now exceeds 200, besides about 25 in the Music and Elocution Department. Thirty-five students from other districts are attending our school. MP The work is moving along very ' . smoothly. The teachers and very nearly all of the students are doing most earnest and faithful work. $Tegro Sills Another. Lonnie Jackson and John Las ten, : both colored^ became engaged in s difficulty at Leapbart's station, in the : Fork, on Saturday, the 26th. John son stabbed Lasten in the side of th< ? * A4 W?%4#a f Vi o K1 o r\ t I1VOU W1UU ? ^VIVACU AU11C) Wtu penetrating the brain, Las ten neve] spoke afterwards and died last Satur dav.i . Coroner Clarke went over Monday and held the inquest. - Sheriff Corley ' as nsual, was soon upon the scene, captured Johnson and brought hitr to iafil ? Letter to Cbaa. Corley. ; Lexington, S, C. Dear Sir: Why do people send ui ; such tales as this? , D. G. Smith, Madison, Fla., had his mother's house paihted Devoe 11 yeart *y ago, and the house looks better toda; . than other houses painted with othei I paint 3 or 4 years ago. They are full of goodwill for Devoe Yours truly, P. W. Devoe & Co. " P. S. The Kaufmann Drug Co. sells 1 our paint. Svaaaea's Bank. The stockholders of the bank ol [ Swansea met on Monday evening and 1 olAotoH t.Vio fnllnnn'nor P. . WkWWU f?v ? ?0 ? ? 6 E. Dreher, Lexington; J. C. Reynolds, R. L. Lybrand, W. BL Witt, R. E Inabinet, J. W. Lybrand and O. J. Rucker* R. L. Lybrand was chosen president; W? H. Witt, vice-president; B, E. Craft, secretary and Treasurer. * 'Let Us Save Your Sues. We want to remind .those of oui subscribers wjio have not paid us foi b Thd Dispatch daring the year, thai s ,wp need the money. If you are holding your cotton for higher prices, we 5 hope that you will at once appreciate our position and accordingly make arrangements to pay your subscription. Wont you, please? Dental Notice. j I will he at Swansea the 4th and 5tl [ of December, Wednesday and Thurs day, to do dental work. - fi. P. Milliners worth. Dentist. For Sale. One mule, works anywhere; milci Pv cows and hogs, apply to " ;% J.J. HARMAN. 2w5p Gilbert, S. C. i m mm m j Attractive Bargdas at Piatt's. The old reliable firm of Wm. Platl j & don, Colombia, are ready for the . Christmas and Holiday trade. Then large store is bubbling over with attractive bargains, ana the people o1 . Lexington are requested and invitee to inspect their stock before buying elsewhere. ' How to Treat a Sprain. Sprains, swellings and lameness art promptly relieved by Chamberlain1* Pain Balm. This liniment reduces in flammation and soreness sothataspraii maybe cured in about one-third the [ time required by the usual treatment 1 For sale by Kaufmaim Drug Co. . . . 1 . I Engine and Boiler Fixtures. I have jost opened op a new anc foil line of engine and boiler fixtures, consisting of valves, gauges, coop lings, etc. Piping cot ana threadec \ to order. Engine and boiler repair - ing also done. Satisfaction goaran teed. Give me a trial. J. J. RIKARD, 4J>tf Lexington, S. C. \ ' Holmftn-Cnllua Co. ' Zt is with pleasure that we call oui i readers attention to the advertisemenl of the Holman-Oullum Co., of Bates burg. This is one of the most widely i known and responsible firms doing business in South Carolina. The} cany every piece of mill machinery manufactured. Not only do they car ry milt machinery, but everything Ij known to the hardware trade. Then } line or stoves, ranges and heaters are l complete, and their prices are the ^ lowest. Call or write to them foi t what you want in the hardware line. Cures Blood. Skin Diseases. Cancer Greatest Blood Purifier Free. .If your blood is impure, tliin, diseased i hot or full of humors, if you have blooc j- poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores . scrofula, eczema, itching, risings anc r bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains 5 rcatarrh; rheumatism, or any blood o] 3 skin disease, take Botdnic Blood Bahr ? (B.AB. B.) Soon all sores heal, achef r and paips stop and the blood is mad< i pure and rich. Druggists or by express > $1 per large bottle. Sample free 3 writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga B. B. B. isespecially advised for chronic deep-seated cases, as it cures after al else fiols. Bold in Lexington, S. C., bj ' Derrick's Drug store and Kaufmanr ? Drug Co. i ! Public Sale. . We will sell at public outcry before , the court house door in Lexington, S C., on the first Monday in December three nice building lots at Lexingtor depot. These lots measure 35 feet fronl and contain about one-quarter acre each 5 -Terms of Sale?cash. For further in ' formation see T. H. Caughman, or tin undersigned H. A. MEETZE, ' Leesville, S. C. ! STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge Whereas, Emma D. Oswald, made > suit to me, to grant her Letters ol Administration of the Estate of anc effects of F. W. Oswald. i These are therefore to cite and ad j monish all and singular the kindred anc creditors of the said F-. W. Oswald, i deceased, that'they be and appear, be fore me, in the Court of Probate, to be I held at Lexington C. H., S. C., on 4tfc day of December, 1907, next after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the fore> noon, to show cause, if any they have, i why the said Administration should nol i De granted. i Given Tinder my hand, tliis 19tli day oi November,* Anno Domini 1907. Geo. S. Drafts, ' Probate Judge, Lexington county, S. C. Published on 20th day of November, ,1907, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2w-3 v / j , v i ^r 3 1 U The Le ? |A ||l BEST PLACE ! jP jji Dry Goo( M v,Groceries !;! Glasswa: } B ii I I FAIR 1 M Icsocosoc aocoeese '-osc ' ' B ^???????i? j Golds and Croup in Children. "My little girl is subject to colds" # i %/r TTT?> XT Cfinin "Wf-\ /It "RSffVl IT tj&yo If 11 3. TT 1X1. JLJL krang, MV> -?) v.. ? ' St., Wheeling, W. Va. "Last winter ii ! she had a severe spell and a terrible t\ cough but I cured her with Chamber- bi Iain's Cough Remedy without the aid tf of a doctor, and my little boy has been & prevented many times from having the i croup by the timely use of this syrup." This remedy is for sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. ' h e1 Tresspass Notice. fj i All hunters are hereby forbidden to S trespass on the lands of the undersigned or lands leased by them. ? J. K. Handler, J. W. Bouknight/ 1 T. Prank Cannon, , P. H. Shealy, J 4w6 S. F. Bickley. m I When You Go i [ DO NOT FOBGET jr. c. GL / * Who keeps a good line of General Merch > ftotion^, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready i Crockery, Groceries, Bug All these goods are sold at prices consistent i people to do is to inspect the goods and be c > right. "MEET ME A1 Some Spec Warm Ur . Ladies' embroidery edge turn-over b Collars, big assortment of patterns and designs; .special oc. and 10c. \ Children's and Misses' ribbed cotton ^ - Pants and Vests, good quality, fleece T lined, all sizes; garment 25c. Children's and Misses' fine quality ^ J fleece lined cotton Yests, also merino ' j Vests, beautifully finished garments; 5 price 50c. and 75c. a Ladies' fleece lined Pants, Vests and a Union Suits, nice garments, good , weight; price, garments 25c. and 50. ^ Ladies' Union Suits, cotton, merino, n , wool and silk; price, suit $1.00 to 83.00. P i Warm Bed : Spreads. & i We have on hand a beautiful line of 11 i 5 Marseilles Spreads, ranging in prices of - - o ? 12.50, $3.00, $4.00, $4.98 and $o.UU|| " Hanover Spreads, Marseilles pattern, IIP full size, worth $1.50; special each.98c. ||f( j Limit one to a customer. j Swannanoa Spread, full size; special, Ijfi 1 each $1.3911 Cotton Blankets, the best values ever || g offered. The cotton blanket at $1.95 is || at Solid Gold [ Solid Gold Wishbone, Crescent Heart II i and Roman Knot Brooch Pins, in bright || and Roman gold finish; worth $2.75; ||0 j choice at . $1.031| ^ Solid Cold Stiok Pins. || . Solid Gold Top Scarf Pins, all new|| and beautiful artistic designs, at 68c 11 ' Solid Gold Scarf Pins, exquisite de-||? 5 signs, set with precious stones, at. .$1.031| j Solid Cold Combs. ||^ I These Combs are catalogued by the II manufacturer at $1.50 each, wholesale II s< . price, but we secured them at a price II [ which enables us to offer them, while II o: , they last, at 50c. II ORDER BY I We prepay mail, express or freight 01 shipped to any point within a radius of 6 THE JAMES L DEPARTMEN ! 1638 to 1646 Main Street, r' V- ? t k xington De TO BUY is, Notions, 3, Hardware, re, Crockeryw Farming Imp TREATMENT Place For Sale. I will sell before the court house door y t Lexington, S. C., on the first Monday M i December, my place of 17 acres, with I vo dwellings, situated on the Orange- M org and Two Notch roads just beyond B le depot. -J SV4 ilAKttX A. ?tUI5 JOISTS. m Trespass Notice. This is to notify all persons not to I ant or trespass in any manner, what- a rer, npon onr lands. The law will be aforced against all so trespassing. M I. H. Lawson, J. L. Hntto, 09 . C. Oalahan, E. D. Hammond 9fl Nov. 13?4w6pd BE foLETSHONElMM f top* the ooo^h and hotlflon^f p to Bateshurg 1 TO CALL ON 1 (OYER, I andise. Consisting of Dry Goods, I Made Clothing, Hardware, gies and Harness. I with fair dealing. All we want the H onvinced that they will be treated m Oct. 23-3m I r TAPP'S." 1 ial Values f tderwear. Ladies' Corset Covers in cotton and ool; price 25c., 50c. and $1.00 Ladies wool Pants and Vests, all sizes F est quality; price $1.25 to $2.25 I Ladies' fine quality Flannelette Gowns 11 rhite and light colors, all sizes; price ^ 7oc. to $1.98 Flannelette Petticoats for ladies, light ? nd dark colors; price, each, J50c., 59c. nd 69c. Ladies' fine zephyr and silk Shawls, 'hite, blue, pink and black. These lake an elegant wrap for evening wear rice, each 25c. to $5.00 gj I Clothes. ^ eavy and warm. The best for the loney at 75c. to $1.95 Wool Blankets, complete assortment f the best all wool Blankets; special , rices.; $8 50 to $15.00 Comforts?A good, heavy cotton Com)rt, pretty colorings, each $1.2o Heavy, warmth giving soft Comforts, " * . * -1 11 "L. -t.vo Down Comforts, soft as can be. Best qj rades, beautiful floral silkoline and ^1 itine covers; special $6.98 to $10.00 HI i Jewelry. C] Solid Cold Top Hat Pins. p Immense assortment of artistic and ^ dd designs in solid Gold Top Hat Pins, rith crests to place initials. Jewelry core price $3.00; our price $1.17 Q] Rogers Bros'. Silverware. Everybody knows that Rogers Bros', -r-i, 1847" Silverware is the best on the Hi larket. Our specially low prices will iterest you. .. Rogers Bros'. "1817" Knives and Vfl 'orks, the set (six knives and six forks) 1 U $3.98 Rogers Bros'. "1847" Table Spoons, 3t of six $3.48 and $2.98 I1L Rogers Bros'. "1847" Teaspoons, set |f| f ?1 OK ' L Butter Knives, new designs 75c MAIL. ri all purchases of $5.00 or more 00 miles of Columbia. , TAPP CO, f T STORE, Columbia, S. C. . ,, -i-,--. . , rvy partment 5 Shoes, H Harness, Bi are, Tinware, a] dements. EVERY > HINTS TO THE~! YOUR SHOES will cost patronize those experienced h best. YOUR FEET will never t: let those who use scientific m< OUR SHOES possess both we have one of the most comj in the State. "OUR FEAT'S TO FIT FE according to scientific methoi study for many years. LEVER, "The! (IN COLTJ& IIBHITDBE 0 AT THE NEW ! IjBSONjjj Columbia, We have here now ac id High G-rade Fnrnitu: hings not to be snrpa iuth. Beautiful Sui1 irlor, Hall, Library, De; Circassian Walnut, Dr NA?ftnTT Ul ' ri T?TTA TVTO' J gaily J JL>11U O AVXCL reathered and Golden ( Odd pieces in House .] s, Cellaretts, Smokerssands, Clocks, Pedestal res, Plate Racks, Rugs, Exclusive agents foi ross Sanitary Felt Mati o Carts. All Goods marked in ae Low Price to every! No misrepresentatic rery article guaranteed m can buy cheap Fnrniti n nntnn nnlir fn fnnrln urh S balcl Dili) ill uauc nil want Hi iiDonu in iroouirmi 1409 MAIN ST,. CC jooocooocooooo) flf Hnra I HUIU I 1 ats, jji nggies, TIME | ! I Ml"lM ^ MtW, BUYER. | you less if you will 1 the art of buying the A 11 o *n H rouDie yon 11 you wm )thods fit you. H style and quality, and I ilete stocks to be found I # !ET" and this we do I is, having made it a I H Shoe Man," I IBIA.) I F QUALITY STORE OF ? . * ' V. 9 H HMk. /Jfek ffl B B Bjy 8 H ? c jollection of Medium re and House Furn,ssed in the entire ;s for Bed Room, a and Dining Room, ill and Polished Maple, Early English, Dak. % Desks,Tables, Rock' Tables, Magazine s, Tabouretts, PictEte. the Famous Red tress, and Whitney Plain Figures and >ody. rns in this Store. 1 as represented., ire anywhere. 10 gh Class FURNITURE. iLUMBIA, S. C. .:id