The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 18, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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I | Hammocks Alit | | Our HAMMOCKS wei 1 duplicated the order, and II Here's your chacce to get | a strong material, lasting 1 you can almost name yom - | Come soon before the E before 6 o'clock, unless it! Lr.l f | Books, Stationery, 1 Kl; I Allie f| | MASONIC TEMPLE, i^W-VWWWW : pew Fai . f Our buyer has j K Northern markets, and 5 new Fall Goods are ar: f Millinery and > We have bought t # linery this season that / / embracing all the last! f We have the prett \ Goods?representing al J have never struck the ^ hence our prices are th f una ni T" !?: | ww. \ Main Street, 19 !; ; f COLUMBIA, Jwwvwww^ LEE A. LORI 1519 Main Stre< JOBBERS AND Stoves and Ranges, Stove Pipe, Tinware, Enamelware, Hollow Ware, Tin Plate, Iron and Asphalt Roofing, Eve Trough an f!AnHnntnr. ShAi Wood Mantels, Grates and Tile f Fine Pipe, m ' F: p. ' P m' F: m * C p THE PRICES TELL. J: B. FRir I 15v-' Wholesale GROCERS, FLOUR,! SEED RUST We Want the Merchants, PI ington County to Call and S Purchases. We Can JEW ] Money. 1823 and 1825 Main S / /'. V . \ ? Ifo \ iMAWW>V?W?WAW*W lost Given Away! | ======== j re slow in coming so we j are therefore overstocked. \ i I ; a splendid article, made in >1 pretty colors, and at a price I rself. \ f line is exhausted, and come g 's Saturday. g MM CO., I Printing, Binding and j d Arts. | - COLUMBIA, S. C. | ' II ra?j N ust returned from/ the ? the advance styles in K riving daily. J Dress Goods. t, he largest stock of Mil- ^ we have ever carried, ^ %lv AM /> tA X-3 A/\l A Urt SliiiptJS itJULU WiUiO. ^ iest line of Ladies' Dress J 11 the latest weaves.,; We J market more favorable, i e lowest they have ever i rr son, | i fear Postoffice, J j S. C. 7 J J CK & BR0, >t, Columbia. S. S. ( DEALERS - IN \ i I i i . * \ ] d f T at Metals. * * i 'S, 2 ire Brick and Clay, J amps, Pipe, ittings, Valves, ocks, Hose, v Electric and 1 Gas Fixtures, - 8 Paints and Oils, ] Cutlery, Wire Netting. J THE QUALITY SELLS AY & CO.,: ( i and Retail ^ FEED AND GRAIN, PROOF OATS. anters and Farmers of Lex-) ee Us Before They Make Their Zour Wants and Save Ton treet, COLUMBIA, S. C. OUR PIES lave found favor with everybody --babes and men, the little girl in - - ? ~ ~ J Vi/?? wi nn/1 V, ov I JillcHUres ctliU. II CI lllV tlivi auu ui/i prandmother. They are of the rweet, delicious, wholesome, nelt-in-your-mouth kind, and we're anxious to have you try ;hem if you don't know the prolucts of our ovens. If you do aiow we won't have to ask you. lEIDLINQER'S STEAM BAKERY, COLUMBIA, S. C. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 18.1907. Q J. M. Ranch. John Melville Raiich died suddenly at his home at Edwards, Miss., on Friday morning, the 30th of August, about four o'clock. He was a druggist, in which business he had been engaged, at Edward3, for many years. He attended to his drugstore on Thursday, and was apparently as well as he had been in a long time. Thursday night he complained of some trouble in his chest, but attributed it to indigestion. He sat up until late * ' 1 -i.? 3 ? 1 U oeatime, ana reureu ieeiing muuu better. About half past three o'clock his wife, who was sleeping in an adjoining room, heard him making a struggling noise as if in his throat, and when she reached his bedside she found him dying. He was buried with Masonic honors, by the lodge of Masons of Edwards, on Saturday morning. The funeral services were conducted by the Presbyterian minister, Mr. Kolmary. Mr. Rauch was born in Lexington District, South Carolina, the 25th of July, 1845. His father, Mr. John Rauch, moved*with his family to Scott county, Mississippi, in November or December, 1854, where he resided ufatil the 24th day of December, 1858, when he removed to Smith county; about one mile north of Trenton, where he lived until the time of his death, in 1889. In July, 1863, when eighteen years old, Mr. J. M. Rauch enteredtheConfederate army, in Company C. of the Eighth Mississippi Regiment. He was painfully wounded at the battle of Chicamauga. After the war he attended school a while in Smith county, and at Morton and Forest, in Scott count}7, and went from Forest to Edwards where he spent the balance of his life. v He married Miss Lillie Young, in 1880, and there were born seven children, four of whom, three daughters and a son, thirteen years old, are now living, as is also his widojw. Two daughters died when small children; his elder son/ Dr. Edward Shelby Rauch, died of yellow fever in Vicks, ^ OT .1.. ? f 4 Durg two years ago. ouvruy attei nc was married he joined the Presbyterian church, of which he was a consistent membej ever after up to the time of his death. His mother died March 20,1863. He has a brother. Mr. W. A. Rauch, and two sisters, Miss Amanda Rauch and Mrs. A. J. McLaurin, now living. He was a dutiful son, affectionate brother, and loving husband and father.?The Brandon (Mississippi) News. CATARRH and Catarrhal Headaches ire quickly relieved by Nosena. It Boothes the congested mem branes, allays inflammations and thoroughly heals and cleanses. It keeps moist all the passages whose tendency is to tliicken and become dry. Cures colds, throat troubles, hoarseness, hay fever, "stopped lip" nose, breathing through mouth while sleeping, offensive breath, etc. It is antiseptic and contains no chemicals >r drugs having a narcotic effect, or hat can cause the "drug habit." Der i h's Drug Store and C. E. Corley. The White Bouse Piste. The fact that the White House is jquipped with a service of solid gold plate for use on state occasions is not talked, about too loudly, as it seems, ?omehow, to jar on democratic simplicity. But the fact that fhe service s there is recalled by the fact that it leeds refurnishing, and jewelers from Sew York, Baltimore and Philadelphia A ^ ^ TV* n rvl o fo 11C UlUUlJJg 1UI tiiu wuin? xxxc pxo*tv vas bought during the Van Buren adninistration. It is made up of four arge candelabra, five fruit dishes, tnd eight table mirrors which are so ashioned that they can be formed iiy,o one large centerpiece. It is claimed that this service of plate is one of he handsomest in the world, and impresses even those diplomats who have jeen the plate of the wealthiest European courts. The value of the White House plate is not generally known.? Washington Herald. Cotton Crop Znjnrsd. From what can be learned the continued dry weather has injured the potton all over the county to a great gxtent. Generally speaking, there is nothing but the July crop, all the balance having fallen off. It is estimated that the crop has been injured to the extent of 25 per cent, during the past few weeks, which will make the crop in this county far below what it was estimated earlier in the season. A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind., Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main Street, says: "I appeal to all persons with weak lungs to take Dr. King's j New Discovery, the only remedy that I has helped me and fully comes up to j the proprietor's recommendation." It saves more lives than all bther throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a cough and cold cure the world over. Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whoophing cough, quinsy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at Kaufmann's Drug Co., and Derrick's Drug Store.. aOc. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. During a thunderstorm at Roxburg, Va., lightning struck a cedar tree at the head of a grave and completely disinterred the body, scattering the bones in all directions, it is not known bow long the body had been in the grave. Thos. D. Bell, aged about forty, of Columbia, died while surf bathing at Willoughby Beach, near Norfolk, Va., on Friday. i The Song of the Hair IMHMnHNIMMMWMHMMHR There are four verses. Verse 1. Avpr'q Hair Viaorstons falling j hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular * hair-food; this is the real secret of its wonderful success. The beet kind of a testimonial? "Sold for over sixty years." A Msdeby/.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, M*m. JU Al?o*xnanaAoturgr? of JLM 9 SARSAPASILLA. i lllferS CHERRY PECTORAL. ' The Poor Editor. A little boy in town was given 'the task by his father of writing an essay on editors, the other day, and the following was the result of his effort: "I don't know how newspapers come to be in the world. I think the editor is one of the missing links you read of and strayed in the bushes until after the flood; and then came out and wrote the thing up and has been Vioto oror Q?nr?p_ T don't think he ever dies. I never4 saw a dead one and never heard of one getting licked. Our paper is a mighty poor un; the editor goes without \underclothes all winter, don't wear no soek3, and paw ain't paid his subscription in more than five years. "If the editor makes a mistake he has to apoligize for it, but if the doctor makes a mistake he buries it. "If the editor makes one there is a lawsuit, swearing and the smell of sulphur, but if the doctor makes one there is a funeral, cut flowers and the smell of varnish. \"A doctor can use a word a yard long 'thougt knowing what it means, but if the editor uses it he has to spell i it. "If a doctor goes to see another man's wife he charges for the visit, but if the editor goes he gets a charge of buckshot. "When a doctor gets drunk, it's a case of "overcome by heat," and if he dies, it's "heart trouble." When ' an editor gets drunkrits a case of too much booze, and if he dies, its a case { of delirium tremens. "Any old college can make a doctor. > "You can't make an editor, he has to be born."?Ex. Health ia the Canal Zeae. The high wages paid make it. a mighty temptation to our young artisans to join the force of skilled workr?r?nc+mnt fchft Panama ilie 11 UCCUCU IV vvouv. Canal. Many are restrained however by the fear of fevers and malariar It is the knowing ones?those who have used Electric Bitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarious influence with Electric Bitters on hand. Cures blood poison too, biliousness, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Guaranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co., and Derrick's Drug Store, druggist. 50c. \ Negro "Will Hang. Pink Franklin, who it will be recalled, killed Constable Valentine in Orangeburg county some weeks ago, ] was tried and convicted in Orange- ? burg Tuesday. He was immediately sentenced to be hanged on October I 25th. He was defended by two negro lawyers. One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and before the victim realizes his dan- | ger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregularities and prevents Bright's disease and diabetes. Derrick's Dmg Store, L. F. Byars was convicted in the > court of Richland la9t week of murdering his son-in-law, Oliver Lanahan, and wa9 sentenced to the penitentiary for life, the jury having recommended him to mercy. To cure a cold first move the bowels. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently on the bowels, drives out the cold. ( clears the head. It's pleasant to take 1 and mothers highly i recommend it for 1 colds, croup and whooping cough. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or mon- es refunded. Equally good for young and old. Sold by Kaufmanu Drug Co. 1 The government warehouse of ' Smyrl's distillery in Kershaw county was burned down on last Friday i night and 8,000 gallons of corn whiskey destroyed, entailing a loss of ?16,000, with an insurance of $5,000. The fire is thought to have been incendiary. It is claimed indigestion is the Nation al disease. That's why the demand for Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps iucreas- ' ing because the}' do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist about them. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Sewing A ON EASY i The STANDARD is shuttle, light running, cheaper grade. "We are of machines, and we sell suit all buyers. PIANOS and ORGANS. CANTT 8 Swansea BARGAINS AT t Our stock of General Merchandis we are positively offering big Bargair Dress Goods, Domestics and Notions,, ings, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Groceries, H ments. BUGGIES, SURRIES, WAGON! HARROWS and PLOWS, M ENGINES Highest Prices always paid for a g?" Call and see us if you wan nleased. J. D. A. Richard WHITE ROCK, THE WHITE ROTARY The design and finish of the st to equal it has yet appeared on th STEADY, SWIFT Has a very large Bobbin?Holds BALL BE, A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and dura (White SHUTTLE Machine has been in m The NEW HOME stands at the top of SHI Always on hand good Second Hand Macl machine attachments, shuttles, belts and the J. H. BERRY, 1802 Main S 1? i fc^^LEATHERS- ni HARMAN'B SB Post Office Block, DONT FOI H. JSLm HTJBL Successor to Maxw NEAR POST OFFICE, ( When you are looking for Fo Solid Car Load Lots and at the 1 therefore, can sell you for less tha ments. Solid Oak Bed] Nine Pieces?One Bed, One Bo Centre Table, Four Chairs. One R No. 7 Black < with a complete list of Cooking L An It- wrilV* O OrtTVITll 1T C"f DlCtUA V/(XXV^ yy 1 itll u WAAAJ^AV VV AAM? line is complete. All grades. I Furniture of the same grade can 490 for prices H. JBL.TJ* COLUMBIA } Mines TERMS * the best. Rotary Also machines of making a speciality * . them on terms to I * Write us for prices < RAST, i, s. c. WHITE ROCK. ie is fall to over flowing, and is to our customers in Fine Men's Clothing and Furnishardware and Farming Imple5 and HARNESS. DISC [OWERS, GASOLINE 5, ETC. 11 kinds of Country Produce, t anything and you will be son & Son, - S. C. \ murair. if a ruimc jLfullU iMuIHiiL .? and is unexcelled. Nothing e market. AND SURE. j more thread than any other TURING, ble. It is something new. se twenty-five years.) JTTLE machines. I have the latest. lines. Needles for all machines and best pure SPERM OIL. ' treet, Columbia, S. C. . IEW SHOES; OLD PRICES. The time is near at hand rhen you wiil make your election for your fall and inter SHOES. We have ow in store for you one of le most complete stocks to elect from. All the new tyles and leathers, and at loney Saving Prices. Quick ales and small profits. armers9 heavy work shoes speciality. Remember our lotto: SAME SHOES FOR LESS MONEY" [OE STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. / IGET Y3[JC>]ct ell & Taylor, COLUMBIA, S. C, irniture. We buy only in owest spot cash prices, we n if we bought in local shiproom Suites. r i Lreau, One Washstand, One ocker?all for $17.25. 41 Oak Stove r+i-naola "fnr 1&7 SO "W/* Q ' IfAlXWVAWJ AVA V VI All Ul V ; of Utinsels, $12.50. Our 'rices guaranteed as low as be bought. Write or phone * YLOjk, L, S. C. M J