The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, February 20, 1907, PAGES 5 TO 8., Image 11

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examine from time to time as hereinafter provided into the affaus of ail cispensalies, and liquor manut.ictliving establishments conducted in | the State. 44 Set? 40. K shall be the duty of in.eU dispensaiy auditor to make a thorough examination into all the books, papers and affairs of the said dispensaries and liquor manufaciurin^e^tabliyiuiK nts and in making - , such examinations he shall have authority to administer oaths and to summon and examine all persons connected with the said dispensary and liquor manufacturing establishment. He shall make a full and detailed report of his findings and file the same with the State treasurer and with the treasurer of thfe county in whieh the dispensary or liquor establishment may be located. Said examination and report of each dispensary and establishment shall be made at least once every three months. "Sec. 41. The term of office of the said dispensary auditor shall be four years, and he shall receive as compensation $2,000 per annum and * all actual expenses incurred by liirn in'the discharge of his duties. "Sec. 42. The said dispensary auditor is hereby authorized to prescribe a system of bookkeeping and accounts for the several county dispensary boards and to enforce the observance of the same. "Sec. 43. Ail accounts for salary and expenses of the dispensary auditor shall be submitted to and approved by the comptroller general and |p he shall apportion the same to and assess the same upon the several dispensaries in the State according to jj? ' ' their gross sales and the same shall ' be paid by the several county dispensary boards to the State treasurer tn he r>aid bv him uDon the war fc\' rants of the comptroller general. ^ "Sec. 44. Any person who may obstruct or interfere with said dispensary auditor in the performance of his duties shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding one year or by fine not exceeding $1,000. or both, in the discretion of the court, v \ "Sec. 45. If any inember of the county dispensary board, any dispenser, clerk or assistant in their employ, violates any of the provisions of this act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be removed from office. "Sec. 46. It shall be unlawful for any distiller manufacturer or brewer of any alcoholic liquors or beverages, or any dealer in any of said liquors or beverages, or any agent of any such distiller, manufacturer, brewer r or, dealer, to approach or consult personally, or attempt so to do, any member of any county dispessaiy board or any elerk in any dispensary or the dispensary auditor, regarding any particular brand or kind of liquor or beer for the purpose of recommending or influencing the purchase of any of said goods, or for j urging the consideration of any spe-1 eial qualities claimed for same, or; for any other puipose, or to address any personal communication by wire ^ or mail or by other means to any member of any of said county dispensary boards or to any dispenser or clerk in any dispensary or to the dispensary auditor concerning any liquors or beers of any brand or ; kind whatsoever which might ,be intended or calculated to influence either of said parties to urge or recommend or suggest the purchase of; same, or to attempt in any way to j influence either of said parties to give preference to his or their goods, or to present or suggest the presentation of any rebate, gift or thing of value whatsoever to any member of < any eounty dispensary board or to any dispenser or clerk in any dispensary or to the dispensary auditor for the purpose of influencing either of said parties, or for any other purpose: Provided, That nothing herein contained fshall be construed to prevent the offer and acceptance of any rebate intended and conditioned to be applied solely to the profits of the county dispensary in any cQunty \ in the State, said ofief and notice 01 rebate to be submitted with the bid j of the distiller, manufacturer, brewer, dealer or agent, as provided in I seelion 7, of this act. Any distiller, manufacturer, brewer, dealer or agent guilty of violating the terms of i this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction. shall be fined not less than $100 nor I more than $1,000, or be imprisoned at hard labor for a term of not less than six months nor more than two ' years, or both fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the _ court. Any i member of any county dispensary' board or any dispenser or clerk in a dispensary or dispesarv auditor who j shall personally consult with any distiller, manufacturer, brewer, deal-! er or agent as hereinbefore mentioned, or who permits any distiller, manufacturer or brewer, dealer or agent to approach him in the man-! A? J ~U~11 i ner above menuoneu or whu ?mui accept any rebate, gift or thing of value from any distiller, manufacturer, brewer, dealer or agent, except as herein provided, shall be subject to j immediate removal by the governor I and shall be deemed guilty of a mis-! demeanor, and upon conviction shall I be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, or imprisoned at hard labor for not less than six months jior mo:e than two years, or be both fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That it shall be unlawful for any distiller, manufacturer, brewer or dealer, or agent, after being adjudged guilty of violating the provisions of this I ctiou to do any further business in ' > i , this State, directly or through the intermediary of another firm,' person or corporation or by agent or attorney or otherwise; and it shall be unlawful for any county dispensary board after receiving notice that this section has been violated by any distiller, manufacturer, brewer or dealer, by agent or otherwise, to order any more liquors or beverages of any kind from said distiller, manufacturer, brewer or dealer,-or to display or offer for sale goods manufactured by any person, firm or corporation, vio ? ' ^ - - ?1- - latmg tnis section aner tue siul-r then on hand of said goods has been disposed of, and it is hereby declared to be the duty of the dispensary auditor to serve prompt notice upon all county dispensary boards of any and all convictions under this act. "Sec. 47. The State dispensary is hereby abolished and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this acts are hereby repealed: Provided, that this act shall not have the effect of preventing any violations of the present criminal law relating to the; dispensary being punished as now provided by law for offenses*?heretofore eomitted." "Sec. 4S. This act shall go into effect immediately upon its approval by the governor. "See. 49. Before selling or delivering any intoxicating liquors to any person, a request must be presented to the county dispenser printed or written, dated of the .true date stating that he or she is of age and the residence of the signer, for whom or iisp it ic rpnnirpd. thp miflntitv ~? i 7 and kind required, and his or lier true name, and the request shall be signed by the applicant in his own true name and signature attested by the county dispenser or his clerk who receives and files the requests. But the requests shall be refused if the county dispenser filling it personally knows the person is a minor, tkat he is intoxicated, or that he is in the habit of using intoxicating liquors to an excess: or if the applicant is not so personally known to said county dispenser, before filling said order or delivering said liquor he shall receive the statement of a reliable and trustworthy person of good character and habits, known personally to him, that the applicaiit is not a minor and is not in the habit of using intoxicating liquors to an excess, such request books shall be provided by the county boai*ds :n the manner and form as is provided in section 567 and 56S of the criminal code. A Proclamation "by the Governor. Gov. Martin F. Ansel Sunday night issued the following proclamation: "All dispensers-in charge of local dispensaries, by virtue of an act !known as the 1 dispensary law,' repealed the 16th day of February, 1907, are hereby ordered to close theid dispensaries and are required do keep them closed until the appointment of the new boards provided for in the act approved the 16th day of February, 1907, and until " it -i_ _i__ii i such time as saia Doarus suan iiuvc | taken stock and shall have made arrangements v;itli the board of commissioners to be appointed under the terms of an act 'to wind up the affairs of the State dispensary,' etc., which will issue orders for reopening the local dispensaries." Commission Appointed. Gov. Ansel has appointed the members of a commission of business men to wind up the affairs of the dispensary. The commission consists of Dr. W. J. Murray, Columbia, S. C.; Captain C. K. Hender, Aiken; McSweenev. Timmonsville; Nelson C. Poe, Greenville. Gov. Ansel has issued a proclamation and notified all county dispensaries to close until this commission can raeet and pass upon the bids of the county boards to be appointed. JFEMINIXE NEWS NOTES A fashion magazine says the girl of 1907 is tall and slim. Four-fifths of the operatives in the Japanese mills are women. A lady scientist has started for Java in search of the missing link. A lecturer in England recently said that five women virtually rule that country. JLrady Cook says that the women of England will have a franchise in less I than a year. The women of Basel, Switzerland, j are among the ablest ribbon makers in the world. New York women in a day pick lip 6,500,000,000,000 microbes on skirts, estimates a scientist. Mrs. Sage is losing no time in putting her money where she thinks it will do the most good. Under the new arrangement the Duchess of Marlborough's father wull allow her and the Duke each $100,000 a year. - Marie Corelli has stirred up an awful row by proclaiming that most of her sex are unlit to vote, because they paint and wear false frizzes. Five women were chosen as county treasurers in Idaho at the recent 1 election, and seventeen women as county superintendents of schools. Miss Harriet Bescher Stov/e,daughter of the famous writer o? that name, died at her home in Sims'oury, ! Conn., January 26, aged seventy I years. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson has written to the State Senate of North Carolina, declining to accept the pension of | $100 a month provided under a resolution. The Oklahoma Constitutional Convention killed the provision providing for woman suffrage by adopting a clause extending the right of suffrage to males only. REED SMOOT SPEAKS' Mormon Senator Addresses the Senate in Own Behalf HE MAKES A GOOD IMPRESSION Utah .Senator Delivers Long-Expected Address, Being Supported by Senator Diliingham in an Analytical Speech of Evidence Submitted in the Case. I ^Vnshi-i^'cn, Special. ? Senator Reed Sioool's icng expected address to the Senate in defense of his position as Sena!or from Utah, was the featuk of the session. He was supported bv Senator . Diilingham, of Veinj'-ul, in an analytical speech of the evidence, which had been subpolygamy,' ' said Mr. Smoot, "and demneu polygamy in the strongest terms and declared emphatically that he had taken no oath inconsistent with that he had taken as a Senator. "The Senate is entitled to know my personal attitude upon the subject of polygamy," said Mr. Smott, "and upon the subject of loyalty to this government. Upon these two matters I shall express myself brieflly, but with entire candor. " First, I desire to state, as I have repeatedly heretofore, stated to the Senate and to the country, that I am not and never have been a polygamist. I never have had but one wife, I and she is my present wife. 11 There has been a more or less prevalent opinion that the doctrine of polygamy was obligatory upon the members of the Mormon church, whereas, i* truth and fact no such ' obligatory doctrine has ever evisted. The revelation concerning polygamy, as originally made and as always in| terpreted is permissable and not mandatory. As a matter of fact, only a small percentage of the adherents of that faith have ever been polvgamists The vast majority of the adult members of the Church from its foundation to the present time have been monogamists. Part of Religious Faith. "The Mormon people, however, regarding this doctrine, although permissible in character, as part of their religious faith, and when the law was passed denouncing its practice, the execution of the law was resisted on the ground that it was unconstitutional, as being an interference with their religious liberty. Appeals were taken to the highest courts of the land, every phase of the subject was tested in the courts, and the law was upheld. Then the Church adopted the manifesto against polygamy, which was ratified by the genearl conference of the neople. and thereupon | the pratiee of polygamy for the future was abandoned. Ceremonies not Divulged. "Reference lias been made to an alleged treasonable obligation which it is sought to claim is a part of the Mormon endowment ceremonies, The Senate will understand that these? ceremonies are therefore not divulged. They were instituted in the Mormon Church by Jos. Smith, some time prior to his death, and are yet given as part of the temple ceremonies; be-ing of a religious character; they are for the living and for the dead; a a part of the Mormon belief being vicarious performenee of ordinance and ceremonies. i There does not exist in the endowment ceremonies of the Mormon Church the remotest suggestion of hostility or of antagonism to the United States or to any other nation. They are of a purely religious nature, wholly between the person taking ( them and his God, and, as with the ritual of various fraternal organozations, regarded as sacred and secret. < "In closing let me say under my obligation as a Senator that which I have said under oath before the comittee, that I have never taken oath or obligation, religious or otherwise, which conflicts in the slightest degree with mv duty as a Senator or as a citizen. I owe no allegiance to any Church, or other organization, which in any way interferes with ray supreme allegiance to ray country? an allegiance which I freely, fully and gladly give." Prominent Manufacturer Dead. Watcrbury, Conn., Special.?D. S. Plume, treasurer of the Plume & AtI wood Manufacturing Company, and j prominent in the affairs of the American Brass Company, died at his home in this city. He was SS years of age. He leaves one son. Frank C. Plume, and a daughter, Mrs. John Gary Evans, wife of an ex-Governor of South Carolina. Sea Superstition. All the old seadogs of League Island agree that the new battleship Tennessee Is destined to experience some misfortune. When the commission pennant was unfurled on the Tennessee, instead of floating out in a long, narrow streamer, it wrapped itsel* around the mast, and continued to do so every time it war unwrapped. The sailors say that this happens rarely, but when it does it forebodes evil. When the battleship Missouri, on which the disastrous turret explosion occurred, went into commission her pennant did the same thing.?Phila-, delphia Record. The Badge of Honesty Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce's 8 Golden Medical Discovery because a full " list of the ingredients composing it is printed there in plain English. Forty years of experience has proven its superior worth as a blood purifier and invigorating tonic for the cure of stomach disorders and all liver ills. It builds up the rundown system as no other tonic can in p which alcohol is used. The active medicinal principles of native roots such as Golden Seal and Queen's root, Stone and Mandrake root, Bloodroot and Black Chcrrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure, triplcrofmAd frlv<*f?rine. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce at Buffalo, N. Y? for free booklet which quotes extracts from well-recognized raed- . ical authorities such as Drs. Bartholow, n King, Scudder, Coe, Ellingwood and a host of othepS, showing that these roots <p can be depended upon for their curative action in all weak states of the stomach, accompanied by indigestion or dyspepsia as well & in&U bilious or liver complaints and in ^fl/wastingdiseases" where thero is loss^Kflesh and gradual running down of tkrstrength and system. L The "Golden Medical Discovery * makes *? ricKT pure blood and so invigorates and Fegulates the stomach. liver and bowels. TJ oud. through them, the whole system. won Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples jn ^ and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel- jg w lings and old open running sores or ulcers care are cured and healed. In treating old rj^e running sores, or ulcers, it is well to in- thiri sure their healing to apply to them Dr. pf Pierce's All-Healing Salve. If your drug- an^ gist don't happen to havo this Salve in ^ stock, send fifty-four cents in postage fron stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel -.q-* and Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. Y., and p w a large dox of the "All-Healing Salve" p VL will reach you by return post. 1 You can't afford to accept a secret nos- *a&d trum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic, carr medicine of kxown composition, not the even though the urgent dealer may prer thereby make a little bigger profit. in j Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate th and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take J?5? as candy. ' fron Victory gives no account ot her ac- are ] tions.?Curtis the Batavian. fact N Piles Cured in C to 14 Days. IllPazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding T f. Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c, ^ ( Unity is a precious diamond.? Holydays. dicir little FITS, St. Vitus'Danc* :Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. &cti Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. A blow threatened was nevr well i Lyd given.?Italian. m)W fn-Ksu. & V / JjJ Personal knowledge is I \L(Jr ^ comPeti^ve age and wh (jLwffl possessor in the front ranks c / JMW The Well In (JiSyl A vast fund of personal knowl< ?Jr highest excellence b any. field of hui Sm A Knowledge of Forms, jr edge of Products are all of th< t* when a true and wholesome remedy raj of Figs and Elixir of Senna, mand u ethical product which has met with 1 u 4 gives universal satisfaction, because it v? Known Quality, Knowr ffl Parts and has won the valuable pi nl world, who know of their own persor ll and best of family laxatives, for whic TO This valuable remedy has be \l under the name of?Syrup of Figs H wide acceptance as the most excelle laxative principles, obtabed from Ser and the Well Informed of the adopted the more elaborate i Elixir of Senna?as more but doubtless it will alw ^ime of?Syrup of Fi effects, always i name of the Co <?& ?or USE TAYLOR'S S PUTNAM 1 color more goods brighter aud faster colors than any oth?k,. 4j dye any garment without ripping apart. \Vrite for tree be mm OB To convince any Eg H B woman that PaxHi jjg ? ! tine Antiseptic will ,fi|9 IB r" improve her health B IB HbLi and do all we claim |9t IKUDjor jt, wo will send her absolutely free a large trial ^ box of Paxtine with book of instructions and'genuine testimonials. Send . your name aud address on a postal card. cuiiy DAYTIME- ? i MA I lllE?- A!a a BiflQ a n a ? brane af. lliClr fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic giocn catarrh and inflammation caused by feinl- menu nine ills; sore eyes, sore throat and Addre mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles is extraordinary and gives immediate relief. D Thousands of women are using and reo- | ommendtng n every oay. ou ccius tst( | druggists orby mail. Remember, however, B B IT COSTS YOU NOTIIIXO TO TRY IT. B they | THE K. PAXTON CO., Bofcton, Msua. I deat ftanawa?gjawimrva.uu i, fra?nfl teth i HREE EPOCI ^ A W( IRS. ELVA BARBER EDWARDS lere are three critical stages in a xan's life which leave their mark er career. The first of these stages omanhood, or the change from a free girl to budding womanhood, second is mothernood, and the d is Change of Life. ;rils surround each of these stages, most of the misery that comes vomen through ill health dates 1 one or another. of these imant crises. omen should remember that Lydia 'inkham's Vegetable Compound e from native roots and herbs has ied thousands of young girls over critical period of puberty, has lared mothers for childbirth, and ater years carried them safely ugh the change of life more sucfujly than any other remedy in world. Thousands of testimonials Is grateful persons, two of which here published, substantiate this beyond contradiction. [rs. George Walters of Woodlawn, writes i - Mrs. Pinkham:? feel it mv duty to tell you of tho good a E. Pinhhara's Vegetable Comnound lone me in preparing for childbirth, r suffering and losing my children a id advised me to try your valuable mete. and the result was that I had very (inconvenience, a quick recovery and During its long record of more lal cures, entitles Lydia E. Pin respect and confidence of every lia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coi HE \?U.UE OF nalKnow he winning factor in the culminating en of ample character it places it: )f formed of the World. edge is really essential to the- achiever nan effort , Knowledge of Functions anc e utmost value and in questions of life r is desired it should' be remembered factured by the California Fig Syrup the approval of the most eminent ph) : is a remedy of t Excellence and Known Co 'milli/vne !>#? \X/pll Tnfnfl IUUllage KJI Iiuinwiio .. ? ial knowledge and from actual use that h no extravagant or unreasonable claim en long and favorably known ;?and has attained to worldnt family laxative. As its pure ma, are well known to physicians ; world to be the best we have lame of?Syrup of Figs and i fully descriptive of the remedy, .tfj ays be called for by the shorter 'J gs?and to get its beneficial j/J lote, when purchasing the full 'Jj impany ? California Fig Syrup M on the front of every package, ffl :r you call for ? Syrup of Figs ffi by the full name ? Syrup of \y I Figs and Elixir of Senna. / J U.S.A. LONDON,ENGLAND. :ee'Remedy of Sweet G s, Colds, LaGrippe J? , A n IT V IT re. One 10c. package colors all fibers. They dy >oklet?How to Dye, Bleach and Hlx Colors, ill CABBAGE Plai and all kinds of garden plants, plants, grown In the open air a WrB. OI the >?<M( reliable see t^SEraP^Tis oUr thousand acre true* farm. ] k^raJrSSPS packed. Celery ready last of De time or earlier Kedi.ced expre *5to\F(53r2iB * *11 give us 60 per cent less tha wjLAAF gl.:o per thousand large lot 91 uetts.S. c. Arllngf n \V hlte i-p J*. i b.Meggetls, S. C. 'lLe I. utab'lshed an Experimental Mation on out fan Cabbages, the results of these experiment* Vnnr* reanertfullt Bf. f| riFICIAL LIMBS FREE?Crippleswit'i fere:ice*ait> honesty will be given wore In own town bv wnicii they can earn the lies; inb; mad; *pec:al!y to order the.r measure* i; guaranteed. Cost you at>4oiuto.y no tnouey. M WlKDSOK, lbo Washington St., CnleagO. So. 8-'07. ;ver hurt those whom you love; will avenge themselves after h.?Carmen Slyva (Queen Elizaof Roumania). i US IN OMAN'S LIFE MRS."GEORGE WALTERS as healthy a child as can be found anywhere. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a blessing to ail expectant mothers." Mrs, Elva Barber Edwards, of Cathlamet, Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? ,4I want to tell you bow Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound carried me through th^fcfitical period-of the Crmnge of Life without any trouble whatever, also cured mo of a very severe female weakness, I cannot say enough in praise of what your medicine has done for mo." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Ed wards it will do for other women in their condition. Every suffering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following invitation. It is free, will bring you health and may save your life, Mrs. Ptakfcam's Invitation to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Eer advice is free and helpful. > than thirty years its long list of kham's Vegetable Compound to p fair minded person. npound Wakes Sick Women Weil. . and health . ^MrtW'T'l that Syrup J~ ^Skljj ' new york.ny^ am and Muliein SEdV^E! t and Lung Troubles. Thoroughly teeted irs. All Druggiets. 2 5c, 50c aud Sl.OO. SS DYES e in cold water better than any other dye. l'ou ca* O.N ROE DRUG CO., Union villa, jUissouri \ts, CELERY Plants Can now furnish all kinds ft cabbage nd will staid great coid. wn?wn from KwJSlfiyi dsmcn. We use the same plant* on Plant* cart-fully counted and properly PI-IJVfl, HiVS C. l.ettuce, Onion and Reel plants, same Bi', 4Hj i/!|l ss rates piomlsea.which,when effective IMlA jKiipl n merchant!be rate*, l'rlces: Small lots fl (X) to $1.25 per thousand, K. O It. Meglnr Cucumber Seed 60 cents l er poutui. BKnAJM :nited State* Agricultural Detartmeut us, to test all kinds ?>f vegetaole*. espewe will be pleaded to give you at unr f. 1II.1TCU (X)MPA\1. MEGGE1TS, M. C. l:~U0jUI7MTTT0 Llglll OA !I fllll/LD LATH AND SHIHSLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD,?** S^ThompsoD'sEyeWotei