I E. P. & F, fc S J 710 Main Street Lombard Iron Wor AUGUSTA, pi Foundry, Maohlne and Boiler Works >?? :... Bridget, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Co ^ Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs &? : , road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Bel j?-/. ????Oilers, i fe P^SBBBBsSBEK^ Atle W \ :-:.Ah^HIH2S33KHA z^ie p gnfluHBHp Hwh< fe.TflXTr ? A W TWTTTS and n A JUAUALli HA TV 4UXJJXIM (U1V4 V?* |||| Quick S! > For Your | GROCERIES, | GRAIN, J FEED, | HARDWARE, | PAINTS, I OILS, ETC., I 1 Always Consul i f Lorick & Li 1.-5 WHOLESALE f. J Columbia, ?^FA1R^J^M0RSE WE HAVE" One 25 horse power Talbott, second hand overhauled. This-engine is in first class < . anyone who is in the market for such a si We are headquarters for anything in ti attention will be given to all inquiries an< when you aire in the market for anything order elsewhere. COLUMBIA SUPPLS / _ mnrvr n | UAUVU Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does f oot gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con* * M stipation by restoring the | natural action of the stom; / ach, liver and bowels. f^ Refuse substitute*. Price SOo. ijp The Kaufmann Drag Co. HELP IS OFFERED . TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE "We earnestfy request all young persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good position, toVrito by first mail for our great half-rate after. Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed Don't delay. Write today. the Gt.*Ak Business College, Macon, Go. ! I i FALL 1906. ! MftMM . * WE now have a complete stock of J Fall and Winter Shoes in all leathers and toes suitable for every day HARD WEAR for men, women and children. % Also tBe neat and natty dress Shoes to f suit the taste of all. O Strong Points In Our Shoos. SOLID LEATHER inner soles, conn- * tersand nppers, perfect fitting and abso- 9 Inte comfort. Prices the lowest (for the ? iinality) that can be had. J EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. A. DAVIS, I Columbia, S. C. % ^ ? ? 0??0??0#??#?00?0 QOieiAiQiAidfciAnt iS iQiOiPlAiAUfclAiA f ks and Supply Co. I GEORGIA and Mill Supply Store. Engines, Boilers. : nstraction; Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, ; Building. Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Rail [ting, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, , etc.; Shafting, Pulleys, and Hangers. CAST EVERY DAY L Capacity for 300 Hands lS and Erie ENGINES, Kortlng and r Injectors. Turbine Water Wheels, etc. . > Srade Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford Specifications a Specialty " , Locomotive Tender Tanks Write Us Before You Buy * ; SOLINE ENGINES in Stock | hinment. V^%v VWW^^ ? .^V ; t ' ' ? ^te| i^P owrance, Inc., I AND DETAIL, i S. C. J wood'by handwh... :k of all Trades Gasoline Engine ?sts so little and will do as roach work as ten >r twelve men at less than one-tenth of one nan's pay. It is sent all set up, ready to run. 3an be belted to any farm machinery. Grinder, Sbeller, Shredder, Hay Press, Pump, Churn, Separator, etc. Otter sixes of engines op to 200 H. P., operate oe j*s, Gasoline, Kerosene or Alcobol. Cut out complete advertisement sod send for jOoarated Catalogue No. H853 ; db CO., Chicago, ID. forsale" engine, in stock which has recently been condition and will be a great bargain for ze engine. te way of machinery supplies, and prompt 1 orders entrusted to our care. "Write us , and be sure to get our prices before yon May 30. r aa i_ _ o n . w* tsoiumviu. 0. v. W. D. QUICK. Lexington, L - - S. C., DISTILLER and DEALER in TURPENTINE. Will, at all times, pay high- j est market prices for Crude, based upon Savannah quotations. | I KILI. COUCH 11 ??-CURETO?_LUMC8 j """ Dr. King's NeW Discovery , /TONSUWPTION y Price FOR I OUGHS and 50c & $1.00 1 1 w" L^OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Core for all THBOAT and LIJNG TBOUB- | LES, or MONEY BACK. Place an order with us for | Job Printing. . j The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, February 27,1907. Brains Needed on the Farm. Any adverse conditions that apparently work against the interest of a man may often prove a blessing. When there is a special demand made for the active and constant exercise of the mind good will result. The farmers of the State are just now in a transitional stage. Old plans have to go. New ones must be introduced. Never has there been a time when keen, clear, executive ability was as much needed on the farms as they are today. Male labor is growing scarcer. White boys, reaching the age of eighteen, get into mills, offices and stores. They prefer to be counter jumpers rather than" clodhoppers. Many of the strong, active negroes are leaving fo~ railways and other public works. ' The old men, women and children re! main 011 the farms. The immense cotton crop this year warns our people that the more cotton they make the poorer they will become. How are these conditions to be met by farmers? Set it down in the first place that it will cost 8 cents a pound to raise j cotton this year, Determine to reach I that point soon when you will buy no 1 commercial fertilizer. Plant half as many acres in cotton as you did last year. Cultivate it better. Remember every furrow you run that there is enough potash and phosphoric acid in the first foot of clay to make 100 crops. One bushel of peas sown or planted cn an acre of land will gather more nitrogen than you can get out of a ton of guano. Study the Alfalfa question. Ten acres well set in Alfalfa on a two-hor9e farm when well cared for, will make more clear money than 25 acres in cotton. . Put your brains to work. Raise corn, sorghum and all sorts of forage. Get mares as work animals and go to raising colts, j This scarcity of labor will make many ! " * 1 e i r> z c I independent, suceessiui iarmers 11 they only use their brains in the right way.?Carolina Spartan. We Guarantee Satisfaction. J. A. Brogdon,of the National Sign Co., Dayton, O., writes under date of Oct. 12, 190G: "Nosena is the only preparation I have ever nsed that relieves my affection so apeedily and pleasantly. I am getting the first real pleasure out of. breathing that 1 have experienced since I contracted catarrh six years ago. Money would not bny my tube of Nosena if I could not get another. Bay Nosena from Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Corley and get your money back if hot satisfied. Sample tube and booklet by mail 10 cents. Brown Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. and Greenville, Tenn. ? ? Travis Hot Five Tears. T. S. Travis, the young white man who forged two money orders on the TilmrooB oftmnanv in fVvlnm UUUUA^JIU |/AVOP w*u^/wuj a few months ago and left with the proceeds, but later captured in Tennessee, wa9 arraigned before Judge Prince in Columbia last week. He plead guilty and asked for mefcy, whereupon Judge Prince sentenced him to five years in the State penitentiary. Prevents Headache. Force them! No?aids them. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and digestive organs so that they do their own work and fortifies your constitution against future trouble. Entire treatment 25c. Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Corley. Four hundred bales of cotton and eight freight cars, involving a loss of $60,000, were burned at Elberton, Ga., on Sunday morning. ? ? For Rheumatic Sufferers. The quick relief from pain afforded by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm makes it a favorite with sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, lumbago, and deep seated and muscular pains. For sale by Kanfmann Drug Co A trunk containing 25 quarts of liquor wa9 seized by police officers at the union depot in Columbia on Tuesday. The owner is unknown. 1 1 I A Doctors Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's (medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu- ' risy, bronchitis, consumption, j Ask "your doctor about this, i The best hind of a testimonial? K "Sold for over sixty years." | A Mad? by 3. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. g Jm Also manufacturers of fl ^ m _ SARSAPARILLA. j /I 7 JPPQ PILLS. I V HAIR VIG0R* ? I We have no seorais ! We publish I the formulae of all our medicines. S You will hasten recovery by taking one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. FLUE CURINI ROASTING II Flue Curing Oevel Found In Schm There are three ways 1 mers for curing and pre tobacco for the market; 1 .cured, air cured and flue c old and cheap way is callc the later discovery and im is called flue cured. In the tobacco is taken fire and - suspended over in: flues in houses especially tain the heat, and there proper temperature until process developes in the stimulating taste and fraj found in Schnapps toba green coffee is made fr stimulating by the roasti Only choice selections c juicy flue cured leaf, gr< famous Piedmont countr best tobacco grows, a Schnapps and other Reyn of high grade, flue cure r. j. Reynolds T< j Scmo of ths Important Bills of tho Last Lsgislature. ' ' * J U TTTAAlr \ (uontinu. u. hum lusu v. / ' To declare the violation of a lease of land or tenements and a failure and ! refusal to enter upon the due performance of a contract for leasing lands or tenements and the violation of any such contract upon the part of the landlord a misdemeanor and to provide a punishment therefor. To amend an Act entitled 4'An Act to provide punfshment for safe crackers," approved February 19th, 1904, by adding another section thereto, to be Section 2, providing punishment for any one possessing safecracking equipment. An Act to amend Section 2,655 by exempting property let or hired for agricultural purposes from its provisions. To provide the amount to be paid iurdrs in Circuit Courts of the State by amending Section 2,938, of the Civil Code. An Act to provide for the appointment of bailiffs in the Circuit Courts of this State. An Act to amend the law in relation I to the names and locations of the vpfc- i ing precincts in this State. S. 83 (H. 239)?An Act relating to 1 the disease and marketing of cattle I on/1 rtthor rinmpfltir* animals, and the I remedies thereto*. An Act to further regulate the law in regard to imigrant agents. Bill to prohibit the manufacture or sale of adulterated,or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods or drugs. - An Act to regulate the sale of cocane. ! Bill to fix the time for the commencing of the terms of office of the various | county officers. Bill to fix the amount of the compensation to be paid to the county officers of the various counties of the State. The general bill to fix salaries of magistrates and constables in the State. To protect and secure the purity of the water supplies of towns and cities. To empower cities and towns to furnish electric current and water to parties without the incorporate limits there, and to make contracts and to fix the rates and charges in behalf. An Act to ratify the amendment to Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution of 1895, relating to municipal bonded indebtedness. An Act to authorize and empower the City council of Columbia to use a portion of Senate street in said city for purposes of river navigation. An Act to authorize and empower all municipal corporations in this State to purchase or condemn land for certain purposes. A bill to amend Section 403, Code of Laws of South Carolina 1902, Vol I, relating to the reports of county treasurer. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the erection of a new Court House in Newberry County," approved February 17, 1906. Teacher Prosecuted. Prof. Sam J. Rogers, principal of the Boykin school, near B.ennettsville, was arrested last week on a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Clarence D. Stubbs, charging him with assault of a high and aggravated nature upon her son, who is a pupil of the Boykin school. The case is attracting no little attention. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles thatBucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters ; it cures every case. Guaranteed by The Kaufmann Drug Co's. drug store. 2-3c. 5 IMPROVES TOE MPROVES GREI ops the Stimulating A apps that Satisfies Toll 9 used by far- Hundreds ol paring their on sale that hi lamely, sun outside of the :ured. The bacco is flue ci :d air cured: filled with ch proved wa; sweetened air flue-curing chewofSchna im the field hunger longer . , such tobacco, tensely hot ?xpert ^ built to re- cured tobacco, Vpnt in thp r "~r- ? ;? nearaoni regi this curing less sweetening tobacco the and has a wl jrant aroma satisfying effec cco, just as kind of tobacco agrant and satisfy, more ti ing process. expectorating, >f this ripe, and chew Sch own in the Schnapps is p, where the ers formerly bo re used in to$i.ooperpo olds' brands at 50c. per pot d tobaccos. ' 10 and 15 cent 3bacco Company, Wins' IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO FURNISH Y( Kitchen with RANGE. You pay a little more t< an ordinary Range, bui Range lasts a life time. Our line gives you wic select from. Our guarar purchasing. If you contemplate bu of any size, our stock ca you with prices from $2( Steel Ranges made. Sel LEE A. LORI( 1519 Main Street C THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRIDi Wholesale and ] GROCERS, FLOUR, EE SEED RUST PR! -rm-r . . ? _ -aw 7. J. _ . ..i. we want ine jiLeTciuiriis, jriu,Mt ington County to Call and See V Purchases. We Can Fill Youi Money. 1823 and 1825 Main Street, jvvvvvvvvvvvvv JUST WHAT I NEW ? ~i I~I i~ " ?"i r?- ? ? ? ? ? - ? ? ~ - ? ? ~ I Spring and Summ 5 Marked Very Close. A fa] A that is new. | Millii Just received a full line of Children's ^ caps for spring wear. A fine line of ever Si marked these very close for the trade. $ We also have a full line of Men's SIkx J thing to wear. i TABLE OIL CLOTH 6 ft will pay any of our Lexington frier : a elsewhere. I WM. PUTT ? Main St. Near P \ COLUMBIA, - j wmuuwv SACCO LIKE EN COFFEE roma and Taste! tacco Hunger . i f imitation brands are ; ok like Schnapps; the imitation plugs of to- | ured. but the inside is eap, flimsy, heavily cured tobacco; ofie \ pps will satisfy tobacco than two chews of \ i prove that this flue, grown in the famous ] on, requires and takes j y than any other kind, ' lolesome, stimulating, j :t on chewers. If the j you are chewing don't ban the mere habit of i stop.fooling yourself ! napps tobacco. . . like the tobacco chew- j tught costing from 75c. i und; Schnapps is sold j md in 5c. cuts, strictly : plugs. fon-Salem^ N." C. MB????????? ? )UR a fine Steel d start with than for t remember a Steel1 lest price range to Ltee protects you in ying a Steel Range nnot fail to interest ) to $65 for the Best eet to-day. . DK&BRO., olumbia. S. S. >. THE QUALITY SELLS* LY & CO., Be tail ED AND DRAIN, )0F OATS. >rs and Farmers of Lex's Before They Make lheir Wants and Save You COLUMBIA, S. C. j ipj >OE>S. \ er Dry Goods! 11 line of everything ^ i Misses and Ladies' hats and W y thing in these goods. We have f 2S, Shirts, Pants, in fact every- ^ A SPECIALTY. # ids to visit ns before purchasing f 1 & son, | ost Office, J S. C J tWWWWWV I