I ggggg ? ; Tfcobsaods Hare Kidney Trouble and Never Sospect it Pre valency of Kidney Disease, f Most people do not realize the alarming increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease. While kidney dis^orders are the rnTl ^>^3afc^frY/most common wA \ztll5y ' 1V diseases that prea^mos^ *ast jljQ \ I / 5/ ?7 l^rL recognized by patient and physicians, who conthemselves f with doctoring the effects, while the or^undermines the system. "What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so ; often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish ill curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects' inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled t:o go often i during the day, and to get up many times during the night.. The mild'and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root ' is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. Yon may have a sample bottle and a book that tells ail \ t aboutpt, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. g?kripHfc i Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. When Homo of swamp-Root OTitinor mention this naner and don't make any mistake, bnt remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and ' the address, Binghamton, N. Y. hB PROFESSIONAL CARDS. f . . = A MAY BE FOUND IN MY OFFICE I over The Home Bank each morning * ., until 9 o'clock prepared to render professional aid to the sick and suffering ! and particular attention to chrobie diseases and all forms of skin eruptions. J. J. WINGARDy M. D. August 28, 1907. , D. MARTIN, ATTORNEY . AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office in Harxzran Building rear of court house. Will, practice in all courts. Special tef;' attention to collection of claims. WM. W} HAWES, , ff Attorney and Counselor at Law". NEW BROOKLAND. S. G. > Practice in all Courts. Business solicited, x November 1,1906. C. K. XrZRZ>. F. E. DBEHEB. EFIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON C. EL. a G. Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington. 8. C. j~btfbickT-' "J. , ATTORNEY AT LAW, ? CHAFIN, 8. 0. ? ? - *r ? Siu>niti4 tnnce: qowi nanuu, ?ui wvuw? uwvuu Floor. W ill practice in all the Courts Thurmond & timmebman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Kaufmann Bide. LEXINGTON, S, C, . We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office u the Kaufmann Building at any time. Respectfully^ THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMEBMAN, < v A LBERT m. BOOZER, 4A. x ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, 8. 0. i Orick: 1816 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van Metre's Furniture StoreEspecial attention given to business! entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. George r. rembert,~~ ATTORNEY AT LAW.1221 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA. 8. C. I Will be glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, aBd an prepared to practice law in all state and Federal I Courts. A NDREW CRAWFORD, A ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, 8. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens d Lexington County, Law Offices. C ) Residence, 1529 1909 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( 5 Office Telephone No. 1872. v v Residence Telephone No. 1086. WBOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. \ Columbia, S. C. HR. P. H. SHWALY, ~ 1/ UJUVJ.1BJ., LEXINGTON, S. O. Office Up" Stairs in Roofs Building. T\R. F. O. GILMORE, V DENTIST. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. oikcb houbs.* 9 a. zd. to 2 p. m., and from s to 6 d. m. IllUBMl $ DEALER IN I I General 1 1 Merchandise, 1 fi Corner Main and Haw Street, B 5 Opposite Confederate ? 5 Monument, 1 g Lexington, - S, C. B RLET5H0NEMAR itopi IhM f|k>?4h? i WOMEN IN BUSINESS. They Count for More Than is Generally Known?Leading Spirit in Progress for Centuries. Much is heard concerning the work of women in the business and industrial world today, and the impression is given that only the 4'modern'9 women have accomplished anything of note outside the household. The fact is that woman has been a leading snirit in the nrosrress of the race for ir *-? centuries and has done wonders outside the home. Do you know that? Margaret Draper conducted the first newspaper in America? Mary Katharine Goddard printed the declaration of Independence? Mme. Ducondray invented the raannikin? Mrs. Vandernplasse came from Flanders and introduced the use and manufacture of starch in England? Mrs. Wilson managed the principal line of omnibuses in London? Joanna Alfred founded the oldest' scholarship at Harvard, established it in 1785? A woman manufactured the famous Erard piano? A woman owned the largest flax mill in Europe. ' A child was the means or inspiration of the spinning jerry. > Mr^. Thrale, of London, conducted a brewery. On the Island of Nantucket at the close of the war men went to whale fishing and women went into trade as storekeepers. A woman founded ine nrst savings bank. ? \ A woman planted the first potatoes in New England. / A woman conducted a crockery and dry goods store in 1784. ? t A woman was an official of the Boston custom house and- a real estate dealer a hundred years ago.1 A woman in Minnesota cuts gravestones in the rough as do men. Women have had over a hundred years' experience in trade and horticulture. \ A woman ran a ferry from Slifton, Iowa, to Garden Plain, 111. * Susan King and Mme. Demorest promoted a "woman's tea company" in New York. A woman invented the nailed bandbox. ( ' Mrs. Green invented the cotton gin, but it was patented by Eli Whitney. A woman established the manufacture of buttons, although the business was run by a man. i' The self-fastening button was a woman'a invention. Two girls combing their hair inspired the machine which combined cheap cotton into moderately fine yarn. The seamless bag was invented by a woman in 1824. The machine for making satchel buttoned paper bags was an important one, and invented by a woman. The largest maker of champagne was a woman. . Two silk dresses were spun, woven and colored by the skilful fingers of a woman who raised the silk from the worm.' Mrs. Sheldon introduced two hives of bees in California in 1553. * A woman tapped her sugar orchard, cut her wood, gathered sap and made 400 pounds of sugar. The first strike or turnout occurred in 1836 by wpmen on account of a reduction of wages. It was not a success. Woman suggested the sewiiig machine. The knitting machfre was based on observations of a woman handling her needles. V A woman's sign reads: "Mrs. Gill, Boot and Shoe Maker, Repairing Neatly Done." Women are engaged in shoe, cotton goods, sewing and dress silk factories, hat and cap manufactories, broadcloth, hoopskirts, corset and large clothing establishments. They are burnishers of gold and silver, electrotypers, bronze workers, printers, linotype workers, watch case and watch works makers, painters, of china, makers of mirrows, table tops, taxidermists and are employed in many other pursuits, but the finished products are listed under a masculine firm name. In very early days in America two women kept a billiard saloon, fifty conducted beer saloons, one woman a blacksmith shop, twenty women kept butcher shops, one had a wood engraving business, one was a druggist, one a stationer and bookseller, fifty-two were doctors, two undertakers, while three were pawnbrokers and five livery stable keepers. Woman is still the homemaker, sympathizer and helpmate to man, albeit she is part of the great world of commerce and finance.?Giselle D'Unger. Do yon know that Finesalve Carbolized acts like a poultice in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is antiseptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands it is immediate relief. 25 cents. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. Obituary. Novis Elberta, infant daughter of John P. and Mary V. Price, was born June 17th, 1907, and after a short illness died August 28, 1907, making her short 9tay on earth two months and 11 days. She leaves her earthly home childless, one little brother having preceded her to the grave. The sore afflicted family have the sympathy of the entire community. Her remains were laid to rest in the Union church cemetery beneath a little mound of flowers prepared by loving hands. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. D. Shealy. She's gone, she's gone to rest, From earth no more we see; ; Resting in the arms of Jesus, Beaconing mother come to me. We can almpst hear her saying, As she rests in the shade of the tree, On the banks of sweet deliverance, Father, father, come to me. D. H. P. ; P Cured Say Fever and Summer Cold. A. J. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several inedidmes which seemed to only aggravate my case. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package,and it quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success." Derrick's Drug Store. The Beneficial Lemon. Lemons are beneficial, 'me juice of a lemon in hot water on awakening in the morning is an excellent liver corrective, and for stout women is better than any anti-fat medicine. A few drops of lemon juice in plain water is an excellent tooth wash. It not only removes the tarter, but sweetens the breath. Lemon juice and salt will remove rust stains from linen without injury to the fabrics. Wet the stains with the mixture and put the articles in the sun. Two or three applications may be necessary if the stain is of long standing, but the remedy never fails. \ A teaspoonful of the juice in a small cup of black coffee-almost certainly relieves a bilious headache. Glycerine and lemon juice half and and half, on a bit of absorbent cotton, is the best thing in the world to moisten the lips and tongue of a feverparched patient. v The outward application of lemon juice will allay the irritation caused , by the bites of gnats and flies'. Back From Georgia. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Evangelist T. J. Cupstid and wife have just returned from a months' stay in Georgia, and reports the cotton crops of Georgia to be short. It will be short in this section, too. Farmers, hold your cotton until January. By that time I believe it will be worth 15 or 20 cents. Pelion, Aug. 31. A Subscriber. Sow to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Derrick's Diug Store. ? m mm i Man Sought Death Before Thousands. Niagara Falls, N. Y.. Sep. 6.?While the illumination of the falls of Niag ara was in progress last night, a man 1 made the awful leap from the center of the upper steel arch of the bridge to the river, 200 feet below. His body was seen to cause a mighty splash as it struck the water after which it disappeared from sight. Thousands witnessed the suicide. OlliYer Sets Big Contract. Washington, Sep. 5.?W. J. Oliver, of Knoxville, Tenn., the man who was "whangdoodled," as he put it, out of the job of constructing the | Panama canal, has been awarded the j contract for furnishing 500 steel dump ' cars for use on the isthmus. The amount of his bid was $562,500. ! A Poor Organ. Dam(s) the bile. That's what your j liver does if it's torpid. Then the bile j overflows into the blood?poisons your system, causing sick headache, biliousness, sallow skin, coated tongue, sick i stomach, dizziness, fainting spells, etc. 1 Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and j Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and 1 !j- J ;a- Dtiatranfo maites it uo us u?u wcmv. i and cures these troubles. It aids? doesn't force. Entire treatment 2oc, Derrick's f>rug Store and C. E. Corl.^y. Senator Tillman is resting at his home in Trenton after a trying lecture tour. From newspaper accounts Prince Wilhelm was very generous with his tips at the Hotel Astor. i A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues' is seldom occasioned by actual existing external conditions, but In the great majority of cases by a disordered LIVER. I THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstrated by trying a course of They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the ../I I.iiiiu. iicj 1/(111^ ucuui aim cia^ui/' ;.ty to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Mr. R. H. Jennings, a prominent business man of Orangeburg, met with a serious accident Monday, which will cost him his hand and a part of his arm. While examining the machinery at his ginnery, his arm was in some manner entangled and badly ; cut and crushed. But for the presence of Mr. Smoak and others, the result would have probably been fatal. Of Intsrast to Many. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Derrick's Drug Store. Big Stock of Stationery. Remember'you find just what you want in stationery and school supplies at Harman's Bazaar. A large line of ink and pencil pads, box paper, stationery packets, pencils, pens, ink, memorandum and time books, ledgers and record books and in fact almost anything you wish can be found there. Call and see. A big main of the Paris Mountain % Waterworks Co., which supplied the city of Greenville with water, burst, and 500,000 gallons of water escaped before the accident was discovered. Healthy kidneys filter the impurities from the blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Foley's -Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthens the whole system. Derrick's Drug Store. Efforts ard being made to secure free delivery of mail for Aiken. Aiken comes up to the requirements and the postal receipts for the past year exceeded $10,000. It comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply to the soreness and inflamation, for any form of Piles; it soothes and relieves pain, itching and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price 50 cents./ Guaranteed. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. The chamber of commerce of Charleston has issued 100,000 cards in advertisement of Charleston. A woman believes she is happily married when it would please her friends to know she wasn't. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whooping cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup tastes good. It works phlegm, clears the head. For young and old. Guaranteed. Secure a bottle at once. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. When the star boarder marries the landlady he becomes a fixed star. Its hard to tell why, but, a terrible nice way to kiss a girl is wnen she is under a big picture hat. AT DERRICK'S DRUG STORE, LEXINGTON, S. C., Will be found YAGER'S Cream Chloroform Liniment, the greatest of all liniments for Man or Beast, Rheumatism especially. YAGER'S Sarsaparilla. the best of Tonics and Blood Purifiers. YAGER'S Oleo-Vino, the System Builder and best of Cod Liver Oil Preparations?You can't taste the on. Ask For Yager's Remedies at DERRICK'S DRUG STORE. (Hystoria?Woman's Friend) DIM flR RESTAURANT. MIBMB W law nvisnia B. DAVID, Proprietor. 1336 MAIN St., COLUMBIA. S. C. The only up to date eating house of Its kind in the City of Columbia. It is well kept ?clean linen, prompt and polite service. You get what you order and pay only for what you get. Within easy reach of desirable sleeping apartments. OPEN ALL NIGHT. MVAKDS HOTEL, J. C. KINARD, Proprietor, Leesville, - - S. C The best attention given guest. Modern conveniences. Table supplied with best the market affords. ECZEMA and PILE CURE ED EE Knowing what it was to suffer, rilEC will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any afflicted a positive cure for Eczema. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief Don't suffer longer. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose stamp. September 12?ly Hhairrbalsam Cltteti and beaatifiac the iute. Promote* ft loxuriint growth. If ever Tftllft to Be?tora Qr?j Hftlr to its 'Xouthful Color. Cart* tcftlp diKue* ft bftir tailing.