f The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 25,1907. ' XaAez to 1Tew Advertisements. Statement?The Home Bank. Statement?Lex. Savings Bank. Shoes?E. P. & F. A. Davis. Furniture?Gibson-Miller Co. Bank of Chapin. Card?E. B. Pilcher. % ' 1 Warning?Jeff B. Amick. Hotice?J. A. Blackwelder et. al. Sale?D. C. Shull. Notice?John M. Roof. Millinery?P. H. Stallings. k Lexington Turpentine Market. .. Dip per barrel :.. $6, $7, $7.50. Spirits per gallon 44 Cotton Market. Lexington . 11%. 7 . 014 Board Re-Elected. At a meeting of the pensioner's of Lexington county held recently, all members of the old pension board viere unanimously re-elected for :: another year.. Capt. S. M. Roof was , again elected chairman. ?? .y * Ginnery Notice. My ginnery is now ready for the accommodation of the public. Will gin your cotton and fornish- bagging and . ties at market prices. AZARIAH TAYLOR. BtBiftdftlHiig Pwftllimg. Mr. J. J. Bickley is remodling his v dwelling, on Depot street. The front ;. porch is being extended and several rooms are to De added, all of which will add much to the convenience ana appearance of the residence. footed, y 500 tons of cotton seed. Will pay cash for them or exchange meal- and hnlls. Get my prices before yon sell v your seed. They are right. Apply to G. H. ROOF, Barr, S. C. Colombia Schools. The city schools of Columbia, under the supervision of Superintendent Dreher, have all opened with the largest attendance* in the history of Columbia, which speaks in highest praise of Mr. Drehers management. "Wasted, -i A first grade teacher with some experience, to take charge of Oak /Grove public school. Address, Box x 19, Route 4, Lexington, S. C. , Farmers to Organise. There will be a meeting of farmers . at Jake Harman's store on the first Saturday in October for the purpose of organizing a Farmers' Union. 'Mr. Jfcs. B. Addy will be present on /this occasion and arrange the organization. Every farmer in that section is mmWIv wannooforl trt Ho mwiPTlt catucawj t?^uwkvu w ?v . tfc * ^ . Save Tour Honey. It's quality and price that we ask - j toot patronage on* See oar line and r ^ be convinced that we can save yon money on your shoes this fall. All kind of leather and shapes to select r~ from. Herman's Shoe Store, ~ ..... Columbia, S. p., P. O. Block. 25th Aaaivmuy. We acknowledge with a great deal of pleasure an invitation to attend " the 25th marriage anniversary of Mr. Julius A. Krentzlen and Miss Eliza-1 beth Meetze on September 18, at their home in Washington, D. C. It is a , source of much regret that we were unable to be present, but wish for them a hundred more years of unv alloyed happiness?just as their past 25 years have been spent./ " i. ' /' ' ; ' * With Lever, The Shoe ICan. Mr. Jake Earhardt, who is a native of this county and well known to jnany of our people, is now with /Lever, (The Shoe Man, in Columbia, /where it will be his pleasure to serve ' his Lexington friends, and the public generally with shoes that are made to ? fit your fpet and pocket-book. Lever has one of the laigest stocks of shoes i? Columbia for men, women anfl chil dren and his prices are right. Call to t see Jake Earhardt, while in the city. Prof. 0. X>. Seay. - ? The many fiiends of Prof. Oscar D. \ i Seay, who was for eight years principal of the Palmetto Collegiate Institute, will be pleased to learn that he has been elected superintendent of * . the Waverly school in Columbia and began upon his duties Monday. Prof. Se<^r is aJ Lightened Christian gentleman and one of the finest educators ih the State. > _ - " The Bank of Ckapin. In this issdfe we print an advertisement of |he Bank of Chapin. This c * institulicn 13 managed by men of experience and ability?men who v haye made a success in life, and while the bank is yet yonng, it has made n most creditable showing. Don't let yoy money be idle; place it in the Batik of Uhapm, wnere it will work while yon sleep. This bank allows 5 per cent, interest on time deposits. ' \ - Death of SCr. C. 0. Barre. : % Mr. C. Q. Barre, a brother of Mr. \ Thomas Barre, of Steadman, and Mr. R. B. Barre, of the Fork, died at Milledgeville, Ga., on the 12th. Mr. Barre was raised in this county, but in young manhood he moved to Ridge Spring where he resided until the time of his death. He was a success?* ful business man, highly esteemed by his fellow citizens, and leaves a large and wealthy estate. A wife and several children survive him. ? mm * ropxuar 'traveling oaiB?iaaaIt was our good pleasure to receive . a call yesterday from that prince of good fellows, Mr. E. B. Pilcher, traveling salesman for Messrs. Allen & Baxley, wholesale grocers of Augusta, Ga. Mr. Pilcher is one of the finest and most popular traveling men in the South ana has held several responsible positions. See the advertisement of his firm in this issue and save your orders for Pilcher. > * Made General Agent. Dr. Rice B. Harman, of our town, has been appointed general agent for this State for The American Druggists' Fire Insurance Company, of Cincinnatti, O. He will handle and have the management of the business of this company ih the State of South Carolina, writing specialty fire insurance for the retail drug interests, at a reduction of 25 per cent, under pre vailing excessive premium rates. There was a larger number of applicants for the position of managing agent for this State, than any other the company has entered, and the board of directors had some difficulty in deciding on the man, but Dr. Harman was favorably considered. He represented several of the strongest of the old line fire companies prior to taking up pharmacy and his experience in this line doubly qualifies him to handle the insurance of his fellow druggists to their mutual advantage. The affairs of this company are in charge of men who have long been nationally recognized for their ability, integrity and general business capacity. The company has for its motto: Equitable rates; fair conditions; honest adjustments; prompt settlements. Dr. Harman, we are pleased to say, will retain his position with The Kaufmann Drug Company. Millinery Opening at Broosiana In this issue Mr. P. H. Stailings, of New Brookland, announces his millinery opening on Saturday, October 28th. Mr. Stallings' buyer has but recently returned from the Northern markets, where a large stock of the new fall styles for 1907-1908, were purchased. At Stallings* you will find a full stock of ladies, children's and gentlemen's furnishings, all at the lowest prices. Give him a call before buying elsewhere. An Appreciated Letter. The editor has received the following appreciated letter from Mr. John K. Hayes, which is self ex-planatory. Mr. Hayes holds a lucrative position with the Avondale Mills, at Birmingham, Ala: "The lable on my dear letter from 'home' (The Dispatch) reminds me that my subscription is about to expire. xYou will please find the price tor another year enclosed. I am enjoying very good health since my return, also - a swell position, the very best of my life. I hope this will find you and yours in good health and enjoying the good things of the earth. Also Col. Marion D. and family. Remember me kindly to the Col. With my very best wishes and high regards, I am very sincerely yours, John K. Hayes. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 20th. ' Cigars, Pipes, Etc. A full line of cigars,^ pipes, etc., jast opened up at Tne Bazaar, everything for the smokers. Finest line of cigars. Call and get a smoke. Tri-County Fair. Mr. Walter J. McCartha is Secretary of the Tri-County Fair. Write him for premium list and other information. For Boat. I desire to rent my home place consisting of a good one-horse farm on Big Hollow creek. Apply to or write; J? xLa W/? 3w47 B. F, IX 3?Gilbert, S. C. Cures Bk*d, Skin Disfeases, Cancer. Greatest Bloqd Purifier Free. If yonr blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and7 bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, i.~ /vw nntr 1\1aa^ f\y cauvrUf iuouuiawmu, UI ?uj wwu w skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure, and rich. Druggists or by express $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing BloopL Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. Sold in Lexington, S. C., by Derrick's Drug store and Kaufmarm Drug Co. Notice, Bird Hunters. This is to notify all persons not to hunt birds or trespass in any manner upon my premises adjoining Snelgrove, Al. Meetze and others. The law will positively be enforced against all trespassers. 4w50 * JEFF. B. AMICK. Place for Sale. AVvrvnf "A oftroc ^.UuavA) T? v** IT mvva , six room cottage, barn and ont buildings; fine well of water. Located five miles west of Lexington on the Cherokee road: JWiU sell at private sale. P. B. EDWARDS, 46tf ' , Lexington, R. F. D. 2. A ' ? ' ' ' . v . . . ' . . j P. H. STALLINGS, Gram) Milling FALL On Saturday, the 28th Fall Opening with the mo line oi Millinery ever she Our Millinery, Miss Emma turned from tie Northern back With her all the lat season just as they appeal center of the world?Paris Also carry a full line c Gmte' rnrnlihlng.. P. H . ST/ I I TIlA I I I lid I II j|| BEST PL^ Iff ? Dry G Lh |:| Groce iij Glass I FAIR I' 'SOSgCOCCOSOOOCC NOTICE. \ __ Books of Subscription to Ca tal Stock of The Chapii Manufacturing Co. By virtue of a pommission issi to us, as a Board of Corporators, the Secretary of the State pf So Carolina, dated September 9, 1907, will on the 30th day of Septeml 1907, at the office of the Bark Chapin, S. C.f at 12 m., open Books of Subscription to the cap stock of The Chapin Manufactui Company. The amount of the cap stock to be subscribed is $75,000 to divided into 750 shares of a par V? of $100 each. J. A. BLACKWELDER, M. A. CARLISLE, CHAS. P: ROBINSON, E. T. RAUCH, Board of Corporator Chapin, S. C., Sept. 18, 1907. Sale of Personal Property I will sell at public outcry on the J day of October next, at 11 o'clock a. at my place, 3 miles north of Gilbert my personal property consisting of mule 6 years old, one wagon, one bu* corn, fodder, peas, etc; also house} and kitchen furniture. Terms of s cash. D. C. SHULL, 3-49p Gilbert, S. C., Route Notice. This is to notify all persons to m f payment of any indebtedness to estate of Jacob L. Roof, deceased, those having claims will present sa for payment on or before 1st of vember, 1907, to the undersigned. . JOHN^M. ROOF, 3w49p Administrate Teacher's Examination. ? - ? ^ - rii-i.- n 3 By resolution 01 tne oumu Education, the next regular exam: tion for teachers of Lexington cor will be held in the court house, at 1 ington, on Friday, October 18th, 1' This examination will begin prom] at 9 a. m. and close at 4 p. m. Applicants will please furnish pap Very sincerely. J. E. RAWL KYZER, County Supt. of Educatio] Sept. 7f ?3V)! 2 ?*] ed and fitted tight at every ; H It will never leak ashes or dust, no ma * H in use. The two-piece oven bottom i p 2 pansion and contraction?always stays I s I JEWEL COOK STOl lies f e' are perfect in every detail of construction. % |r; right shape, width and depth. They hold the f jp fuel. There are many other adHi || vantages only found in Jewel fe Cook Stoves. It will pay you to j| make careful investigation of jgSjj-BUQ I' Jewels before buying. At j^; the price we ask you cannot ST p get the same value elsewhere, 1$ UI ADIIIAIfi Others try to imitate wflnmnui Jow.,stove,. D. J jJk not be misled. Genuine Jewmlm bear the Jt ? tra^eraar^ printed herewith. Buy from fj 1 wV us. run no risk of getting imitations. fg II Stewart-Suydam Hardv I 1645 MAIN STREET, U0JLUM1 Warning. La This is to notify all persons not to I will sell a employ Arthur or Jack Dreher, colored, bidder for cas he having contracted to work with me door in Lexin for the year, 1907, and left without Monday in cause. The law will positively be en- acres of lane forced against anyone violating this Lexington d< notice. * J. S. METZ. road. Ballentine, S. C., Sept. 9. 4w48p 3w48 Send us yc y ^ I M w 1 jH9 ^ ^ ^|1M"|?^^|W ? ? w ^ ^W^|W?W ?w WM w wr^iBi^ir I^??^i iw^ ^j^Hf rtment Store Id Shoes, Hats, ij Harness, Buggies, j:| Tinware, and I VERY TIME | I W MIWIMWI MW M ? US * W. P. ROOF, . LEXINGTON, S. C., JL Aeent for all kinds of ,SW3 Farming ?L implements. WRITE FOR PRICES. ^ GOODS. I ide the largest stock of Dry Goods I ! SHOES!! I best and most complete in this fl i and TRIMMED HATS. I it and as I have a splendid showing, H call on me before buying. I ffINC and PANTS. lore complete than ever and prices I MERCHANDISE. I Groceries, Hardware and ail family I resh, and prices the lowest. 1 call. I riXiXilAMS, I s. c. 9 ................. | SPOT CASH -$i& j Hardware m | and Paints ' tter how long |j J If you would economize, our lllows for ex- P5 * store is t'le P^6 to spend your fiat. fj money. B9 _ \Tn dahfcc tn ln?p and no nn ICC M I IkV yi > profitable customers to serve. Fire boxes are fsjk ; Hence you are doing business ire and save the ^2 j on short profit and quick selling f? I If you want Mowing Machin ! We liandle Mill Supplies i and a General Hardware Stock. | Ladies should also visit our Store. Many items of interest J I SCREEN DOORS - - - - 95c. to $1.25. 2 SCREEN WINDOWS 35c., 45c,, 50c. rare Co., s - . it * s c ' rojir. ciiddiv rn ! lllfilll Oil I LI uu . -- --- PROSPERITY, S.C. nd For Salq. ?7 t public sale to the highest Notice, Debtors and Creditors. ;h before the court house Notice is hereby given to all persons gton, S. C., 011 the first in anyway indebted to the estate of October, 7th. 1907, four John E. Pou. deceased, that they make 1 and one dwelling near payment on or before 1st of November ?]K>t on the Orangeburg next, and those having claims against S. P. CORLEY. said estate will present them properly attested for payment to the undersigned. ? Jonathan* A. Kaigler, >ur orders for job printing Sept. 17. 3w48. Executor.