The Lezington Dispatch. Wednesday, inne 5.1907. V- , ' 4* Arm of Enoch. Stabler Marvel to Surgeons. Washington.?Enoch Stahler,. of Washington, D. C., is the possessor of an arm which is the marvel of modern suigeons. He has been examined by some hundreds, if not thousands of surgeons, and all declare the arm is in a class by itself. Were it not for an artistic piece of work by Dr. J. J. Bozeman, of Ninety-Six, S. C., per(nimiAil /\*i fV* a Knfflnfl in M. AVAUIVU V/JLi UliV uauu^uvxu XXX xuvxj xu-x. Stahler would probably not have any left arm at all. On October 7, 1864, while acting as first lieutenant in command of company C, Third New York volunteers, Stahler was wounded on the Darbytown road, near Richmond, in an engagement with Wade Hampton's Legion of Confederate cavalry. He was shot through the left arm and the elbow was shattered. He was operated on in a tent by the roadside and the entire elbow joint removed by Dr. J. J. Bozeman, of Ninety-Six, S. C. Until three or four years ago the arm was practically useless, but through careful and painstaking physical culture exercises, Sir. Stahler has developed the use of it to the point where he can swing it around like a wind mill and double it back and forth without half trying. He has a strong grip and the new set of muscles which have formed are strong / and pliable. The doctors say Mr. Stahler has a fine joint, but admit ; that it is in a class by itself. * The South Carolina physician who performed the successful operation Qantt; against new county, M. E. Boylston. < Orangeburg?For new county, Russell Poole; against new county, I.W. Bowman. The commissioners, having been notified that the petition for the elec- | tion is constitutional, will proceed at 2 once with the work as required under ] the "new county" act.?The State, 30th of May. ^ Cored Hemorrhages of the ! Longs.' "Several years since my lungs were s# badly affected that I had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I thtstaxted to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. 1 recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey ana Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevent serious results from a cold. Refuse substitutes. Kaufmann Drug Co. ??? "Higgn Auditor." Washington, May 30. (Special)? A Kentuckian who had some business with the auditor of the navy depart- j ment recently addressed a letter con- j cerning that business to "Roosevelt's | Nigger Auditor," and it was delivered to Tyler, the negro who was recently appointed as auditor for the navy. The letter bore no other address than that given. While the postoffice department considered the address an insult to the new auditor it had no other recourse than to send it to his office in the usual way. There is much ill, feeliDg among the white clerks at j serving under Tyler. A Good Receipt. We heard on the street the other day of a man who claimed he was too poor to take his home paper, but all the same he read a notice in one of our county papers, telling how to prevent a horse from slobering, and sent $1.50 for receipt. When the $1.50 worth of information came it said: "Teach your horse how to spit."? Orangeburg Times and Democrat. V ? - / , . . . Go to Work. Young man go to work ! There is no time to idle now. You must carve out your own way if it is ever successfully carved. You must seek your fortune through industry, perseverance and pluck. Labor is honorable, and the ignoble are those who will not work. Get you a home. Fence a field and plow it and plant it, and gather around you the comforts of a home. And when you have made a character for industry and thrift, ask some young lady to share your home with you. We would say to every young lady, mark these men who are lounging around attempting to live by their wits, or on the interest of their debts; and when they ask yoti to share the lot of an aimless life, pass them on, for you cannot afford to marry a man with out prosperity or business habits, unless you wish to sell yourself for a mess of pottage. Again we would reiterate, young man go to work; while ten men watch for chances one man makes a chance; while ten men wait for something to turn up, one turns something up; while ten men fail, one succeeds, and is called the man of luck, the favorite of fortune. Luclr and fortune are the result of honest endeavor, work and toil, and if you would win go to work. ?Ex. ' ~ Tetter Cured. A lady customer of ours had suffered with tetter for two or three years. It got so bad on her hands that she. could not attend to her household duties. One box of Chamberlain's Salve cured her. Chamberlain's medicines give splendid satisfaction in this community.?M. H. Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's medicines are for sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. died three years ago without having met his grateful patient/ Mr. Stahler is employed at the government print- i ing office in Washington. 1 Stats or Ohio. City op Toledo, ) Lucas Cousty. j j Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is j senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the city of To- J ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that ; said firm will pay the sum of ONB HUN- , DSSh POLL ABS for each and every ease of Oatanh thai cannot be cured by the 1 ass of Hail's Catarrh Care FBAKK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.R.1886. < / -A. W. GliEASON, 1 i Notary Public. i Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, < and sets directly on the blood and mucous ! surfaces of the system. Send for tcsti# < swdals free. F. J. CHS NET k CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Tak>e Hall's Family Fills tor constipation j Sdiato County Electioa. All of the commissioners for a sur- 1 vey for the proposed new county .of Edisto, to be taken from parte of Lex- 1 isgion, jAiken and Orangeburg, have been appointed. They are as follows: 1 Lexington?For new county, W. Q. Jackson; against new county, N. B. Wannamaker. i Aiken?For new eonntv. D. L. 1 Praise for Sr. Ghurry. Batesburg, May 26.?Friends reburning from the bedside of Mr. Fred E. Cullum at the Columbia city hospital, bring back the gratifying inEomation that he is rapidly recovering from the recent operation performed'upon him and that he ascribes liis present condition to the skill of Dr. Guerry, whom he believes to be anequaled by any other surgeon in the South.?The State. . ? Tonight If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight. They produce an agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and deanse the stomach. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Kaufmann Drug Go's., irug store. Sov St Saw. One Sunday morning recently the pastor of a church in a town of western Masssachusette remarked to his svife, upon returning from service: "Mary, there was a stranger at service this morning." "What did he look like?" asked the svife. I don't know," was the answer, 'for I didn't see him." "Then how do you know he was a itranger?" "Because I found a dollar in the jontributicfn box," replied the pastor. ?Harper's Weekly. Colic and Diarrhoea. Pains in the stomach, colic and diarrloea are quickly relieved by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diurhoea Remedy. For sale by K*ufnann Drug Company. The most fun a woman gets out of 3eing rich is looking down on those jvho aren't. Dragging g Down Pains I are a symptom of tne most serious B I trouble which can attack a woman, B viz: falling of the womb. With this, B generally, comes irregular and painful P periods, weakening drains, backache, t headache, nervousness, dizziness, ji- j? ritafcillty, tired feeling, etc. The cure is ? ""forrliii | ur yuiUUIB | The Female Regulator | | that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex- fj I tract, which exerts such a marvelous, gj \ strengthening influence, on all female I , organs. Cardui relieves pain and H I regulates the menses. It is a sure ? and permanent cure for all female gj complaints. fe At all druggists and dealers in Si .00 bottles. g i "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN I in my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs. B Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo., g ? "also in my right and left sides, and Q | my menses were very painful and irreg- iff 1 3 ular. Since taking Cardui I feel like a ft] Lnew woman and do not sufipr as I did. H It is the best medicine 1 ever took." a Lydia E Pinkham made from native roots and hei | received such widespread and i cine has such a record of cures Miss J. F. Walsh, of 328 W. i E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com] restoring my health. I sufFe: dreadful headaches, dizziness, medicine soon brought about me up and made me perfectly v Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta such as Backache, Falling and ! tion, and organic diseases. It and during the Change of Life. General Debility, and in vigor a Mrs; Pinkham's Stai Women jsuffering from anj VERT LOW RATES To Norfolk, Va., and Return Accou Jamestown Inter-Centennial Exposition,Via Southern Railway. Season, sixty day and fifteen d; tickets on sale daily, commencii April 19th to and including Novemb 30th, 1907. Very low rates will also be made f military and brass bands in unifoi attending the exposition. Stop overs will be allowed on se son, sixty day and fifteen day tickel same as on summer tourists tickets. For full and complete informatio call on ticket agents of Southern ra way, or write R. W. Hunt, Divisi< Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. Prevents Headache. Force them! No?aids them. Ramoi treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pi lets strengthens the liver and digesti organs so that they do their own wo and fortifies your constitution agair future trouble. Entire treatment 21 Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Corlej While you may not be able to le; a man to water, you seldom have ask him twice to face the bartender A woman calls it putting on airs 1 somebody else when it's only n clothes. A Lesson in Health. Healthy kidneys filter the impuriti from the blood, and unless they do th good health is impossible. Foley's Ki ney Cure makes sound kidneys and w positively cure all forms of kidney ai bladder disease. It strengthens t whole system. Kaufmann Drug Co. What a woman likes about trav< ing is the fun she has crying wh< she starts. The only women who have more bear than those who are married a those who are not. Pineules are for the Kidneys and Bis der. They bring quick relief to bac ache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired wo: out feeling. They produce natural a A # Jl % Cti noil 01 rne moneys in niceiing was matter out of the blood, 30 days tre? ment $1.00. Money refunded if Pin ules are not satisfactory. Sold by Ka? mann Drug Co. A gambler is the fellow who ge your money at it. A man who is in perfect health, so 1 can do an honest day's work when ne cessary, has much for which he shou be thankful. Mr. L. C. Rodgers, Branchton, Pa., writes that he was n only unable to work, but he couldi stoop over to tie his own shoes. S bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made new man of him. He says, "Success Foley's Kidney Cure." kaufinan Dn Co. A Sure Sign. "Now, there's Tommy Brown," sa Willie's mother. "I'm sure he likes go to Sunday school." "I guess he does," replied Willi '.'the way he talks about it." "Why, what does he say?" "He calls it 'Sabbath school.'" Houston Post. Dangerous Ground. "That man is utterly lacking in tl most ordinary sense of propriety," sa the sensational authoress. "What has he done?" "He actually tried to discuss son of the details of my latest book wi me!"?Washington Star. A Damper to Genius. "For three hours," said the poet, ' have sat here, but haven't written line!" "What you need," said his wife, " exercise. Come and help me with tl week's washing!"?-Atlanta Constit tion. Hiatoric Days. Mrs. Auchterbody?Wool. Sandie, yc was a fine dry day we had last mont Sandie?'Deed, aye; it just put me mind o' ane we had when I was a b laddie, but it was, if onything, ful drier?runch. it "Is ho a full blooded dog?" 'y "Oh, yes, my lady. He's a blood1 >/ ) WOMEN SUFFERl \i Many women suffer in silence and I i1 drift along from bad to worse, know ing well that they ought to have immediate assistance. 9 How many women do you know R who are perfectly well and strong? 9 The cause may be easily traced to some feminine derangement which manifests itself in depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do anything, backache, dragging, sensations, flatulency, nervousness, ^ and sleeplessness. I These symptoms are but warnings / that there is danger ahead, and un/ less heeded, a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable i result. The best remedy for all these symptoms is 's Vegetable Compound rbs. No other medicine in the country has mqualified endorsement. No other mediof female ills. 36th St., New York City, writes:?"Lydia >ound has been of inestimable value in red from female illness which caused and dull pains in my back, but your a change in my general condition, built rell." ble Compound cures Female Complaints, Displacements, Inflammation and Ulcerais invaluable in preparing for child-birth It cures Nervous Prostration, Headache, tes the whole system. tiding Invitation to Women | - - ' *i.. J i._ I r form of female weakness are inviieu vo Mass. Her advice is free. S THE OBSTINATE-AUTO. Kow, Jasper Jones an auto bought. . 'Twas colored pink and green; ini 'Twas rigged with patents fore and aft And smelled of gasoline. The villain agent roundly swore The power was twenty horse, ay And Jones did see with glee how he The countryside might course. er He proudly donned his cap and coat And gloves and goggles black And hung a number, tooty-two, Cr Upon his leathern back. m His family did gather round To gaze with awesome eyes And press his hand and wish godspeed c~ And weepingly advise. ' While "Aisy!" bade a buttoned form', Bold Officer O'Quinn, H, "For if you bate thray mile an hour Begobs, Oi'll run you in!" DI1 Up climbed him Jones, down sate him Jones And twisted. Jerked and drug. The people looking gave a snig; The auto gave a "chug!" Behind his goggles Jones grew red; Beneath his cap he swot, v But, though he tolled with might and rk main' x , He stayed on that one spot. 1st X5. "Oh, crickety," did Jones appeal, 7, "Why won't this auto go?" Advanced a wight and scratched his head And scanned aloft, alow, And said: "Alas, exposed you have to Yourself to ridicule! This ain't no twenty hoss machine, My friend; it's twenty mule!" bv The people pushed, the people hauled, !W The people gaped and talked. But this machine with all the will Of twenty mules had balked! Two draft steeds tugged?and four?and eight! g- An army teamster cussed!' . A huge road roller puffed and strained j Until its boiler bust! .dill All gentle means at man's command ad Employed they O'er and o'er, he But naught could move' this mind of mules A concentrated score! They spoke of dynamite?CQuinn Received it with a frown. Bn 'Twould "make the thing 'get up,' " they plead; Said he, "An' 'twud come down!" Then Jones he sighed, "Just let it stay." re Cried folk, "Aye, let her set." And if it still declines to stir You'll find it right there yet! ^ ?Edwin L. Sabin in Woman's Home Companion. rn . 'Twould Be Terrible! Pa?If ever anything happens to me, Gladwys, promise me that you will never think of going on the stage. Full Blooded. - ?~ WHOLESALE ( \ FITZKffAURSGE'S -??- FITZMAURICE'S | Three Arch Store. jC0L^s.c.jThree ftrch store- j New Spring and Summer Goods Arriving by the csrload every day and we are showing the strongest line of DRY GURUS. NOTIONS and GI RTHING To be seen anywhere. We are offering 100 pieces Solid and Plaid Cfcambray at 1 5c per 3*ard. This is positively the grandest value ever shown here. 5,000 yards of Good Sea Island at 4c per yard. 1,000 yards 4x4 Madras at 10c?the 15c kind. Our Black Goods Department is full up with the Best Black Mohairs and Sciscilans. Our 54 inch Mohairs at 50c is the nicest value you ever saw. If you. want Black Goods see us. Our 36 inch Taffeta Silk at $1.00 per yard. Every yard warranted. No risk in buying a new dress from us. Money back if not satisfied. Grand Sale of 40 inch Lawn. 5,000 yards of 40 inch Shear White Lawn. The value for 15c, only 10c. 5,000 yards fine Cambric Percale at 10 and 12Ac, 36 inch. NOTICE?Value for your money in any article we sell. McCall's Patterns in stock at all times. We prepay charges on $5.00 worth of goods bought and paid for. 1 Pn DBflM/li ft DDfl I u. Ui orum Ei eg; onuM ||| 1730 MAIN STREET, COLOMBIA, S. G., | ||| Is where you can find one of the best stocks of jl| jl OF ALL KINDS. I .* DOORS, SASH, BLINDS & GLASS, LIME AND CEMENT. !| ' am a "nr^tti m mr a "at m t ti ? kf ;!j Uix.DJ.IM ili 1 JXL il i\ 1 Ju Hi D. | ;ij Call or write for Prices. | fukntiture:. t H. SOWELL FURNITURE CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. i We especially invite yon to come to see us for your Fnrnituie, Cheap Suites, Iraf Beds, Lounges, Stoves, Lace Curtains, Side Boards, Hall Backs. .4 80 DAYS SALE?FURNISH YOUR HOUSE. W. H. SOWELL, FURNITURE CO. 12S1 Main Street Opposite Y. C. A. Building. THE WHITE ROTARY SEWING MACHINE The design and finish of the stand is unexcelled. Nothing < to equal it has yet appeared on the market. STEADY, SWIFT AND SUBE. Has a very large Bobbin?Holds more thread than any other* BALL BEARING, A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and durable. It is something new. (White SHUTTLE Machine has been in use twenty-five years.) The NEW HOME stands at the top of SHUTTLE machines. I have the latest. Always on hand good Second Hand Machines. Needles for all machines and machine attacliments, shuttles, belts and the best pure SPERM OIL. J. H. BERRY, 1802 Main 'Street, Columbia, S. C. a t shoes: We can save you money on your Spring and Summer Shoes. ii looks, fit and wear they will give perfect satisfaction to every wearer. JHHBSl Farmers medium and heavy weight work shoes "a speciality, ana tne * prices will please you. All fresh HARMAN'S SHOE STORE, "Where Quality and Price Counts." Post Office Block, ... COLUMBIA, S. C. % ?X.'X.''V?%.?^. W*\ | SOUTHERN RAILWAY. | Jj) Unexcelled Dining Car Service, a? i Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Trains, JK ^ Convenient Schedules on Local Trains. i .V. j For full information as to rates, routes, etc. consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or W R. W. HUNT, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. W * BROOKS MORGAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. _ _ ^i '-jfc'fii _. _ - t& it? - i? dM