The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, July 24, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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The Cause ef Many Sudden Deaths. sThere is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decepQjPgg deaths are caused ease, 'pneumonia, /Tlfl * ^ear^ failure or f apoplexy are often the result of kidkidney trouble is 3 IK ? avowed to advance thekidney-p?ison v tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the ^4 great ladney, live* and bladder remedy. ' It corrects inability to hold urine and Maiding pain in passing it, and overcomes mat unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, an&toget up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful .cores of ih? most distressing cases, j* Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is old by all druggists in fifty-cent and <we-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new discovery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil~ - - %V vr VTT1 j mer & Co., Uingnaraton, in. jc. wnca writing, mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, SwampRoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and theaddress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. "raOTSSSIMTAL VABDS. AD. MARTIN, ATTORNEY A. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, LEXINGTON, S. C. ~ tr koi. nf fwn-h- ] VU1UC ill f mi infill XJIUiUUlg tvuui V* w?u.v house! Will practice in all courts. Special - attention to collection of claims. I WM. W. HA WES, tT Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BBOOKLAND, S. C. Practice Id all Courts. Business solicited. November 1,1906. I C. M- KFIXD. V. X. DBKHHB. EFIRD & DREHER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0;BL.& 0. Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will &1; ways be at office, Lexington, 8. C. JwmcKr _ ^ ... ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHAPIN, 8, 0. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Boom. Second floor. Will practice in all the Courts. fllHURMOND & TIMMERMAN, " 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Kaufmann Bids:, LEXINGTON, S. C, We will be pleased to meet those having le gal business to be attended to at onr office In the Kaufmann Building at anytime. BeepectfuUy>WitTHtjBMom i G. BELL TIMMEBMAN, LBERT M. BOOZER, ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, 8. 0. Omcs: 1816 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Be a?an ^tre'8 ^urtotosin^6" tru ted tohim^j^te?feiFow citizens^^Lex^nKton county. ABORGB R. REASSERT,"" IT ATTORNEY AT LAW. , 1321 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA. S. C. I will boglad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time; and am prepared to practice law in ;*H btate and Federal Andrew crawford? ATTORNEY AT. LAW, COLUMBIA, 8. O +*"? s.ofa ond VA^amlI nnnrts. JL (OVilV^v ilk bUv K7?uw MUVK A ? ? ? , and offers his professional services to the eitizens ol Lexington County, Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. WBOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. & Columbia, S. C. DR. P. H. SHEALY, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building. DR. F. 0. GILMORE, DENTIST. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. OmcK Hoobs.- 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from 3 to 6 d. m. imj. harmanI I DEALER IN g I General j Merchandise, 1 Comtr Main and New Strait, I Opposift Contadarata 8 Monument, 5 Lexington, - S. C. j .96963S96SCS6S696969696SO A Poor Organ. j Dam<8) the bile. That's what your | liver does if it's torpid. Then the ">ile overflows into the blood?poisons your | system, causing sick headache, biliousness, sallow skin, coated tongue, sick stomach, dizziness, fainting spells, etc. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and makes it do its own work. Prevents and cures these troubles. It aids? doesn't farce. Entire treatment 25c, Derrick's Drug Store and 0. E. Corley. j % xV. . ' AWITTXAX. EEPOBT OF FRANK W. SHEALY, Treasurer OF Lexington County, South Carolina, Foi the Fiscal Year Commencing January 1,1906, and Ending December 31,1906. OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER Lexington, S. C., July 11, 1907. To Hon. Chas. G. Dantzler, Presiding Judge, Court of General Sessions for Lexington County, S. C: Dear Sir: In conformity with th< requirements of an Act of the Genera Assembly of the State of South Caro lina, No. 197, approved December 23 1889 A. D., I have the honor to sub mit the following report of the trans actions of this office for the fiscal yea] commencing January 1, 1906, and end ing December 31, 1906. Very Respectfully, FRANK W. SHEALY, Treasurer of Lexington County. COUNTY CLAIMS. No. Name. Nature. Amt 1 Sinking Fund Com, ins pre $ 66 6< 2 J W Wessinger, lumber... 12 3c i 8 J C Shealy, lumber 19 1( ; 4 H H Holly plumber 4 9J 5 Mrs N E Hiller,supplies eg 62 85 6 G W Lybrand, supplies eg 11 3( TDr J W Wessinger, ploweg 2 6( 8 Meetze & Son, sup jail 2 2* 9 " 11 poor house 5( 10 " " chaingang 4 71 11 S B Fishburn, ex lunatic.. 5 0( 12 C 0 Amick,lumber & work 72 31 13 Dr W A Boyd, ex lunatic.. 5 0( 14 T R Davis, conv lunatic... 4 4< 15 A Marks, dieting jurors... 8 4< 16 J B Shealy, supplies eg.:. 8 81 17 J Ed Riddle, lumber ' 97 35 | ~ 18 S Ed Hendrix, hauling, &c 2 8i 19 Walker, Evans & Cogswell 1 Co, printing 9 6( 20 D A Richardson & Son, sniiolies chain sransr 14 9( 21 J W Derrick, build' bridge 41 51 22 J S Boozer, supplies eg... 16 41 23 Dr W TBrooker,ex lunatic 5 (X 24 J J Taylor, brick poor h... 1 2( 25 Dr J R LaDgford, ex lun.. 5 0( 26 Geo S Drafts, lunacy pro. 15 CM 27 J W Long,supplies chain g 13 3( 28 S L Rawl, wood court h... 27 (M 29 J E R Kyzer, salary 50 0( 30 Scott Hendrix, sup poor h 10 0( 31 A J-Wiggers, tools 1 61 32 A O Wilson, salary 12 5( 33 J W Long, supplies chain g 14 ft 34 Lex Dept Store, sup poorh 48 51 35 " " chain g 20 91 36 J H Fields, con prisoner.. 4 01 37 Lex Dept Store, tools 14 61 38 S B George, sup for office 1 41 39 " salary 29 11 40 G M Harman, printing 9 41 41 Ballentine & Co, sup ph.. 5< 42 P H Corley, dieting pris... 25 41 43 " " con lunatic 4 21 44 " arresting pris out co 4 01 45 Caughman & Harmam,lum 11 51 46 W P Roof, supplies poor h 17 21 47 " " " 11 01 48 P H Corley, wood for jail. 6 01 49 W P Roof, sup public bids 4 01 .50 " " pddr house 15 71 51 C_LMeefee,salgd eapt eg 62 41 oz w v juong, lumDer o z\ 53 D E Keisler, salary at p h. 13 5( 54 Noah Mitchell, bry pauper 1 21 55 Mrs J L Long, salary ph.. 4 6: 56 W E Harsey, con lunuatic 8 3( 57 J W Shealy,8alary co com *25 5< 58 Isaiah Hallman " " 25 0< 59 Leroy Senterfeit, con lun. 6 9; 60 J W Stephens, rep bridge. 71 61 P E Amick, lumber 18 7( 62 Wm Maxwell, work ch,jaii 21 01 63 Eli Spires, injury to mule 10 0< 64 L J Langford, sal co sup.. 25 0( 65 E R Maye, lumber 28 3( 66 W Q Roberts, rep bridge.. 8 II 67 J W Corley, supplies ph.. 4 5( 68 J D Wessinger, lumber.... 19 4: 69 Dr J W Geiger, pmortem. 10 0< 70 Geo 0 Price, rep on bridge 8 2 71 P W Sh^aly, building 10 0 72 " " " 10 0 73 H C Shealy, lumber 51 3 74 C L Meetze, sal cap gd c g 61 1 75 T S Sease, tools 3 li 76 J J Barre, lumber 14 77 J D Derrick, rep on bridge 9 0 78 Jesse Kyzer, supplies eg.. 7 1 79 J J Chapman, lumber 29 6: 80 Sam B George, salary, 29 li 81 S P Shumpert, lumber 15 82 W A Caugbman, beef eg. 12 83 " " " ph 5 0 84 J J Kyzer, lumber 12 0 85 L K Kyzer, lumber 8 1< 86 M A Reed, tools ? 7 8 87 Lorick & Lowrance, tools. 15 0i 88 Dr O C Holly, ex lunatic. 5 0 89 H M Wingard, sup chain g 18 4 90 Matthews&Bouknig',tools 22 9 91 L S Mathias, supplies eg. 15 3 92 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co, book supplies 9 93 D F & H A Lorick, sup road 24 4 A A T) /% Iiiyv^KA* "I Q< JL 1/ 1UCCC. C) JL ?T 95 A Marks, dieting jurors... 3 6< 96 M D Harman, tools 3 2 97 Cook & Wingard, lumber. 23 4 98 S J Leaphart, stationery for clerk's office 10 9< 99 S J Riddle, lumber 9 7i 100 Scott Hendrix,sup p h 17 5 101 D F Eflrd, lumber 7 8' 102 J S Hook, tools 1 5? 103 L E Carey, lumber 8 8< 104 R W Miller, lumber, work 8 0< 105 S L Rawl, wood 15 ft 106 A O Wilson, salary 12 5< 107 D Senn, lumber 9 5i 108 II E> Lowman, lum & work 4 0< 109 G M Harman, printing#&c 30 5< 110 J E R Kyzer, sal, postage 53 01 111 Caughman & Harman,lum 90 9' 112 J W Long,supplies chain g 32 7! 113 44 4 4 poor house 3 11 114 Lex Dept Store, sup eg... 40 & 115 44 4 4 4 poor h 33 91 116 *4 44 44 44 11 3! 117 V H Harman, hauling 4 0( 118 S F Taylor, work c h, jail. 8 7i 119 N B Hill, rep on bridge... 15 4( 120 C M Cromitie, work road. 34 5< 121 E M Mason, tools 1 25 122 W Chesnut, conveying pau 2 0( 123 Rob Brooker, con pauper. 1 5( 124 A B Keadle, lum and reps 7 0( 125 Adam F Corley, pauper al. 5 (X 126 Noah Mitchell, Bry. paup. 3 0( 127 Isaiah Hallman, sal. com. 25 (X 128 Jas. W. Shealy, sal. com. 25 (X 129 L J Langford, sal. supvsr. 25 (X 130 D E Keisler, salary 15 5( 131 Mary Hall, serv. at p. h. 6 0( 132 Wm Maxwell, repairs on court house and jail 105 C( 133 J E Reynolds, conv. lun. 4 3( 134 J L Corley, wk. c. h. gd's. 3 5( 135 D Slusky, material for court house and jail 270 5i 136H M Wingard, sup. forp. h. 37 01 * 137 C R Rish, sal. mag. & con. 29 25 13S C R Rish, tools 9 00 139 W R Hilderbrand, salary as magistrate and con'st. 28 12 140 U W Jefcoat, salary as magistrate and cons't. 28 12 1411 A Lindler, sup. for c. g. 5 90 p 142 E T Rauch, salary as magistrate and constable 62 50 143 J E R Kyzer, salary 50 00 144 Q Y "VVingard, sal. cons't. 25 00 145 W K Hood, bld'g. bridge 7 50 146 S F Taylor, wk. on c. n. 29 75 147 J M Marehant, salary as magistrate and cons't. 56 25 ' 148 Simon Amick, bld'g. brd'g 42 00 149 N S Derrick, bld'g. brd'g. 78 89 t 1*0 "HrTt S TYTnpfc. sal as macr. 40 75 3 151 Dr L B Etheredge, p m ex 5 00 152 44 *4 4, ex. lun. 5 00 i 153 Dr H G Eleazer, vac. ser. 15 30 1 154 Dr R E Mathias, *4 44 42 00 - 155 G W Asbill, 9al. as mag. 34 60 , 156 Jno D Shealy, wk. on road 20 00 - 157 D E Keisler, salary 14 70 - 158 Mary Hall, cook poor h. 6 00 r 159 C L Meetze, salary cap't. and guard chain gang 58 00 160 A Taylor, repairing bridge 15 00 161 Geo H Koon, rep'g bridge 12 60 162 Jes Hallman, reprs p. b. 7 55 163 J J Long, lumber 7 37 164 H F Hendrix, tools 5 80 165 J W Hook, sup. c. gang.. 3 70 ' 166 Dr E P Derrick, prof. ser. 30 00 . 167 C D Barr, tools 3 75 j 168 Caughman & Harman, ; lumber 8 40 J 169 Meetze & Son, sup. c. g. 25 43 170 44 44 44 p. li. 17 10 171 Walter Long, lumber 16 52 172 P H Corley, sal. sheriff... 200 00 * 173 P H Corley, diet'g. pri9. 12 80 174 P H Corley, serv. warrants 10 55 175 Lex. Dep't. Store, supplies 84 14 176 44 44 44 sup, c. g. 14 34 177 44 44 44 44 p. b. 9 88 178 44 44 44 44 p. h. 37 74 179 S B George, postage for of 10 94 180 T E Campbell, repr treas of 70 181 A O Wilson, sal. coroner 12 50 182 C E Corley, sup. for p. h. 11 20 5 183 Wm Maxwell, wk. on c. h. 122 62 1Q4. "RnlmnruCnllnm Co.. tools 5 50 185 RT Graham, wk. on e. h. 2 55 186 J T Hook, reprs. on brdg. 5 00 187 G M Harman, printing 19 43 188 S B George, salary a9 clerk 29 16 189 M P George, sweeping ch 1 50 190 W H Rast, tools 8 50 191 T R Davis, lumber.. 6 00 192 Lorick & Lowrance, piping for road 4 22 193 P H Shealy, lumber 8 76 194 S L Rawl, wood 6 00 195 G A Derrick, sal. as aud. 75 00 196 " " postage 1 70 197 J A Epting, lumber, &c... 6 98 198 Jno P Richardson, tools.. 6 25 199 J W Long, sup for eg 32 63 200 J S Boozer, tools 9 20 201 Go van Lowman, damages for right of way 5 00 202 T H Rawl, repairs bridge 1 00 203 F W Shealy, postage & frt 22 85 204 F W Sheafy, treas. jury & witness pay bills 2,704 50 205 FW Shealy, salary 75 00 206 W W Hall? lumber, 3 32 207 West Disenfectant Co., supplies for jail 20 75 208 E P Rinehart, loss of horse 35 00 209 Isaiah Hallman, sal as co. commissioner 25 00 210 L J Langtfprd, fees for jury 1 50 211 L J Langrord, salary 25 00 212 Jas W Snealy, salary 25 00 213 N B Wannamaker, serving on board of equalization 39 50 I 214 Geo W Pound, et. al. serv. J on board equalization.. 35 65 * 215 L W Wise, serving on b'd * J ' equalization 33 CO J 216 J T Sawyer, et. al. serv. ; on b'd equalization 46 60 ; 217 P E Huffman, et. al. serv. ' on board equalization... 39 60 : 218 T J Roof, et. al. serving ' on board equalization... 43 60 J 219 A D Shull, et. al. serving 1 on board of equalization 43 60 J 220 S E Taylor, et. al. serving J . on board equalization... 37 75 3 221 P W Addy, serving on board of equalization... .40 50 3 222 G J King, serving on ' board of equalization.. 40 90 0 223 J C Fulmer, serv on bd eq 33 20 5 224 Dr J W Sandle, profession* al services jail 10 00 3 225 J C Glover, serv on bd eq 46 60 0 226 P P Clark, serv on bd eq 41 80 * 227 G D Hayes, serv on bd eq 29 20 0 228 J B Wingard, sal as clerk 25 00 7 229 J B Wingard, sal as mag 50 00 2 230 J B Wingard, postage 10 00 6 231 H F Hendrix, serv bd eq 47 25 0 .232 C L Meetze, sal capt gd eg 58 00 5 233 Dr H G Eleazer, p mor ex 5 00 0 234 D E Keisler, salary 18 75 0 235 E T Rauch, holding inq. 10 50 0 236 J J Rikard, supplies 2 59 0 237 W P Roof, sapplies...' 16 05 0 238 W P Roof, supplies for eg 49 03 0 239 W P Roof, tools 6 60 0 240 Scott Hendrix, sup for p h 5 20 5 241 W A Caughman, beef 5 25 5 242 W A Caughman, beef 1 15 243 Hiller Bros., lumber..* 8 93 7 244 Lee A Lorick & Bro., sup 2 for jail 10 95 0 OAF\ P TT Pnrlp-v opmririormr>pr? ~ . ?o r? j u out of county 1 48 0 246 P H Corley, convey luna 4 11 8 247 P H Corley, dieting pris 4 00 248 J Frank Wingard, hauling 75 ? 249 R T Graham, work on jail 7 00 6 250 " " " " c. h. 24 50 0 251 Walker, Evans & Cogs7 well Company, books, etc. 65 76 0 252 Walker, Evans & Cogs3 well Company, books, etc. 35 76 0 253 J W Long, sup. for c. g. 21 24 0 254 Lex. Dept Store, supplies 13 19 P 255 L B Dozier Co. ter. cotta 63 82 5 256 R H Jennings, State treasD urer. insurance on jail ... 130 00 * 257 Jef B Amick, lumber 19 67 3 258 M Cockrei, lumber 6 45 1 259 W B Rast, tools 8 05 $ 260 Geo W Lindler, sup. c. g. 1 75 5 261 Wm Maxwell, repairs on * public building 134 12 5 262 l)r E P Derrick, ex. lun. 5 00 2 263 Geo S Drafts, pro. in lun. 6 00 ) 264 A O Wilson, sal. coroner 12 50 > I 265 Caucrhman & Harman, ) lumber 8 25 ) 266 M D Shull, supplies c. g. 30 28 2 267 J H Koon, lumber 27 67 ) 268 Jesse Hallman, repairs 3 70 J 269 BenN Sprires, conv. paup. 7 00 > 270 Dr J J Wingard, ex. lun. 5 00 }} Was in Poor Health for Years ) Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa., ) writes: "I was in poor health for two ) years, suffering from kidney and blad) der trouble, and spent considerable money consulting physicians without ) obtaining any marked benefit, but was 1 ) cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, and I ) desire to add my testimoney that it may be the cause of restoring the health of 5 others." Refuse substitutes. Sold by > The Kaufmann Drug Co. AN OLD ADAGE gAVO "A light purse is a heavy curse" Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease* T..nL n:iL luiisriiis go to the root of the whole matter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition* Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Fake No Substitute.???. 271 J E Hendrix, serv. on bd. 34 00 272 Jno B Roberts, wk. on c. h. 26 25 273 J M Caughman, serv. on bd. 28 00 274 H M Wingard, 9up. p. h. 41 99 275 " " " c. g. 43 17 276 J E R Kyzer, salary, etc. 51 277 F C Corley, sup. for p. h. 13 81 278 G M Harman, printing 16 18 279 r U Corley, sup. for c. h. 50 280-Meetze & Son, sup. c. g. 13 78 281 S B George, salafy 29 16 282 M D Harman, sup. elk's, of. 1 50 283 W H Knight, lumber.... 8 25 284 DrE P Derrick, prof. ser. 2 55 285 L J Langford, salary 25 CO 286 Isaiah Hallman, salary... 25 00 287 Jas W Shealy, salary 25 00 289 A E Derrick, administrator salary due J S Derrick... 27 88 289 J E Davis, lumber 6 30 290 J B Roberts, sup. for c. g. 4 41 291 Dr E J Etheredge dent. wk. 50 292 Adam F Corley, paup. al. 5 10 293 Em'l Sox, way for pub rd. 25 00 294GWLewis, " " " " 15 00 295 N D Hite, 44 " 44 " 5 00 296 A L Hook, wk. on bridge 12 22 297 M D Shull, Harness 13 00 298 " 44 sup. for c. g. 17 85 299 P P Clark, services 2 50 300 S E Taylor, services 2 50 301 Meetze & Son, sup. c. g. 4 30 302 D E Keisler, sal. at p. h. 19 50 303 W P Roof, guano for p. h. 18 90 304 J E R Kyzer, salary 50 00 305 F C Corley, sup. for c. g. 40 306 44 44 44 44 44 44 13 32 307 Geo S Drafts, lun. procds. 5 CO 308 Wm Maxwell, wk. on c. h. 19 86 309 The Atlas Oil Co., paint for public buildings 63 34 310 A 0 Wilson, sal. as cor. 12 60 311 W A Caughman, beef ph. 3 10 312 Geo H Bunch, ex lunatic. 5 00 313 Dr C L Barron, ex lunatic 5 00 314 Lex Dept Store, sup jail.. 36 82 315 " 44 44 p h 30 316 44 44 44 jail 11 79 317 44 44 44 c g 2 70 318 Sam B George, salary 29 16 319 J J Schwartz, constable... 2 00 320 H M Wingard, tools 4 60 321 44 44 supplies poor h 16 75 322 P H Corley, cap esc con.. 35 00 323 44 arresting con 1 60 324 44 dieting pris 8 60 325 G M Harman, printing 11 78 326 W L Lorick, painting bdg. 5 00 327 Matthews &Bouknight, sup 53 45 328 Thad W Dreher, ser bd ed 10 63 529 C D Meetze, sal cap gd c g 57 70 330 D S Keisler, tobac' pauper 4 32 331 C D Barre, supplies eg... 29 04 332 J R T Major, serv bd ed.. 15 00 333 T H Williams, con pauper 1 50 334 Willie Senn, witness fee.. 95 335 W M Merchant * 44 100 336 W F Corley 4' 75 337 Capt S M Roof, 44 65 338 R W Kleckley, 44 / 85 339 Levi Senn, 44 90 340 M K Kaminer, 44 85 341 Jacob Bouknight, 44 1 30 342 John Roon, 44 1 30 343 Elbert Taylor, 44 1 25 344 J W Asbill, tools 13 70 345 J E Stuck, work on bridge 1 86 346 James Keisler, witness fee 1 30 347 J D Shealy, lumber 6 46 348 Isaiah Hallman, salary? 25 00 349 L J Langford, 44 2 5 00 ap>/\ * tyt ni _ . i._ L L c\r? aa cK>u j w oneaiy, ? 20 uu "351 D Slusky, material c h 39 19 352 J B Wingard, salary clerk 25 00 353 Azariah Taylor,witness fee 1 15 354 U W Jefcoat, sal mag, con 56 25 355 C R Rish, 44 44 30 00 356 P K Corley, salary 200 00 357 44 services 8 45 358 Canghman &Harman,dray 13 00 359 P H Corley, services 3 95 36 0 4 4 4 4 4 15 361 44 dieting prisoners' 14 00 362 D E Keisler, salary 18 00 363 R H Caughman, mule hire 4 00 364 G M Harman, printing 7 03 365 Scott Hendrix, chairs 4 50 366 L D Cullum Co, sup eg... 27 18 367 A E Eargle, supplies eg.. 15 40 368 G A Derrick, salary 75 00 369 J J Schwartz, salary con.. 2 00 370 F W Shealy, postage, frt 11 48 371 44 salary 75 00 372 F C Corley, supplies eg... 20 47 373 Dr Theo Quattlebaum, examining lunatic 5 00 374 W L Kneece, ex. lunatic 5 00 375 Geo S Drafts,Procds in lun. 10 00 376 S B George, postage 6 91 377 44 44 salary 29 16 378 M P George, cleaning c. h. 1 50 379 J E R Kyzer, salary 51 15 380 P H Corley, conv'y. lun. 3 00 381 Lex. Dept. Store, supplies 15.05 382 D E Shumpert, lumber... 12 50 383 Jesse Hallman, serv. c. g. 2 50 * 1 1?? a 1 r 6i54 jonn J, jumoer ? 10 385 A 0 Wilson, sal. as cor. 12 50 386 Dr J P Drafts, exam. lun. 15 CO 387 Dominick & Amick, sup. 4 60 388 A Heflin, supplies for p. h. 3 10 389 W A Caughman, beef 2 25 390 J M Merchant, one docket 1 00 391 J M Merchant, salary 56 25 392 D W Bickley, salary 12 10 393 E T Rauch, salary 62 50 394 F H Hendrix, sup. for c. g. 10 95 395 Mathews & Bouknight,sup 20 14 396 Geo W Asbill, sal. cons't. 36 60 397 Scott Hendrix, Bedstead 2 CO 398 B M Goodwin, act. cons't. 1 00 399 B S Mack, salary 31 25 400 H Westmoreland, con. lun. 11 30 401 B S Mack, repr. tools c. g. 1 25 Continued on page 6. Pineules are for the Kidneys and Blad der. They bring quick relief to backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn out feeling. They produce natural action of the kidneys in filtering waste matter out of the blood, 30 days treatment |1.00. Money refunded if Pineules are not satisfactory. Sold by Kaufmann Drug Co. ????????1^? DONT I An ,.^iTTL>^ m JMb? Cfc iWh Successor to Ma: "MEAR POST OEEWT When you are looking for Solid Car Load Lots and at th therefore, can sell you for less t ments. Solid Oak Be< Nine Pieces?One Bed, One ! Centre Table* Pour Chairs. One No. 7 Black with a complete list of Cooking Black Oak, with a complete 1 line is complete. All grades. Furniture of the same giade ca 490 for prices EE* JSL. Ti COLUMB Our stock of New Spring G inspection, embracing everythii . WASH GOODS, DOMESTICS, of all imaginable shades and customers. Fall Goods will be closed out JS^TJLlLjJUJL In Millinery we have the ver Don't buy your hat until you hi NOT1 Our notion department is com ties, too numerous to mention h We want our Lexington friem MAKE OUR STORE N, A, WHOLESALE i nr\e% *r *t*t enrantir LOUO JH~O.JLHI OXXtXiXi. * < I The Palmetto ? COLUMB] | WE ARE TO A Depository for the Un Si of South Carolina, the 0 H of Columbia. If WE OWN m $tOO,000 United States E /b3 Carolina Bonds. I WE SOLICIT ?? * Accounts of Banks, Pirn f WE PAY fee Four Per Cent, ou depos ' terest calculated quarter WE PROMISE H Our best efforts to transf BE satisfaction. I PALMETTO NATIONAL ] ?| CAPITAL $ a Wilie Jones, President. Tried fn the Supreme Court of Universal Popularity, the Best Judges of Tobacco Always Decide in Favor of LEGAL TENBEI lifeniiki ll TWIST This tobacco is one of the oldest oldest manufacturers in the cour very highest standard of manufj in America has been reached; a s up to in every plug we make. E leading markets of Virginia and . the most select, high-grade grow j unequaled quality of " LEGJil Sold at 10c per 1 '' Always discriminate in favor of "LEGAI TAGS. A copy of our 1907 premium cat most attractive ever gotten out by a tobac address in the United States on receipt of tags we are redeeming. HANCOCK BROS. & CO., - - ? % a ORGET tYLORs swell & Taylor, 3, COLUMBIA, S. C, Vnrni+tiro W a Vinv rt-nlxr ir? A VI f f V Kf KA.J VAJLJIJ AX4 e lowest spot cash prices, we han if we bought in local shipIroom Suites. Bureau, One Washstand, One Rocker?all for $17.25. Oak Stove Utinsels, for $7.50. No. 8 ist of Utinsels, $12.50. Our Prices guaranteed as low as n be bought. Write or phone LYIiOR, IA, S* C. hrr biai oods are now ready for your lg in DRESS GOODS AND SILKS patterns, bought to please our at Bargain Prices. mery. y latest styles and trimmings, ive seen ours. :oks. iplete with all the new novelere. Is to call and see what we have. HEADftUARTERS. wwwwwwwww. YOUNG, AND RETAIL, r, COLUMBIA, S. C, National Bank, I [A, S. C. J ited Stages Govertmi th. e State 8 oimty of Ricniatil an I tiie City oncls and $100,000 State of Sontli B a-;, Corporations and In i ividuals. H its in oar Savings D^par tment, in I ict yoar oasmess to voa r entire S BANK, -- Columbia, S. C. 1 123 J,000.00 t J. P. Matthews, Cashier. RaBPiM^ sjbj&( I and best brands of one of the ; ltry. Established in 1851, the i ictured tobaccos ever attained ! itandard which is strictly lived xperienced buyers cover all the North Carolina, choosing: only th, with which to maintain the , TENDER TWIST." "wist in 5c Cuts i , TENDER TWIST.." and SAVE THE jlogue, which is one of the largest and co manufacturer, will be mailed to any ; only 4c in postage stamps, or 8 of the LYNCHBURG, VA. J A