The Lexington Dispatch. G. M. Habmav, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Poet Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. The subscription price of the Dispatch b $1 a year; 50 cents fcr six months; 25 cents for three months?invariably cash in advance. CIRCULATION 2,354. Wednesday, August 7,1907. Cattxonn County. The St. Matthews Commercial Advance of date July 27th, contained a i lengthy article, by Dr. T. H. Dreher,. purporting to be a reply to a recent article in this paper relative to the fct new county question. The aforesaid article was partly headed, "Knockout Drops." Yes, the headlines really contained those three words?"Knock Out Drops." but it was a misnomer, for surely the worthy headline writer intended to put it "Drop Out Drops." For if we condense what the Doctor had to say, in his two column article, we find that he advocates the new county because he wants one like a childcryingfor a new toy. We would not do o,ur good friend, the Doctor, an injustice, if he did go a little further and say that we were dealing in personalities and misrepresentations: That was a little hard on us, but we | do not concede the correctness of either statement. While the Doctor is a very important and influential citizen in his community, we do not |think he is justified in taking all we 3 said about the new county proposition and its promoters to himself personally. If he is laboring under that misapprehension, we want to "assure * him that what we said was not so intended. As to the alleged misrepresentations charged to us, we will undertake to prove by the statutes of South Carolina that our statement, to the effect that taxes will be higher in Calhoun county than they are in Or? angeburg and Lexington counties, is correct. We think that the statutes will prove fair and unbiased witnesses In this matter. (We will quote from the statutes later on in this article.) HKSSgsy-V^ -r We lay down the general propositlon that if we cnt Lexington county, or any other county, in half and make two Counties out of it and thereby necessitate the running of two governments, when one is sufficient, it will of necessity require more taxes f: at the handaof those who live in the territory affected. That appears to ns to be a truism. Certainly, two sets of county officers will have to be pak}* two oourt houses and two Jails wlh havetobe maintained, two courts will have to be run and all other expenses incident to county government likewise. We make that as a general proposition and propose to "prove it. Now for the statutes we promised to quote from. We propose to take the supply bill for the years 2006 and 2907 respectively. And, my dbar Doctor, we will not go to the piedmont section, or some other section of our State, for an illustration, but we win take Orangeburg and Lexington as representatives of the old counties, because they are the counties frcun which you propose to cut Ca&mupi?Qunty; and in order to secure bwo-counties as representatives - 1-S-- 111 1.1 11.. or roe new counties, we win uu&e me two nearest the territory interested and not go to another part of the State for them. That is fair, isn't it? We will therefore take Bamberg and Lee counties as your representatives. We find by reference to the acts of 19)6 the following to be the tax levies in these several counties: OLD COUNTIES. Lexington?Ordinary County purposes .3J4 mills. Orangeburg?Ordinary County purposes 2^ mills. Orangeburg?Past Indebtedness % mill. ' Total for two counties?.-... 6 mills. Average in each county? 3 mills. NEW COUNTIES. Bamberg?Ordinary County purposes 4 mills. Lee?Ordinary County purposes 3 mills. Lee?Sinking Fund % mill. Lee?Past Indebtedness " Total for two counties 8.75 mills. Average in each county ? 4.375 " ACTS OF 1907?OLD COUNTIES: Lexington?Ordinary County purposes 3Yz mills 0rang9burg?Ordinary County purposes 2 mills. 4-mr\ nAnnfiC>C Ft iSf) mills. XULxtl IV* uvvvs Average in each county? 2.75 44 NEW COUNTIlfS: Bamberg?Ordinary County purposes 3 mills. Lee?Ordinary County purposes 3 mills. Lee?Sinking Fund 1% 4 4 Total for two counties 7.75 mills. Average in each county ... 3.875 44 These figures show that in 1906 the - ' --"I '. _ .. new counties paid 1.375 mills more J taxes than the old counties. They show that in 1907 the new counties paid 1.125 mills more than the old counties; and they show that for the j two years under consideration the new counties paid an average of 1.25 mills, per year, more taxes than the old counties. Those new counties above referred to have been running for some >ears and have had an opportunity to get in good shape and reduce their taxes some. When they were first organized their taxes were higher on an average than they are now. Just as Calhoun county would be, should it j be organized. Hence, we feel safe in asserting on the faith of these figures and in the light of common sense, j that taxes in Calhoun county would j necessarily be considerably higher than they are in Lexington and Or- j angeburg. But, says the Doctor, St. Matthews will put up $20,000.00 for the building of the jail and court house. She will, eh? How do the taxpayers know? Has any bond been executed to that effect? Suppose I there had been one, have you figured j what it will cost to Duiia ana equip a ; creditable court house and jail? It will cost not less than $50,000.00, will it not Doctor? Then, who is going to put up the other $30,000.00? Do you say the people of Calhoun county? Well, if you do, then you had better tell them also that it will require a 10 to 15 mills tax levy on their property for that purpose alone. Do you think the taxpayers will appreciate that state of affairs? If you do, go out among them and tell them about it. The information will prove interesting to them, no doubt. Our good friend, the Doctor, says in his last article that in 1905, (two years ago,) Lexington spent more for her courts, contingent expenses, etc., than did Bamberg?considerably more. Surely that statement was made in desperation! It only shows that Lexington county with a smaller tax levy than Bamberg, spent more money on her institutions than did Bamberg. Suppose Bamberg had done as much^for her people along the lines indicated as did Lexington, then her taxes would have been even higher; and on the contrary, if Lexington had spent no more than Bamberg, then her taxes could have been less. Yes, that is what it shows1-nothing more. No. Doctor, we have never con tended thai? Calhoun county would not be a good county; but what we are contending for, is that we do not wish to give up a portion of our good citizenship to help form said county. No, Doctor, we did not tell a reliable citizen at Lexington court, house that we "would always be found fighting the cutting of Lexington county so long as our bread and meat depended upon the newspaper business." We did not make that statement But what we did say was this: that as we see it, it will be to the general welfare of Lexington county to stay intact, and we cannot afford to have one foot of her territory cut. We reiterate that we made no such statement as the Doctor attributes to us. We have always conceded to these citizens the right to act in this matter as they think best; yet we have a right also to speak the truth as we see it. It is not now, nor has it ever been, our purpose to be unjust in this matter. We speak the truth as we see it, and do so without fear of "losing any plums," for, so far as The Dispatch is concerned, it will reach the homes of nearly every citizen in Lexington's territory, even though they should decide to join with Calhoun. We repeat, that we would regret to see them take such a step, as they certainly have no guarantee that conditions will be better in Calhoun than in Lexington, without going deep down into their jeans. More could be said, but it is useless. These "people are intelligent," and it is supposed that they are capable of knowing what they want, and certainly we are generous enough to let them decide for themselves. M< Dispensari Total Invo: Dispensary. No. Location. Stock on Day of Lexington 1 Lexington $5,0 Lewiedale 2 Gilbert 1,6 Peak 3 Peak 3,0 Brooklana 4 New Brookland 4,2 Total $13,? STATE OF SOU Lexington Personally appearec Lexington County Di> deposes and says that Sworn to and snbscril G. A. Derrick, * Tie effect of Scot children is magical t makes them plum : contains Cod Live Cllycerine, to make so put together th ttle folk. ALL DRUGGISTS; Aa Outrage. The dispensary constable, of whom mention was made in these column* last week, "scooped in" the smal sum of $87.50 out of the net profits o the Lexington county dispensaries fo: the month of July. For this amount so we are informed, he never cap tured a single gallon of booze, neithe] did he bring a single "blind tiger" t< bay. This is an outrage and it is U be hoped that Governor Ansel wil withdraw the constable from thii county at once. Won't you, Gov ernor? Won't you? ! rm "Stealing." In reply to an Augusta Chronicle re porter to the question, "What will be the effect of Georgia prohibition or South Carolina?" Senator Tillmar said: "Carolina is bent towards prohibition of her own motion. Independently of Georgia action, the people are planning prohibition. They are disgusted with county local optior and the dispensary. Not because 01 the want of the dispensary plan. Bui the State could not successfully watch one board of control.' Then 30 boards of control cannot be watched. Thej have scattered the stealing, and the people are not goiDg to stand for either centralized or scattered stealing, They are going to put on prohibition." If there is 30 times the "stealing" now that there was in the State dispensary, that might justify the people in "putting on prohibition," but aside from the senator's sweeping remarks ahnnt stealing there is another gocd reason why prohibition will be adopted in this State and that is the persi-? tence of the minority to try to force the people to retain dispensaries after they have been voted out. Take our own county as an instance. It is clear to every right thinking man that the dispensary has been repudiated at the ballot box by an honest, fair election. But what is the result? A mere handi full of dispensary advocates are trying to stifle the will of the people by protesting the election. They will succeed in keeping the dispensary open for a while but closed it will be in the end?right will prevail. During reconstruction days these tactics were employed to defeat an overwhelming negro majority. We all thought then that the end justified the means and perhaps it did, but doesn't it look like the chickens are coining home tc roost? The size of the tickets, intimidation with little badges, but they were nothing to compare with red shirts and a brace of pistols, the namber of boxes and the like. All of thif will prove a mighty lever to force State prohibition.?Wateree Messenger, Camden. If will get so after a while that honest men will not hold any office ol T?nhiin trnnt. for fear that they wfl! have "stealing" throat at them Iron every side. Sorely, every man thai holds office is not dishonest* - Whit* Book News. To the Editor of The Dispatch: The health of our town is fairly gooc | at present eccept our pastor, Rey. J. B. Haighler, who has been ill, but it now convalescent. Crops are looking nice in our section, they having had plenty of rail to keep them in growing condition. Misses Ruth and Lillie Donald, oi Goodman, Miss., attended the Jamestown exposition and on their returr home visited their relatives, Mr. anc Mrs. S. D. Shealy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frasier, of Prosperity have been visiting relatives here foi a few days. We have a nice summer school here now with an attendance fifty pupils. The parents seem to take much interest in the education of their chil dren. Quite a lot of our folks attended the Little Mountain reunion and report 2 nice time. Wishing The Dispatch much success 1 Aug 5. Feminine. ONTHLY STATEMENT OF 1 es in Lexingt For Month of July, 1907. icft Including Operating ! Hand first " Total Sales. of Eac ! Month. Dispens 27~67 $1,281 75 $106 I 58 63 680 25 65 1 11 45 850 40 70 ; 67 70 1,261 55 117 1 65 45 $4,073 95 $360 1 TH CAROLINA, / County. ) I R. L. Keisler, J. W. Addy, J. L. Shule ipensarv Board, who being each duly an the foregoing statement is true and corr County ! sed before me this 5th day of August, 19 Notary Public. f s Emulsion on thin, ?0? L p, rosy, active, happy. ^ r Oil, Hypophosphites fat, blood and bone, at it is easily digested >?yi] k SOc. AND $1.00, )L1 I i I Alfred J. Foz, | : | REAL ESTATE | ; | AND INSURANCE, 1 ! LEXINGTON, - S. C. I 3 < > lisr i H THIS ; i i SPACE | I i i ; i 25 Town I j Lots [ : i For Sale.: | i WANTED: | ; j Farm, 50 to 100 | i I acres, quick. j : I : . j I J Write or call to see me > ? ; ?at? i i THE HOME BANK, j : ! Lexington, S. C. ' ' MUPVPMPVfWWVfWVVWWVVl I . ANNOUNCEMENT. ) > | For Legislature. I The many friends of Dr. E. J. Efcher! edge announce him as a candidate for > the House of Representatives to fill the > unexpired term of the late J. M. Epting and urge him to accept. I Many Friends. The many friends of Capt. N. B. [ Wannamaker, of Sandy Run, hereby 5 announce him as a candidate for the Legislature to fill the unexpired term of the late Hon. J. M. Epting, and pledge him to abide the result of the f coming election. Many Friends. I i Desirable Property for Sale. 5 I will offer for sale on Monday, the 12th day of August, 1907, at 9:30 o'clock in front of the court house door, my two-story brick building and lot in the town of Lexington, to the highest bidder. Terms?One-half cash; balance on reasonable terms. [ 5w40 J. M. Craps. j Final Discharge. This is to notify all persons that I will apply to the Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Judge of Probate for Lexington county, South 1 Carolina, on the 5th day of September, 1907, for a final discliarge as administraf tor of the estate of Silas Johnson. Sam P. Roof, 4w43 Administrator. i I Masonic. JL Regular communication of Po. maria Lodge. No. 151, will be /V\ held in Masonic Hall, Peak, S. C., Saturday, 7:30 o'clock P. M.,Aug. 5 17th. Daring the meeting a lodge of instruction will be in order. Visining brethren welcome. Jno. C. Swygert, W. M. Boylston lodge No. 123, A. F. M., , will meet in regular communication ' on Saturday, August 17th, 1907, at 2 k o'clock p. m. Brethren are requested to meet promptly as business of importance is to be considered by the craft. By order of the W. M. P. W. Shealy, Secretary. CHE on County Expenses Stock on Hand Last Ji .Breakage. Day of Month, ary. ?8~ $ 7 70 ?3,696 65 9 1 35 960 20 52 95 2,060 35 30 23 35 2,982 80 19 $33 35 $9,700 00 r, members of the d severally sworn, ect. R. L. Keisler, J. W. Adjdy, J. L. Shuler, ? ?* I uispensary ?>u?iu., 07. exxxxxxxxxxiixiixxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxx mi g No. 69S The People's N | PROSPERIT 3 Paid up Capital M Surplus and Individual 1 ; 3 Stockholders' Liahilitie H For Protection oi Hi Hi n. u, muacLbT, rrcsiacni. m. r |S W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. CEOI ' M 15 Better a conservative intere ! S safe return when wanted, than i I M i *; doubt about the principal. S A National Bank is a safe I S | vision makes it so. Likewise ot jj ; guarantee of prudent conservatr jj We Allow Interest o jj DIRECT! J C. W. Bowers, J. A. C. Kibler, F m J. H. Hunter, W. P. Pugh, J S Ceo. Johnstone, H. C. Mo: N H Qou/infY I UUfllllg II ON EASY The STANDARD ia shuttle, iight running, cheaper grade. We are of machines, and we sel suit all buyers. PIANOS and ORGANS. CANTT t Swansei SPOT CASH ^ Hardware 4 and Paints If you would economize, our store is the place to spend your money. No debts to lose, and no unprofitable customers to serve. Hence you are doing business on short profit and quick selling at our store. If you want Mowing Machinery, sec us. I] We handle Mill Supplies I and a General Hardware Stock. Ladies should also visit our Store, Many items of interest ^ to housekeepers. SCREEN DOORS 95c. to $1.25. SCREEN WINDOWS 35c., 45c? 50c. and 55c. csiuolmr co p PROSPERITY, S.C. Barbecue'at Mathias' Springs. I will furnish a firstclass barbecue +< with all kinds of refreshments at Mathias' Mineral Springs on the second g" Saturday, the 10th of August. Speaking, music and dancing the features of the day. Price for dinner reasonable, -j Everybody invited. lv 3w40p J. E. Mathias & Sons. Barbecue. 1 < I will furnish an up-to-date barbecue at Edmund on Saturday, August 10th. Music furnished by brass and striDg bands. Everybody is cordially invited to come and enjoy the day 1 ( 4w29p C. W. Sox. Barbecue. We will furnish a firstclass barbecue M with refreshments at the home of John 1*1 W. Smith, about three miles from Leesville, on Saturday, August 10th. The public is cordially invited to attend. Good order will be preserved. C. O. Smith, 2w40p B. O. Smith. 01 W. D. RADCLIFF * WITH E. C. Siii ll & Co., T Columbia, S. C. -* Mr. W. D. Ratcliff is an experienced groceryman and good business man and needs no commendation from us, as lie is well and favorably known to the people of Lexington county. For many years he was the leading salesman of W. T. Martin, and served our citizens with perfect satisfaction. He is now * with the popular firm of E. C. Shull & S Co., where he is in a position to give his customers the benefit of good goods at lowest prices. Call and see him when you wish to make purchases in his line and he will surely please you. 4-41 14 I [ational Bank ! m * Y, S. C. jj $25,000.00. ! Profits $5,000.00. E s - $25,000.00. : m ^ Depositors. 5 CARLISLE, Vice-President. E RCE JOHNSTONE, Attorney. 5 h st on your deposit with its j l high rate and a feeling of J h m )eposit. Government super- jj lr Board of Directors is a J se management. h " N n Time Deposits 5 DBS: I l. L. Luther, M. A. Carlisle, S no. B. Fellers, W.A. Moseley, [ seley, J. P. Bowers. ? M lachines TERMS ; the best. Rotary Also machines of making a speciality L them on terms to Write ns for prices C13 i, s. c. sterling Goods Sterling silver, cut glass, fine < \ 1 china, clocks. A fine stock always on hand for you to ^ select from. Keep us in mind when wanting anything in Jewelry or Silverware. Good watch work and best eye glasses. If you can't come, send for our catalogue or telephone your t order to us. H. LACHICOTTB & CO, -Tvwir?T CP JUl m-0 m sm -mm 124 Main St, Columbia, S. C 'Phone 934 * rhis is Headquarters FOR 1AN0S \ ORGANS ' You want a sweet oned and durable intrument. One that will last a rag, long life time. Our prices are the awest, consistent rith quality. Write us for cata )gs, prices and terms lALicsisiclusE, COLUMBIA, S. C. N. B.Eeferences: Any Bank Business House in Coluni- t a. Established oyer 22 years. For NSURANCE, LIFE, nit Hj, OCCIDENT, SEE 3. G. Dreher, * ? LEXINGTON, S. C. rongest and Best Companies