Thousands Have Kidney Traoble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your . water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settlingindicatesan 7a "unhealthy control dition of the kidIV A' \ 1 y neys; if it stains 1 your liuen it is r~^UTnP^7f/J evidence ofkid"T|A.\ W uj uey trouble; too * to pass it or pain * " * 1 1 in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's j Swatop-Root, the great kidney remedy, j fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the basck, kidneys, liver, bladder i and every part of the urinary passage, j It corrects inability to hold water | and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne- j cessity of being compelled to go often daring the day, and to get up many * times daring the night. The mild and | the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest . for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If yon need a medicine . yon should have the best. Sold by drug> V gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. Yon may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing-^^?SS||J=={^i= hamton, N. Y. When Hon? of Bmmp-Root writing -mention this paper and don't make ?ny mistake, but remember the Turme, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, -and the-address, Rrnghamton, N. Y. ~m - . > ? IP PBOFSSSIONAL CABDS. IP A D. MARTIN", ATTORNEY A. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, LEXINGTON, S. 0. Office in Harman Building rear of court house. * * ? > Will practice in ail courts, special attention tb collection of claims. TJ7M. W. HA WES, if Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLA.ND. S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1,1905. ? o. x. sfibP. t. e. dbeheb. DFERD & DREHER, - 'I x h ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON 0. H.. 8. C. Will practice in ail the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will alwayebe at office. Lexington. 8. C. I * T EL HR1CK. J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, GHAFIN, 8. 0. Office: Hotel Marion. 4th Boom. Second Floor, will practice in all the Courts. I rnHUKMCND & TIMMERMAN, 1 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Kaufmann Bids, LEXINGTON. B.C. We will be pleased to meet those having Iew gal business to be attended to at our office mrthe 'Kaufmann Building at any time. Beepeetfolly. I. W*. THURMOND. O. BELL TIMMERMAN. ALBERT M. BOOZER, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, e. a Oma: 1816 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Wan Metre's Furniture Store Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington ' -r- - oonnty. . ABG8GE R. REMBERT, ' IT ATTnTlWTeV AT LAW. 1321 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA. 8. C. J - > I will he glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time. and an prepared to pzbetioe law in all atate and Federal Courts. Andrew crawford" : ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the eiUsens eJ -Lexington County. Law Offices, X ) Residence, 1529 1309 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. { ') Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. ? BOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. C. DR. P. H. SHKALY, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office Up Stairs in Roofs Building. t\R. F. C. GILMORE, l) DENTIST. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Omcs Hocbs.* 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from 3 to 6 p. m. pTjMNl X N DEALER IN g I General | ? MnnnlinnJiciA 8 (Jin mailing s Corner Main and New Street, | Opposite Confederate | Monument, w Lexington, - - S. C. g >?9S9?9C9e9SaC8g8C?S9SSSSa A Poor Organ. Dam(s) the bile. That's what your liver does if it's torpid. Then the bile overflows into the Wood?poisons your system, causing sick headache, biliousness, sallow skin, coated tongue, sick stomach, dizziness, fainting spells, etc. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver ami makes it do its own work. Prevents and cures these troubles. It aids? doesn't force. Entire treatment 25c, Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. CorJey. 4 - SwT 7' " * - (. mrt .s K V / r . V, ...... .i r. ' DON'T WART LEVER TO 00 ni ENTER SENATORIAL RACE, b, I . IS. Orangaburg is So Pleased With th Hiss as Congressman She w Wants Hiss to Eemais Where r I He is. I QQ Orangeburg, May 24.?Congressman ^ A. Frank Lever of the seventh congressional district, who came here to u* confer with the business men with re- ?,L gard to securing a government appro- ^ priation for the purpose of making the Edisto river navigable, would not discuss the report that he would be a candidate for the United States senate. ca Congressman Lever was in Orange burg much of his time while secretary to the late Congressman Stokes, and has hosts of friends who are always glad to give him the glad hand. The people of Orangeburg county have been much exercised over the report that Mr. Lever would not be a aT SO candidate for re-election, but would jn oppose Senator Latimer. The idea cL has not taken well here at all. Not sa because the people are opposed to sending him 'to the senate, but be- ' UJ cause they consider him of so much w value as congressman that they don't *s want to give him up. jjj It would be hard to tell just all Con- Ti gressman Lever has done for his constituents in this county since he was elected over an Orangeburg county man, but the hundreds of little things " that never get into print have of them- ec selves made him stronger year by year. . ; hi When he was first elected there st were ,not More than fifteen R. F. D. se routes in the county, while now the ^ county is covered by a net work of P1 them, and practically every farmer tr gets his mail every day. , F< Having gotten the county thor- P( oughly equipped with the R. F. D. bservice, he has recently induced the ^ postoffice department to give what is rc known as 4'county service," This means that the entire service in the ^ comity will be overhauled, routes P* changed and new ones instituted, ser- a( vice operating from the county seat to as great a degree as possible. XJ When this is done it is very probable B that there will be a chief carrier in charge of the entire county, or this 0<; work will devolve on the postmaster al at Orangeburg, who is already the b< practical head for the county. ? City delivery will be instituted in Orangeburg June 1, and this, too, has been secured through the instrumentality of Mr. Lever. - ( That Orangeburg will get a federal building at the next session of congress is an assured fact, Mr. Lever, having discussed the matter with the ^ public building committee during the, last sessisn of congress and holds their; & promise to allow him one building in > his district. Of course this is fixed to ! a certainity unless "Uncle Joe" Can- \ non should change the personnel ?f' the committee greatly, but this ss! j. hardly probable. : In his work for the Congaree river: ** during the last two or three terras 01 Mr. Lever has benefited the people oc?. 01 the eastern part of the county, living ei near the Santee, and they are now s reaping the benefits. Having secured liberal appropriations for the Congaree, Mr. Lever J turned hi9 attention to the Edistou ? .q secured an appropriation at the last,! is session of congress for the purpose of ! 61 making a survey, and at the next see- j otati Krtnoa fo eaonro isnfflnWrt, an- I OiVit UVJk/VC VV v iv hj m?uv w.iii g; propriation to secure a three-root : ti depth from Orangeburg to its caouth, thus opening up river navigation, put- ^ ting Orangeburg on a footing with H Columbia in this respect. >j As has been said, the people realize I T that Mr. Lever is recognized as one ! G of the most aggressive and strongest ^ men in congress, and, too, that he has done far mere for this district f] than any former congressman, hence 11 they do net relish the pro-peefc of his ! giving up his seat in a contest for the j senate, and he was told so every hand j a buy our citizens. Not because the j v people fear he can not be eleci'ed, for j P1 there is every reason to believe he ; BMBMBBBWl^a3^^^^?tfP ^ fc^-/ . 1* *^| i ; South side of Main Street, Town of Lexin Store and^including F. C. Corley's S Clothing Emporium, Postoffice, and W. P. Roof's Mamm % uld, and he would get more than ne-tenths of the votes of this county, it because they need him where he Should Mr. Lever decide to enter e senatorial contest, Orangeburg ill probably put Col. Thomas M. aysor forward for congress It is not known just what Col. Rayr would say to this as lie declined enter the race for governor, though gea by friends from every section the State last year, but it is thought at sufficient pressure could be ought to bear to make him enter e congressional race, in which case ) would prove a most formidable mdidat^, still there is a universal >sire that Congressman Lever sucied himself without opposition.? ae State. CATARBH and. Catarrhal Headaches e quickly relieved by Nosena. It lOthes the congested membranes, allays flammations and thoroughly heals and ean9es. It keeps moist all the pasges whose tendency is to thicken and ioome dry. Cures colds, throat troues, hoarseness, hay fever, "stopped)" nose, breathing through mouth hile sleeping, offensive breath, etc. It antiseptic and contains no chemicals drugs having a narcotic effect, or iat can cause the "drug habit." Derek's Drug Store and C. E. Corley. Old Fashion. Old fashioned sincerity, old fashion1 truthfulness, old fashioned morals, d fashioned integrity and the like ive given awav to the new fashioned andard of ""The Dollar."- The posission of the dollar is the aim of the ty and by it the standard of our pece is judged. And that is what the ouble is throghout the land, ormerly n man wa9 valued for his jr9onal worth. Now he" is measured Y the dollar rule. The majority of ie neonle of the land are in a mad isli for money regardless in many istances of the means used to get it. rith many, money now takes the ace of good morals and high -eharJter. f tb.? Baby is Cutting Teeth, e sure and use that old and well tried medy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing prop, ior children teething. Itsootht the ehild, softens the gums, allays 1 pain, cures wind colic and is the jsfc remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty re cents a bottle. Guaranteed ui.3r the Pood and Drug act, June 30, ttff. Serial number 1908. tf It is the best of all. t # ^ a BanUrs Hare Bight Of Way. The Postmaster General has issued a order or notice that all rural mail irrders have the right of way on all ie country roads, and that all other images or conveyances must sursnder that right of way to the rural irriera. That was the rule when the tails were carried in four-horse stagecaches, and every one had to get out I the Way when the mail came along, iis a very serious matter for any one ) obstruct the rapid transportation f the United States mails. Get out I the road when the rural free delivry carrier comes along with Uncle am's mail!?R. F. D. News. Summer roughs and colds yield at ru?p fcn R-V.S Davfttivfi 0Ym*rh Svror> onraius honey and tar but no opiates, hildren like it. Pleasant to take. Its native qua&ties recommend it to mothrs. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield Sckly. Said by Kaufmann Drag Co. Gentle spring has a tough job getng the lid off. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen ?ese organs and assist in drawing polio. from the klood. Try them for rheumatism, kidney, bladder trouble, for iflnbago and tired worn out feeling, bey bring quick relief. Satisfaction Biitranteed. Sold by Kaufmann Drug o. A woman seems to think cold feet re ui indictment of her social stand?g W. R. Ward, of Dyersburg, Tenn., rites: "This is to certify that I have sed Orino Laxative Fiuic Syrnp for ironic oonscipa,;ioo, and it has proven, ithout a doubt, to be a thorough, oiciici-l remedy for this trouble, and it with p!? ^snre I offer my conscientious ifcea .e," Kaufmann Drug Co. "' * !^-~^' * ' : ' - ' ' - .J.CjILjJW . gton, S. C., from J. W. Long's Old >rore, the E. G. Dreher & Go's. Lexington Savings Bank oth General Store. MY SANCTUM. You cttn talk of pretty boudoirs and parlors superfine, Whose glories are concealed in coverlets; You can prate of cozy corners, where you can lie supine; For luxuries like these I've no regrets. For there's a little sanctum which is very near the roof. Devoted to my literature and pen, Where from domestic troubles I can always keep aloof; I call it quite familiarly my den. I know it is untidy, but it's very snug at that; It's dusty, and the curtains smell of smoke. I brook no interruption, allow no common chat, "While the divine afflatus I invoke. The walls are hung with pictures which typify an art Quite equal to the usual mortal's ken. And when from care and bother I like to be apart I just retire into my little den. It has no bars, although they say that I j am like a bear When I have turned the key Inside the lock; There is no "open sesame;" somehow I never hear, However hard outsiders choose to knock. For they may chafe, and they may fret? I do not care a cent? And they may bless the selfish race of men. I have no use for friend or foe; I'm perAr?r IC'vixjr vwutwui, I'm dead to all the world when In my den. ?La Touche Hancock In New York Press. His Identifying Mark. Viscount Turnour. the Earl of Winterton's son, was being interviewed in New York about clothes. On this subject, however, the young man refused to talk. "You," he said, "are the sixth reporter to talk clothes to me today. I think you reporters are too persistent. You give me 110 rest. You remind me of a friend of mine at Oxford who used to like to drink a mug of ale at the Miter. He was always very particular about having his own mug. "At the Miter one evening he said to the barmaid: " 'A mug of Bass. Nellie, and be careful to draw it in my own pewter. Make no mistake.' " 'No fear of making a mistake about your pewter, sir,' the barmaid answered. 'I can tell It with ease.' " 'How so?' my friend asked. "'By the handle,' said the barmaid. 'It's always warm.' "?Washington Star. Mother Love. IF \1I W /I & I II ?V ff VI "Look, Arthur! That Is our babj.M "How do you know?" "I recognize the back of our nurse." ?Wahre Jacob. The Law's belay. Shortly after Congressman Maddox of Georgia had turned over part of his law practice to nls son the young man came into the office with a flushed, triumphant face. "Pap." he began, "you know that Wilkins case you've been trying for the last ten years?" The congressman nodded. "Well," said the young man. "I've settled it!" "Settled it!" ejaculated his father. "Settled It! Why, my boy. I gave ^ou that case as an annuity!"?Woman's Home Companion. Provoking. "John," said Mrs. Stubb after supper, "I wish you would put this picture In a good position on the wall." "Oh, hang it!" blurted Mr. Stubb. who was reading up the baseball prospects for 1907. Mrs. Stubb smiled sweetly. "How did you guess it. dear? That la 1n?t -tt'tint T shnnlri have sniri in the first place?hang It"?Detroit Tribune. Points of Difference. "There's a great difference in autos." "In what way?" "Weil, I think my neighbor's $2,000 car is infinitely superior to the $4,000 car of the man farther down the street" "In what way?" "My neighbor often takes me for a ride In his car." ? Cleveland Plain Dealer. Wise Old Gentleman. "But, pop," said the astonished youth, "Why in the world should you present me with a watch covered with rubber?" "Why, my boy," replied the father, "I hear that you 'soak' your watches so often I wanted to make this one waterproof."?New York World. Her Reasons. Elizabeth, aged four, had been chided for her naughtiness by her mother, who concluded her reproof by asking, "Why can't you be nice. like the little Smith girls?" Like a flash the little one came back with, "Well, their whole family is nicer than ours."?Mother hood. Helpful Suggestion. "I can't decide," she said to the milliner. "I just don't know what to do about a hat. I'm of two minds about it" "Then take two hats," suggested the milliner, "and please both minds."? Judge. i FURNITURE, DONT FORGET 2ZL? Successor to Maxwell & Taylor, NEAR POST OFFICE, COLUMBIA. S. C. When you are looking for Furniture. We buy only in Solid Car Load Lots and at the lowest spot cash prices, we therefore, can sell you for less than if we bought in local shipments. Solid Oak Bedroom Suites. Nine Pieces?One Bed, One Bureau, One Washstand, One Centre Table, Four Chairs. One Rocker?all for $17.25. No. 7 Black Oak Stove with a complete list of Cooking XJtinsels, for $7.50. No. 8 Black Oak, with a complete list of Utinsels, $12.50. Our line is complete. All grades. Prices guaranteed as low as Furniture of the same grade can be bought. Write or phone 4 90 for prices JS.. TATSnLOR, COLUMBIA. S. 0. t J Cur stock of New Spring Goods are now ready for your inspection, embracing everything in WASH GOODS, DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS AND SILKS of all imaginable shades and patterns, bought to please our customers. Fall Goods will be closed out at Bargain Prices. TVrTLLT^ERY. In Millinery we have the very latest styles and trimmings. Don't buy your hat until you have seen ours. NOTIONS. Our notion department is complete with all the new novelties, too numerous to mention here. We want our Lexington friends to call and see what we have. MAKE OUR STORE HEADQUARTERS. * iV N. A. lull Mi, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1603 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. frh^^Palmetto National Bank, 1 m A Depository for the United States Government, the State m $400,000 United States Bonds and $100,000 State of South 0 B Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals. Four Per Cent, on deposits in our Savings Department, in I Our best efforts to transact your business to your entire B 1 PALMETTO NATIONAL BANE, - - Columbia, S. C. I Wilie Jones, President. J. P. Matthews, Casliier. V II mil IIII Li. ma m ??? --?. ?* "- ? ""* ' 1 W!I. -."."ik l|#i^pwj rsitk Will give FREE OF (JHAKUE, E pftjg, ^ @ ]gyft?| to any a til ic ted a positive cure for | 8 -vn%f& 8 Eczcrna. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles | S FORMER**** OIL a and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. | Ehixatf&ft Don't suffer longer. "Write F. W. "WIL- I f OUKfc^?OUftJTO| LIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue, New K ?% fuHEUMATlSH sz*