I ?m I We are growing fai Expansion is the order o paneling. Our trade is e: doing business must expi These old book cases The "Elastic" GLOB] want. Call or send for prices. Hi i III 8 IUU ik Ui I MASONIC TEMP fwi iiiiiw hi ii gaMMW |i v ?wwwvww INew Fa w Our buyer has- ; J Northern markets, and 5 new Fall Goods are ai \ Millinery and J We have bought 1 ? linery this season that w embracing all the last " ' * . H J We have the pret J Goods?representing a ^ have never struck the ^ hence our prices are tl . v # been., |WM. PLAT J Main Street, ] ? COLUMBIA, l/VVWWWWV JT ~ LEE A. LORI 1519 Main Stre , -V*' y *. 1 ? ' JOBBERS AND ?A?? *?<1 Danme OWVOB UHlt IMUigVBf Stove Pipe, Tinware, Enamelware, Hollow Ware, Tin Plate, Iron and Asphalt Hoofing, Eve Trough ai Conductor,. Sh( Wood Mantels Grates and Til Flue Pipe, I I 3 ( ' > i v >;' y -? TrtC PRICES TELL. J. B. FRII Wholesa nonnroQ PT AtTR UIVUUUUV, iuvuM) SEED RUST We Want the Merchants, P ington County to Call and I Purchases. We Can Fill Money. 1823 and 1825 Main i it ... , v'i -I' " ?f z I ' / r . / sn ? . . Va?a?VW?Wvav??.. f the day. Our nation is ex* j spaning. Our facilities for incL you have are not up-to-date. I E-WERNTCKE is what you catalogue, descriptions and | LE, COLUMBIA, S. C. I jTuedsll just returned, from the f I the advance styles in f :riving daily. j I Dress Goods. J the largest stock of Mil- 2 we have ever' carried, ) shapes and colors. * tiest line of Ladies' Dress f ill the latest weaves. We J market more favorable, 5 le lowest they have ever J nr sod Sear Postoffice, \ S. C. J vvvvvvvvvwvv* ICK & BRQ. ? 0 0 et, uoinmoia. o. o. i - DEALERS - IN ' / ; id set Metals, i es, \ 'ire Brick and Clay >umps, Pipe, rittings, Valves, Jocks, Hose, Electric and Gas Fixtures, Paints and Oils, Cutlery, Wire Netting THE QUALITY SELLS* )AY & CO. Ia and Retail FEED AND GRAIN PROOF OATS. A Pinters and Farmers of Leoc $ee Us Before They Make lhei Your Wants and Save Yo * -Jf ' Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. OUR PIES have found favor with every bod --babes and men, the little girl i pinafores and her mother and he grandmother. They are of tl sweet, delicious, wholesom melt-in-your-mouth kind, an we're anxious to have you tr them if you don't know the pri ducts of our ovens. If you d know we won't have to ask yo REIDLINGER'S STEAM BAKERY COLUMBIA, S. C. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 20. 1907. ? 1 11 11 . Broad River Dots. Mr. JameB Wessinger made a flying trip to Jalapa last week. Mr. John B. Bendenbaugh, one of Prosperity's well-to-do farmers, stopped over in Peak last Thursday en route for Spartanburg, where he'went to attend synod. La grippe i9 taking its rounds. It has had your scribe in her clutches for the past week, but she has recuperated with breath to tell the tale. We notice in the last week's Dispatch that your Peak correspondent in mentioning those who attended c >urt fail d to mention Mr. Mc D. Bush' ardt's name, who also attended court. It must have been done unintentionally for he is certainly big enough to be seen. Mr. Dan Hughey, a popular conductor on the Southern road, spent a part of last week in Peak visiting relatives. Well, we hope to meet the editor in Peak on the 27th and give him a hardy hand shake and put something in his hands that will help turn the wheels to the dear old Lexington Dispatch. Nov. 11, 1907. Liza Jane. He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: _ "Electric Bitters have done me more == good than any medicine I ever took. = For several years I had stomach trouble, and paid out inuoh money for medicine t to little purpose, until I began taking J Electric Bitters. I would not take $500 W for what they have done for me." a Grand tonic for the aged and for female w weaknesses. Great alternative and ) body builder; best of all for lame back k' and weak kidneys. Guaranteed by w Kaufmann Drug Co., and Derrick's I Drug Store, druggists, 50c. ? , ? ) Criminal Statistics. I During the year there has been * three criminal courts held here, each | a full week, and no longer for the I reason that only one week is allowed " us. I The gamblers stand at the head of I the list'with convictions in seventeen 9 cases, and no acquittals. Assault and I battery with intent to kill is next, v with six convictions and acquittals. There were three cases for carrying } pistols and all convicted; one convicI tion for violation dispensary law; one 9 forgery and one for housebreaking ) and larceny. I It has been said that if yon killed a ' dog in Lexington county, you would ) be convicted, but this court reversed I the matter in the case of R. L. Shep" pard, who was acquitted under the ) Judge's direction, because the dog was not assessed for taxes. Five murder cases were tried during i the year, J. Godfrev Taylor, Christian Hutto and Robert Marks, white; and ' Paul Rowe and Fred Summer, colorI ed, all of whom were acquitted. ( Died in Alabama. Jas. M. McMaster. son of the late | Col. F. W. McMaster of Columbia, died at his home in Brocton, Ala., on m Sunday. He went to Birmingham several years ago and began the practice of law, in which profession he was eminently successful. Mr. Mc Master was 49 years of age and unf His remains were brought to Columbia for burial. * K Zf the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well tried j remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the chljfl, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five cents a bottle. Guaranteed un- j der the Food and Drug act, June 30, 1906. Serial number 1908. tf It is the best of all. Tl, A Ami 1 I A AJW? MCVU. The Devil in a printing office is quite an appropriate name, for by him many mistakes a?e made, which even escapes the eye of the hurried proof reader. These mistakes almost make us "cuss" after they have appeared in the paper, but after all, we remember those who never make mistakes are dead. Mrs. Mary F. Myers of Greenville > has entered suit against the Southern = road for $40,000 for the death of her husband, Claude E. Myers, who was crushed between two cars while brakeman in Greenville the 21st of last August. J. P. Draf&n, a conductor on the Columbia street railway, was cut in the back with a knife by a negro on Monday night because he ordered the negro to some inside the car and get I out of the way of passengers getting on and off. It is claimed indigestion is the National disease. That's why the demand for TJ - r I 'rt Trvl /\ 1 A?/\A O X*U4?S xjj Qjjvyoia lauuciio ttcpo ui^iww* ing because they do the work. Stomach j- trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days 'T treatment free. Ask your druggist .. about thefn. Sold by Kaufmann Drug v Co. William Roseman, whom the immigration officials call "the nerviest stowaway that ever arrived in New mm York," arrived in the first cabin of the Minnetonka. T. N. Palmer, said to be from Augusta, Ga., a dental student in an ? Atlanta dental college, committed sui^ side in a hotel on Tuesday morning. ?j. Liquor was the cause. Le George Ewell, of Deer Lodge, Tenn., e, killed himself in a cab on the streets Ld of Washington, D. C. He had just y been discharged as a patient at Johns 5* Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. L? It is a well known fact that persons U living in the pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of r Pinenles at night usually relieves back? aclie. 30 days' treatment $1 00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Tiie Kaufmann Drug Co. I I Headache 1 I Every Month I Kj Yon may think, because you -j? MB have long had it, that you most p| gfl have a headache every month, ||| MM being a women. y|| &j| But if you think so, yon are fig* S|? wrong, since a headache is a m sign of disease of your womanly ?jjf{ I organs, that thousands of other women bare been able to relieve jls or core, by the nse of that wonder- kb| fnl, woman's medicine, ?g IH "I recommend Cardnl to all sick ?P Bgi women," writes Mrs. A. C. Beaver g? H of Unicoi, Tens. ul suffered with IS! N headache, bearing-down pains, ra| W feet sweOed, pains in shoulders ?? 99 and many others. At last I took E?g Cardtd, have gained 20 pounds re B9 and have found it the best medP5 fro^btes."**8* S**^ fctnalo gp 9 At AU Druggists p ?5 WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, Mgum stating age and describing symp- gab Sag toms, to Ladies Advisory Dept., Kg.' nj The Chattanooga Medicine Co., ijg j HjB Cnattanooga, Tenn. E 37 E& STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, Court of Common Pleas. Ellen Courtney, Plaintiff, against Daniel Wade Nates, Mary Nates, Caroline Nates and Julia Nates, Defendants. Partition. In obedience to the decree of the court herein, signed by Hon. George Johnstone, special judge presiding, and dated November 12, 1907, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S C., during the legal hours of sale, on first Monday in December, 1907, All that tract of land situate, in the county and State aforesaid, in the fork of Saluda and Broad rivers, consisting of nineteen acres, more or less, allotted to the plaintiff, Daniel Wade Nates, Mary Nates and Caroline Nates under partition proceedings for the partition of the real estate of Daniel Wade Nates, deceased, as -will more fully appear by reference to the plat thereof, which is now on file in the said Clerk's office, in judgment roll No. 624. Terms of sale: Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Clerk of the Court. Lexington, S. C., Nov. 12, 1907. Albert M. Boozer, Esq., Plaintiff's attorney. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, Court of Common Pleas. Mrs. Mamie Koon, Thomas H. Koon and Robert H. Koon, Plaintiffs, against John H. Koon, Joseph W. Koon, Jacob L. Koon and George Calvin Koon, Defendants. Partition. In obedience to the decree of the | court herein, signed by Hon. Chas. G. 1 Danfczler, presiding judge, and dated August 21, 1907,1 will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in December, 1907, All that plantation, tract or parcel of , land, containing one hundred and ninety-six acres, more or less, known a* the Ramy mountain tract, situated, lyiug and being in the county of Lexingion, State of Sonth Carolina, in the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, on branches of Broad river, and bounded by lands as follows, to wit: On the north by lands belonging to George Eargle, on the west by lands belonging to estate. of J. H. Metz, deceased, south by ian^ belong- j ingto Buthr and Washington Lever 1 and bounded on the east by said Broad | river. ' Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance on a credit of one year with interest from day of sa e, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold with leave to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay f r pap jrs. Samuel B. George. Clerk of < 'ourt. Lexington, S. C., Nov 11, 1907. Messrs. Wingard & Shealy, plaintiffs' attorney. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington, Conrt of Common Pleas. The Carolina National Bank, of Columbia, against Mrs. Narcissa S Frank and Andrew Crawford. Foreclose and Partition. In obedince to the decree of the court herein, signed by Hon. George Johnstone, special Judge presiding, and dated November 11th, 1907, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry before the court house door in Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale* on first Monday, in December, 1907: * - < - 1 ? Ail mat, certain piece, ptticei u* uavi of land, situate, lying and being on both sides of the Pine Plains road, in Piatt Springs township, in the county of Lexington, in the State of South Carolina, containing ten hundred and ninety-six (1096) acres, being bound*, d by lands of Sightler, of Mose Butler, now or formerly of Wesley Harsey, of J. Frank Sturkie, of Irvin Jumper, and now or formerly of W. F. Mack; said tract being known as the "Wolfe tract" and having such shape, marks, metes and bounds as are shown on a plat thereof made by Hamby & Hamby, engineers, dated 7th, November, 1907. ni chIp! Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Clerk of the Court. Lexington, S C., Nov. 12, 1007. Messrs. Elird & Dreher. and Melton & Belser, Attorneys. BANK OF : : : CHAPIIi Our banking facilities place them at your comrr terest paid on time depos w A fail* m m n m m* &*. m ** S A. I tviiii yuur uuaineas. J. F. Hi J. A. BLACKWELDER, STAR RES' For Ladies and Gentlemen. Meals at I Quick Service. Fish Best Coffee Ser L. G. KANELI Opposite Jerome Hotel, 131 F. W, W A ENER COTTON DEPARTMENT We have arr Cotton to best ach licit consignments We give spec handling Staple Ci Seed," "Florodora this grade. THE WDIE ROW The design and finish or the i to equal it has yet appeared on 1 STEADY, SWIF Has a very large Bobbin?Hoi BALL BE A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and dn (White SHUTTLE Machine has been in The NEW HOME stands at the top of Si Always on hand good Second Hand Ma machine attachments, shnttles, belts and tl J. H. BERRY, 1802 Main -WTRADT v*e<;?ste?co j^ATHERS HARMAN'b S: Post Office Block, FINE CA Columbia Candy 1437 Main Street, JOS. LINES, I Hand Made Bonbons, Cho Candies. From fhe Stick C Wholesale a ICE CREAM AND H A delightful place to rest at an especially Fair Week. You will Buy a box for your sweetheart or w C. HAYNESWORTH, BARBER, * 1332 Main Street, near skyscraper, Columbia, S. C. o ] Expert Barbers, Sharp Razors and Clean Towels?Everything Firstclass. j Thomas W. Reese will bo glad to ! serve his Lexington customers and many friends in the highest art of the profession. July 10. tf. ff. ft QDKK. , Lexington, - S. C., y DISTILLER and DEALER in TURPENTINE. . i Will, at all times, pay high- ^ est market prices for Crude, based upon Savannah quotations. CHAPLN, r, S. C. : : : 5 are excellent. We sand. 5 per cent, insits. Kindly favor us DNEYCUTT, Cashier. President. rAURANT. Popular Prices at all Hoars, and Game in Season. H ved in the City. iOS, Proprietor." 12 1-2 Main St, Columbia. 0. PflMDAMV Ob uuminnij r, Charlestoo, S. G. anged to handle 1 vantage, and sot sial attention to J Dtton, viz: "Allen. 4 t" and others ofji SEWING MACHINE' stand is unexcelled. Nothing ;he market r AND SUEE. ds more thread than any other * I IARINO, I rable. It is something new. I use twenty-five years.) I iUTTLE machines. I have the latest. 1 ichines. Needles for all machines and 1 le best pure SPERM OIL. B Street, Columbia, S. G. j NEW SHOES; Ml) PDIP.PQ 1 VkV IllVkVI The time is near at hand I when you wiil make your I selection for vour fall and I winter SHOES. We have I now in store for you one of I the most complete stocks to * fl select from. All the new4 I styles and leathers, and at I Money Saving Prices. Quick fl sales and small D?">fits. I Farmers' heavy work shoes I a speciality. Kememder our I motto: 8 "SAME SHOES FOR LESS MONEY" I HOE STORE, I COLUMBIA, S. P. fl WDIES! "1 f Manufactory, I Columbia, S. C. H Proprietor. fl co'ates and all kinds o 1 Finest French to I diiuy. b ind Retail. I OT SODA WATER. I y time you are in the city and H enjoy these delicious candies. fl| ife. Oct 16?3mo H iS IEENE, S. C? I Dealer in General I Merchandise. I ilso keeps a full Stock of WATCHES I ana n Call on him before purcha^JM^H elsewhere. He will tre^|^H you right. WM I