The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 24, 1907, Image 1

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| THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. ? Bepresentatiue Newspaper. Sowers Lexington and the Borders of tbe Surrounding Bounties tike a Blanket. |j VftT. YYYVTT LEXINGTON, S. C? WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24. 1907. 2f |& ; . ^ Ps?u 5wHE> Jf fev 1^ ' '&V- ' ' I' . *' A * w: 1 _ t m * I From saws Durg. To the Editor of The Dispatch: One of the greatest revivals that this town has ever been blessed with has just closed at the Methodist chorch here, of which Rev. A. J. Cauthan is pastor. The meetings were conducted by Rev. D. H. Coman & of the Western North Carolina Conference. Mr. Ooman, although he came to this community a stranger, soon won the hearts of the people. He is a man born of God as many expressed it,and an<1 ru'Oadnf. II IP W 1U IUIUVQL ovnuvuug ww**?> 0, ing the word was wonderful. Numbers were brought to Christ through fe his preaching and united themselves p.v' with thechurch. This meeting did great good in bringing God's people Bfe/-together in the common interest of ' p. > doing good, regardless of denomina- ' ( tional affiliation and the effect on our ; S? community will be felt in the years to ; |p% come. The managers of the Tri-County Fair association have decided to hold ' the fair from October 14th to October 18th. The grounds are now being prepared and the erection of the buildi 1ng8 will probably commence within [ I a few weeks. .Some of the most prominent men in the comities of ~ Lexington, Aiken and Saluda have / become interested in the fair which Is encouraging to its promoters. Mr. M. E. Rutland, president of the asso- ( elation, is exerting every effort possi- We to make the fair a success. Mr. J. L. Hite, our efficient assist,x ant postmaster, has been confined to bis bed the past two weeks with an ^ attack of grippe. Mr. Jesse M. Mai pass is assisting in the office during J the illness of Mr. Hite. Under the 1 skillful treatment of Dr. W. Price Timmerman his friends hope for him . a speedy recovery. ^ I . Messrs. Lee Fallaw and George ) Mabus, the two young men who be- , came engaged in a personal difficulty on the streets of this town about ten ( days ago, which resulted in both ' g parties getting seriously cut, are doing ( nicely and are likely to recover. . Mr. Ira C. Carson, the popular cashier of the First National Bank, spent 3 T t 13. J 1 I ' DQnasy an wounson, ma lurmer uuiue. ( Rev. Jabez Ferris, pastor of - the . Baptist church here, has been spend* ing the past few weeks at Beaufort, 0r: trying to recuperate and take a much needed rest. Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, of Concord, N. C., are spending a few days with Mrs. Jabez Ferris, Mr. Fox's mother. Dr. J. McFall Ridgell spent a few days in Atlanta last week where he had gone on business. t Dr. W. Price Timmerman attended the State Medical association at Bennettsville last week. The recent cold wave has destroyed nearly all the fruit in this section, i The grain crop is also badly injured v! by the cold. . C. Well Chosen. Anderson, April 19.?Mr. Andrew Crawford, a prominent member of the Columbia bar, has been chosen as the orator for the memorial exercises here on the 10th. An invitation is being sent to him and it is thought that he will accept. He is a brilliant man and an extra fine speaker. He entered the Confederate service toward the end of the war. He was rvnlir 1 ft veara r?f acrp at the time lie ?*w ? ? joined and his war record is of the best. The various chapters of the U. D. C. of the city are meeting together to perfect the program for the exercises.?State, 20th. t ^ | Notice. I There will be a meeting of the voters of Sandy Run township at the school house near Spreading branch, on Wednesday, 1st day of May, at 9 a.m., for the purpose of considering the question of the formation of a new county with St. Matthews as the county seat. G. Muller, R. E. Livingston, John J. Muller, Joe M. Roof, J. A. Wolfe, J. C. Muller, E. J. Roof, J. E. Savior, W. M. Saylor, F. G. Hoofman, D. W. Wise, W. J. M. Wise, C. D. C. Wise, N. B, Wannamaker, H. D. Stabler, W. D. Crider, J. J. Lucas, Henry J. Seibels, J. A. Lucas, H. M. Assmann, W. T. Brooker, J. W. Wise and W. S. Wise. - - - ( I oao MAIN STRB Solicits a Sha: Billy Felix's Letter. To the Editor of The Dispatch: As I sit in my cozy study and writ this letter in ease and comfort, on th outside the clouds are dark, the win is howling, the rain is falling and m heart goes out in deep sympathy fc those who are compelled to go out i such weather, and especially the poo R. F. D. boys. Old North Wind, who recently vis ited these parts with his chilly blasts left death and destruction in his path especially to fruit, gardens and earl; com. The old reliable blackberr crop is partially destroyed. Now w will have to fall back on the goosberr; crop. The dwelling house of J. H. Hutto in Gaston, occupied by himself am family,, was entirely consumed b; fire on Sunday, the 14th. Also a stor house on an adjoining lot. The house hold effects were saved. It is sup posed that the fire originated from ; defective stove flue. The building were insured. Mrs. R. G. Able and little children from near Steadman's, visited he sister, Mrs. JT. V. Smith, recently am called to see the happy Felix family. J. F. McGill has been confined b bis room for some time, his hora having stepped on his foot. His man] friends hope to see him out soon. Mrs. Mattie Martin, who has been t sufferer for some time with tubercu losis, succumbed to that dreadful mal ady on the morning of the 18th. He remains were laid to rest in the Anti [>ch cemetery in the presence of ; Large, sympathizing congregation Rev. Geo.. W. Kelly preached thi funeral. Our sympathy is extende< bo the bereaved husband and littli >nes. May they live a godly life, at she had lived, and meet her in th< holy land; Mrs. Lee N. Fallaw was in Gaston i few days ago. She has had a hand some monument erected to the grav< of her late husband. Mrs. Wesley Price, an estimabl* Christian lady, in company with he bright little son, Dewey, spent th< night with the Felix family recently on her way home from Livingston where she had gone to the bedside o her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. W. Burnett J. J. Richter, of Colombia, is no\ at the home of our friend, D. E Craft, in a critical condition. W trust that he may soon regain his ac customed health. The recent cold in killing the fruit and flowers failed to nip in the bui some orange blossoms. Sly Cupii gets in some effective work, despit the freezes and blizzards. On th evening of the 19th at the home of th bride's father, J. F. Mack, his daugfa ter, Miss Martha, was married t Nixon Jenkins of Columbia. Th marriage ceremony was performe by W. B. Fallaw. May happiness an prosperity attend them. The annual session of the Athen' graded school is a thing of the pasl It will go down on the pages of he history as one of the most successft years of her existence. On Friday, the 19th, clouds obscure the sun in the early morning an threatened rain, but by 10 o'clock the hour set for the exercises to begir an unusually large crowd had gath ered to hear the exercises and see th dear people. The students recite their pieces well. Music was fui nish'ed by Miles' string band. Dinne was brought and placed on the Ion table, which had been erected for th purpose, and the way the crowd di eat! The crowd reassembled in the builc ing 18 hear the address of Congres; man Lever. Mr. Lever was at hi best, as he always is, and held th crowd for some time with his elc quence and oratory. His speech wa something out of the ordinary. ' H emphasized the importance of charat ter building and this could be bes done in the country at home on th farm. The people were well pleased an spoke in highest terms of Mr. Lever' address. The next in order was a treat fc the students prepared by the teachei All enjoyed an old time cake walk participated in by our brilliant youn] Congressman. The trustees have elected Prof. J iLOBE DRY 600 3C. MOITOETOIT, !ET, re of Your Valued Patro . | THE IIOM d of? ? LEXINGTON I DEPOSIT YOU] With this Bank and we will loan to borrow. The influence of the ] of its DEPOSITORS in all mattei i*i Y when money is scarce and hard to V ed absolutely to our depositors, e y F. W. OSWALD, ALFRED J. FO] PrPQidpnt,. Casl i 1 e s- V. Smith and Miss Lillie I. Fallaw to h teach the school again next year, and ,j a we sincerely trust they may see their ^ 8 way clCar to accept. ^ ( Mr. Editor, I am glad you are about ^ , to turn for prohibition. Let's whoop ^ r 'em up and kill the (L. M. I's.) Lesser I Moral Institutions. j With success to you and the read- ^ 3 ers of The Dispatch, I am, b Gaston, 4-22-'07. Billy Felix. ?j ^ * * ' 55 Death of ICiss Viola Lorick. *J Miss Viola, daughter of Mr. and j Mrs. Samuel E. Lorick, of Lower aCi r Fork, after suffering intense pain and |if< having been removed to the hospital j in Columbia, where a skilled opera- g a, tion was performed, and with all the q * soothing, loving and tender care of \ey fnifVi^nl froinorl nni". * j c^pcncuucu auu iwiuiiui u??uuu ***** luxses, she could not stand the trying ? ordeal, and on Sunday her sweet soul 971* a returned to the one who gave it, and for now she is numbered with those gone \ before, and is enjoying the songs of an( the blest above, where the wicked jj0 . cease from trouble and the weary are j at rest. ^ Her remains were interred on Mon- j day in the cemetery at St. Andrew's j t church. The family have our sympa- ^ thy in this, their sad hour of bereave- H ' ment. " * t f *" * Aa Aecidsat Near Prosperity. v Prosperity, April 19. ? Quite a I. serious accident occurred at Martin e Bros, mills, about six miles south of I of Prosperity, yesterday afternoon. Ju< While Mr. O. Martin had his atten- da; a tion called to some lumber, Oxner,one Esi i of the helpers at the saw, was caught est d and had both legs cut, the left one adi e was entirely cut off, half way between the e the knee and ankle. The right one mil e was cut at the knee, the knee cap cut ( L. off and the bone exposed. Drs. J. F. dai 0 Bedenbaugh and G. Y. Hunter op- sai e erated on the injured man, taking off tio d the left leg just below the knee. The cid d right leg will be taken off as soon as Ju< Oxner is able to undergo the opera- mi 9 tion. am i. ?-? ? ba: r Major-Ricfcardsoa Marriage. for Latta, April 2.?Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock Rev. J. R. T. Major, pas- pj ^ tor of the Darlington circuit, was ^ ^ quietly married to Miss Estelle Rich- ^ ardson at the home of the bride's ^ l? brother, Dr. C. G. Richardson, in the 011' l" presence of a few intimate friends of e the family, the ceremony being per^ formed by Rev. J. W. Speake of the Methodist church. T Dr. Major is serving his second year ^f ^ as pastor of the Darlington circuit j ^ ? and is deserveedly popular with his ' people. He graduated from Wofford Cli j college, class of '98, and taught quite ^ successfully for several years in the ^ 3" Bennettsville and Batesburg graded s , , . oU! schools. e * coi Miss Richardson, a graduate of ^ Winthrop, has been teaching 'most ^ . successfully in the Bennettsville grad- ^ ed school for the past eight years and ' | is in unusually high favor with the j r\f t;.at town. The announce- I 0 V " " ! <? I ment of her marriage will no doubt t VV 1 ^ create quite a surprise to her many , ^ a friends in Bennettsville, as she came Ad home on a visit to her father's Friday * Pit ?r afternoon, supposedly to spend Satur . day and Sunday.?State, 23rd. _ bia L, ' ^ J g Several people from Lexington will visit the Jamestown exposition dur- ** A i] . ing the summer. IS COMPANY 313., c nage. Polite and Prom E BANK I T;; the ton , S. C. drui El MONEY td to you when you need tion Bank is at the command s of business. In times of b get, our loans are limit- com the I p09 I beec i, K. F. OSWALD, I orde lier. Ass't Cashier. I invi m pest thor ' As Transfers of Beal Estate. spre 'he foUowing transfers of real es- tlon e have been recorded in the Clerk Court's office since our la9t issue: fhp * fnrv Ann Win card and others to i o "" Bnt bie and Ridonia Rish, 50 acres in bert Hollow township for $30. . Wm. Mitchell and others to Al- 0 earr t C. Jones, two lots in Batesbnrg f2,550. drill . G. Sally to Mary Ellis Foxworth, , icres in Bull Swamp township for 80 ( 250. < out . G. Salley to S. P. Foxworth, 50 es in Bull Swamp township for 250. labo 3. L. Wingard to Frank C. Corley, cres in Lexington township for $200 Qgj 1. Baylis Wingard to Frank C. Cor, 1 % acres in Lexington township $37. B< ilfred Gunter to Mrs. Lessie Gantt, of IV i acres in Black Creek township fort $1. pres V. B. Boles and others to Sibbie the 1 Ridonia Rish, 50 acres in Gilbert will llow township for $20. Maj !. J. Etheredge to J. B. Denn, lot C< Leesville for $325. cepl 3. J. Etheredge to D. B. Groseclose, add] in Leesville for $300. and ). F. Hendrix and others to S. L. now ndrix, 53% acres in Lexington the rnship for $430. A 9 emt ithsr Avenges Wrong* Against Sis Banghtor. thof jynchburg, Va., April 23.?Ex- but 3ge W. G. Loving, who late yester- wat y afternoon shot and killed Theodore con tes, at Oak Ridge, the country ate of Thomas F. R>an, was today mitted to bail in the sum of $5,000, rp i bail being allowed by Bail Com- , 1 ssioner Paine of Amherst county. Charging Estes with drugging his tighter, Elizabeth, aged 19, and aslltiner her while in a drugged condi n, after learning of the alleged inlent, from the lips of his daughter, s ige Loving drove some eight or ten ? les before locating the young man Ii d he shot him down with a double rail rrelled shotgun, without waiting day 1 the victim to explain himself. and . . The tor lysieians Name Their Offlcsrs. sho The house of delegates of the Medi. Association of S. C. last week at nnettsville elected officers for the suing year as follows: It ^resident, Dr. LeGrand Guerry, Co- larg tibia; first vice president, Dr. J. cou ams Hayne, Greenville; second vice his jsident, Dr. Marsh, Edgefield; third in b ie president, Dr. Mary R. Baker, Co- 10, : ubia; secretary, Dr. Walter Cheyne, thai mter; treasurer, Dr. C. P. Aimar, age< arleston. Councillors: Dr. W. B. Cox, Cnes- _ , fifth district; Dr. S. C. Baker, mter, sixih district. Five other A incillors held over. mer Soard of medical examiners: Dr. mer A. Bratton, Yorkville; Dr. W. H. deal rcher, Charleston; Dr. J. J. Watson, yea: lumbia; Dr. J. 0. Rosamond, for sley. kne< Jtate board of health: Dr. Robert clot lson, Charleston; Dr. Hall, Aiken; buri . C. C. Gambrell, Abbeville; Dr. J. reac ams Hayne, Greenville; Dr. W. J. min rdell, Lugoff: Dr. James Evans, in tl >rence: Dr. C. F. Williams, Colum' . Tl legislative committee: Dr. J. G. gQu^ nons, Charleston; Dr. J. G. Croft, ^ ten, Dr. J. H. Mcintosh, Columbia. ^ ^ * I * 3-DEDE5, OLTJMBIA, H. pt Attention. Just So! ihe Editor of the Dispatch: le voice of the Dispatch bewailin conduct on the streets at Lexing Court House in consequence c ikenness shows what is the plai r of every true son of the county institution which breeds such cor b can have no place in the afTec s of a poople who are aspiring t nobler purposes and high calling lis life. The conduct complaine y The Dispatch is the natural out e of the institution. It is possibl worst nuisance that can be iir id on any people. At one end i is corruption, at the other dis irs and crime. No pest house i ting to the sound and well. N house is wanted on the busines oughfares of our cities and towns sure as contagious disease wi; ad, so sure will* evil communica s corrupt good manners. Wit knowledge we have of the coi ing influence of the dispensary i past and the dangers of the pres onrl fnfni?o Viftw aVioll TT7C. ViolirtAV UiiU 1UVIUV) XiV VT OAAIWAA f? V , WV**VV * (elves ? Shall we 9tand witi ed hands or shall we enter ou lest and uncompromising protes inst it ? Shall we sit and see th ikard stagger along and listen a pile oaths and complain that it i }r shall we vote the institutio: of our borders ? The revenue i gs is not eqpal to the loss it ir s in the single item of disorder i ?r. Joab Edwards. igrossaan Lever to Addres Marlboro School. jnnettsville, April 22.?The officer [arlboro graded school have bee: anate in securing an orator am icher for the closing exercises c graded school here, which even take place on the 19th day c \ mgressman A. F. Lever has ac }ed the invitation to deliver th ress before the graduating clas Dr. William Beatty Jennings r of Germantown, Pa., will preac baccalaureate sermon. 11 the people of this vicinity wi >race the opportunity to hear Cor jsman Lever and he will have ;e audience, composed not only c je who are interested in the school of the people generally who hav ched and admired his work i gress.?The State, 22nd. 25 People Si&Js to Death. wenty-flve people were drowne bhe foundering of a steamer in th ;r Neva near St. Petersburg Satu night. The accident happened i midst of a terrific snow stora tch made rescue impossible. ' wo Killed; Many Injured. i a double wreck 011 the Souther way near Birmingham, Ala., Sui , two men were instantly kille . many others seriously injure< s wreck was caused by the oper; allowing trains to block when 1 nld not have done so. Fruit Saved By Fire. ; is claimed that an owner of ;e peach orchard in Habershai nty, Georgia, saved two-thirds < peach crop by building large fire is orchard on the nights of Apr lS.and 14. The other orchards i ; section have been greatly dan 3. rued to Death While Fraying iken, April 23.?Miss Sallie Tin rvion rloiifrJifoT nf ATy Trvlin rPJrv Uiail) vi. A'AX nj xiii, man of Vaucluse, was burned t th last- week. She was about 3 rs of age and had been in ill healt some time. It is said she wa eling by a chair praying when he hing caught on fire and she wa ted so badly before assistanc :hed her that she died in a fei utes. The remains were interna le Vaucluse cemeterj*.?The State le rock house, about six mile ,hwest of this place, is becominj mous Sunday resort and a delight Irive for the young folks. is** Delegates to Reunion. On account of the inclement weather g Monday the old soldiers did not turn r_ out and, consequently, there was no ,f quorum present. However, Col. M. n D. Harman, commander of Camp Steadman, named the following delegates, with their alternates, to represent the camp at the reunion in Co0 lumbia on May 7, 8 and 9: Rev. N. S. Younginer, Enoch Swy^ gert, Dr. J. W. Geiger. Alternates: J. L. Slice, D. T. Hare, R. N. Senn. y The three delegates and alternates L_ to the general reunion at Richmond, t Va., 30th May to 3rd of June, will be j. elected in camp at Columbia. s All old soldiers expecting to attend ^ the reunion are earnestly requested KJ g to send their names to Col. Harman lt at once, so that their names may be II sent to Columbia in time to make arrangements for their entertainment, h We would like to see a large number of old soldiers from the county in n Columbia during the reunion. A proj. gram of the reunion will be found on e page six of this issue, h ' * * r , Pistol Duel. ' Lynchburg, Va., April 21?In > a e pistol duel at Evington, Campbell v ^ county, today, John Grossman,a 9 telegraph operator, was killed and a , ' merchant named Early received a flesh wound in his leg. It is alleged the trouble was over Early's wife, n (!^a.a?a. 1V6 i? MA KAA 0WhU'?9UU AM VVMgMOVi g In their fish trap about 200 yards above the Congaree bridge at the foot of west Gervais street, Messrs. * C. B. s Shull and R. W. Boyd caught yesterQ day a sturgeon weighing 138 pounds, d probably the largest ever captured in >f lopal waters.?State, 23rd. ,t * ? ,f School Closing* at Irmo. The school at Irmo will close on Friday, May the 3rd. On this date e there will be a basket picnic. Ad19 dresses will be made by County Superintendent of Education J. E. Rawl k Kyzer, Prof. W. E. Derrick and Rev. E. A. Wayne. Congressman Lever ^ has also been invited to make an adl" dress. a Miss Crooks, the principal, invites ^ the public generally to attend these exercises. Miss Crooks has given ene tire satisfaction to both parents and n pupils, and this will end one of the most successful sessions of the Irmo school. d j Mr. A. 3. Caughuan Harried. ie j We are informed that Mr. A. B. r" ! Caughman, formerly of this section, in ! now of Union, S. C., was married on 3' last Thursday to Miss Maggie Hutchison of Newberry, S. C. Mr. Caugh' o rrM/liiofn nf "^pTchprrv rnllece 1X1 {*11 lO o giaiviuww v* ?? ? 'o and since completing his education j has embarked in the mercantile busi3 j ness first at Newberry, but now is lo" | cated at Union. Congratulations to j Allen and the accomplished Mrs. Caughman.?Leesville News. Mr. Uriah. Jefeoat Dead. Mr. Uriah Jefeoat one of the oldest i residents of the Swansea section, thiscounty, died at his home Thursday a ! the 18th, after a long and lingering n I illness of dropsey. >f | He was an old soldier and served 's | through the Confederate army. He il | was highly esteemed by the people of" n j his community, and while his death : was not unexpected it was a great ! shock to his mg,ny friends. m Negro Woman Sills Another. i a j ; Lucy Owens, a negro woman, stab| bed another negro woman, Mabel S Hackett, in Aiken county Saturday, | the woman dying a few minutes later. h j Jealously was the cause of the I tragedy. S i r ! Tineinflae AAAJ at ** vt wwm at w vua^Ui S I 1 The walls of the newbankatChapin ^ have been completed, and the vault ^ will be finished this week. The building will be one of the most striking in appearance ever built in that section, and the bank will be open for s business in about three weeks. <r The business at Chapin, for this > season of the year, is good, and the . people are cheerful and happy.