The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 01, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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X - ' I fte Uangtoi Dispatch. Wednesday, May 1.1907. i AS OTHEBS SEE US. More Liquor is Being Sold in South Carolina Dispensary Counties Under the New System Than Was Sold Under the Old System. ' So far as we can discern from the figures furnished, more liquor is sold in South Carolina, area for area, under the present system than there was under the old dispensary. The new plan has a local option feature under which each county may determine whether the sale shall be allowed or prohibited, and, so far, it appears that nineteen out of the forty-one counties allow the sale, and that for March last, the first month of practical ope\ t ration of the present system, the sales in those counties aggregated$153,444.66, or at any rate, of some $1,840,000 per annum. If this rate were to hold up through gg out the State it would give a total armna.1 gale of $4,000,000 as against^ the $3,000,000 of the old dispensary. In the incomplete condition of the statistics it cannot, as already observ^ ed, positively be said that more liquor is sold, but so far as the data at hand go it looks that way. Some of our " / * nearest neighbors over there seem particularly thirsty, the Aiken sales being at the rate of $94,000, and those i-: of Columbia at the rate of 460,000 per Ip-.;.' annum. As the new system progresses its development will be watched with interest. Whether temperance or dramdrinking is on the gain and whether | public sentiment favors liquor selling for the sake of school revenue or the . contrary are questions upon which light must necessarily be afforded, as also upon the proposition of whether governmental saloon keeping, even in the modified form of local dispensaries meets popular approval in the long run.?Augusta Chronicle. Deafaosa Cannot Tse Cured. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is /' caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, aud unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases ont of ten are canBed by Catarrh, which is nothing bnt an inflamed oooditkm of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be oured by Hall'3 Catarrh ^ J Core. Send for circulars free. ? P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. 8old by Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation A Good Beme&y. At the first indication of diphtheria in the throat of a child make the room dose; take a tin cup and pour into it an equal quantity of tar and turpentine; then hold the cap over a fire so as to fill the room with the fames. The patient, in inhaling the fumes, will couch and suit ut> the membra a - - -x- - f nous matter and the diphtheria will pass off. The fumes of the tar and turpentine lessen the trouble in the throat, and thus afford the relief that has baffled the skill of physicians to give, v 1 * Whipped, Tarred and Feathered A band of "White Caps'' in a remote section of Spottsville county, Va., recently tarred and feathered a young married man, who is accused of having betrayed his wife's youDg sister. The men of the neighborhood disguised themselves and captured the accused man at night while he was returning to his home from a neighbor's house. He was stripped to the skin and given a severe lashing with hickory whips and then tarred and feathered. The name of those involved have not been obtained. DUrilMJT IVIlLUriM ;. ?,'K.:' ^ Wk?';&;&" ' &2 >. ' ':: ? .- . Better Than Medicines. The best doctors of to-day tell you that diet is the main thing. By eating just enough?not too much?of such foods as suit you you can keep yourself in perfect physical health; and even when disease does threaten, it can, as a rule, be kept at arm's length by certain articles of diet. Buttermilk is admirable for digestive disturbances, especially those accompanied by fever. Cidet is another excellent remedy for dyspepsia. Persons whom beer makes bilious can usually take cider without any evil effect. Celery is a specific for Rheumatism, and spinach is good for rheumatism and gout. For sleeplessness lettuce is an excellent remedy, while nervous persons should eat potatoes. A stewed onion is excellent for a cold, and also hot lemon water without sugar. The virtues of black-currant iellv is a remedv for sore throat have V V long been familiar to the careful housewife. VEBY LOW BATES To Norfolk, Va., and Return Accounl Jamestown later-Centennial Exposition,Via Southern Railway. Season, sixty day and fifteen day tickets on sale daiiy, commencing April 19th to andi "hiding November 30th, 1907. / Very* low rates will also be made for military and brass bands in uniform attending the exposition. !11 1 _11 J ODOp overs wjui ue auuweu uu season, sixty day and fifteen day tickets, same as on summer tourists tickets. For full and complete information, call on ticket agents of Southern railway, or write R. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. CATARRH and Catarrhal Headaches are quickly relieved by Nosena. It soothes the congested membranes, allays inflammations and thoroughly heals and cleanses. It keeps moist all the passages whose tendency is to thicken and become dry. Cures colds, throat troubles, hoarseness, hay fever, "stoppedup" nose, breathing through- mouth while sleeping, offensive breath, etc. It is antiseptic and contains no chemicals or drugs having a narcotic effect, 01 tliat can cause the "drug habit." Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Corley. Ain't It So. In view of the fact that after the mercury thaws and again rises in the thermometer there will - be an epidemic of a virulent type of spring fever, we are greatly indebted to the editor of the Fairfax Enterprise foi pa remedy for this malady?sasafras tea. In making this timely annoucement, our friend becomes a public benefactress. She also states thai this beverage of our grand-mother* will "bring about a lovely transparency of the skin." The last suggestion we should not have made public for the girls for miles around, armec with hoes and picks, will now march to the woods like Coxey's army and exterminate the sassafras root and branch.?Edgefield Advertiser. 9 *" ' J Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is bestfoi women and children. Its mild actioi and pleasant taste makes it preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Get che booklet and a sample of Orino at the Kaufmann Drug C. Sloan Appointed Geologist. Governor Ansel has reappointed Mr. Earle Sloan of Charleston, State Geologist for a term of two years from the 30fch of April. The salary is $1,500 a year. Disturbed the Congregation. The person who disturbed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle oi Foley's Honey and Tar. Eaufmanr Drug Co. Petitions are circulating in Barnwell county for an election on dispensary or no dispensary. IA xL I !ED ation Stimulated ;{ luscles and Joints I 60 D/ usm8 I )ddVS I inveivt | 25c 50c (s$1.00 I d by All Dealers | iaiise On The Horse'Sent Free I ?r. Eari S.SIoan, Boston, Mass. I The Chan( Sensible Advice to Worn nrs. Fred Certia \ i " MRS HENRY LEE Owing' to modern methods of living not one woman in a thousand approaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a trfcin of very annoying and sometimes painful I symptoms. This is the most critical period of her whole existence and every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time invites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, the tendency is at this period likely to become active and with a host of nervous irritations make life a burden. At this time also cancers and tumors are mpre liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, melancholia, dread of impending evil, palpitation of the heart, irregularities, constipation and dizziness are promptly heeded by intelligent women who are approaching the period of life when this great change may be expected. Mrs. Fred Certia, 1014 So. Lafayette Street, So. Bend, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:?/ "Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the ideal medicine for women who i W hen a medicine has been actually thousands of women, yc it, "I do not believe it will help and family to try Lydia E? Pink! Worry Destroys Health. By Gertrude Touzells. Mental strain breaks down the health almost more rapidly and destructively than physical disease. Notice how long it .takes a man or woman to recover from an attack of s nervous prostration. See what a > complete breakdown often follows . even a short period of intense mental > strain. The reason is this: In the j case of physical disease attention is paid at once and remedies applied. On j the other hand, mental strain slowly . uses up the entire store of vitality > until at last, when a breakdown i comes, there is no reserve strength i upon which to draw. People who . woify or are under severe mental . strain need something which will pre? serve their strength. Some extra I food to build up the reserve -force is l necessary. Some nourishment which, [ without taxing the digestion, will imi mediately be converted into strength. fit.imnlanfe a t>o naoloac Sorr\ ofVi inrr k/wimuiwu tu uia v uuviVO0* k/VAXiU which will permanently build up is necessary. Nothing is so good as l Scott's Emulsion. It builds up strength ' faster than any known food. It has ? been used by the medical profession for thirty years, because it builds strength rapidly without taxing the digestion. It is concentrated nourishment; in easily digested form. It contains no alcohol?no narcotic drugs. Scott's Emulsion slips right into the 1 system, immediately strengthening and building nerves and tissues. It is of wonderful benefit to all who work or worry. It gives nature the material with which to build up perfect health. 'r Begin taking Scott's Emulsion today. ? It will give you increased nerve force, l vigor and vitality. Good Words for Ch amberlain's Cough Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure in testifying to the good qualities of Cliamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to tell you that I can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My little girl, Catherine, who is two .years old, has been taking this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself, but I took Chamberlain's Cough Reniedy and was soon as well as ever." This remedy is for sale by Kaufmann Drug Company. Apple Meringue. Fill a small deep dish half full of stewed apples or peaches and pour over an icing of the beaten whites of six egg9 and six tablespoonfuls cf white sugar. Bake slowly. Can be eaten hot or cold. If the apples are I stewed, only leave in the oven long enough to cook and brown the icing nicely. A Narrow Escape. G. \V. Cloyd. a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a jimson bur into his thumb. He says: "The doctor wanted to amputate it but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the dangerous wound." 23c. at Kaufmami Drug Co., druggists. ie of Life en from Tlrs. Henry Lee, and firs. Pinkham. .MRS. FREDCERTIA are passing through Change of Life. For several months I suffered from hot flashes, extreme nervousness, headache and sleeplessness. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I had made up my mind there was no help for me until I began to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, my bad symptoms ceased, and it brought mo safely through the danger period, built up my system and I am in excellent health. I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound unsurpassed for women during this trying period of life." Mrs. Henry Lee, 60 Winter Street, New Haven, Conn., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? "After suffering untold misery for three years during Change of Life I heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I wrote you of my condition, and began to take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Comr>und and followed your advice, and to-day am well and happy. I can now walk anywhere and work as well as anyone, and for years previous I had tried but could not get around without help. I consider your medicine a sovereign balm for suffering women." Women passing through this critical period should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If there is anything about your case you don't understand write to Mro. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. It is free and has guided thousands to health. ni.nnnoofnl in raaMrinff frv V??k?lt.Vl >u cannot well say without trying > me/' It is your duty to yourself lam's Vegetable Compound. ? - - - - ^ ItobaccoI TS a delicious chew, I * made from the best I North Carolina leaf; I a leaf that has a spec ial texture, a special flavor and wnichl makes RED EYE .a I specially fineandsatis fymgchewmgtobacco. Most people prefer it I Ask your dealer for it and I insist on him keeping it. MERCHANTS Write for Special Prices. ^ VBACCO PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM ^ Clstr?et and beantifiei the naif* gRfsSgj^lP Bafl Promote! ft luxuriant growth. . ?3cl Never Fails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Vouthful Color. Curei" rcalp diMX*e? It hair falling. ^"c,?"d{l.Wat DruggUU Chamberlain's ColiS, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no 'medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a century in which it has been in use, people have learned that it is the one remedy that never fails. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale by Kaufmaim Drug Company. Grace Church to Cost $5,000. Grace congregatic.!, Prosperity, S. C., Rev. M. 0. J. Kreps, pastor, will erect their new church to cost $5,000 a 1 a^ nwr*v% wttVv i nVi f V> r\ rv^An a^-> f n/1l_ ^ UAA LUC AVJU UpjAl W 11J.W 1 piCOCIli; N-VH fice now stands. Married. Mr. A. B. Cargile, former editor and owner of the Saluda Standard, and ! Miss Beulah Jay, of Prcsueritv, were ; married on Sunday, the 19th, by Rev. ; D. H. Crosland. Prevents Headache. Force them! No?aids them. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and digestive organs so that they do their own work and fortifies your constitution against future trouble. Entire treatment 25c. Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Corley. * r WHOLESALE ( $ FITZMAURICE'S ? FITZMAURIGE'S Three Arch Store. , r \ Three Arch Store. \ ^ COLOMBIA, S. C. ? ? ^ New Spring and Summer Goods / Arriving by the carload every day and we are showing the strongest line of DRV GOODS, NOTIONS and CLOTHING To be seen anywhere. We are offering 100 pieces Solid and Plaid Chambray at 5c per yard. This is positively the grandest value ever shown here. 5,000 yards of Good Sea Island at 4c per yard. 1,000 yards 4x4 Madras at 10c?the 15c kind. Our Black Goods Department is full up with the Best Black Mohairs and Sciscilans. Our 54 inch Mohairs at 50c is the nicest value you ever saw. If you want Black Goods see us. OUT* 5ft inMi Taffofo Qi 1 IT* of & 1 AA TTOT/I T?TTAmr 4*^.*9 'KT^ VUJ. wu AUV/JI. iuiivn* una cuv yi.uu pvi JUJ.U. JJI Ci_J jaiU. VtOIiaUlCU. i>U linn JLLL buying a new dress from us. Money back if not satisfied. Grand Sale of 40 inch Lawn. 5,000 yards of 40 inch Shear White Lawn. The value for 15c, only 10c. 5,000 yards fine Cambric Percale at 10 and 12ic, 36 inch. NOTICE?Value for your money in any article we sell. McCall's Patterns in stock at all times. We prepay charges on $5?00 worth of goods bought and paid for. ? I C. 0. BROWN & BROH ] I ii 1730 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C., I >; Is where you can find one of the best stocks of 5 I OF ALL KINDS ! * DOORS, SASH, BLINDS & GLASS, . j LIME AND CEMENT. . | | CABINET MANTLES, f v Call or write for Prices. jj! Harness, Saddles, Blankets, Robes AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE' BUSINESS. q|g Owing to the increased demand for the best class of Harness, we have employed Mr. J. Y. Stiller to take charge of our shop, with a full force of skilled workmen, and are prepared to furnish all grades from best to cheapest. We have a lot in rear where our friends can hitch their teams. mtsiWtm, 1517 MAIN ST, .... COLUMBIA. S. C. V | V D iy !* ? B-g W. H. SGWELL FURNITURE CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. ''I We especially invite yon to come to see us for your Furniture, Cheap Suites, IroC Beds, Lounges, Stoves, Lace Curtains, Side Boards, Hall Racks. 30 DAYS SALE?FURNISH YOUR HOUSE. W. H. SOWELL, FURNITURE CO., 1231 Main Screet, Opposite Y. M. C. A. Building, THE WHITE INTARY SEWING MACHINE ' I The design and finish of the stand is unexcelled. Nothing to equal it has yet appeared on the market. STEADY, SWIFT AND SURE. 1 Has a very large Bobbin?Holds more thread than any other. BALL BEARING, A LIGHT RUNNER?STRONG and durable. It is something new. (White SHUTTLE Machine lias been in use twenty-five years.) The NEW HOME stands at the top of SHUTTLE machines. I have the latest. Always on hand good Second Hand Machines. Needles for all machines and machine attachments, shuttles, belts and the best pure SPERM OIL. J. H. BERRY, 1802 Main Met, Columbia, S. C. a. S H O E S ! We can save you money on your Spring and Summer Shoes. ii looks, fit and wear thev will five perfect satisfaction to every wearer. Farmers medium and heavy weight work shoes a speciality, and the prices will please you. All fresh HARMAN'S SHOE STORE, . "Where duality and Price'Counts" Post Office Block, - . - COLUMBIA, S, C. .