I?I?\?I OBESS GOODS and SILKS.. Special showing of new Dress Fabrics * and Silks, specially priced. One lot waisting silks, polka dot, navy blue, brown, green and marine colors. These are great values, 25c the yard. One lot of plain and figured Silks in waist pat? tern lengths at 19c, 20c, 25c. 35c, 40c and 50c the yard. White China Silk, will wash like linen, 19-inch width, price 25c. All colors, 19-inch width, price 25c. * Black Taffeta Silk, the regular fl.25 V or. jlj jm wren, aits scissors. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and | There by a Dispatch Man. ! ' ' * Maj. B. B. Evans, of Saluda, was 1 town Saturday. Eugene Little visited friends near } Leeaville last week. . Mr, Jas. E. Hendrix is out again after a very severe attaek of Grippe. Miss Pauline Hutto, of Leesville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. D. Clark. Nice lot of spring goods, just opened, at Frick & Son's., Chapin, S.*C. Friday, February 22nd, being a legal holiday! The Home Bank will be closed. Dr. L. E. M. Smoak and family have moved to 703, High street, Columbia, S. C. Mr. Scott Roof has resigned as section forema^, and is succeeded by Mr. Hughes. Remember for reliable garden seed, true to name, giving best results, go to the Bazaar. Gapt. Charles B. Harm an, president of the Augusta Lumber company, was here Thursday. Friday, Feb. 22, 1907, being a legal holiday, the Lexington Savings Bank will be closed. Only prompt paying subscribers are ^ wanted on our list. Dead heads will take notice. I FOR SALE?One horse-mule three years old. Apply to John J. Harmon, Gilbert, S. C. - 2wpd Remember you find the very best candies; cakes, crackers, fruits, etc., at the Bazaar. * Mr. J. w. juecxiey, a gooa ianner from the Pilgrim section, made us a pleasant call Saturday. New goods arriving daily, at astonishingly low prices, at D. ?). George's store, Lexington depot. .P. B. Dreher, Esq., spent Sunday with his mother in the Fork, where he always delights to go. Mrs. Sarah Shnler has returned to her home at Batesburg after a delightful visit to Mrs. C. M. Efird. A good many bales of cotton changed hand'8 here in the past few days at eleven cents per pound. ' One car Ballard & Ballard's Obelisk flour just received, at low prices, at i Prick & Son's., Chapin, S. C. < Col. B. P. Strother, a prominent at- 1 torney of Batesburg, was here Saturday with business before Judge Prince. Mrs. Lee and her daughter, Miss ' Josie, of Bedford City, Va., are the J guests of Col. and Mrs. M. D. Harman. '' FOB SALE?Two young mules, two ( and four years old, at a reasonable * price.* P. M. Frick, 1 . Chapin, S. C. Mrs. JuliaOlark, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. P. Roof for the past , few days, returned to her home yester- ( day. 3 " < Frick & Son., Chapin, S. C., for the ] next ten^days will close out a big lot . of pants at 50c., $1,00 and $2.00 per j pair. . ] Mr. John Fox left Friday for An- i gusta, where he has accepted a posi- ( f tion with the Augusta Lumber com- < pany. We have, from a Georgia Seedsman, i some of the best cabbage, watermel- i on, corn, and other seeds. Harman's c Bazaar. 1 Misses Leola Roof, Lula Hook and ( Ella Corley, of near Brooklyn, visited Miss Mattie Louise George Saturday 1 and Sunday. * Frick & Son., Chapin, S. C., i-ave \ cut prices on their winter stock of dry j goods in order to make room for spring goods. < No trouble to find just what you l want at H. M. Wingard's grocery. 1 Vegetables in season and everything 1 good to eat. , 1 Mr. Lewis Roof, of the Smithdeal Music company, of Columbia, spent 3 Sunday with his parents, Mr. and * Mrs. E. B. Roof. 1 ( WANTED?You to list your prop- i erty with The Metropolitan Loan & s - Trust Co., of Greenwood, S. C. Real Estate bought and sold. Send for prospectus of The Southern Securities j *V? nn Tmrniorratiftn Afnnpv lnanfid * w., v*? . on long time, at low rates. Write us, 1 Greenwood, S. C. j Dr. E. P. Derrick sells L. & M. ^ Paints in pints and quarts at half gal- i Ion prices. Feb. 20. 3m j THE XJNDERS: COURTEOUS TREAT] BIGGEST AND value, now l>8c. Special values in Black Dress Goods, jj A strictly ne.w assortment of the most popular weaves. BEDSPREADS. Big sale of White Be8 Spreads; large size and goo# quality; special prices ?5c and up. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Our great Hosiery department is complete. An immense assortment of men's women's and children's hosiery. All prices. [IMITJSX WANTED?Traveler for established \ house. Twelve dollars weekly to I start. Expenses paid. References. Address-George G. Clows, Lexington, S. C. Go to D. E. George's, Lexington ? depot, for your supplies and general I merchandise. All at reasonable pri- j ces. / Miss Celeste George celebrated her ninth birthday on Monday afternoon, with about 30 of her friends and schoolmates present. "FYtt* an evening of fun and amuse ment, go to the James Adams' Big Ten Cents Shows. It will cost you only 10 cents. Mr. M. J. Rucker, of Swansea, and one of the best citizens iu the county, was here Saturday and while here gave us a pleasant call. Dry goods, notions, shoes, clothing, hardware, tinware and groceries, at the lowest possible prices, at D. E. George's, Lexington Depot. Mr. Job. A. Swygert, a substantial farmer of the Selwood section, was in town last Thursday on business, and he did not forget the printer. FOR SALE?One four horse lumber wagon, nearly new; one, serviceable farm horse, very cheap. 'Want a tenant ior a good one horse farm. . W. H. Donly, Gilbert, S. C. Mr. Jas. W. Shealy was in town yesterday exchanging his cotton for llcts and attending to other business. While here he did not forget the printers. | Don't forget that the Bargain Sale ] now on at J. C. Glover's, BatesbUrg, will close after March 1st, when the spring and summer goods will have. arrived. s v v . 1 Mr. W. C. Swygert, a young and industrious farmer, residing near the Blue church in the Fork, was in town Thursday and added his name to our list of subscribers. Mr. D. L. Epting, one bf upper Saluda's best citizens, well posted in county affairs and a live conversationalist, was here Saturday and dropped in to see us. Rev. W.H. Hiller, of Lenoir, N. C., i filled the pulpit at St. Stephen's Luth- ; eran church Sunday, morning and i Sunday evening, to large and appre- 1 ciative congregations. i School trustees of the county will i be furnished with blanks - for those ! subject to poll taxhhd dogs in their ' districts, vhiclrthey. will be required 1 bo return to the'cofunty auditor. 1 See the advertisement of Broad ^ Rivei?,bridge stock in another column. Phis stock is for sale by Mr. J. G. 1 Mobley of Johnston, and is a good j opportunity to invest your money. 1 FOR RENT?A brick store room 4 , 25x80; well arranged for business;' ' ?Ood location in town of Leesville. j A.pply to J. P. Able, Leesville S. C. 4 4wl6p * ? Let me have your furs. Now is the T season to get good prices. Mink, . 5tter, coon, fox, etc., are selling well. ? Send me what you have and ^ will pay highest prices?Rice B. Harm an.* Mr. C. S. Hook and wife, of Granteville, visited their grand-mother, Mrs. Jere Hook, near Red Bank, last veek, who, we are glad to report, is loing well for an old lady 84 years >f age. Miss Florrie Harman left vesterdav 'or the land of the yellow jesemen md sweet honey suckle on Black jreek, for a much needed rest at the lome of Mr. John McCartha and )ther friends. Dr. D. M. Crosson, of Leesville, vas here last Thursday. He is one of ;he most valuable citizens of the jounty, always ready to lend his aid ;o any movement that tends to upmild "his town, county and stafce. Col. J. H. Frick and B. J. G. and 5. D. B. Lever, as attorney and adninistrators of the Lever estate, were lere Friday making the annual return of said estate. We were glad to jave a call from these gentlemen. There was a rush for the dispensary Vlonday morning when it .was learned ihat it would close some time duringJhe day, for at least a few days. Much irinking was in evidence and many were seen helplessly drunk on our streets. We were glad to meet our old friend md war chum, Mr. Jacob Shumpert, rrom on Black creek, yesterday in sown,* and glad to learn that there are 10 supporters in his section to she new county scheme. All satisfied vith old Lexington county. Wise citzens they are, and have no axes to frind in this scheme. ELLING- STORE. MEENT. .< * BEST BARGAINS. SPECIAL BLA A great opportunity to get the best ] values ever offered.. Fine 10-4 Blankets Fine 1-1-4 Gray Blankets Fine 10-4 White Blankets Fine 11-4 White Blankets Fine 11-4 White Blankets Fine 11-4 White Blankets Fine 11-4 White Extra Fine Blanket Wool Crib Blankets J Xi Will be better shod, wear better clothes, be better educated than you were at her age, or you won't be satisfied. * Now we will attend to the s shoes, if you give us the UilctKOC. Misses shoes of good material that will wear well can be bought here for $1.25 up to $2.50. , , Similar sizes at less prices. EHRLICH'S, i COLUMBIA, S.C. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Derrick's Drug Store. James Adams Big Ten Cent Shows Now in Lezington. The James Adams big ten cents Bhows are in Lexington and will remain until Saturday night. The 3hows are exceptionally good?by far the best ever seen in Lexington, and it is a wonder to many how they can afford to put on such a clever, clean 3how at such a small ppce?10 cents. v The costumes are strikingly beautiful; the music good; and the actors the i>est. To be candid, we have paid J1.00 to see shows not near so good. They will perform each night in heir large tent next to the new conjrete building of F. E. Dreher. For ;he benefit of those who cannot attend at the night performance, Man i^er Auams nas announced that they will give a matinee Saturday afterloon at 3 o'clock. This is the oppor;unity of your life to see one of the )est shows in existence, and at the rery small price of 10 cents. EXPERIENCE. Years of Experience are at Your COMMAND. Successful experience has been ours and we want everybody who has cause to feel that there is anything the mat ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give them proper tests. THERE ARE NO CHARGES FOR EXAMINATIONS. CHARLES P. 8ENTZ, OPTICIAN, I JEWELER, I 1439 Main St., Columbia, S. C. I - - vffi.lnra.y8 MAIN AND BLA] .NKET SALE. Blankets at Out Prices. The biggest $2.98 $3.25 $3.50 $4.50 $5.00 $6.25 $9.75 $1.98 ' II ! I ^ We hav * i COME GREGORY 1117] COLUMBIA, II I I t * * ? 1892. I Lexing I | Oldest bank in I DOES - A v Accounts In f Rate of 5 Per Ce Contains tasteless Makes new rich bio ' For Sale at HARMAN'S BAZAAE Miss Mary Pope Dead. Miss Mary Pope, sister of Chief Jus- ! tice Y, J. Pope, died at the home of 5 the latter in Newberry last Wednes- L day night from a stroke of apoplexy, i She was 58 years old. COLTJMB] 3 Visit RE'S NDING STREETS. a i ? 11?? ? 1MB? ! Ml?I n MEN'S CLOTHING andFTJENISHING GOODS. Special reduction in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Heavy Underwear and Shirts. Yon should see this stock and prices. SHOES. Shoes that fit the eye, fit the foot, fit the pocketbook. We must reduce our stock, as our spring shipments have already begun, and in order to do so we offer some special bargains. >lnmlbi?i Shipment of e in this lot son nice stuff. TO SEE -CONDER III 0 ffampton Avenue, Formerly Pla ;ton Sayings ! WTTOTLTATV - - fi f! IJMAXil U JL Vll f w? v Lexington County. Capital and fcurpl GENERAL BANKING vited on Favorable Terms. In nt Allowed in the Savings Deps W.P.RO< 5 cod liver oil. Cures c odAppetizmg and strc aj^ | g A and WHISKEY HABJT8 1 fT 1 ?'Utpa^D* ] AtlaJttts?^a^)t5ce 304 N. Pryor Street. [A'S SMALL PROFIT I PROMF B 1 7HE STORE OF LIT1] FINE MILLINERY at special bargain prices. We are making a big reduction in this department. The styles and goods are desirable. Don't fail ro visit our millinery depart ment. NEW EMBROIDERIES. Handsome designs at bargain prices. Edging and insertion to match, veryhandsome for shirtwaists, skirts and corset covers. >, s. c. I Mules! j ' I? Le extra I US! OMPANY, _ 0i. m au, S.C. r i : "j . ft * * 1906. I ' - m Bank. 1 us $20,000. I BUSINESS. a terest at the m irtment. I )F, Cashier. ? I H m ill female troubles \ * mgtheningPrice$15? 5 WANTED?10 men in each state to travel, distribute samples of our goods and tack signs. Salary $85.00 per month; $3.00 per day .for expenses. Saunders Co., Department P. No. 46 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ills. Dec. 26. 3m EMPORIUM. > % T ATTENTION. 1 i r rLE PRICES. i i