y??? fSPEINGilCLO' We show the 1 that pleases the See our great regular made so< We are sellin| Our assortmei All the new sha A Great Shov JjPjfr isim FEXrCZL AND SCXSSOBS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. &v ' These are hot nights in the old town. The ice man is in great demand these days. The jail is full of prisoners and court is still several weeks off. > > Salted peanuts?something fine? at Harman's Bazaar. Mr. Clyde Arial, of Johnston, is ' , visiting at Rev. A. S. Leslie's. Sheriff Corley went to Prosperity ' last week on a business trip. KSfifi ?7.- ' Tv ../ ~ Call on F. W. Shealy and hear the dulcet notes of his *'goat-a-phone." Full line Lyon's handmade candies, just in at the Bazaar. Miss Watson, of Wagener, is visitIing Miss Sue Corley, near town. Miss Blanche Kyzer has joined Mrs. W. P. Roof on Sullivan's Island. Mr. Chas. B. Harman, of Augusta, spent Sunday with his family here. Sheriff Corley spent Sunday at Tybee on business and pleasure combined. F. E. Dreher, Esq., spent Saturday and Sunday at his old home in the Fork. Messrs. W. P. Roof and H. M. Wingard spend Sunday at the seashore. > * Young men, call at the Bazaar and buy a package of candy for your ? sweetheart. Miss Gussie Barr, of the Rocky Well section, was in town shopping Saturday. Miss Hattie Smithdeal, of Columbia, is ^siting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Roof, who has been quite ill. Ice cream chums?the best at the lowest prices?at kthe Lexington Department Score. Dispenser J. S. Caughman went to New Brookland Monday to help the dispenser there open up the stock. Mr. W. P. Roof, Jr., has returned from a few days of much needed rest on Sullivan's Island. Mr. J. P. Copeland, a prominent business man and farmer of Baxter, was here yesterday on business. Mr. S.^B. George left yesterday tc join Mrs. George and the children on the Isle of Pahns. . See the line of Buggy Harness 'which the Lexington Department Store is offering at very low prices. Miss Vinnie Harm an returned from a delightful visit to relatives in Colombia on Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. Frank Kneece, the polite, efficient, and ever accommodating postmaster at Batesburg, was here Mohday. ? Mrs. Mary A. Haltiwanger has returned to Batesburg, after a pleasant visit to her son, Mr. D. B. Haltiwanger. T. B. Atightry & Co., Columbia, is the place to buy heavy and fancy groceries, grain, hay, meat, flour, &c. Their prices are always the lowest. Miss Buth Clark is with Mrs. W. P. Roof on Sullivan's Island, enjoying the seabreezes and other pleasures oi 1 this great resort. Mr. Harry Assman, a popular Knight of the Grip with headquarters in Columbia, spent Monday in Lexington. * Mr. Isaiah Hall, formerlv of Gilbert, bat now electrician for "the city of Orangeburg, has been on a visit with his family to relatives at Gilbert. Mrs. W. H. Sills and children, of Batesburg, visited the family of her brother, Mr.D.R.Haltiwanger,onthe ' Fourth. Leesville is the only section in the county that has peaches of any consequence. They are bringing fancy prices. If you want the best Mower on the market, call and engage a Walter A. Wood at the Lexington Department Store. Mr. Ogilvie Wilson, who has been quite sick for the past several weeks, is no better. We hope that he wil soon make ,a change for the bettei 'and rapidly recover. Miss Cecil Mitchell has returned tc her home in Leesville, after a delightful visit to her uncle, Mr. Scott Hendrix. 1865-G MO * % i"*'* . Bight in the front with a Groceries, Hardware, Trunks The creations in this depi new, fresh goods, and the prt Just think Hew Drop Hot arrived, fresh Grits $1.76 si MOSEI THING and FURNISHINGS r MEN and BOYS. best in ail the New Goods at prices closest buyers. values in Men's Ties, 25c. Men's 2ks, Brown and Black, 5c. the pair. I the best 50c. Shirt ever sold. HATS. it is great; our prices are right, pes in Straw and Felt. LAWNS. ring of Lawns at 5c, 6Jc, 8|c and IMAUG] 4i* . Mr. Frank George, carrier of rout< 2 from this place, reports fine crop; generally on his route. Corn is bette: than for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Lee and chil dren, of Tampa, Fla., are visiting th< latter's parents, Col. and Mrs. M. D Harman. Are you thinking of buying a buggj and harness? If so, you will find it tx your advantage to see the stock at W P. Roof's.' Prices please buyers. Mr. Willie D. George and famity, o Buffalo, Union county, have returne< home, after a visit to the former': parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irby George. Miss Cecil Barre, the second daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barre, i quite sick, and her many friends hopi for her a speedy recovery. We learn with regret that Mrs Rosco Caughman is ill at the home o her father-in-law, Mr. James Caugh man, on the Wyse Ferry road. In addition to the large line of win fencing carried in stock atyW. P Roof's, he has beautiful patterns o yard fencing. Misses Lucile and Caro Efird lef yesterday for Manning, where the; will spend several days with friend . and schoolmates. 1 A fresh stock of handsome Buggie just received at the Lexington De partment Store. Call and examin them. Tho monv nf Miss Ann; Brown will be pleased to learn tha i> she is getting along nicely and -will b out in about two weeks, unless some thing unforeseen occurs. Miss Frances Bull, a very prettr young lady from Columbia, spent th Fourth with her friend, Miss Marth Hendrix Canghman. Miss Grace Dell James, of Bishop ville, came over Saturday to tak 1 charge of the summer school in th Rocky Well section. She is boardinj with her grand-father, Col. D. 1 Barr. 1 -Mrs. Samuel B. George and chil dren and Mrs. H. M. Wingard am . daughters, left Friday for the Isle o i Palms and Sullivan's Island, wher they will spend several days. ? New goods are continually arrivinj at W. P. Roof's. His trade is exten sive and the demand requires that h ? keep everything up-to-date?ever L branch must have fresh stock. Col. E. F. Strother one of the bright , est and most successful young law j yers in the State and a resident o Batesburg, was here Monday in th interest of his clients, the Fallaws J who are now in jail. The many friends of Mrs. E. Belto: Roof will be grieved to learn that sh< ; has been desperately ill for the pas ' week. She is slightly improved a * this writing and her friends hope fo her a speedy recovery. Miss Lessie Hook, a very pretty am : much admired younglady, thedaught er of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hook, o near New Brookland, has just return i ed from a pleasant visit to relative at Norway. Mr. W. Scott Harman, formerly o Lexington but now a resident o Hartsville where he holds a good po sition with one of the cotton mills spent the Fourth with friends am relatives here. i Mr. "Boge" Fallaw, of near Mo netta, was here yesterday. Mr. Fal law is one of the best farmers in tha section and he informed us that tb crops are looking well, although tw< weeks later than last year. Miss-Ethel I. Brooker has returnee ? \ to her home at Swansea to the de . light of her many friends, after hav , ing taught a successful school a Greenwood. Miss Brooker is a mos charming young woman and one o the best lady teachers in the county. Maj. and Mrs. John Wilson Butle returned from their -bridal trip o: i Saturday and are. now at home t their friends at the residence of th ; bride's mother, Mrs. John H. Meetze in East Lexington. i We were pleased to receive a cal , Monday from Mr. J. T. Meehan, on of the bright reporters of Th State, who was here in the in teres of this great daily. He is a cleve , gentlemen and good writer. His ai . ticle in The State of yesterday on th . conditions of the Lexington jail wa fair and unbiased. REAT icn rv Awmmmw full line of General Merchandh , Furniture, Farming Implemei MILLII irtment surpass anything that 1 ces are right id Domestic Machine $25.00, N< ick. People say Moseleys can't -JJETST BI J. L MIMNAI THE GRE.A BARGAINS IN EV1 If you are in need of Headws visit our Millinery Department, in Stylish Hats. See our Specif for Ladies and Misses. Special [ Many of these Hats sold for mo: we now offer these special lots i H'S, - _ ' = i 1 . /r. ^ I' f?V - X 3 K ,?S\ \ 1 l in \M 3 Come see. We are al3 ways glad to see you and f glad to take care of your - packages. s ,Glad to have you cool -f off under our electric fans while resting on our com-. y fortable settees. 9 Glad to give you a drink s of cool ice water, e Make our store your headquarters when in Cot lumbia. We sell Shoes; I but whether you need shoes or not, stop with us. ihis e invitation is to you. ' EHRLICH'S, e IS? Mam It!! 1 COLUMBIA, S. G. % I ?? RAW HIDES WANTED?We will _ pay 15 cents per pound for dry flint i raw hides. Dominick & Amick, ^ May 1, 3mp Chapin, S. C. All the carriers out from Lexington % attended the meeting at Batesburg i- last Thursday, except Mr. Frank e George. They speak highly of Batesy burg's hospitality and long for an opportunity to go again. Dr. Lucius Dreher, who has but reZ cently graduated in dentistry in BaL' timore, was here Saturday. Dr. ? Dreher attended and was admitted a ' member of the State Dental association at Anderson last week. He is a a bright young fellow and his success is ? already assured. ' EXPERIENCE. r f s Years of Exf perience are at Your \ COMMAND. + Successful experience has e been ours and we want every0 body who has cause to feel that there is anything the mat 1 ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give them k proper tests, t f THERE ARE HO r CHARGES POR 0 EXAMINATIONS. 1 CHARLES E SMTZ, e et , OPTICIAN, I JEWELER, ? 1439 Main St., Columbia, S. C. r3 ROS ntuumitiumumimiumuutiui ;e for Spring and Summer, 1907. its, Buggies, Wagons and Harness NERY!= ias ever teen shown in this mark* aw Timpano* MflfthinA. Dron Head. sell the goods at the price and mi IOS JGH & CO, lT store. ery DEPARTMENT ire for Ladies and Children , We are giving special values il Sacrifice Sale of Straw Hats price 5c, 15c, 25c and 50c. re than three times the price at. - C3! / [? This is the season 1 pleasure is greater whe] doctor! He uses a Bab any other make. Full Line oi We carry at all tin that will give you good ties we are in position t< I LOWEST PRICES. TE] 1117 Hampt 1L ? V ? 1892. | Lexim| # H Oldest Bank ir i DOES - A m Accounts 1 * | Rate of 5 Per C if I TMENT - Prosi Mmuutmuumuuimumumti We can please you in Spring ai . One of the Greatest Departme MILL Our Hats have no superior a 20 years guarantee, $17.93. 31 ike profit What difference ?oe\ SHOES. We are headquarters lor Shoes kind that wear at unmatchable p STJITS and SKIR Ladies Tailor Made Suits an Skirts. We are giving special v? partment. The best at right pri( CROCKERY, GLASSWARE j New arrivals in our Crocker department. Two carloads of be and Crockery, consisting of a gre ful artices. Price, oc, 10c, 15c a bargains in Tinware and numerc ing goods. Ln.l33Llbi?l>9 CARLOAD OF to drive out and enjoy the i vou go in a "BABCOCK' J o cock because it rides easie: f all Styles of Series and ies a good assortment of m service. Buying so often j o sell you as cheap as you ?MS RIGHT. SATISFACT EVERY PURCHASE. on Avenue, Coll gton Sayings LEXINGTON, - S. i Lexington County. AatJ c Ucipilefi diiu o - GENERAL - BANKING .'nvited on Favorable Terms, tent Allowed in the Savings 1 W. P. / / I ^ ' HOU: oerity. $ av v id Slimmer Clothing, Dry G int Stores in the Carolinas. INERY! nd but few equals. Every de] st car, making 3455 barrels oi i it make to you what people ^spepits d Ready-to-Wear dues in this demd TINWARE. j and Glassware Ji^jgKlg^ sautiful Glassware at variety of use us House Furnishjc=? dT* i SS3>? %>^e WHHna^ fresh country air. The [8 ' BUGGY. Ask your || r and lasts longer than || ftabouis. ra edium and cheap buggies IS * md in such large quanti- || can buy at the factory. H ION GUARANTEED IN 1 Limbia, S. C. H HHHHHRHBHHHHHHHIHHI $ * i m ' ? Bank. 1 jji / n H > H| urplus $20,000. I & BUSINESS. B Department. I ROOF, Cashier. If n ' * < aT pT roof, LEXINGTON, S. C., gent for all kinds of ;arming Implements. WRITE FOR PRICES. SE-1907 3. O. oods, Notions, Shoes and Hats 4 partment is complete and full of : choice Tennessee Flour has just say as long as you get the goods 79 3. C. a