The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 18, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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y. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 18,1907. Index to "Sew Advertisements. Groceries, etc.?Lorick & Lowrance . Clerk's Sales, k Notice?Jonathan A. Kaigler. A For Sale?Mrs. Annie L. Hutto. Land For Sale?S. P. Corley. Place For Sale?P. B. Edwards. Machinery?Columbia Supply Co. r Lexington Turpentine Market. Bip per barrel $6, $7, $7.50. Spirits per gallon 44 School Station Postponed. The election, for a special two mill leVy for school purposes at Irmo has been postponed m order to allow voters m the district to secure registration certificates. Will Serve Refreshments. k . The Ladies of the I<exington Baptist church will serve refreshments at the ^ home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harman Friday night, 2fith inst. Everybody is cordially invited. , , V , ' ' FineSyrap Hill. Mr. S. P. George has just enstalled a. fine steam syrup mill at his place and is now ready to serve his patrons. ?J ?an Uive oust a tnai ana )-uu kui w y pleased. ' Annual Picnic. Mt. Hebron annual Sunday School picnic will be held at the church on Saturday, September 28. The Ladies' Missionary Society will furnish refreshments for the benefit of the new ^ v eburch. Everybody invitetl to attend. i 4 ? A New Business. A solid car load of wagons, harness, saddles, gears, etc. All kinds and i - prices. See us before you buy any*'hing in this line. Our prices are right. Caughman & Harm an. Beturad to Newberry. Prof, and Mrs. S.J. Derrick after an extended and delightful visit to relatives in and around Lexington, left for their home in Newberry Saturday afternoon. Prof. Derrick spent y part of the summer in Npw York, 'where he took a post graduate course, y which better prepares him for his > -duties in Newberry college. ICasoais Notice. A regular communication of Boyls. ton Lodge, No. 128, A. F. Mm will be - ; held on ^September 21st, 1907, at- 2 o'clock p. m. Work in F. C. degree. Members and visitors are respectfully invited to attend. By order of ' P. w. Shealy, Sec. For Seat. T ttnmA nl a no r?nn X UCDUO IV l^liu U1J uvtuv J/?? listing of a good one-horse farm on r h*i follow creek. Apply to or write, I I J. K. W. Sease, 3w47 R. F. D.'3?Gilbert, S. C. Popular Flour XilL Mr. EL- J. George's roller floor mill i? growing more popular every day. Wne&is brought daily from far and near, and patrons of the mill are well pleased with results. As soon as the wheat season is completed Mr. George expects to operate his saw-mill on full lime. . Lexington Lest to Irene. There was quite an interesting game of ball at Irene Saturday afternoon - between Lexington's second nine and Ijhe team at that place. The earners. suited in a scope of 13 to 9 in favor of Irene. Y Batteries?Irene, Kyzer and Roof; Lexington, Miller, Wmgard and Wingard. Wanted. -500 tons of cotton seed. Will pay the cash for them or exchange meal and hulls. Get my prices before you sell your seed. They are right. Apply to G. H. ROOF, Barr, S. C. - V s 1 Wedding Bells. There will be quite a number of marriages consumated in Lexington during the early fall if Madam Rumor p is to count for anything. They come sm fast, and so close together that it would take one with a better recollection than that of the editor to report them all just as they come; bnt, however the case may be, it is said, that on the evening of the 26th two of Lexington's most popular young people will plight their troth; and on the 15th of October, wait! We said our recollection was not so good and we better stop. This is enough how, announcements will soon be in order. For Sale. ' One eight acre tract of land for sale. Has good dwelling, barn and other out buildings: good-well of water. Located 1? miles north of Pelion, on Southern railway. Fdr further information apply to jKes. Aknie L. Hutto, 8-lp IE. F. D. 1, Pelion, S. C. Notice to Ooatr&otojs! 1 There will be let to the lowest bid Ufr nil bUO X'Oll U1VUUUO OV XI v uvwa., on Saturday, the 21st, covering 30 stables and the poultry house, with corrugated iron roofing, the chairman reserving the right to reject any and all bids. W. Q. M. BERLEY, 2w Chairman. r" ? "Warning. This is to notify all persons not to employ Arthur or Jack Dreher, colored, he naving contracted to work with me for the year, 1907, and left without cause. The law will positively be enforced against anyone violating this notice. J. S. METZ. Ballentine, S. C., Sept. 9. 4w48p Engine and Boiler Fixtures. I have just opened up a new and % full line of engine and boiler fixtures, consisting of valves, gauges, couplings, etc. Piping cut ana threaded to order. Engine and boiler repairing also done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial, h. J. J. RIKARD, ~ 45tf Lexington, S. C. Wanaaaaker Elected 1)7 Large Majority. The Commissioners of Election met here yesterday and tabulated the votes cast in last Tuesday's election. There was only a small vote polled throughout the county, but it shows that Mr. N. B. Wannamaker, of Sandy Run, was the people's choice, he M/iAitrin/* nnnvlrr tVlTOQ Vfttofl Mr. lUVUlVJliig uuawvw w ??.. Sbuler's one. It is worth noting, too, that out of the 207 votes which Mr. Shuler received, only nine of these came from the Fork, his old home. On account of our limited space, we Only give the total number of votes each candidate received: N. B. Wannamaker 566 R. L. Shuler 207 Hiss Hook Entertains. . On Wednesday evening at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hook, near New Brookland, their danghter, Miss Bessie Hook, received her friends from 8 until 11 o'clock. The inclemency of the weather prevented many of those who had received cards from attending but a number of guests were present and enjoyed a succession of interesting and amusing games which had been provided for their pleasure. There was also an enjoyable programme of music and recitations furnished by Miss Hook and Miss Mary Gayle and later an exciting guessing contest in which the prize, a box of candy, wfts won by Mr. M. McDonald of Columbia. The "booby" was presented to Mr. Walter Leslcv of Lexington. A dainty sweet coarse was served by two attractive Httle waitresses, Misses Mima Hook and Biua Blackburn. The parlor was beautifully decorated for the occasion with a profusion of goldenrod and ferns. Among the guests were: Misses Mary Gavle of Columbia, Kate Shull of Lexington; Bessie, Hattie and Mima Hook, Lilla Hendrix and Bula Blackburn; Messrs. Robert and Walter Lesley of Lexington, C. P. Heise and M. McDonald of Columbia and Thomas Hook.?The State. 15th. T. B. Ausrhtry & Co. T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia, have the largest line of wholesale and retail merchandise that they have ever carried. Their stock of heavy and fancy groceries is complete. They have bought in larger quantities recently than has been their custom, hence their prices are lower. Mail orders carefully altsnded to by experienced shipping clerks. _ "v Capt. John B. Pou Bead. Capt. John B. Pou, auditor of Lexington county from 1886 to 1888, died at his home in Sandy Run township on the 4th of September, after an illness of brief duration. Capt. Pou was one of the best known and popular men in the county and had reached the advanced age of 70 years. He was a devoted member of the Methodist church and stood high in that denomination. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Hattie Sontag, and one brother, J)r. Pod, of St. Matthews. Qua utd Locksmiths. In this issue we print an advertisement of Jacob Bros., gun and locksmiths, of Columbia. This firm does a general repair business?automobiles, guns, pistols, bicycles, or anything that needs a workman. They have a large stock to select from and their prices are right. A cleverer Sair of brothers never lived than acob Brothers. Call to see them while in the city. Jeaes Wants Pardon. Application has been made to Governor Ansel for a pardon for Bob Jones, who was tried and convicted here in 1891, for having exterminated the Pressley family in Edgefield county and sentenced to serve 21 years in the penitentiary. The case is of widespread interest. f. m mm * * Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer. Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood nnifimv cftneer. carbuncles, eatiner sores. scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the /blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express |lper large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. Sold in Lexington, S. C., by Derrick's Drug store and Kaufmann Drug Co. GIBSON-Ml COLUMi THE BIG NE STORE has now greatest assortme ture ever before sj of South Carolina. Suits for the Par brary, Bed Room 8 Circassean.Walnu Eye Maple, Early] and G-olden Oak. marked in Plain 1 1 i Wl 1 + +1 Q TTTA TT 11IXLL UUU ULUJLC? WC W to all points out of Whei Think FURN. Gibson-^ 1409 MAIN ST? v , ... i The Lf |a ; BESTPLACI J8J j| Dry Goc Groceric I Glassw? i A Greater Department Store. It was the privilege and pleasure of this writer to visit the Greater De' i A _ > T T Hfi "L 0. parnnent Btore 01 j. ij. iviimiia.ugii Co., while in Columbia last week. , It would be an injustice for us to ever attempt to give an idea of the immense stock of new goods that are now arriving daily at this great store. Suffice it to say that everything that is new, beautiful and good in dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, carpets, mattings, rugs, art squares, ladies' dress goods, cloaks, jackets, skirts and suits. The millinery department is the pride of the store, and never before have we seen such a beautiful and stunning array of ladies' headgear; gents'clothing and furnishings. The glass and crockery department is bubbling over with bargains in fancy glass and chinaware, tinware and thousands of useful articles in bricabrac, etc. Every department is conveniently and tastily arranged, which makes the store all the more attractive. From the basement to the third floor ?no matter where you go?your eyes behold new goods. These purchases were all made by Mr. Mimnaugh, himself, for his customers, and this, within itself, is ample guarantee that they were bought right, for there is no business man in the country that knows better how to buy and make selections than he. Go and see this mammoth stockthere is nothing to equal it in the entire Sonth. Polite, courteous and prompt ladies and gentlemen ready to serve you. / Aa Appreciated Letter. Among the mari^r letters received daily by the editor there is none he appreciates more highly than the following letter from Mr. J. Ed. Kyzer, who now resides at Rutherford, Tenn., where he is president of the Citizens State Bank of that city. Mr. Kyzer is a brother of the late John Bynum "Hinmif Vrrira* on/I VlOQ m oriTT A11U XJL Ui J ii.j <ici | nuu uhxj rnuuj friends and relatives now living in Lexington: 4lI send you check for one dollar for the renewal of my paper. It comes as a welcome visitor to my house every week and as a letter from home and my old native State and is greatly appreciated. With kindest regards to the editor and his many readers of The Dispatch, I am yours most respectively, J. Ed Kyzer." For x INSURANCE, LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SEE E. G. Dreher, LEXINGTON, S. C. Strongest and Best Companies n i cd on SLIER UUM| BIA, S. C. IW FURNITURE on exhibition the int of Fine Furnitiown in the State Complete matched lor, Hall, Den, Liind Dining Room in t, Mahogany, Bird's English, W eathered Our goods are all figures, and for a ill Prepay Freight ' Columbia, o. You ITURE Think Ciller Co., COLUMBIA, S. C. winrrfnn Oonarf lAlllglUI! UtJIUUII 5 TO BUY >ds, Notions, Sh 5S, Hardware, H? ire, Crockeryware, Ti Farming Implemenl TREATMENT - EV] / 0 By G&S f9 .Jy. I DRY G I - I am showing for fall trade H I have ever carried. I SHOES! I My line of Shoes is the be I section, not excepting any. I LADIES' CLOAKS ar This is a new department a I especially invite the ladies to call MEN'S CLOTHIN I This line is better and more I the lowest. I GENERAL ME 8 My stock is complete in Cr H supplies. They are always fresl M Be sure to give me a ca 1 T. H. W] IRENE, ! $14, $16, $18, ! "iiiiaaganw 1 igpif The Oven Top . 5 of this stove is all carefully cement f (oia:: siw > nc tegj) , . 2 eg ed and fitted tight at every joint 1 It will never leak ashes or dust, no matter I +1 in use. The two-piece oven bottom allow p pansion and contraction?always stays flat. : | JEWEL 668K STOVES S'.J are nerfeet in everv detail of construction. Fire !!- ^ j right shape, width and depth. They hold the fire ai | fuel. There are many other ad1 vantages only found in Jewel Cook Stoves. It will pay you to make careful investigation of Jewels before buying. At T ft the price we ask you cannot K~~ e get the same value elsewhere. WflRWIHGs flPll not be misled. Genuine Jmwml* bear the Jm \jjjf trademark printed herewith. Buy frooi fj V gs> ran no risk of getting imitations. 49 1 Stewart-Suvdam Hardwar : 1645 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, feeeo?9?0eo??0cim?foe????o99?c?9????o? Over 700 Students. Land I Clemson college opened on Wed- I will sell at pub! nesday of last week with more than bidder for cash befi 700 students. There were applications door in Lexington, for one thousand, but there was not Monday in Octo room for that many. acres of land and Lexington depot ( Ex-President, Grover Cleveland, is road, desperately ill at his home at Prince- 3w48. _ ton, N. J., and it is said, that he can not recover. Send us your or I.' HIGH! OIUID | 1 " i|: J oes, Hats, ii Jj irness, Buggies, jj nware, and i I ts. | BRY - ^ TIME I j W. P. ROOF, LEXINGTON, S. C? Agent for all kinds of ^ Farming k Imnlomants fa,*.. lllipiUIIKUII IVI mr WRITE FOR PRICES. L GOODS!I rOODS. I the largest stock of Dry Goods 9 SHOES!! I >st and most complete in this id TRIMMED HATS. nd as I have a splendid showing, 9 I on me before buying. 9 C and PANTS. I i complete than ever and priees 9 [RCHANDISE. I oceries, Hardware and ail family 9 i, and prices the lowest. tLLIAMS, I S C I ..MOMMHM* I SPOT CASH K?L! i Hardware . H! and Paints ftmis; i1CTtPUU?l ? IK vcaol T how long II | If vou would economize, our *"J S for ex- I I * store is the place to spend your money. IJ 9 No debts to lose, and no uni i-A a \ kg profitable customers to serve. boxes are K$ 2 Hence yon are doing business id save the $3 on short profit and quick selling ** i, % at 0Tir store. fj If you want Mowing Machin{ ery, see us. We handle Mill Supplies and a General Hardware Stock. S ' Ladies should also visit our { Store. Many items of interest 9 to housekeepers. 2 | SCREEN DOORS - - - - 95c. to $1.25. p 2 ! SCREEN WINDOWS 35c., 45c? 50c. "Q In anc* iiJiBMSfii CO ? a , = PROSPERITY, S.C. Por Sale. Lie sale to the highest Notice, Debtors and Creditors. ore the court house Notice is hereby given to all persons S. C., on the first jn anyway indebted to the estate of ber,- 7th, 1907, four John B. Pou. deceased, that they make one dwelling near payment on or before 1st. of November )n_ the Orangeburg next, and those having claims against S. f. uu-KIjUiI. said estate Will present them properly attested for payment to the undersigned. ?:?:? Jonathan A. Kaigler, ders for job printing Sept. 17. 3w48. Executor. \