The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 20, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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III HttflitftWtttHmtfM ! L P. & F. |> j 1710 Main Street ? ? oeoc ? Lombard Iron Work | AUGUSTA, |r - ,s Foxmdnr, M&ohln* emd Boiler Works &i gfe' Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Cons ?>> < Cane ana Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs; 1 road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Belti: /? Jfc g| LIGHT SAW MILLS and GAS Quick Sh J For Your | GROCERIES, > GRAIN, tFEED, . S HARDWARE, | paints, Soils, etc., < Always Consult I Lorick & Lo m i WHOLESALE J ^\/%'VVV%'VVVVVV1 & ^ WHY SAW V Wk?-* A(w ?U B TaoL f FAIRBANKS, MORSE II WE HAVE I N \ One 25 horse power Talbott, second hand e: | overhauled. This engine is in first class cc anyone who is in the market for such a siz( - We are headquarters for anything in the attention will be given to all inquiries and when yon are in the market for anything, i ' order elsewhere. COLUMBIA SUPPLY 70LEYS" H0NEY?TAR Tho nrinrinol i iio un&mai i LAXATIVE coagb remedy. For coughs. colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic, Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chicago* The Kaufmann Drug Co. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly request all young1 persons, no matter j how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi- j t ion. to write by first mail for our great half-rate i offer. Success, independenceand probable fortune < are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. The Ga.?Ala? Business College, Macon, Ga. j . i 1 I >0 IMMMM PALL 1906. MM WE now have a complete stock of all and Winter Shoes in all leathers id toes suitable for every day HARD TEAR for men, women and children. Iso the neat and natty dress Shoes to it the taste of all. Strong Points In Our Shoes. SOLID LEATHER inner soles, counrsand uppers, perfect fitting and absote comfort. Prices the lowest (for the lality) that can be liad. ?. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. I DAVIS, ri/ilnmluQ S f! WAUMAVAM) Ml V* ^ me .a .o.Aie .AiAiA.eiAiAitfiieiQiAiAi* is and Supply Co. I GEORGIA r\d Mill Supply Store. Engines, Boilers, : traction; Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, Building. Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Rail- > ag, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, , c.; Shafting, Pulleys, and Hangers. ' CAST EVERY PAY i Capacity for 300 Hands and Erie ENGINES, Kortirvg and injectors, Turbirve Water Wheels, etc. L rade Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford Specifications a Specialty f Locomotive Tender Tanks L Write Us Before You Buy f p'O'Pieif OLINE ENGINES in Stock ipment. - iwrance, Inc., 1 LND BET AIL, 5 S, C, \ : of all Trades Gasoline Engine C its so little and will do as much work as ten twelve men at less than one-tenth of one m's pay. It is sent all set up, ready to run. m be belted to arryjarm machinery. Grinder, teller^ Shredder, Hay Press, Pump, Churn, parator, etc. Ither sizes of engines ap to 200 H. P., operate on a. Gasoline. Kerosene or Alcohol. Hut out complete advertisement and send for (Basted Catalogue No. Hg^3 CO., Chicago, Dl. ^OR SALE Qgine, in stock which has recently been mdition and will be a great bargain for 3 engine. way of machinery supplies, and prompt orders entrusted to our care. Write us and be sure to get our prices before you May 30. CO., Columbia. S. C. W. D. QUICK. Lexington, ' - - - S. C., DISTILLER and DEALER in TURPENTINE. Will, at all times, pay highest market prices for Crude, based upon Savannah quotations. KILLthe COUGH Ana CURE THE LUNGS ""Dr. King's New Discovery /TONSUMPTION Price ? IFOR I OUGHSand - 60c&$1.00 I 11 u ^OLDS Free Trial. I I Surest and Quickest Cure for all I TKEOAT and LUNG TEOUB- I LK3, or MONEY BACK J Place an order with us for Job Printing. / The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, February 20.1907. Fund for Artificial Limbs. The House Thursday passed to third reading Senator Mauldin's bill appropriating $15,000 for artificial limbs for Confederate veterans. There was some fight on the bill on the ground that the privilege might be abused and that the appropriation 9hould have been included in the regular appropriation of $250,000 made for Confederate veterans. By a vote of 52 to 43 the House refused to strike out the enacting words and by a vote of 59 to 43 refused to postpone the bill. It was passed with only one change and reads as follows: "Section 1. That every man who, while he was a bona fide soldier or . sailor in the service in this State or in the -Confederate States, in war between the States, lost a limb, now or hereafter to be on the pension list, shall upon application to the State j pension board be entitled to be fur- j nished with a first class artificial limb to supply such loss; provided, such application must be approved by the j pension commissioners of the coun y j in which the applicant resides. ! 44Sec. 2. The comptroller general is | required to furnish to such applicants all necessary blanks therefor. "Sec. 3. To carry this act into effect there is hereby appropriated the sum of ?15,000, if so much be necessary. 44Sec. 4. That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed." % We Guarantee Satisfaction. J. A. Brogdon, of the National Sign Co., Dayton, 0., writes under date of Oct. 12, 1906: "Nosena is-the onlypreparation I have ever used that relieves my affection so speedily and pleasantly. I am getting the first real pleasure out of breathing that I liave experienced since I contracted catarrh six years ago. Money wonld not buy my tube of Nosena if I could not get another. Buy Nosena from Derrick's Drug | Store and C. E. Corley and get your money hack if not satisfied. Sample tube and booklet by mail 10 cents. Brown Manufacturing Co., St. Loins, Mo. and Greenville, Tenn. Old Fair Grounds Sold. The executive committee of the South Carolina State fair has decided to sell the old grounds, which consists of about 20 acres- The price obtained was |30,000. Who the purchaser or purchasers are is not known. Operators Get Raise. The Western Union Teiegraph Co. has raised the salary of all operators ten per cent. The raise is the result of the Chicago strike a few days ago. It affects all the operators on the line. Prevents Headache. Force them! No?aids them. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and digestive organs so t?at they do their own work and fortifies your constitution against future trouble. Entire treatment 25c. Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Corley. o _ Married, On Feb. 3, 1907, at the parsonage of St. Peter's (Piney Woods) church, by the Rev. E. J. Sox, Andrew Pierce Lindler and Katie Connie Cannon were united in holy matrimony. . . For Rheumatic Sufferers. The quick relief from pain afforded by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm makes it a favorite with sufferers from j rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, lum| bago, and deep seated and muscular ! pains. For sale by Kanfmanu Drug Co Big Explosion in New York. A standard oil tank exploded at Bayonne, N. J., last Thursday, severely shaking New York, Manhattan, Brookland and Jersey City. The first idea was of an earthquake shock and a panic followed along the river front. A number of people were injured. Is It Your Own Hair? I " 1 ' 11 Do you pin your hat to your own Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an introduction ! May the acquaint- I ance result in a heavy growth I of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get 8 rid of your dandruff. 8 The beet kind of a testimonially "Sold for over sixty years." ri " Jj Madaby J. C^Ayer Co., Lowell, SUM. fc V9 Alto Tnnnufaotarers of 8 /-t - . ^ ^ SARSAPARILU. fi* ft1IPVQp,LLS|?k J&uvf %J CHEMY PECT02AL. b """" This man out acquainting of SCHNAPPS qualities that ? less expense tb SCHNAPPS has been a j paper so that every che^ S opportunity to get acqus j v facts and know that druj i to produce the cheering i I the famous Piedmont coi tobaccos, and that SCHN/ ought' to chew. Still th< who ^ccept other and cl ; that do not give the same Female Cashier Charged With Embezzlement. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 14.?Miss Flora Steiple, a cashier , in Snellenburg's department store, was arrested today charged by a member of the firm with embezzling $25,000. The wjman, who is about 40 years old, is alleged to have secured this amount within ten months by falsifying the books. She was taken before Magistrate Gallagher and sent to jail on default of $10,000 bail for a further hearing* It was stated at the hearing that the amount of shortage might prove to be much greater. Neglected Colds Threaten Life [From the Chicago Tribune.] " 'Don't trifle with a cold,' is good advice for prudent men and women. It maybe vital in the case of a child. Proper food, good ventilation, and dry, warm clothing are the proper safeguards against colds, If they are maintained through the changeable weather of autumn, winter and spring, the chances of a surprise from ordinary colds will be slight. But the ordinary light cold' will become severe if neglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of diptheria what honey is to the bee. mi. -j i. ? J .i. rue greatest menance to cuuu me at this season of the year is the neglected cold." Whether it is a child or adult, the cold slight or severe, the ^ery best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is safe and sure. The great popularity and immense sale of this preparation has been attained by its remarkable cures of this ailment. A cold never iesults in pneumonia when it is given. For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. President of Seaboard Dead. Alfred Walter, president of the Sea- j board Air Line Railway, died la9t \ week after a short illness. It is predicted that his success or will be General Manager Garrett. La Grippe and Pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Postof&ce Bobbed. [ Chester, Feb. 14.?The yeggmen or yeggman, the new name for the fellows who forcibly eater postoffices, or ~ ~ mm am* *?- a l ?> tta r* ureitix sciitjs, seem ou nave SIJIUUIV. LUIO region. On Sunday night some nervy thief or thieves broke into the postoffice at Hicklin, this county, on the Seaboard Air Line and took a batch of postage stamps of the value of about $50, besides a lot of stamped envelopes which were recovered. The office is kept in the house of Mr. Henry Bailey, members of whose family were sleeping within a few feet of where the robbery was committed, j There is no clue to the robbers. Ernest Davis, aged 18, held up the wife of Chas. A. Painter, a millionaire, at her home in Pittsburg, Pa., on Sunday and compelled her to give him food and money. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, curs, | sprains, or a case of piles thatBucklen's j Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," j writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, j Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every case. Guaranteed by The Kaufmann Drug Co's. drug store. 25c. C \ bought a supply of t< 1 himself with the disi > Tobacco, which has gratify his desire to c lan cheap tobacco. dvertised in this Some day they'll iver has had an Schnapps?they'll unted with the they've missed by n gs are not used ^ quality found in lon? ago-then th jntry flue-cured themselves. SCHNAPPS is heaper tobaccos cent cuts, and 10 a pleasure. sure you get the ge IT S TIME FOE YOU TC FURNISH Y< Kitchen with RANGE. You pay a little more 1 an ordinary Range, br Range lasts a life time. Our line gives you wi select from. Our guara purchasing. If you contemplate bi of any size, our stock a you with prices from $2 Steel Ranges made. Se LEE A. LORI 1519 Main Street,1 THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRIDj Wholesale ant GROCERS, FLOUR, FI SEED RUST PS We Want the Merchants, Plan ington County to Call and See \ Purchases. We Can Mil Yov Money. 1823 and 1825 Main Stree JUST WHAT NEW Cr Snrinn and .Sun . ? i Marked Very Close. A fi i that is new. | milli] ^ Just received a full line of Childrer ^ caps for spring wear. A line line of ev \ marked these very close for the trade. Q We also have a full line of Men's Sh A thing to wear. 5 TABLE OIL CLOTH A It will pay any of our Lexington fri ^ elsewhere. i wm. plat: \ Main St. Near i COLUMBIA, - muuuuw m?mmmmmmmmm* -wmhbm j; ^ i | f i Dbacco with- j tinctive taste the cheering hew, and at. get a taste of the real . realize what enjoyment ot getting SCHNAPPS eyll feel like kicking j sold everywhere in S i nd 15 cent plugs. Be 4 nuine. 1 . I I J + ) OUR a fine Steel to start with than for Lt remember a Steel dest price range to ntee protects you in lying a Steel Range rnnot fail to interest 0 to $65 for the Best lect to-day. CK & BRO., Columbia. S. S. THE QUALITY SELLS* A.Y & CO., 9 1 Eetail JED AID SSAffl, iOOF OATS. ters and Fanners of LexUs Before They Make Iheir ir Wants and Save You fc, COLUMBIA, S. C. YOU W scscsssscsccscssc oors. 5 ler Dry Goods j ill line of everything # i l's, Misses and Ladies' hats and W erything in these goods. We have f .oes. Shirts, Pants, in fact every- ^ A SPECIALTY. 5 ends to visit us before purchasing f r & sou, I Post Office, ? - s. c i kWWVWVWW t