Hammocks Aim I Our HAMMOCKS wer | duplicated the order, and i i\ Here's your ehacce to get | a strong material, lasting ] 5 you can almost name youri 3 Come soon before the ] u before 6 o'clock, unless it's THE a. L | Books, Stationery, P J ' Allied | MASONIC TEMPLE, Vl^\\WeV>V>WsV*V^Vi: > \Taii[ fal IilCII JL1 IIJ Our buyer has jv Northern markets, and new Fall Goods are arr Millinery and We have bought tl linery this season that ' embracing all the last s We have the pretti Goods?representing ah have never struck the r hence our prices are the been. WM. pum Main Street, N< COLUMBIA, - BU / LEE A. LORII jtv, 1N9 Main Stree pl'j JOBBERS - AND ? - , Stoves and Banges, Stove Pipe, Tinware, Enamelware, Hollow Ware, Tin Plate, Iron and Asphalt Roofing, - Eve Trough anc Conductor, Shee Wood Mantels, Grates and Tilei Flue Pipe, Fi m . pi Fi t Co W . ;' i ' i Sf ^ tK f Kg I THE PRICES TEU. | J. B. FRID v. * Wholesale i GEOCEES. FLOUR, I SEED RUST I feWe Want the Merchants9 Pla ington County to Call^and Se Purchases. We Can Fill Y Money. v 1823 and 1825 Main Sti " i \ V" ^v ' - > WjT \ &; WAV*W?V?V?VAVAW^ ost Given Away! | e slow in coming so we i ire therefore overstocked. \ a splendid article, made in \ m * 1 V ! jretty colors, ana at a price h self. \ f \ Line is exhausted, and come J BETAS IE, | rinting, Binding and & i Arts. | - COLUMBIA, S. C. | ? ...it [P^JoSsTI \ \ ist returned from the ? the advance styles in K iving d#ilyr J Dress Goods. ? ie largest stock of Mil- ^ we have ever carried, 4 hapes and colors. + est line of Ladies' Dress k [ the latest weaves. We J narket more favorable, ? \ lowest they have ever ^ nr son, I ear Postoffice, J S. C. ? 5k & bro., \ t, Columbia. S. S. , DEALERS IN V / % I I it Metals, ? 5, re Brick and Clay, imps, Pipe, ttings, Valves, icks, Hose, v Electric and Gas Fixtures, Paints and Oils, Cutlery, Wire Netting. THE QUALITY SELLSAV &, CO.. and Retail m AND GRAIN, 'ROOF OATS. Titers and Farmers of Lexe Us Before They Make Their our Wants and Save You eet, COLUMBIA, S. C. OUR PIES ive found favor with everybody babes and men, the little girl in nafores and her mother and her -andmother. They are of the veet, delicious, wholesome, elt-in-your-mouth kind, and e're anxious to have you try iem if you don't know the promts of our ovens. If you do aow we won't have to ask you. EIDLINGER'S STEAM BAKERY, COLUMBIA, S. C. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, October 2,1907. From Klondike. ?T tntage, and soil attention to ^ ;ton, viz: "Allen and others of )M PANY, olumbia, S. C. * complete lihe of SORSE BLANKETS AND 2NERALLY. e Harness, all at prices to / / r* iEWING MACHINE md is unexcelled. Nothing i market. AND SURE. more thread than any other LREVG, ile. ' It is something new. i twenty-five years.) TTLE machines. I have the latest. ines. Needles for all macliines and >est pure SPERM OIL. ^ treet, Columbia, 8. C. EW SHOES; OLD PRICES. The lime is near at hand hen you wiil make your lection for your fall and m. s *? ma* _ inier we nave iw in store for you one of . b most complete stocks to \ lect from. All the new f\es and leathers, and at oney Saving Prices. Quick ^ lies and small profits, irmers' heavy work shoes speciality. Remember our otto: AME SHOES FOR LESS MONEY" OE STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. fit 1" GET jll & Taylor, * OLUMBIA, S. C, ' rniture. We buy only in >west spot cash prices, we 1 if we bought in local ship>00x11 Suites. eau, One Washstand, One icker?all for $17.25. 3ak Stove tinsels, for $7.50. No. 8 of Utinsels, $12.50. Our rices guaranteed as low as e bought. Write or phone Y1LOR, , s. c. ? * IHPIN. I are excellent. We | id. 5 per cent, in- 1 s. Kindly favor us | * IEYCUTT, Cashier. 1 esident. Ix (