The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 12, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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w MBnaaaa_HaHMHMiaUiHMi The Lexington Dispatch. ^?????????? Wednesday, June 12,1907. sis&i - -. :r?- , Zndex tolTew Advertisements. Barbecue?H. Steele. : K * Machines?Gantt & Bast. > Hardware?Craig Supply Co. Report?Lex. Co. Dispensary Board ?sgp Lexington Turpentine Market. i i Dip per barrel $8.00 to $10.00 > Spirits per gallon. 52% Cotton Market. % Columbia, good middling, - 12% Lexington, good middling, 1 - 123^ Divine Servioe. * There will be preaching at St. j ~ ' - ? * ? r n j John's Lutheran cnurcn ounuay morning at. 11 o'clock. Beef Xaricet. I will have on hand every day beef % and ice for sale in the Ballentine braiding. - Bottled drinks on ice and sandwiches at all times. i 4w33 W. A. Caughman. Installation at St Stephen's. Installation service at St. Stephen's Xntfieran church Sunday morning at W 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. . A. Freed, of Columbia. A collection ?' will be taken for the Spartanburg mission. A Car of Cotton Seed Ileal. For the next 10 days I will sell cot-1 ton seed meal at $1.35 per bag. . So eomeatonce if you want firstclass meal. H. STEELE, Ethan, S. C. Masonic. A regular communication of Boyls. ton Lodge, A. F. M., will be held at P* Boylston on Saturday, the 22nd inst., at 3 p. m. All members of this lodge are earnestly requested to be present as business of importance is to be ' transacted. By order W. M. Ballman-Browae. Miss JDaisy Hallman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eliott1 Hallman, of Batesburg,- was married to Mr. John Browne, of Abbeville, on the 3rd, the eeremony being performed by J. C. Glover, notary public. Brookland's Dispenser. The Dispensary Board has appointed Mr. Julian A. Qayden dispenser at Brookland. It will be recalled that Mr. M. G. Caughman had been preJ viously appointed, but for several reasons refused to have the place, whicIThecesBitated another appointment. The dispensary opens on July 1. ?- ''<1"*1 * ; far Obituary. Eva Pearl was born April* 12, 1907, and diedltfay 2,* 1907s She was a sweet little* angel which came to ^ Isaiah and Agnes Shealey's home to stay the snort period of eighteen day9. God took her to himself to be ? an angel in the heavens above forever aim ever; , A. R. T. ; _ ' .v " >9- d' . ft To Teachers. To the Lexington County Teachers: The State Teachns' Association meets at Chick Springs from June 24th to 26th. On Tuesday afternoon there will be a departmental session ,-yf fa? School Improvement Association. T The entire program of the association is to be very attractive, and at its meeting you wfll have the ?pj,' portunity of hearing, not only some of South Carolina's best educators, hut also some of note from other states. Reduced rates by railway. Protracted Services. A protracted meeting will begin at the Lexington Baptist church next Sunday night. The pastor will be assisted by the Rev. w. W. Glover, 4 of Aususta, Ga. Our morning ser vices will be called in on account of? installation services at the Lutheran church in this place. We hope our congregation will attend that service. Remember our meeting will begin on Sunday night. The public cordially invitea to attend these services. W. L. Keel, Pastor. % i ? i Card of Thanks. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Please allow me space in your paper to return my sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors at my 7 home and in Brookland who assisted me and his dear wife during the illness of my dear son and her husband. May the blessings of an Allwise Providence rest upon them, as I feel I will never be able to return the great favors shown me and my family. % May God bless them is our sincere prayer. D. I. Epting and Family. Mrs. Maggie Epting. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder for swollen, tired, hot, smarting feet. Sample sent free. Also free sample of the Foot-Ease * Sanitary Corn-Pad, a new invention. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, ' N. Y. ; Souse Burned. A house belonging to Dr. D. M. Crosson and occupied by Mr. James T3Ww<4/-i?ia was hnrnpH last, X uru CLU l i^uvuiU) ? , 4 Wednesctey. The occupants of the house were absent at the time and Mr. Ford lost all of his household * effects. Dr. Crosson carried partial insurance on the building. The fire is supposed to have originated from a defective flue. Butler-lffeetze. Mrs. John Henry Meetze has issued invitations to the marriage of her ^daughter, Miss Alice Victoria, to J-* * Capt. John Wilson Butler. The marriage will be solemnized in St. Stephen's Lutheran church on Monday morning, June 17th, at half past nine o'clock. The couple will leave imme" diately afterwards on an extended bridal tour, taking in the Jamestown Exposition and all the principle cities in the north. 4 i MONTHLY STATEMENT Of Dispensary No. 1, Located at Lexington, S. C., for Month of May, 1907. Assets. Merchandise inyentory $1,791 83 Cash in bank 2,223 28 Claim Southern railway 12.69 Total assets $4,027 75 Liabilities. Merchandise, stock on hand.. .$1,791 83 Net worth $2,235 92 Disbursements. Dispensers' salary $ 75 00 Printing 10 00 County Bd sal, J. W. Addy... 35 00 Expense 68 32 Paid for merchandise 1,847 11 Total 1,535 43 Total net profits for April and May .'. $700 49 State of South Carolina, ) Lexington County. ] Personally appeared before me, J. W. Adflv. clerk of Lexington County Dis pensary Board, and made oath that the above statement is true according to his information and belief. Sworn to before me this 7th day of June, 1907. G. A. Derrick, Notary Public for S. C. J. W. Ajddy, Secretary. MONTHLY STATEMENTOf Dispensary No. 2, Located at Gilbert, Lexington County, S. C., for the Month of May, 1907. Assets. . Merchandise inventory $ 598 65 Cash in bank 822 75 Claim Southern railway. 2 63 Total $1,424 03 Liabilities. Merchandise, stock on hand... $ 598 65 v Net worth $ 825 38 Disbursements. Dispensers' salary $ 50 00 Printing 24 00 County Bd sal, R. L. Keisler.. 31 75 Expense : 9 86 uoid fiii" mawhanilcA 4.s rJL UU AV/1 4JU.VA vhuiivwv ? ? -v I - ? i Total..., $ 536 18 Total net profits for April and May $ 289 20 State of South Carolina, i Lexington County. ( Personally,appeared before me, J. W. Addy, clerk of Lexington County Dispensary Board, and made oath that the above statement is true according to his information and belief. Sworn to before me this 7th day of June, 1907. G. A. Derrick, Notary Public for S. C. J. W. Addy, Secretary. ! MONTHLY STATEMENT Of Dispensary No. 3, Located at Peak, Lexington County, S. C., for the Month of May, 1907. I ; : A8SETS. r Merchandise inventory....... $1,083 48 Cash in Bank 912 15 Claim Southern railway 7 67 Total assets \ $2,003 30 ABILITIES. Merchandise, stock on hand?$1,083 48 Net WCV&k&i $ 919 82 i Disbursements. Dispensers' salary $ 5000 Printing 16 75 County Bd sal, J. L./Shuler... 41 60 Expense 25 22 Paid for merchandise 467 02 Total. $600 59 Total neit profits for April and May $319 23 State of South Carolina, ( Lexington County. ) Personalty appeared before me J. W. Addy, clerk of Lexington County Dispensary Board, and made oath that the above statement is true according to his information and belief. Sworn to before me this 7 th day of ?? ? AA!*? A A TVntiOTmr ?J UJLItJ, IStt/l. VJ. ii. JL/r<iiiuviv, Notary Public for S. C. J. W. Addy, Secretary. Notice. All persons are hereby warned not to hire, harbor or give food or shelter to my son, Barnard B. Bachman, a minor, who has left my home without permission. All violators of this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Mrs. S. M. Backmax. Juno 11, 1907. 3w34 Barbecue. As usual I will serve a firstclass Barbecue and refresliments at Ethan, on the Southern road, on July 4th, and invite all my friends and the public in general. There will be amusements to tickle the young and to please the old, so come and bring your sweetheart and your wife and daughters and enjoy the day. Trains will stop both ways to take on passengers. H. Steele. 3w34 Transfers of Real Estate. The following transfers of real estate have been recorded in the Clerk of Court's office since our last issue: E. C. Ridgell to D. A. Oswalt, lot in Batesburg for $300. E. C. Ridgell to Mattie Smith, lot in Batesburg for $250. E. G. Cayce and others to Southern Railway Company, lot at Cavce for $100. Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer. Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express ?lper large bottle. Sample free by writing Biood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. Sold in Lexington, S. C., by Derrick s Drug store and Kaufmann Drug Co. Gambling is a very useful thing to show you that the way to get money I is to work for it. gj i' ooooooooooooocscs IheL 1% jjj BEST .PL AC! Y9 ij . Dry Go> X rtrnnorii M VAA VVVAA T ' Glassw I FAIR SPOT CASH HARDWARE and PAINTS NO CREDIT, . NO LOSSES, SHORT PROFIT, QUICK SALES. EXTRA SPECIAL For Saturday, June 15, we will sell 2-quart Cover Tin Buckets only 5c; the regular 10c article. We sold kerosene oil at 12c. per gallon last Saturday. Each Satqrday will witness some special values. Tou cannot afford to miss our store when wanting goods in our line. Housekeepers will do well Tn'oif sunt* onH 1 fin dpnorf. bU TIDXb VIU V IHIW *WW W ment. ciuiGsumV co PROSPERITY, S.C. P. S. Saturday, June 22, will be the last day we will buy Scrap Iron until further notice Barbecue. I will furnish a firstclass barbecue and refreshments at Pelion on July, 4th. The new county will be discussed on that day. Everybody come and enjoy the day. Come one, come all. 4-33 Josh J. Shealy. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. By Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge Whereas, James Hall, Jr., made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of \ Jensie F. Hall. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Jensie F. Hall, deceased, that they be and appear, be fore ine, in the Court of Frobate, to be held at Lexington C. H., S. C., on 19th day of June, 1907, next after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration shonld not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3rd day of June Anno Domini 1907. Geo. S. Drafts, Probate Judge, Lexington count}*, S. C. Published on 5th day of June. 1907, in the Lexington Dispatch. 28 .J* CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Scholarship and Entrance Examination to Freshman Class. The examination for the award* of scholarships from Lexington county and ADMISSION TO FRESHMAN CLASS will be held at the county court house on Friday, July 5. at 9 a. in. Applicants for scholarships may secure blank I application forms from the County Superintendent of Education. These ! blanks must be filled out properly and j ? rt :?i. J filed with the County dupernuviiueiii- i before the beginning of the examination. Those taking the examination for entrance to the Freshman class and not trying for a scholarship should file their application with President Mell. The scholarships are worth ?100 and free tuition. One scholarship student from each county may select the Textile course, others must take one of the Agricultural courses. Examination paper will be furnished, but each appli- | cant should provide himself with scratch j paper. The number of scholarships to ! be awarded will be announced later. P. H. MELL, President, 8-35 Clemson College, S. C. J For Sale, Hand power turning lathe outfit, cheap; consisting of one stand with large iron wheel and a band wheel. Apply to The Dispatch office. 7) Iment Store j loes, Hats, ii arness, Buggies, j inware, and I exington Oeparl iBHHHHnHflnnffi ETO BUY ni/lcs "NTnfirtnB SI -fc.1 V VAVAJLUj IWJ es, Hardware, H are, Crockeryware, T Farming Implemen TREATMENT - EV ^ii ?i -" ~ " " ~ "*"??~?~?*- - - - - -""*"* * ? ** 8UBGIES, mm ?3 Ca smeesassanssSs I A Car^^of^IRDE The Be Come and see my Stock. I am s m w' " miii,,u,J MMMMMCaMMMK II I JAS. D. QUATTLEBAUM. BUGGIES, WAG Whips, Harness i \ Have just fallen in our Repository. \ what you want. To Investigate is to Rubber when doing business with QU I | perity, S. C. When in need of Gasoli IS Steam Engines, Wood-Sawing outfit, i I ick Binders and Mowers, Manure Spn I Plows, 2 and 3 horse; they are the onl H stick land. Tongue and Tongueless I 1 If wanting anything in our line come 1 come to see you. H Our Repair Shop is now well equ | or wagon in first class shape. Paintir | We furnish shoes and put them on for I SSBaBBBKBE^EBE Contains tasteless cod live: Makes new rich bloodAppeti For Sale at HARMAN'S BAZAAR. ERY TIME I anJS?l [ULU uuu miuunu g JELL Wagons, all sizes, gg st Made. J5 atisfied I can please you in Vehicles SZ Prices. gK Little Mountain, S. C. g >85S88585858885S5S588 D. M. LANCFORD. I ONS, SURRIES, and Lap Dusters ve can suppiy vuui wauis nu matter w ? Invest. Your Dollar will stretch like | 3 ATTLEBAUM & LANGFORD, Pros- | ne Engines, (they won't blow up,) i Saw Mills, Cotton Gin outfit, McCorm- | waders, Chattanooga Reversible Disc jj gj y plows that will clean themselves in 1 )isc Harrows and Smoothing Harrows. f to see us or write us and we will | ipped and we can repair your buggy ra |f lg a speciality. Expert horse shoer. | *3 25 cents per pair. 1 | ity5 Sr C. || roil.Cures all female troubles .zing and strengtheningPrice5!^