The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 19, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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silt ' '? p The Lexington Dispatch. ' ? G. M. Harmak, Editor and Publisher r > -'** ' ^ - 11!. *" 8 - ??- r . . Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. C., as second class matter. / The subscription price of the Dispatch Is $1 a year; 50 cents for six 'months; 35 cents for three months?invariably cash in advance. K . CIRCTTLATIOK 2^334! Wednesday, June 19, 1907. , 1 Tie Press Association. The thirty-third annual meeting of I the South Carolina Press Association met on the Isle of Palms, Charleston, lask Thursday. It was our good pleasure to attend this meeting, and meet our old acquaintances, although but few of the bid r^inxe are mow members of theassociation, most of them having died or gone into other fields of labor rinee our last meeting with the association* several years ago. But it was indeed a pleasure to minwith the vonnsrer brethren of the f press and to exchange ideas, thus keeping in closer touch with the newsfrom the arduous duties of a country office. v Through the kindness of the Southerst railway, we arrived in Charleston on due time Wedpesd^y evening, where we were met at the station by a jovial and charming set of gentlemen, consisting of prominent citizens of Charleston's Board of Commerce and the management of .the Hotel Seashore, who took charge of and accompanied us to the boat, and soon had-us comfortably and delightfully situated at the Hotel Seashore on the |61e6fPalms. The association opened its session Thureday moniing.with President E, H. Anil, of the Newberry Herald and News, in chair.^ The feature of of^relcome by^ Mayor R. Goodwin Rhett on behalf of Charleston, who, in his inimitable way, welcomed the gentlemen of the press to Charleston. Mayor Rhettjs *a very entertaining Mayor Rhett was followed by that pfrif&e of good fellows and brilliant' newspaper writer, W. W. Ball, of the apd Courier, on behalf of the newspaper fraternity. Mr. Ball proved .that he was as much of an ?$^tor as jb^i^a writer, and his address proof of tbe.plea8nre experienced on the tot visit. After the reading of the reports of officers of the association, interesting pikers were read by several membeqp, Which closed the bnsaineas session - A feature?and one that was enjoyed by not only the members of the press but by hundreds of others as well?was the automobile races on the beach late in the afternoon. ' On Friday morning, at 10:30, the majority of the members, accompanied by a large number of ladies, left for Mt. Pleasant on a fishing frolic. Those who did not care to join this party, enjoyed themselves in various ways?some went in bathing; others .ft engaged in social converse on the *eol pavilion at the Isle of Palms or at the' Hotel Seashore. Those who went on the fishing trip claimed to BE--' had a glorious time. However, some of those in the party, so we were told, preferred the "bait in the bottle," consequently the catch was light, only one little cat-fish, about ~aix inches long, being caught by the Whole party. Delightful refreshments were served throughout the trip by Col. R. W. Hump, as master of ceremoniesr. ^Saturday at 11 o'clock the association reassembled for business. Maj. J. C. Hemphill, of the News and TConrier, moved that the old officers % - w?"'" bOre-elected, which met with the -hearty ajpproval.of the entire body. 'The officer? are as follows: President, E. H. Aull, Herald and News, Newberry; first vice-president, William Banks, The State, Columbia; Second vice-president, J. C. Mace, the Star, Marion; chaplain, the Rev. j W. P. Jacobs, D. D., Our Monthly, Clinton; treasurer, August Kohn, the vflwo ar?H rionrier Bureau, Columbia; \ t , ..i Xib r? w wuw v ? _ . _ t secretary, R. L. Freeman, Pee-Dee Advocate, Bennettsville; executive committee, C. M. Galloway, The State, Columbia; E. H. DeCamp, Ledger, Gaffney; W. W. Ball, The News and Courier, Charleston. The brilliant feature of Saturday's session was the annual address by Mr. A. B. Williams, editor of the Richmond News-Leader, who arrived on Saturday and was met by the following committee, who had been appointed to escort him to the Hotel Seashore: Messrs. A. W. Knight, T. B. Crews, S. H. Rogers aud G. M Harm an. Mr. Williams' address proved ver} interesting to the entire body o newspaper men, inasmuch as it was i brief history of the newspapers ii South Carolina during the turbulen times of '76, and of the grea power of The News and Courier as i moulder of public opinion during th< days ofteapt. Dawson; of the man} trying experiences of himself whil< connected with The Journal of Com merce, and of many other interesting and exciting periods. Taking th< speech as a whole it was a masterl} effort?the work of a masterly mind Mr. Williams was for several yean editor of the Greenville News. A1 his friends were delighted to hav( him .with as on this occasion. This ended, practically, the bus! ness sessions of the association anc a place for the next meeting was dis cussed. Maj. Hemphill, and others extended a warm and pressing in vita to the association to return to Charles ton next year, and Mr. DeCamp, o: the Gaffney Ledger, extended an in vitation, backed by the Chamber o Commerce of his city, and his in vita tion was accepted. The associatior will meet next year at Gaffney, where we will look to onr young friend, De Camp, to give us a good time. The meeting of 1907 came to a close with a grand reception and dance al the Hotel Seashore Saturday even ing, which was one of the most sue cessful and brilliant events in the annals of South Carolina. A more beau tiful mid handsome set of womer never graced a dancing hall. Young men?and old ones, too?danced tc the sweet music rendered bj the famous artilery band, until 11 o'clock, when the last train left the Island.tor Charleston, and the recep uion uauic uu a viuoc. We are indeed glad that we wen1 to the Press Association, and glac that we met so many of our brethren. We expect to go again next year, unless the unforeseen occurs. We shaL hold in grateful remembrance the many kindnesses showi} us by the good people of - historic Charleston, and we trust that she will continue tc grow as the green bay tree. In a future article we will speak ol the grow tit of Charleston in the past Wflarar^ ~? ^ mdowers and old maids, bachelors and widows, yonng men and maidens, as well as the boys'and girls yet ir their tepns, have the, marriage fevei in Lexington. The members of the press could noi have fallen into better hands thai those of CoL J. p. Hemphill and Col W. M. Ball, bo^h affable, genial anc kind, left nothing undone that wonlc add to the pleasure of the newspapei men and women, who gathered 01 the Isle of Palms last week. All praise to the newspaper fraternity of Char leston! Friday, June 28, has been set foi /'South Carolina Day" at the James town Exposition. Every Caroliniaz that intends to visit the expositor should do so on this occasion. t The people of Barnwell and Ker shaw counties will soon vote upon the dispensary question. The moral forces in these counties are lined up againsl the dispensary and it looks like the dispensary will have to go out. Whj not? It is no more than a bar-room, It is the same old death-dealing "firewater."?Union Times. "The Charleston Export Edition': of The State, issued on the 13th, is one of the finest issues of the kinc ever published in the South. The edition consists of forty-eight pages ably edited, and gotten up with unus ual care. It shows the many advan tages of Charleston as a port, anc that it will go a long way toward in creasing the business of Charlestor and the State at large, is not doubted, The State is one of the best paperf published in the south, and the "Ex port Edition" is a credit to the man agement of this great daily. In the death of Hon. John T. Mor gan, for thirty years United State: Senator from Alabama, his state anc nation loses one of nature's noblemen His was a useful and honored life, anc w men Ihrp tn serve their country 80 well. His memory will live for ever in the hearts and minds of those who knew him best. Q A New Orlear J Because she nourishment from Q She took Scott9 J&jjfo Result: She gained a poi jil ALL DRU f BETTER QUALITY FOR THE | SAME MONEY I Each Suit we sell with B IPS 14 our name on the hanger I is guaranteed in every fl .respect. We absolutely B * j Denina ever gar- ^ f l | j ^ne Furnishings, Shoes I % I |n| Suits made to measure I 1 I InH MmIL by the highest class tail- I . ors ^ ^mer^ca?an^ per" l I efcTTON^BRANb I It G, DREHER & CO J Outfitters for Hen and Bovs. I | LEXINGTON, S. C. I I ' * ; aWB^BWBag^W^ During the-press association last * week, Mr. P. H. Gadsden, of Charles- j j tor, aided much to the pleasure < 1 IH I ? P and profitableness of the delega- ] A IMiJ T Mabb ' 1 5 tion by his uniform courtesy to ] HITppH I r BW all, and his impromptu address on < WW U | | y||| | immigration was full of thought, and ] \ 7 ! } his ideas' of iminigration in South j __ > Carolina are worthy of consideration. < E? i\ I | i It was through his efforts that the ! ** | many improvements on the Island | mm i have been made during the last few j IL5U I t\ I EL years, and he is always active in all < j k matters pertaining to the welfare and ] > 1 1 betterment of Charleston. ] ' > ? < ; i < I j The social feature of the meetings ] i of the Press Association has grown to 1 ! be quite popular and facinating to the < 1 1 young ladies, many of whom, are ] only honorary members. In fact, if J +v? ) it were not ior uitur prwwuuo wo m success of the meetings would be a < [ failure, so far as the social part is J LET MT! BTTF TOUR 1 p concerned; for without their presence i r a vT? Iff A vimnrnT) \ . the real, genuine old time sociability ! nK) MAIlliK , i would not exist. We hope that more ] HOW SMALL OH HOW i ladies will take an active interest in I LARGE THE TRACT, t these annual gatherings. < r = > | ! Eolmar Locals. < , ; ' J To the Editor ot the Dispatch: 1 I i J Nice rain Thursday evening. J -t > i On account of the continued cold < j ? weather crops are somewhat late. < i Messrs. Shealy and Eargle are in J " > r this section with their threshing out- < \ fit. Wheat is generally very sorry, j > . while oats are making a fair yield. J > Mr. and Mrs. Law sou Rikard, of < j Batesburg, spent Saturday night and < Write or pall to aee ttia > Sunday with relatives in this section. t write or can 10 see me , > Misses Laura and Ella Shealy, of J * m . / | near Amick's Ferry, visited their , . i 1 friends, Misses Bessie and Blanche i w|r 11 ABAC A Bill# 1 Eargle, Saturday night. ] |HC HUMt BANK. j Mr. and Mrs.. Bassie Lybrand, of < ' the Hollow Creek section, visited at < Lexington S C ' Mr. Pink Crout's Sunday. j 6 ' - . Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Shealy, of { . LeesviUe, spent Sunday with the 1 , former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Shealy. Prof. John W.. Ballentine, who va s i 1785. ? 1907. 1 principal of the school at LittleMoun- fiAi i rpr sr AUfini r?TAU tain, i~9 spending the summer at his uULLbUE III UnMnLCb I UN; ' h?Messrsarl?ereWiUie snd Leffie C. CHARLESTON, S. C. : frLlyEa0^::iethreyA0^d' Mdcoh , ^ *** ^ 27. lege, West Raleigh, N. C., are home Letters, Science, Engineering. One for the summer. scholarship to each county m South Prof. Monts, of Prosperity, and Carolina, gr\ mg free tuition. Tuition . Prof. Nichols, of near Saluda, have SJ?* ^ ro9in. m been employed to teach the next term Dormitory % 11 a month All candidates 3 of school at this place. for admnssion are permitted to compete i There has been some changes made or. Boyce sOholarhhips which in the R. F. D. route from this place, J - ^tra"ce Exammai and it is very likely there will be *J?n *?eld in the County Court J - Wnnco r?n TtVirloxr .Tnlv n or Q a rr> TTnv 1 other changes made at an early date. 1 "v " ? ? * 7 There has been a number of route in- j catalo?ll?- address - specters here during the last lew .. ,, HARRISON RANDOLPH, ^ j weeks and it is hoped that they will * President, get everything in satisfactory shape. June " ppai p?fatp ucai wmic 41 flDfl is woman was thin. did not extract sufficient $ i Fire Insurance Agent ' I am prepared to collect your s Emulsion ^ bills and rents. g A. B. BACHMAN, ind a day in weight. V Real Estate, Fire Insurance, ggists: soc. and ii.oo ^ New Brookland, S. C. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA u/iwn nc i icp r.ivcc hpai th exxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxixxxxi"""* H K ^ . : No. 6994 : ! The People's National Bank S PROSPERITY, S. C. jj 5 Paid up Capital - - $25,000.00. jj jj Surplus and Individual Profits $5,000.00. S 3 Stockholders' Liabilities - $25,000.00. jj M N w 3 For Protection of Depositors. 5 ? H. C. MOSELEY, President. M. A. CARLISLE, Vice-President. 3 3 W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. GEORGE JOHNSTONE, Attorney. J v 5 Better a conservative interest on your deposit with its 3 5 safe return when wanted, than a high rate and a feeling of J jj doubt about the principal. . 3 5 A National Bank is a safe Deposit. Government super- 3 3 vision makes it so. Likewise our Board of Directors is a 3 jj guarantee of prudent conservative management. 3 jj We Allow Interest on Time Deposits I jj DIEECTOES: jj jj C. W. Bowers, J. A. C. Kibler, R. L. Luther, M. A. Carlisle, ! u I LI Unnt.. Uf P Pnnh .Inn R PaIIart W A MabaIau 1 n VI I n I MlltWI f WWW III vyai| mmm m viawa V) WW m-mm wwvavj y mm S Ceo. Johnstone, H. C. Moseley, - J. P. Bowers. " " N H Q Sewing Machines ON EASY TERMS i -vis The STANDARD is the best. Rotary ? shuttle, light running. Also machines of cheaper grade. We are making a speciality A 1 11 1 1 X. J oi macnmes, ana we sen xnem on xerms xo suit all buyers. Write us for prices. CANTT & RAST, Swansea, S. C. The Secret off ' A i A J a beautiful Star hnrr GftfldS COMPLEXION OU5mil& uuuu* Now Revealed Fp% mm mm Sterling silver, cut glass, fine R ? HhI BhH AVII n1/\/?1rrt A fiwA ? viiwjs.cs. xv uuc atv/V/JV What beauty is more desir- always on hand for you to able than an exquisite complexion select from and elegant jewels. An oppor- _ . , . tunity for every woman to obtain Keep us mvmmd when wantboth, for a limited time only. ing anything in Jewelry or The directions and recipq for Silverware, obtaining a faultless complexion Good watch work and best 1 is the secret long guarded by the _ ?uOOAa 1 master minds of theORIENTALS u , , aud GREEKS. If you can't come, send for This we obtained after years of our catalogue or telephoneyour - , work and at great expense. It is order to us. the method used by the fairest r ?d . pulAMOTTEkCO,, Hundreds of American women JEWELERS who now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. 1424 Main St, Columbia, S. C This secret is easily understood >ph0ne 934 and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, \Af A M T p Q f cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful complexion ^ and free your skin from pimples, \J L U bad color blackheads, etc. It , alone is worth to you many times Ijl i jLTflQ the price we ask you to send for | |/l|v|||| the genuine diamond ring of la+00+ rl ooi cm m 1UWO U U.VOI^lA? _ We sell you this ring as one 5) flfi small profit above manufacturing tlllli cost. The price is less than onehalf what others charge. The nnrjAjUC recipe is free with every ring. II|||lfl|l|J It is a genuine rose cut dia.mond ring of sparkling brilliancy For which we will allow absolutely guaranteed,very damty ^ shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany highest prices toward setting of 12Kt. gold shell, at new Instruments. No Club your local jeweler it would cost Rates to off er, but we Pledge ! considerable more than $2.00 Better Instruments for the We mail you this beautiful complexion recipe free when your Same or * less money, than order is received for ring and those a club rate offers. $2.00 in money order, stamps or w ., bills. Get vour order in before n e ? ?" limjteii MALONE'SMUSIC HOUSE, time only as a means of advertis- COLUMBIA S. C ing and introducing our goods. . ' ' Send today before this oppor- | XUA anu tciuio. t unity is forgotten. i zzz T. C. MOSELEY, | SOUTHERN RAILWAY 32 East 23rd St., Now N ork City. TRAINING SCHOOL, On account of the vacation of the FPFF nam*? and cMlinn ft?Pnwp|. schools through the Summer, is making iKlL ties we qive b|Q oremiums a sPecial offer for a three months course ^nri unilP lnAHflu L nf*\ju iu their school, m which the course can oltn ni hVn nrniftl 2 thS#tEwSST completed iii this time by , proper Write today. Address C. T. M05E- I?o the entire^c^e ph6 LEY Premium Department, 32 E. take" 94,j -4?.^* cu^... vA>iif /*:*? including board and all expenses for | 8100. We guarantee all our pupils a position when they are competent. ^ Barbecue. i Write us and make application for a I will furnish a firstclass "barbecue and j scholarship. refreshments at Pelion 011 July, 4th. J L. J. PRINK, The new county will be discussed cn ; Manager of Southern Railroad Training that day. Everybody come and enjoy | School, the day. Come one, come all. j 1206^ Main Street, Columbia. S. C. 4-33 Josh J. Shealy. | Apr. 24~-2m. 1