|^|P^ v | THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. $. Bepresentatitje Betaspaper. Sauers Lexington and the Borders sxt the Surrounding 6our.ties Like a Blanket. IK VftT. tttvtt. : ~ ~~~ ' ' LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAT 1, 1907. " * 26~ I f mm PENSION BOLL I For Lexington County For the Tear, ' 1907. i':. Class A, $96. Hook. James V.t Brookland, } Seller, William* Irmo. Spires, Andrew W.. Gaston. % Class B, $72. Amman, Wm. J., Sandy Bon. 'Banks, A. O., Lexington. j 3osby, Thomas, Gaston. 0 Glim. V. Y., Swansea. Derrick, Jamee, Derrick. Gantt. Samuel 0., Gilbert. | Haiti wanger. J. S, Lact&kco. Bister, W. T., Irmo. Sense, A. Chapin. W1IS0H, A. Muuugiiuiit Class C, No. 1, $48. Alewine, Wesley, Lewiedale. Craps. P. EL, Gilbert. v Barr, D. T? Gilbert. V Flake. J. W., Thor. Bill, W. D., Hilton, i Hall, (^ideon, Lees vi lie. Hallman. D. J., Gilbert Lewis, Hugh ?.. Bishton. Lucas, James M., Bishton. Koon, Lather 0., Fairbanks. Prioe, J. ?.. New Brookland. \ Blah, John F., kdmnnd. Watt*, Adam, Gaston. ^ Class C, No. 2, $21.07. Amicd. Walter 8., Pine Bidge Addy, Jacob P.. Lattakoo. Amiek. J. W., Derrick. Attaway, Willi t?m, Bateebnxg. & . Benghman, B. EL. Gaston. sgBrown F. B., New Brookland. Berry, George A.. Woodford. Biekley, Joseph H., Irmo. At?a -~*V a A fitmant . iNQOUBWUIUl, *J. O., UWUWW. Boyer, Mcses. Brookland. Btmdrick, H. A., Lexington. Barrineau^E. G., New Brookland. Black, W. Gilbert. 'Cook. Wilson T, Brookland. Chapman, J. L , Little Mt. Lean, S. P., LerSviBe. Dailey, J. T., Irmo. ^ v . Derrick, Henry D., Gilbert. .' Fttrtick, G. Swansea. Farr, Benson, Little ML Palmer. J. Ban, Ghspin. ?tej?- Gontsr, Macon, Mime. Gable, KB., Irene. i Gregory, John A., Lexington, Gregory, John T., Swansea. Hall, Lemuel, Samaria, ffallman, R, Lexington. ilf|| - Barman, Joseph P., Stall. Hix, B. I. H., Brookland. - ; Hix, D. A.. Irmo. i&f. Hay*, E. & J.? Lexington.. Howell, J. P, Swansea. Hook.. dames A., Gaston. Hu&tetier, Jamee L, Chapin. fialh Wayne, Batteborg. JeflfooaL Bofos J., Edxnondi 8; Kelly, John G, Predonia. KnighL Joseph O. Bateiborg. L>; Belly, G. W., Swansea. Jayser. M L., Gilbert, fAnnne* xxexuy x/M juwngwa. King, W. N., Swansea. Kjier, J. 8.,' Gilbert. Sigttar. Albert T. Gilbert. Kyzet, John T, Riehton. Koon, Jacob* Cbapin. Lybrand, P. Wade* Brookland. Loess, Thomas W., Swansea. Long. W. W? Pricerilte. Leaphart B. H.. Prioerille. g - M. Batten tine. Mills, J. B., Ella. Miller, R &. Brookland. ^ Milter, J. M., Barn Mixon. L. Jn New Brookland. Poole, Felix, New Brookland. * Price, Jacob, Prioerille. Perry, Sites B.. New Brookland. > . Bawls, A. C., 8tivern. Bawl, Frank, Gilbert Boot 8. W. Brookland. Bivers, J. B, Batesborg. . Sframpert, Daniel P., Gaston. \ Shealy, Isaiab. Barn. 0fr Summer, Jacob, Gbapin. Stack, William, Irmo. Shealy. Daniel, Pine Bidge if 8eay, J. B, Lexington. Sloan. W. H.. Little Mt. Sox, D. It Edmund. Sox, J. ?L, New Brookland. I" Shirey, M. W., Irene. ' Summer, James, Peak. * j. Shealy, Joshua, Pint Ridge. " ; Stnrkie, D. A., Gaston. Starnes, B., Witt's MilL ' Shealy. W. A, Brooaland. Starnes, J. W., Witt's Mill. Smith, Thomas C-. Gilbert. Smith. J. J., Gilbert. Shealy, Anderson, Bans. Tayjor, J. D., Lexington. Taylor, Jasper, Gilbert. Taylor, Jefferson, Leesville. Taylor, F. G., Macedon. Taylor, Jacob E. Leesville. .Wells. William E , Leesville, Warner. T. L, Lexington. Wood, G. W., Clark's Mill. Waters, John, Samaria. v Wise, J. W., Sandy Ron. Wise, John W., Macedon. Wingard, George W., Lexington. Yarborough, Wilson, from Kershaw. Class C, No. 3, $48. Amick, Mary E , Pine Bidge. Bnndrick, Carolm, Peak. Bundrick, Frances, Peak. Baker, Annie E., New Brooklacd. Busby, Nancy, Edmund. Courtney, Mittie B , Samaria. Dunbar. J. E.. Kishton. Frye, Annie, Barrs. Boon. Mary A, Chapin Hay, Ellen .\1 iv-VHtisea. Kyzer, Bodeila, Gilbert. Long, Louisa Mills, Polli*. Gilbert Minick, Laora. Chapin. Miller, Martha, Gilbert. % * v*'' ?*'* S3 fc ' 'V* G - "W. E loao MAIN 8TRE Solicits a Shar .# Oswalt. Julia, Gilbert. Price, Caroline B , Gilbert Price, K. B., Price ville * Spires. Temperance. Edmund. Shaffer, Maria, Edmund. Shealy, Pollie. Leeevjlle. ^ Son. Catherine. LeeeVille. Steele, Elizabeth. Gilbert. Stuck, Tyrza, Peak Shealy, Louisa C., Fredonia. Summer. Mary M.f, Peak. Taylor, Jane, Pelion. Taylor, Matilda. Lexington. Taytor, Mary Bans. . Wtleh, N. C., Irene. Wessinger, Ann, Wessingers. y Class C, No. 4, $21.07. Addison, Martha Jane, Irmo. Alewine, Lucinda, Leesville. Alewine, Martha, Peak. Arnick, M. C.. Ella. / *?--! i J. a T Elizabeth E. Culler to Jno. J. Culler, / ~ n a n ?, r. j oiX2 acres m oanuy xvun townsmp iur l $175. I Jasper Taylor to James Smith, 7 acres in Gilbert Hollow township for . $25. Ij Fred Taylor to James Smith, 13 r acres in Gilbert Hollow township for $65. Carolina National Bank to Wm. H. Lyles, two small tracts at Cayce, in Congaree township^or $8,716.50. T. H. Meighan to Seaboard Air Line Railway, interest of the Bryce heirs in the Cayce lands at Cayce for $500. Transfer of Artillery. Charleston, S. C., April 29.?The army transport Kilpatrick arrived in port today with about 500 member* of the artillery c'6rps and made an ex7 change with Fort Moultrie, leaving ^ two companies of coast artillery and 1 taking one away. The Seventyfifth from Fort Preble, Me., and the Seven3 ty-eighth from Forth Warren, Mass., 3 were left at Fort Moultrie, and the * Eighth Company was taken or board > to go to Fort Preble. The transport sailed this afternoon for Southport, 1 N. C. Recipe for Happiness. To watch the corn grow or the blossoms set; to draw hard breath over plow-share or spade; ro readf to . think, to love, to pray?these are the j things that make men happy.?John Ruskin. Y, la-EE,. COLUMBIA, H. ,C >mpt Attention. OotnhAr 181 ANOTHER HOMICIDE IN RICHLAND. Mose Tucker, Colored, Killed by Former Coroner W. S. Green in Columbia Friday. Richland county ha9 another homicide to her credit. Fridav morninc at half-past 11 o'clock W. S. Green, former coroner of Richland county, shot and almost instantly killed Mose Tucker, a negro hack driver, in the fruit store of Peter Grites on Main street. The facts brought out at the coroner's inquest Friday night, summed up in a nut shell, are about as follows: On Thursday night the negro carried a passenger, a man from Norway, bo a residence near that of Green. Green run the hackman away and assaulted the passenger with a knife. A. case was docketed.?or was supposed to have been docketed?against Green, and he went to the police court Thursday morning, but upon arriving was informed that the case had been withdrawn, whereupon Green left and in - i _ - i .J i.1 .J ? ? Ejomg up town stopped m uie stoj^e ui Peter Grites. The negro, Mose Tucker, happened to be in the store at the time taking down an address with a pencil. Green immediately accosted him with the question: "Mose what did you mean last night?" and almost simultaneously, without giving the negro a chance to reply, drew his pistol and fired. The negro fell, but in a second or two again arose and walked ,out the back door where he fell dead without saying a word The pencil and paper was still in the negro's hand. Green gave himself up and is confined in the county jail. Afy yet no arrangements have beeil made for his release. / X&.Memory of Viola 2?. Lorick Whereas, God in His all wise providence, has seen fit to remove from our midst Viola M. Lorick. Be it resolved, 1. That Irmo school has lost an intelligent and obedient pnpil, a faith ful student, a helpful classmate ana a much loved schoolmate. 2. That she was gentle and beautiful in disposition, and we know she has gone to her reward. 3. Though deeply grieved, we bow in humble submission to the Divine will, havfhg faith that the hand of God is in everything. One less at home, at school, around the play ground; one more in heaven. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the bereaved family and to the county paper. Leafes have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And stars to set?but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine owTn, oh death!" "We know when moons shall wane, When summer birds from far shall cross the sea; When autumn's hue shall tinge the gold grain? But who shall teach us when to look for thee? Is it when spring's first gale Comes forth to whisper where the violets lie? Is it when roses in our paths grow pale? They have one season?all ours to die!" I Her teacher, Her classmates, Her schoolmates. Irmo, S. C., April 26, 1907. VT. E. Perrv. The man recently caught in Washington, supposed to be W. E. Perry, wanted in this State for the murder of Mr. Langdon L. Boozer at Chester in 1905, and for whose arrest there is a standing reward of Si,000, was not Perry and has been released. The j whereabouts of Perry are still un- j known. * j Lady Rural Carrier. Orangeburg count}'can boast of one j lady rural mail carrier. Miss Flor- j ence E. Livingston is the carrier on route No. 3 from North. Miss Livingston is a young lady of intelligene and 1 does her work in all sorts of weather j to the entire.satisfaction of the peo- j pie on her route as we 11 as the post- j office department.?Times and Demo- j crat, 4 / / * ? tf 5 Lexington Again Honored. B. J. Wingard, Son of Mr. and Mrs. , J. B. Wingard, Second in State Oratorical Contest. Lexington county has once again been honored. Mr. B. J. Wingard, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wingard of Lexington, was second in.the State Oratorical % Contest at Greenwood Friday night. There were nine contestants, Mr. W. W. Carson, of Wofford College, being first and B. J. Wingard, of the Uniyersity of South Carolina, second. / Kb. -Wingard's many Lexington friends are proud of the high mark he has made at Carolina, and predict for him great success in whatever field he may pursue. The following in The State, written by Eugene H. \ Blake, also a student at parolina, will be read with interest: ^^ " : S ' > ^ r0 v r~ \ ** BROOKS J. WINGARD. "The University of South Carolina was represented by one of her best orators in the person-of Mr. Brooks J. Wingard of Lexingtop. Though a resident of this State since early childhood,- Mr. Wingard was born in Virginia in 1884. His mother WaS a M188 XX U LCIiillBflij wuuv/vuvu. with the famous Daniel family of that State. His father is the Hon. B. J. Wingard, a prominent member of the | Lexington bar. Mr. Wingard was prepared for college at the Lexington Collegiate institute and entered the university in j fall of ,03. A member of the Clario- . sophic Literary, he has enjoyed r honors at its hands and in turn has won for it many honors. He won the * declaimed medal offered /by his society in '05. Won Roddey medal - , debate* in '05 and the intersociety oratorship in '06 and represented his society in both the State and Southern preliminary contests this spring; banquet speaker at junior-senior banquet * '06 and senior clas? orator for '07. He has taken an active interest in the Y. M. C. A. of the college, representing it at various intercollegiate conferences. He is now editor-in-chief of The Carolinian, and is engaged in getting out a spring number that will be perhaps the largest edition ever issued by a college magazine in the South. Mr. Wingard was for several years* business manager of "the University Glee club/ that will furnish music at the contest, and has done much to bring it up to its present efficient state." i Interesting Case. One of the most interesting cases that has been tried in the Magistrate's! court here in some time was that of the Rhea Live Stock Co., Columbia,. I vs. Eli Spires, in*which the plaintiff j took out attachment proceedingsi against the defendant, to receive a ! difference which was to have been paid in- a mule trade, the principal question being, if the difference in trade (boot) was really part of the purchase money. Magistrate Derrick has decided in favor of the plaintiff, that the difference was part of the pur' " ?:n chase money ana tne case win uc carried to the higher court. Mr. Allen J. Green, of Columbia, represented the plaintiff and W. H. Sharpe, the defendant. Call at The Bazaar when you want a ivthing in the fishing tackle line. J I 1 ** a