The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 11, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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7 R ^ , Every department in our Hacs, etc., and in fact everythir bid our Lexington friends welc maintenance of a large stock oi buy their goods at MIMNAUG] , customers. Gome and see us ai J. L. Ml PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes fathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Osborne Mowers and Rakes at J. S. IWysinger's, Chapin, S. C. Say! Don't forget to send your dollar for the paper. Several communications crowded out of this issue. For candies of all kinds, cakes and crackers, always go to the Bazaar. Mr. W. P. Roof, Jr. is spending his } vacation in the mountains. Mr. G. Mai Harman has returned from a two weeks trip to Alabama. ^ Mr. Thos. L. Harman has returned | from a business trip to Kentucky. Go to Chapin and buy a Disc Plow gfe from J. S. Wessinger. v Have you sold that first bale? If so, don't forget th^ printers! TMr. D. E. Hammond, the popular j Ii dispenser at Gilbert, was in town Monday. % Dr. Julian E. Kanfmann and Mr. C. S. Ranch left Monday for the Jamestown Exposition* Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fort and children, of California, are visiting the former's father, Col. J. C. Fort, ati Pelion. The same old standard brands of Shoes, Hats and Clothing just opened at J. S. WessjngerJ8, Chapin, S. C. Col. D. T. Barr the sage of Rocky Well and one of the best men in the county, was here yesterday. Mrs. J. J. Bickley and.son; Eugene, have returned from a two weeks visit to relatives and friends in the Fork. Mrs. Oscar Garvin and brother-inlaw. of Wagener, have been visiting relatives around town. Cigars and tobacco?all the popular braiwa?at popular prices, at E. C. Shull & Co., Columbia, S. C. Mr. Jule Bouknight was here Monday and gave us a dollar for another year's subscription. Evaporated and sundried apples, 12% and 15 cents a pound, at W. P. Roofs. . f l?r. W. L. Moak, of the St. David's section, kindly sent his dollar by Mayor J. J. Taylor for his papers. Mrs. D. L. George and daughter, Marv, have returned from a pleasant week's visit to relatives at Wagener. Choice dried peaches from California at w p. Roofs. Then certainly are fine?20 cents a pound'" Mr. R. C. Patterson, of Charlotte, ' N. c:, after a visit of several days to his sister, Mrs. W. H. Hiller, returned on Monday. Mrs. W. H. Hiller and children left Monday for Concord, N. C., where they will spend a few weeks with Mrs. Hitter's parents. / FOR SALE?Good milk cow and calf. Apply to A. W. Hannah, R. F. D. 2, Lexington, S. C. ; Mr. Julian P. Meetze, the popular And clever young clerk in the office of % - ? W: P. Roof, is spending his vacation v at Lake Toxaway. &drs. P. H. Corley and P. H. Jr., > " < ?' have been spending a few days with - Mrs. Corley's parents in the Midway section. Dr: G. Frank Roberts will leave Thursday to complete his studies in medicine at the University of Tenn., at Nashville. Mrs. J. M. Stewart and son Walter, spent last Wednesday with their sister-in-law, and aunt, the Misses Stewart. Please figure with me before you buy that buggy. f J. S. Wessinger, Chapin, S. C. The many friends of Mrs. Amanda Leaphart will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from her recent attack of fever. , Mrs. J. D. Taylor, who has been quite sick for the past several days, is improving, much to the delight of her * many friends. School books, tablets, pencils, pens, book satchels and everything necessary for the schoo^ children, at The Bazaar. * ~ "MJoo 1?aaio loft. Pri/lav fnr iXUOO liOOAV a m*%* avav a a *va Bateaburg, where she has charge of the music department of the Graded schools. Fresh bulk dates at 10 cents a pound?the healthiest fruit there is. Try them. W. P. Roof. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mavnard have iust returned from the Jamestown Exposition, where they had a most delightful time. \ Miss Harriet Whitworth, a most facinating young lady of Columbia, has been visiting at the home of Mrs. D. L. George. Miss Nina Wilson, a very efficient trained nurse from Columbia, is at the bedside of Mr. J. E. Barre, who is quite sick with fever. Col. D. J. Griffith, superintendent of the State penitentiary, visited his plantations on Hollow Creek and Gilbert on Monday. Mr. D. E. Shumpert, residing near Styx and one of the most substantial citizens of that section, was here Monday and settled for his paper. Lexington buyers will remember that at Ed C. Shull & Son, Columbia, is the place to buy your grain, fine feed, hay, groceries and standard hardware. Call or send your orders and you will be pleased. gfeVy--' - . Ik <; . - eady big establishment is filled up wi Lg that a^nan or woman wears, ome. The South demands broadi 'wearing apparel and house furn one ftlTTTOTTe ri rrlif Anr UL 0 XX iuco cu n ca jf a x xgia vi v ua v Ld make our store your headquar MNAUCt COTTON MARKET. The cotton market has declined in the last few days from 13% to 12%c. Mr. Geo. W. Harman, of the Prcvidence section, a fine citizen, prompt in all matters of business, was here Monday and paid his subscription. We are going to Harman's shoe store, of Columbia, this fall for all of our shoes.' You know they sell them for less money. Big stock to select from. We regret to note the indisposition of Mr. R. L. Keisler, who has been confined to his bed at Gilbert for the past few days. \ Mr. J. B. Friday, one of the most popular grocery merchants in Columbia, head of the firm of J. B. Friday & Co., spent Sunday here. A popular and clever gentleman is Mr. Friday. Mr. V. H. O'Brien from the Woodfiord section, was in town Tuesday and made us feel glad with his subscription to The Dispatch. Mr. N. Wesley Harman,industrious, progressive, honest as the days are loner, a resident of route 5. was here i Saturday and paid for hi9 paper. Mrs. Pearl Johnson, after a pleasant visit of several days to her" parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Leslie, has returned to her home in Darlington. Mr. J. Thos. Kleckley, one of our good friends from the river section, while here yesterday, did not forget to call and see us, leaving a wheel for a year's subscription. The best line of dry goods and notions are now open at Meetze & Son. To see them is necessary to appreciate the latest styles in fall and winter goods. , Mr. Justus Wingard, a progressive young citizen of the Midway section, while here on business Friday, dropped in and renewed his subscription. Mr. J. Weir Addy, of the Switzerneck section, and one of the best citizens of the county, was here Friday and gave our office a pleasant and profitable call. | A debating society was organized in Columbia last week with Mr. B. J. Wingard, or Lexington, president. Brooks is a clever boy and deservedly popular. Mrs. Manly P. George is confined to her bed with inflamatory rheumatism and fever. Her many friends hope for her a speedy and permanent recovery. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Meetze, of Leesville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Caughjnan at their beautiful hOnld near the depot* v Snli/tihSr Timmflrman. the terror to evil doers, spent Sunday here. Hewitt be in Columbia for 'two weeks more, and then he will go to Camden for two weeks. Mr. Wm. P. Steele, an account of whose illness appeared in these columns last week, is still very sick, so much so that a trained nurse tfrom Columbia is in attendance at his bed side. Lever, "The Shoe Man," in Columbia, has six thousand pieces of beautiful cut glass to give away free with every cash purchase. Lever has shoes of every kind for everybody at the lowest prices. Call and get a pair. Mr. W. A. Bundrick, a good citizen and clever man from the Peak section, was in town Monday on business and did not fail to call and leaye his cart wheel. Dr. W. H. Timmerman, of Batesbijrg, that prince of good men, was here Monday on matters of business. There is no better man in'' the land 'than Dr. Timmerman. NOTICE?I will open a firstclass jewelry repair shop at- J. M.Crap's old stand, next Monday, the 16th. I will also collect accounts for Mr. J. M. Craps. LEWIE HALL, * Lexington, S. C. Reader, have you paid for your naner? We have kindly carried your subscription through the "tight" months, and now we expect you to show your appreciation by bringing or sending your dues. Won't you do it? A lady friend in Atlanta writes: "I failed to receive a copy of The Dispatch last week, so please send me one by return mail, as I feel lost if I do not get the paper every week." This shows how The Dispatch is appreciated by both men and women who leave Lexington, and we prize these letters highly. Mr. G. H. Swygert, of the civil engineering department of the United * States government at Washington, after a month's visit to his parents in the Fork, left Sunday afternoon for his post at Washington. Mrs. Swygert will remain several days longer with the parents of Mr. Swygert before returning to Washington. 'The Stewart-SuydamHardware Co., of Columbia, in this issue ask for a share of the Lexington patronage. These are good,, clever gentlemen, and when you need anything in the way of stoves,hardware, cutlery, etc., don't buy until you see their line. Prices will please you. The many friends, of Mr. J. Ed. Barre will be pained to learn that he is confined to his bed with fever at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barre. He wras transferred to the Chattanooga division of the Southern railway recently and left here for his new field last Wednesday, but only got as far as Nashyille when he haa to return home. for Fa th Fall Goods, including everythi We could not enumerate if we w er ideas of business and more ext< ishings, all under one roof. This usiness is economically managed it?rs. BMKanaujaawH II?wi 11 - iiirai ? wm 11 i no?? i & COT \ > This is no hold-up. Everytime you spend a dollar with us we guarantee you a dollars' worth of value in exchange. That's fair. Now while you are considering, make up your mind to come and see our $3.50 and I $4.00 Men's Shoes the next I time you come to Columbia. Come and see them, even if you are not ready to buy. EHRLICH'S, 1643 Main St., t AAI IGUBIA C O 1627 Main St., ( uULUmDlA, Oi Ui BUI For Every Farmer To pursue?Open an account with this Bank and give its officers your confidence! Once the account is established vour monev is safe, vou can pay bills with you^ own check, and when money is needed to harvest crops, equip or improve your farm, your Bank stands ready to help you! Carolina National Bank, COLUMBIA, S. C. W. A. CLARK, President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. FOR SALE?A new Champion New Home Sewing Machine at a bargain, for cash, or on easy terms. Apply at The Dispatch office. EXPERIENCE.... 1 Years of Ex pjhence are 1 :at Your COMMAND. I Successful experience lias I been ours and we want every- k body who has cause to feel V that there is anything the mat ' ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give tliem proper tests. THERE ARE NO CHARGES FOR EXAMINATIONS. CHARLES ISENTZ, i OPTICIAN, JEWELER, 1439 Main St., Columbia, S. C. ill Busine 9 ng that is new and correct in Dress Goods, Milliner ished to do so. Come and look through our immens msive and varied stocks. The department store is < lo ATia O-P+Viz* cfrnno-ocf ororiimATi+c WA "hnlH nnf frt +Ti lO UXXV/ VI liiV i9Ul vugvev tA/JL ^ u umiiuu l? w aavaia vuu vv vu and we use great care and judgment in selecting m naHEHBBHMHBBHKaBHHaarrx i i iiwi w C-VJC: -AJ.ur.t'iy;.;, x-^rc.^TTurirks; flPANYTCoiuf I CARLOAI I This is the season to drive out and en H pleasure is greater when you go in a "BAI 3b rinfnv! 7-t c\ none a it- v??k/^ qiico ii- rid IUUUtVl* JLX^ UOt/O CI JL?WUVVV/H. UXVjWllUV XV x xvx any other make. Full Line of all Styles of Surri We carry at all times a good assortmc that will give you good service. Buying s< ties we are in position to sell you as cheap I LOWEST PRICES. TERMS RIGHT. SAT EVERY PURCH 1117 Hampton Avenue, ?: i i ' | 1892. 1 Lexington Say: LEXINGTON, m Oldest Bank in Lexington County. I Capita DOES - A - GENERAL - B 1 Accounts Invited on Favorable v Rate of 5 Per Cent Allowed in the S f If 5S" JI l I* We have ODened t Campaign in Columbia Have brought tI stock to be found in 1 York market. Thousands of Doll Worth of the best Cloi Farmers, Mechanics, Carpenters and men ir walks of life?come ea: K I N A R THE CLOTHIE1 1523 Main Street, Colux ss! v, Suits, Skirts, Cloaks, Clothing, Shoe s e stock. Our doors are opened and we one of the steps in this direction?the e purchasing public why they shouid erchanaise to supply the wants of our ^ nbia, S- O. jov the fresh country air. , The H 5COCK" BUGGY. Ask your es easier and lasts longer than H ies and Runabouts. I ;nt of medium and cheap buggies M o often and in such large quanti- | as you can buy at the factory. ISFACTION GUARANTEED IN I , Columbia, S. C. I 1 \ Lngs Bank. 1 0 rt Q. \J I and Surplus $20,000. I ANKING BUSINESS. Terms. Interest at the V lavings Department. I W. P. ROOF, Cashier. f % I INSURANCE, LITE, FIBE, ACCIDENT, IBM SEE 111! E. G. Dreher, the Fall LEXINGTON, S. C. f , .. Strongest and Best Companies be best i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ;lie TN ew County of Lexington, By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge Whereas, Dosia Hall, made suit * m |are to me, to grant him Letters of Admin- * IdlS istration of the Estate of and effects of ,, . ? Davici Hall. tlllllg 101' These are therefore to cite and ad- r t-\ ' i mouish all and singular the kindredand UOCrOlo, creditors of the said David Hall, 1 'ill tllP deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be rlv. held at Lexington, C. H., S. C., on 13th September, 1907, next, after publication D hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not begrant5 * ed. \i. ci;,.,,,. ,, i. j J.i _ ?AI.I. J ? * -> vtkcii uunw xiiv uituu, cms zmii uuy rihifl S f! of August. Anno Domini 1007. j UUW' GEO. S DRAFTS, (L. S.) Probate Judge, Lexington County,S. C. i HHm Published on the 4tli day of Sept. ' | BH 1007, in tlie Lexington Dispatch. 2w45 %