The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 30, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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?uw?u iu .Mji.tuj iuu.>)ijjw'?i?.?miw*'iiij?wiy'u ik WE WISH RAPPl AND PROS * The New Year calls for your accounting. Ledgers, Double ai Journals, 2, 3, 4 ar Cash Books, 2 and ?* i -ni _ u > VBJ hooks, uioxLe: Receipts, Drafts ai Full line of the mc Ledgers. If from our large am v | the exact book to suit y< I in I ! MASON { ===== THE WHITE ROTA! fe-';V ? $ - \ ' The design and finish of t to equal it has yet appeared | STEADY, ST* Has a very large Bobbin?! 1; , BALL I A LIGHT RUNNER-STRONG ar : (White SHUTTLE Machine lias be* The NEW HOME stands at the top ' Always on hand good Second Hani machine attacliments, shuttles, belts a J. H. BERRY, 1802 Mai fSOUTHERN mH ?? .. . T Unexcelled Din fv' ? Through Pullman Sle< a Convenient Schedi Jjk For foil informatio f commit nearest Southei W B.W.HXWT BROOKS MORGAN, j Spr' f i Old Reliable Standard SHOES! jVear a pair of our Koi queror Sboes and tq i . can t go wrong. Sold only by COHEN'S SHOE STORE 1636 Main Street, COLUMBIA, - - S. i Carolina National Bant ORGANIZED 1868. Jlsstts Ovtr $1,500,000.00. UNITED STATES, STATB JMNTY AND CT DEPOSITORY. Capital Paid in - $200,(H Surplus Profits 72,01 Liability of Stockholders 200,0( $472,01 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 p cent, per annum, payable quarterly. Loans to merchants and farmers specialty. Orn motto is: ' A helpi: hand and a square deal to all." BOND ACCOUNT. U. S. Bonds $250,CM South Carolina Bonds - 50,01 City Columbia Bonds - 50,(M November 9th, 1905, number of I positors, 2,480. Amount of Deposi 11,192,729.55. Your business solicited. W. A. CLABE, President. T. H. MEIGHAN, Cashier. K r,' . ? * 0; YOU A MOST | iPIRIIi Iff SEAR! =_ ? I I !S for the opening of new books |i $ id Single Entry. | id 6 colnmns. ? 3 columns. *' I r3, Memorandum Books. | id Note Books. jj >st Popular Loose Leaf ? 'I ? varied stock you do not find fe i )u, we can make it. n IC TEMPLE, j ! I - - - - - S. C j 9 naTMUOH he stand is unexcelled. Nothing on the market. rIFT AND SUBE. Holds more thread than any other. SEARING, Ld durable. It is something new. m in use twenty-five years.) of SHUTTLE machines. I have the latest. 1 Machines. Needles for all machines and ,nd the best pure SPERM OIL. in Street, Columbia, S. C. 'railway!^ ? tt> ing Car Service, J aping Cars on ail Trains, X lies on Local Trains. ^ n as to rates, routes, etc. n Bail way Ticket Aarent or * > , D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. L6.P.1, Atlanta, Ga. . w ) | memin| Before You Purchase Any Other Write m HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE, MA8S. Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the 44 Xew Home " is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions . _ Of the trade. The 44 New Home " stands at the bead of all High-grade family sewing machines U Sold by authorized dealers only, for sal: s* W. P. KOOF, Torino S f! ^ I , ; ?at? '' DERRICK'S DRUG STORE, ? LEXINGTON, S. C., , Will be found YAGER'S Cream Chlor ; roform Liniment, the greatest of all | liniments for Man or Beast, Rheu* ; matism especially. ^ j YAGER'S Sarsaparilla, the best of Tonics and Blood Purifiers. ' YAGER'S Oleo-Vino, the System Builder and best of Cod Liver Oil ri Preparations?You can't taste the Oil. jq j Ask For Yager's Remedies at DERRICK'S DRUG STORE. M) ? (Hysteria?Woman's Friend) - KINARD'S HOTEL, J. C. KINARD, Proprietor, Leesiville, - S. C jq The best attention given guest. Modern conveniences. Table supplied with :i best the market affords. )0 t8' hairrbalsam rXftfBMKfS* im Clww acd th? tmSx. Ml Promote* a luxuriant grovtK. RgWfe- to Bwtoro aruy MUgyjMKiSSJRgS Hair to lta Vonth/ul Color. Ths Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 30, 1807, A. FBA2SE LEVEE DID IT. Big River Appropriation Secured by Him, "Fine business, getting Congressman Burton down here; yes, sir, fine business it was. If he hadn't come here and seen for himself just what we need and can use to advantage, we'd never have this good news to crow over?and let it be remembered, too, that it was our own congressman, A Frank Lever, who brought him." These and other of similar tenor were the remarks this morning of a Columbia business man, in discussing the news, brought press dispatches, that the appropriation bill, which will be favorably reported to congress today, carries an item of ?150,000 for "improving the Santee, Wateree and Congaree rivers and the EsthervilleMinim creek canal," and for extending the improvement work on the Congaree from Gervais street to Granby. The sum named is all the more gratifying, because it is just exactly double the maximum amount recommended for the work by the government engineer, Captain Howell. The approval of this item by the committee on rivers and harbors absolutely insures the early completion of the improvement work that will put the Congaree into navigable 9hape all the way down to salt water. There, seems no reason whatever for doubting that this large appropriation is directly the result of Congressman Burton's visit to Columbia and his trip of inspection down the river to Georgetown. He is chairman of the committee on rivers and harbors and makes it a rule personally to inspect every waterway for which money is asked. He is so well informed and painstaking that the committee is guided very largely by his advice. Certainly, Columbia could not have secured the appropriatipn over his disapproval.?Columbia Record, Jan. 24. We Guarantee Satisfaction. J. A. Brogdon, of the National Sign Co., Dayton, 0., mites under date of Oct. 12, 1906: "Nosena is the only preparation I have ever used that relieves my affection so speedily and pleasantly. I am getting the first real pleasure out of breathing that I liave experienced since I contracted catarrh six years ago. Money would not buy my tube of Nosena if I could not get another. Buy Nosena from Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Corley and get your money back if not satisfied. Sample tube and booklet by mail 10 cents. Brown Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. and Greenville, Tenn. John D. Rockefeller, the oil king, attended a negro church in Augusta on Sunday, and dropped $20 in the roll pet,inn basket. Prevents Headache. Force them! No?aids them. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver arid digestive organs so that they do their own work and fortifies your constitution against future trouble. Entire treatment 25c. Derrick's Drug Store and C. E. Cor ley. Will Kennedy, aged 20, was struck on the head with a plow handle by Elmer Mahan, aged 13, at Rome, Ga., on Saturday and killed. The Price of Peace. The terrible itching and smarting, incident to certain skin diseases, is almost instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price. 25 cents. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. An economical way to keep house is to board. iff says many a doctor to his ^ lady patients, because he gl doesn't knew of any medi- || cine that wilj cure female j0 troubles except the surgreen's knife. ' BThat such a medicine exists, however, is proved by || thousands of cures made by gS ff Cures Womb $ Disease 1 w.4i MS *3 It has saved the lives of many m weak, sick women and rescued oth- H ers from a lifetime of chronic sick- jm ness. It will cure you if you will B only give it a chance. Try it. B K3 Sold by all druggists and deal- m h ers in $1.00 bottles. M S GAVE UP SUPPORTER. flj *5$ 441 wore a supporter for four fl years, to keep up my womb," B aft writes A\rs. S. J. Chrisman, of B jjfl Mannsville, N. Y. 4 4 My doctor said B m no medicine would help me. After B H taking Cardul 1 gave up my sup- B O porter and am now well." m I After .sating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have'been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE? and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feelings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. In SSemoriam. The 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glover departed this life the 31st. da;r of December, 19C6. She had gone to spend Christinas with her grand-father and mother at Trenton, S. C. While away pneumonia seized her, and after a few days, the Lord took her to be with Him. Her remains were brought back to her home near Gaston, and placed in the ceme terv at Sandy Ran Baptist church. The funeral services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Me Gill, of Gaston. Annie was a member of the Sunday school at Sandy Run and a faithful scholar. She was a beautiful, bright, obedient child, and much loved by all that knew her. We cherish the hope that she shall some day live again. In our weak and sinful ways we kiiow not how to serve the Lord, but letups be willing to submit to His holy aiid blessed will, to Him that knoweth land doeth all things well. Since God, in His wisdon;, has called her, her parents and relatives have lost an obedient child and sister; and our Sunday school one of its most faithful little workers. 0. F. Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy a Guaranteed Cure. If you suffer from Dyspepsia or Indigestion in any form, gas. belching, bitter taste, offensive bad breath, dizzy spells, sour stomach, heart flutter nausea, gastritis, loathing of food, pains or swelling in the stomach, back or side, deep-seated kidney or liver trouble, then they will disappear in a short time after taking Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, made especially to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, M-wn nf worst eases Tvner's Dvs pepsia remedy expells the gasses and sweetens the breath. It cures. Sick Headache, Colic and Constipation at once. Druggist or by express 50 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to cure. Derrick's Drug store, Lexington, S. C. South C&roliua If au Leads. South Carolina is once more declared the banner corn-growing section of the whole world. The first prize in the contest for the largest amount of corn raised on one acre of land to A. J. Kindall, of Clarendon county, who raised 182 bushels on one acre of his farm, the decision being rendered and the prize awarded by an international commission sitting at Springfield, Mass. In addition to the pride and distinction that, comes to Mr. Kindal, the Palmetto state is gratified at his success, which wall be an advertisement of untold good for this garden spot of the world. Disturbed the Congregation. The person who disturbed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey aud Tar. The Kaufmaim Drug Co. Popular Sporting Journal. The ever ready and reliable "Police Gazette Sporting Annual" has made its reappearance, more complete and beautiful than ever. It is published by Richard K. Fox, Franklin Square, New York, and is a veritable mine of information, so far as sporting matters are concerned. It contains, within a small space, all the important boxing records, as well as records of 4.1.^ ..-./-vT.l/l /"?rvTY?TY?1o^ Kir Sam une cLLiiictiu vvjiiu, ivj C. Austin, and as a pocket encyclopedia is invaluable. It is illustrated with fine halftone portraits of the ring, the turf and the field, while the cover is a particularly handsome one. Its correctness as to dates and other statistical information makes it indispensable for reference purposes. The price is ten cents and two cents extra for postage. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipatad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. The Kaufmanu Drug Co. Four men w<?re killed and 12iniured near Albany, N. Y., on Tuesday by a collision between a locomotive and a caboose filled with laborers. Bad Stomach Trouble Cured. Having: been sick for the past two years with a bad stomach trouble, a friend gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They did me so much good that I bought a bottle of them and have used twelve bottles in all. Today I am well of a bad stomach trouble.?Mrs. John Lowe, Cooper, Maine. These tablets are for sale by Tne Kaufmann Drug Co. THOMASi (OPPOSITE PO COZyCT^IE WHOLESALE AND : Men, Women anil My stock is large, was carefully selected both the city aud country trade and S in style, shapes and toes, down to tin which are made of solid leather an market for the money. I want t child in Lexington county and offer some extraoi Your are cordially invited to call at my s office, when in the city, and I will tak and explaining their merits. Polite will strive to please y ft DR. W H. TIMMERMA3ST, IT. i President. PAID UP capita: E. F. STROTHER, Attorney, Announces to the public that it is now all the conveniences and facilities of sue modating terms. Deposits solicited. 4 ] quarterly. Friends and acquaitances ar Bank whether they have business or not Directors?Dr. W. H. Tinrmerman, Di P. Timmerman, E. F. Strother, Isaac Ed "AT THE STORE T We propose making 1 record breaker, and right by offering some bargains that we hav< before the trade. 25 dozen Misses' and Children's Satin Caps, satin lined, the 25c. kind, for each 10c. 25 dozen Ladies' 25c. Corset Covers, for each 17Jc. 10 dozen Ladies' 50c. Corset Covers, eacn 25c. 5 dozen Ladies' 75c. Night Gowns only, each .. 50c. 25 dozen Ladies' 50c. and 75c. Waists to close out at, each o9c. 25 dozen 50c. and 75c. Silk Baby Caps to close ont at, each 25c. j 50 ladies' heavy black Stockings, the best ever offered for, pair 25c. ! 2o pieces fine All-Linen Table Damask, some 72-inch wide. 100 dozen Cotton Towels, the 10c. and 15c. kind, only, the dozen 89c. One lot of 10c. end loc. Embroideries for, the yard 5c. One lot of 10c. and loc, Laces for, the yard 5c. 100 Alarm Clocks, sold everywhere for $1.00, our price 59c. 55 only .$1.50 and $2.00 Watches, for this sale, each. .99c. 10 dozen large size Glass Pitchers, formerly sold at 25c., now 10c. 500 pieces Fine Decorated Chinaware, worth 10c. each, now 5c. 25 Men's #>.50 Silk Fancy Vests, now each $1.95 25 dozen Boys' Heavy 25c. Black Stockings, for this sale, pair 15c. 5 dozen Ladies'$3 .50 Fine Black Sateen Waists for this sale 99c. 5 dozen Men's $1.00 Silk Mufflers, for this sale, each 50c. Opposite the Theatre. COLTTMB I. BOYNE, ST OFFICE.! 31^-, S. C., RETAIL DEALER IN Children's Shoes, with a view of supplying the demands of Shoes from the most fashionable cuts j seviceable every day plow shoe, all of d emnrfl.iif.Apd fin hp the best 021 the :o shoe every man, woman and to do this I am prepared to dinary bargains in r ess Footwear. itore 1736 Main Street, opposite the post e pleasure in showing you my stock attention will be given you and I on in quality and price. X. GUNTER, . A. C. JONES, Vice President. Assistant Cashier, L STOCK, $30,000.00. - - - BATESBURG, S. C. located in the new Bank Building with v cessful banking. Monies to loan an accomper cent, on time deposits interest payable e cordially invited to call on Officers of and see our institution. ? M. U. Boatright, U. X. Gunter, Dr. W i 1 _ TTT 1T 1 1 T TT1 T7? .waras, vv xv. oneaiy, o. x. zxiiewe. HAT'S DIFFERENT." the month of October a will begin the month * of the most wonderful i yet been able to place 15 dozen Men's heavy Fleece-Lined Undershirts and Pants, 50c. kind for this sale, the garment 37$c 25 dozen Ladies' 10c. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, for this sale, each 5c. 5 dozen Ladies' 25c. Hose Supporter^, for this sale, pair, . 10c. 500 yards All-Linen Table Damask, for this sale, yard 25c. 25 dozen Misses' 15c. fine Black Stockings, for this sale, pair 11c. 100 only extra good Men's Umbrellas, for this sale, each 99c. 10 boxes 10c. Sweet Soap, for this sale, cake 5c. 1 pair regular 50 cent. Cuff Buttons for 25o. 2 regular 25c. China Pitchers for 25c. 2 regular 25c. Butter Dishes for 25c. 2 regular 25c. Buggy Whips for 25c 1 pair Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gloves, the 50c. kind, for 25c. 15 yards Silk Ribbon, all colors 25c. ? 2 yards "25c. Taffeta Ribbon for 15c. 5 dozen fine Pearl Buttons for. 25c. 10 pair oc. Shoe Strings for 25c. 2 pair 25c. Side Combs for 25c. 4 Ladies' 10c. Back Combs for 25c. 25 Gold Plated Collar Buttons for.. .25c, 10 spools best Spool Silk for 25c. 12 Ladies' 5c. Mourning Handerchiefs for 25c. 20 Spools Turkey Red Cotton 25c. 2 pairs Men's regular 25c. Half-Hose for 25c, / Hundreds of other bargains for [Spo Cash. 8 Come to see us; look us over. Will be glad to siiow vou through, FURTICK, "The Store That is Different. IA S. C OUR PIES ave found favor with everybody babes and men, the little girl in Lnafores and her mother and he. J?-i-"U .... 4.1. ~ I cLUULLLU ILLCI (tlC UI LUC veet, delicious, wholesome, lelt-in - your -mouth kind, and re're anxious to have you try tiem if you don't know the proacts of our ovens. If you do now we won't have to ask you. EIDLINGER'S STEAM BAKERY, COLUMBIA, S. C. ? 9 "