WBMBWMPW????W V KIDNEY TROUBLES 9 The kidneys are essential organs : fl for keeping the body free from imI-* ?i.'i.**? T-C i.l.yvW t/\ rxtnrlr I pUfiWCft. Jli WiCJ OUUUiu <(U4 W ?! aeatjh would ensue in very short time. [ " Inflammation or irritation caused a by some feminine derangement may spread to some extent to the Kidneys I and affect them, The cause can be 4 so far removed by using Lydia E. j Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ! that the trouble will disappear. 1 When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, j swelling of the limbs or feet, swellv: - 4' ing nnder the eyes, an uneasy, tired j feeling in the region of the kidneys,, she should lose no time in com 4 B ucauucun K4vu ! I Lydia E Pinkham'sV ' It may be tbe means of saving her for Kate A. Hearn, 520 West 47m Strt | 1 Bear Mrs. Pinkham:?-WI owe a d? r/ J? ham's Vegetable Compound for it has Kidney trouble irregularities and p K fast turning to water. I used your m dm made me strong and well." .11 Lydia E. PlSkiuiiii'f Vegetable O 39 and herbs cures Female Complaints, s ' I and Organic Diseases. Dissolves and f S It strengthens and tones tbe Stomach &S and invigorates tbe whole system. F< either aex Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta | Mrs. Pinkham's Inv |f lruiu aujf v Tried fa the Supreme Court of Universal Popularity, the R\ ' Best Judges of Tobacco Always Decide In Favor of IBB SKIImh llfe^ This tobacco is one of the oldest an v ddest mg^^actii^^in^the countr Sold at iOc oer Ttz Ahrws discriminate fa favor of 44 LEGAL T TAGS. A copy of our 1907 premium cataloj most attrmctiveever gotten out by a tobacco i address in the United States on receipt of oil tsgs ve ar? redeeranx*. - JL?,,,, ,' ^ \^ ^ ? f LEXflTGTON, S. ' Literary. Scientific and Classical Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing and Elocution. .College Trained Tftftchara. Exnenses for Session $60 to $80. >?; ,/ .-f- ' , . i Fall Term Begins September 2, 1907. Fall Term Ends January , 10, 1908. * Spring Term Begins January 13,1908. Spring Term Closes May 15, 1908. Send lor catalogue. Address ' ? ' W. E. BLACK, Principal. M. D. HARM AN", Secretary. FOLEY'S KIDNEY DURE WILL CURE YOU V *' ' of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- , cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis* ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. w 50c. and $1.00 Bottle*. MTWM SUBSTITUTES. ~ Derrick's Drug Store. j iriniDik'S! IIAVDI I AlllAIIViS If VIDL, J. C. KINARD, Proprietor, Leesville, - S. C The best attention given gnest. Modern conveniences. Table supplied with best the market affords. C KILL the COUCH I / AMD CURE THE LUNGS ",th Dr. King's Uaim AlAA*UAinf iisiv uisuuvoij E FOROSHSI1? oion ? run ^TOLDS Trial Bottle Free ? AMD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. " GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY G OB MONEY REFUNDED. e ; mmmmmmmmmmaammmKmaamm wm a ' ^MISS KATE A. HEA^^ egetable Compound life. Bead what this medicine did set, New York, who writes:? ibt of gratitude to Lydia E. Pinksaved my life. I suffered with ainful periods, and my blood was edicine for some; time and it has >mpPCllld made from native roots uchas Fallingand Displacements, expels Tumors at an early stage. _ Cures Headache, General Debility or derangement of the Kidneys in ible Compound is excellent. itation to Women ' female illness are invited to write dvice. It is free. fi 7 /- V " - ' ?'v 'v% " m tr | -.v. ' | i best brands of one of the y. Established in 1851, the ured tobaccos ever attained odard which is strictly lived terienced buyers cover aU the >rtn Carolina, choosing only , with which to maintain the rBAtDER TWIST." fist in 5c Cuts ENDER TWIST," and SAVE THE rue, which is one of the largest and manufacturer, will,be mailed to any ty 4c in postage stamps, or 8 of the LYNCHBURG, VA. 1 "... ' Sterling Good! : Sterling silver, cut glass, fit china, clocks. A fine stoc always on hand for you I select from. Keep us in mind when wan ing anything in Jewelry c Silverware. Good watch work and be: eye glasses. If you can't CQme, send fc our catalogue or telephone yoi order to us. B, LACHICOTTB & CO JEWELERS, 424 Main St, Columbia, S. ( 'Phone 9S4 PARLOR RESTAURANT. 1 B. DAVID, Proprietor. 1336 MAIN St., COLUMBIA. S. C. The only up to date eating house of i Lud in the City of Columbia. It is well ke clean linen, prompt and polite servic ou get what you order and pay only f< hat you get. Within easy reach of deeir le sleeping apartments. OPEN ALL NIGHT. RfiSTjrl Cuts. Sores. Burnsb &njEjjj?ns^??l Sold by Derrick's Drug Store ar I. E. Corley. Bhairrbalsam rieac^ei and beautifiea the amis. fever Foils to Beetore Graj Hair to its Mouthful Colorhue* ro&'P dlaeaiiea A hairtaliing. Ang. 30, ly To cure a cold first move the bowel lees Laxative Cough Syrup acts gent a the bowels, drives out the col lears the head. It's pleasant to tal nd mothers highly recommend it f< aids, croup and whooping coug ruaranteed to give satisfaction or mo: 8 refunded. Equally good for your nd old. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co * f 1 5-:.'^ ... . . .. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 13,1907. r ' jMore About the Williamson Plan. Severel questions have been asked about this plan. Can it be used on boti 1 J-O T- !i. 4.^ I lom ianas: xa il appuua.uie iu uuiu planted June 10 to 20, after small grain? How can you apply cotton seed, stable and lot manure? It is not adyisable to try it on low 1 bottom lands and liable to overflow several times during the summer. It ) may be used on higher bottom that seldom overflows. Corn planted in June needs no checking or holding back. Fertilizers may be applied at the second plowing aud the nitrate at the last. That will be better than applying all at planting time. After the corn is planted, it is difficult to apply cotton seed and stable manure. The cotton seed would have to be killed. If you wish to apply such F home-made manure do it before bedding. After breaking your land 8 to 15 inches deep and harrowing well lay off your Vows with a shovel or tongue plow. Then scatter the stable and lot manure .or cotton along this furrow. If it falls six or eight inches J outside the furrow all right. Then take the two horse turn plow and bed on that manure and leave it there until you begin to plow the bed down in June. It will then be quite available and will help the corn very much and ] push the peas forward in a most satis- 1 factory wa?. Good' results may be t seen if small grain is sown in the fall. < Let us repeat that half work and fer- 3 tilizing will not succeed with this plan i I or any other. Thorough preparation, l liberal manuring and cultivating rapidly when you do start will bring 1 success and make you feel like you t had bread laid up for a whole year at gathering time. ? Beware of Ointments for Ca- J x tarrh that Contain Mercury, ] As mercury will surely destrong the t sense of smell and completely derange i the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such 1 articles should never be used except on f prescriptions from reputable physicians, s as the damage they will do> is ten fold i to the good you can possibly derive from i them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, i O , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In.buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is i taken internally and made in Toledo, s Ohio., by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- < monials free. ? Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c., per ? bottle. / i ^ Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. . 3 . ^ Rifled Safe and Skipped. ' [ E. E? Smih, recently manager of the Palace Ice Cream Parlor, an estab- j lishment on Main street. Columbiia, g S. C., opposite tha city hall, skipped j ' town yesterday mdrning with $500 in cash, belonging to the proprietor of { the place, Mr. H. E. Watts.- The j money was taken from the safe. As c manager, Smith was in absolute au- i thority, and naturally knew the com- j bination of the safe. ^ For the past few weeks Mr. Watts has suspected his employe. Smith dndinsr himself at the end of his rone. J yesterday morning turned the keys i \ ove** to the norter and left through the r J back door. He has not been seen since, f His home is in Spartanburg, and Mr. t Watts has notified the police at that t } oinfc to be on the lookout for him. Smith is about twenty-six years of , age is married and has two small . children. He was born near Con- * ^ garee, this county, but has lived in * Soartanburg for about ten years. His a wife and children he sent there Sun- * . day. So far Mr. Watts has not heard * from the Spartanburg police.?Daily )r Record, Nov. 6. s This is Worth Remembering 3t As no one is immune, every person \ should remember that Foley's Kidney c Cure will cure any case of kidney or ^ )r bladder trouble that is not beyond the jreach of medicine. Derrick's Drug a II Store. i Explosion; Five Silled. Steubenville, Ohio, Nov. 7.?By the explosion last night of a dinkey enJ gine boiler at LfBelle Iron Work9 here, five men were killed, three pei- ^ Haps fatally injured ana a portion or ; 3, the open bearth plant was wrecked. G A Significant Prayer. 1 "May the Lord help yon make Bnck- . len's Arnica Salve known to all," writes 1 J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. ? It quickly took the pain out of a felon J for me and cured it in a wonderfully k short time.,, Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25c. at Kaufpiann a Drug Co., and Derrick's Drug Store. | lr- Columbia Sober. j Notwithstanding the thousands of j( people in Columbia on Thursday it s ? was the soberest crowd we ever saw. By an act of the legislature the dispensaries were closed, and the result was decidely good. The usual drunken crowd on the return trip was not in evidence, for which all decent people should be thankful, * i * * 2 Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol- r ized acts like a poultice in drawing out ? , inflammation and poison? Itisantisep- ^ 10 tic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked r hands it is immediate relief. 25 cents. ^ Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. n The volcano Stromboli, on the Island of Sicily, has become active again. Gifford Pinchot, government forester, declared the timber supply of the country will be exhausted in 50 years. ? Four thousand miners in Illinois s went on strike because the compary ly offered them checks instead of cash, d. We have secured the agency for Orino ie Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative or that makes the liver lively, purifies the h. breath, cures headache and regulates . u- the digestive organs. Cures chronic ! ig constipation. Ask us about it. Derrick's i. Drug Store. 1 t. ' j : v . i > ^ , Have You a Friend?\ MMaRMRMMHBHMMMMHNM Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doctors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. The best kind of a testimonial ? "Sold for over sixty years." ^ M Kid? bT C. Ayr Co.. I,oirei:, Kmi. B JU Al?o muuiuv.ui-ara of ? /m1 ^ Js'.RSAPARILLA. i jTli/ersesw j We have no seoreta! W? publish > the formulae of ell oar medicines. 9 3ne of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will lasten recovery* Gently laxative* Mr. Win gar d Appointed. Mr. B. J. Wingard, of Lexington, nember of the class of 1907 %of the [Jniversity of South Carolina, will fill ;he position of private secretary to Congressman A. F. Lever after the 1st of December. This announce- i nent will be received with genuine pleasure by the many friends of Mr. SVingard, especially those who knew j lim here during his fonr years in ; }he university. While in the university Mr. Win;ard won many honors and was very popular with the students, all of whom vish him much success in his new >osition. During the summer he has >een studying stenography and type- I vriting in order to better fit himself ! or his work with Mr. Lever. He succeeds Mr. Zeigler, of Orange- 1 )urg, whose resignation goes into efect December 1. Mr. Ziegler has itudied law at Georgetown university md will become a practitioner.?The State, 7th. TThy Sloan's Liniment and Vetmary Remedies Are the / Best to Use. Let me tell you why Sloan's Lininent and Vetinarv Remedies are the lafest and most practical on the markit t-oday. In the first place, Dr. Earl 5 Sloan is the son of a veterinary surgeon, and from his earliest infancy he vas associated wjth horses. He bought aneriroents made to save life or relieve inffering while he was practicing his >rofession. ADy reader, by writing to Dr. Earl 5. Sloan, 615 Albany Street, Boston, ilass., will receive "Sloan's Treatise m the Horse" free. This book tells iow to treat horses, cattle, hogs and >oultry. _ f Women. How many women in the county lave made money this year by.raising ionltrv. attendiner to the milk and >utter, or in any other way? Girls phat make something will be some-hing and somebody. Your skin should be clear and bright f yonr liver is in normal condition, lings Little Liver Pills act on the liver; ind headache, constipation and bilcrnsLess disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold >y Kaufmann Drug Co. George Skipper, colored, met in-, tant death in Greenville by coming n contact with a live wireJ Mothers with little children need no onger fear croup, colds or whooping ough. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup astes good. It works phlegm, clears he head. For young and old. Guaranteed. Secure" a bottle at once. Sold >y Kaufmann Drug Co. For Sale. Bv authority given us in the last will ,nd testament of W. B. Lindler, deeased, we will sell to the highest bidLer at public sale on the said premises of leceased, known as the Berley place, on Saturday, the 16th day of November, 907, the following real estate towit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land ying and being in the county of Lexngton, S. C., containing two-hundred 3 mm A* 1/jC.O Q _ rilU. till! {jJ/ *IVYU iK IUO, iUUiC Ui. ircv?, ouoining lands of John H. Snelgrove, J. 5. Hendrix, A1 Culk and others. Terms of Sale?One-third cash, balance on credit of one and two years, annual eqnal installments, secured by >ond of the purchaser and mortgage of he premises sold with interest from late of sale, wirli leave to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Fifty dolors to be paid to the executors of said ! ale one hour alter the same is bid in. E. L. Lindler, M. P. Lindler, Executors. October 21, 1907?iw2. | Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the :0th day of November, 1907, I will ap>ly to Geo. S. Drafts, Judge of Probate, or Lexington county, S. C., for a final lischarge as administrator of the estate if Eda J. Ainick, deceased. w2. J. Ivy Ainick, Admr. ft A uir mirr mo ni imvl juo A CAR 01 QUATTLEBAUM I Prosperity FITZMAU Three Arc nnr TT* rr>T a W?j u jy?JD?Jr. DM GOODS, CLOTHING, II / The fall buying ought to give; wasted is foolishly spent, and afte] ought to do yourself justice to buy Arch Store, where we can save yoi on the yard there and $2.00 on thi all wool Blanket. Great bargains high, still we own them about the style, the quality and quantity to saves you more and you get bette free. Don't wait too long, come nc TTFiil I . 0T> 1730 MAIN STREET, C |ti ' Is where you can find one -PAIN ji OF ALL K1 DOORS,SAS TIT TATTIO IAJjlllJL/iS 4 LIME AMD ( CABINET M Call or write for Prices. ?lllf^g *y?, * ^ 151 * Palmetto Re The cleanest place in the Ladies and Ce "W/vrfnlV (tasters and "Fresh *Ws PRSCES VERY CHEAP. Opposite the Sky PHONE NO. 311. THE ONLY^ In Columbia, South Carolina, making ; thing in the MACHINERY SUPPLY Write us for prices before placing COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., On corner opposite Seaboard Air Y w. 4 i i86-"' ' w T RECEIVED i1 FINE m. UfiNCFORO, I (j Si Ob RICE'S h Store, * f: I i L S. C. ' ' Jl i . < ILlilIRI', CARPETS, ( you serious thought. Money; : working hard for it you Dry Goods from the Three ^ a 5c. on the yard here, 10c. j ft ift a1ta4" ^ 1 RA A-n rtA I d ja^JCL^t, viiuu uu irns ^ctu this fall when goods are same as usual. See the select from. This store . r goods. Fashion papers )w. i ' t i f & BRO., | OLUMBII, S. C., I of the best stocks of ITS^ i :NDS. (; .* >H, fe GLASS, 3EMENT. j; , ANTLES. I I SAAAAAAAA^AAAA^AAAAAA^A/1 NOVEMBER NIGHTS I ig the chill of discomfort to your" ;es as well as to you. Have they , warm blankets? You should see . H line of blankets and other horse flfl iforts and then your animals will be H jerly cared for this Winter. If we |H e a specialty, it is in our Blankets. H DAVIS & COMPANY, , I 17 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. H V H ;si,aurant, m city of Columbia for H ntlemen. I iter Fish is our special. 9 OPEN ALL NIGHT. 9 Skraper. 9 GIVE US A CALL. JU HOUSE M a specialty of handling ever)r- 91 LINE. " 9 order elsewhere. BB Columbia, S. C. BE Line Passenger Station. P. ROOF, I iEXINGTON, S. C? 9j or all kinds of ning I implements,--i _ i