The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 15, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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- t f SPBING CL< We show the thai pleases th< See our grea regular made s We are sellii . Our assortm All the new st A Great She JM?? Mil PENCIL A I'D Wayside Notes Gafiiered Here ai There hy a Dispatch Man. ^ Send us your orders foj job printin; Mrs. Lucy Crews visited hermothe Mrs. Eva Boozer, last week, fo* Ice cream every Saturday at T1 p: Bazaar fountain. Plant melons and cantaloupes. vFrc I is going to be scarce. Many of the bees were killed by tl last cold spell. Pine wood for stove, wanted at ti Dispatch ofl^ce. y? Refreshing drinks at The Baza; fountain. Mr. W. C. Stondemyer, from S lnda, was a visitor to Lexington la week. The Misses Eflrds attended the clo ing exercises of the Batesbnrg Grad< |g? School last week. Capt. Pi W. Oswalt, of Barr, pre; dent of The Home Bank, was in toy Friday. Mr. J. J. Ranch, of Salnda connt is visiting his brother, Prof. F. "V Ranch. Mr. F. Brooks Herman of Colnmbi m; spent Sunday with, folks at the o home. I ^ Wacm 15n(w>nft anH Mimfi Hartle I of Batestarggpent Saturday night town, at Kaminer hotel. Hiss Eva Crews, of Sartanbnr is visiting her cousins, the Miss Eflrds. Mrs. D. R. Haltiwanger and litt son, Master Rufus Daley, have i turned from a delightful visit Batesbufg. / Mr. L. Shuler Dreher, of St. Matt ews, brother of F. E. Dreher, Esc was here Saturday. : Miss Blanche Kyzer, of Chapin, i ways attractive and beautiful, is via ing Mrs. W. P. Roof. / Hon. W. H. Sharpe, of Edmun was in town l^onday on profession business. FOR SALE.?Four good milch cov cheap, apply to Levi Meetze, Whi Sock, S. 0. i Mhq TTIIIav is -triaitfncr her snn. Re IW. H. Hiller, on upper* Main street Rev. W. H. Hiller, accompanied 1 his sweet little daughter, attend' s&> the Memorial exercises at Leesvi] |||S Friday. > Br. Julian E. Kaufman has pi chased the automobile of Mr. Aust Roof, and can run it with all the ea of ah experienced chaffeur. Mr. Manly George, the clever ai popular assistant cleric of the com caught avery large trout out of tl ^ I factory pond Friday afternoon. k.- The K. ofP's. enjoyed a fish-fry ??* . George's pond Friday evening. "3 needless to say that a "fnllhous* was present The Columbia Methodist Conferen a#; assembles tonight in Columbia. Re\ A. S. Leslie and W. D. Quick?Del gates: J. M. Craps and R. D. Sei - represent the Lexington charge. All articles for publication in the !/ columns to insure insertion must 1 in this office by Tuesday noon. Don't forget that Billy Hollowel] famous commedians will appear in tl opera bouse Saturday night, May 1 Price 10, 20 and 30 cents. j?& An examination for awards of schc arship from Lexington county to tl Freshman class in Clemson Colleg ??' : 'will be held in the court house < I July 5th. See notice elsewhere. Miss Daisy Barr, one .of Steadmar charming young ladies, attended tl picnic at Irene and was delight* with her visit . Miss AnnfeMartha Meetze, of t] College for Women, wno is as u ented as she is beantifnl and bewitc ing, has been spending a few da with her mother, Mrs. M. W. Meetz at the Kaminer hotel. Col. and Mrs. George Bell Timme man have returned to Lexington aft aweek spent in Columbia, where bo took an active part in the Confed< ate reunion. Dr. E. P. Derrick sells L. & ] Paints in pints and quarts at rate half gallon prices. Feb. 20.3 'n " ^ tv 1865--G MC P^; X * Right in the front with Groceries, Hardware, Truni The creations in this de] new, fresh goods, and the pi Just think New Drop H arrived, best patent $4.50, b people say as long as you gc MOSES P- . 9 3THING and PUENISHINGS I I or HEN and BOTS. I J I ^ best in all the New Goods at prices Wl b closest buyers. t values in Men's Ties. 25c. Men's ocks, Brown and Black, 5c. the pair. D ag the best 50c. Shirt ever sold. J HATS. ~ ent is great; our prices are right, yi tapes in Straw and Felt. in LAWNS. fo >wing of Lawns at 5c, 6Jc, 8 jc and w iftNAXJGH / ; ^ vA. M. Boozer, Esq., of Columbia, is ^ in town today on legal businees. id Messrs. E. A. Roof and E. L. Win?:ard, R. F. D. Carriers from Lexing ton, have donned their U. S. man uniforms, which make the pretty women along their routes jealous?because < r, they are both married. . Mrs. B. D. Clark certainly has the ie prettiest flower garden in town. She ! sent to this office Monday a beautiful a* bouquet of flowers for which we return our appreciative thanks. ie Mr. J. P. Copeland, of Baxter, accompanied by his daughter, little MisMay, spent yesterday in Lexington. 16 Mr. Copeland has many friends here who are always delighted to see his ar benign countenance. A When in need of groceries rem ema ber that you can save money by eallst ing on Hammond Corley in the Long sf - building, where you will always find l8_ a fresh, clean stock. Oj 3d Mr. Paul Mabus, a valiant Confederate soldier and one of the best citizens in the county, residing near m Batesburg, was in Lexington yesterday. n< v Flour and all class of supplies are n rapidly advancing, but the old reliable grocer, H. M. Wingard, has a full stock bought before the recent ad- I *? vance. Call to see him when in need D< ia of something good to eat. < / , RAW HIDES WANTED?We will D< J* pay 15 cents per pound for dry flings ^ raw hides. Dominick & Amick, ^: 3mp Chapin, S. C. W We regretfully announce that Dr. 68 J. P. Drafts, one of the most popular and widely known physicians of the le county, is confined to his bed with an e- attack of bilious fever, and we cherish to the fond hope that the doctor may soon be up and about again to the h- delight and satisfaction of his numerous patients and friends. - 16 Mr. Oscar L. Derrick, son of Judge ? il- and Mrs. G. A. Derrick, and a gradLt uate of Clemson college, spent a few fo * days in town last week as the guest g. of his parents. Mr. Derrick is now lft] holding a lucrative position with the Victor Cotton Mills at Rock Hill. rs Our beloved friend, Billy Hite, of . Batesburg has been appointed assis- ia tant postmaster at that place. That 3 he will give entire satisfaction is not ? v* doubted by those wlio know him. He is noted far and near for his pleasing, by courteous disposition, and a better ea man is not to be found. g WANTED?Traveler for established r. house. Twelve dollars weekly to ^ it- start. Expenses paid. References, f_ in Address G. Clows, Lexington, S. C. ^ .White in Columbia last week it was , onr pleasure to call at the new law * office of Messrs. Graham & Sturkev 5 in the old Carolina National Bank m tte building. They have an elegant suite of rooms, a fine library and every at convenience possible. This branch Is office of this well known Lexington firm is especially convenient to their many clients living on this side of the ee river as well as those in Columbia. r8. " m Zlloree Dispensary Closed. Pursuant to the order of the county ee board of control a few days ago the 56 Elloree dispensary closed its doors ,g Tuesday April 30. There was $125. ie 25 unsold stock on hand, and this is at 8. the disposal of the board. On February 16, when all the dispensaries were temporarily closed under the g8 new law, there was about $700 worth jn of stock on hand. When the dispensary was opened under the present law k's a carload of whiskey was shipped here and the first named figures is what remained of the old supply and the ship, . ment when Dispenser Weeks checked Y up to day. The Dispensary ha9 been ~~ in operation here a little over thirteen years, and Mr. J. JM. Weeks has serv* 8 ed continuously as dispefiser during ie> that time. He has made a capable and efficient official, enforcing the law jr- without fear or favor. He retires from er his position with the respect and conth fidence of the people. There has been a jr- a long and continuous fight here for I prohibition and there are many who I believe that the above action is for | M. . Kouf Tho rmrwrtnnitv for the I " I tuc UtOUl *"V J ot I practice of prohibition now presents I !m itself. rREAT M )SELEY a full line of General Merchandise fo r? "Furniture. Farminsr Implements, ] MILLIN % partment surpass anything that has c ices are right. ead Domestic Machine $25.00, New 1 est half patent, $4.00, Fresh Grits $1 >tthe goods. LEY , L. MIMNAl THE GREA ftRGAINS IN EVE If you are in need of Headwai sit our Millinery Department. Stylish Hats. See our Specia r Ladies and Misses. Special ] any of these Hats sold for mor e now offer these special lots a I9 S9 - WBM .bout the place you buy shoes Anybody can sell a shoe for ty $3.00, but there is a world f difference in the worth of ich $3.00 shoe. Some shoes sold at $3.00 are ot worth $2.00; others are earer worth $3.50. It is up to you to get the Bst at the price, and you can't & certain you are getting the , Bst until you see the kind re sell. EHRLICH'S, j COLUMBIA, S. C. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolid's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. )ld by Derrick's Drug Store. The Irene Bass Ball nine crossed its wpth Lexington's first nine st Saturday and the score was 5 to in favor of Irene. Final Discharge. This is to notify all persons that I will >ply to Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Judge of robate for Lexington county, South arolina, on the 8th day of June, 1907, ; 12 m., for a final discharge as admintrator of the estate of Mrs. Polly M. errick, deceased, B. J. Derrick, May 11, 1907. 4-81 Administrator. . * - . EXPERIENCE. Years of Experience are at Your COMMAND. Successful experience has been ours and we want everybody who has cause to feel that there is anything the mat ' ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give them proper tests. THESE ABE HO CHANGES FOB EXAMINATIONS. CHARLES F. SENTZ, OPTICIAN, ' JEWELER, 1439 Main St., Columbia, S. C. BROS r Spring and Summer, 1907. " luggies, Wagons and Harness. ERY!^^= >ver been shown in this marke )efiance Machine, Drop Head, 1 .75 sack. People say Moseley OS | IGH & CO T STORE. SY DEPARTMEIf re for Ladies and Childr We are giving special vali L Sacrifice Sale of Straw Hi price 5c, 15c, 25c and 5( e than three times the pr: t. - - C? | BIG MULI I Ml I And the beg I Mules yc I We have jus I stock on I any whex I "OLD HICK I and a ful Gregorj I 1117 Ham I 1892. 1 Lexi I Oldest Bai I DOES m Accou] m Bate of 5 ] rf virf' W1 Contains taste Makes new rich For Sale at HARMAN'S B, TMEM - Pro: We can please you in Sprin One of the Greatest Depa MIL t. Our Hats have no super 20 years guarantee, $17.93. s can't sell the goods at the SHOES. We are headquarters lor Shoes. We Sell the kind that wear at un match able prices. j&iNgk SUITS and SKIRTS. ^ Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Ready-to-Wear T Skirts. We are giving special values in this department. The best at right prices. ^ CROCKERY, GLASSWARE and TINWARE. Jgra* les ^ew arriva^s in our Crockery and Glassware department. Two carloads of beautiful Glassware qc and Crockery, consisting of a great variety of use. # ful artices. Price, 5c, 10c, 15c and up. See our lce- bargains in Tinware and numerous House Furnish>lumbia9 S. C? ES, I EDIUM MULES, GOOD TEAM MULES, I it lot of good size strong cheap I m ftvfir aa.w. B it shipped a fresh load and our I < hand is the largest to be found 1 e outside of a wholesale market. I ORY" and HACKNEY Wagons, I 1 line of best Buggies and Harness I /-Cornier Mule Co. I iDton Avenue. Columbia. S. C. |< "I * - ? SB ?. *?vi -'IB r: 1 1906. 1 U ngton Sayings Bank. 1 LEXINGTON, - - S. C f m ilk in Lexington County. I A..U.I ?kiI e,m|?. ?4A AAA I irapiiai aim ?w|nw *lw)vvvi A - GENERAL - BANKING BUSINESS. M ttts Invited on Favorable Terms. Interest at the M Per Cent Allowed in the Savings Department. I W. P. ROOF, Cashier. I I 1 i. ? \ I L* * ' '. 3$ ?a I less cod liver oil.Cures all female troubles > bloodAppetizmg and strengtheningPrice3? iZAAR. T HOUSE--1907, sperny, o. L%uummiuuum%M ? \ g and Summer Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes and Hats, rtment Stores in the Carolinas. LINERY! ior and but few equals. Every department is complete and full of 31st car, making 3455 barrels of choice Tennessee Flour has just - - ? * . ? -% i price and make profit. What difference does it maJfce to you wnat ?osperity, S. C* > ?