The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 23, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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?*??? C?OOO0O??OS1O?0?3??O ?$????3??#9?9?00?0C?00 !"#%! FALL I?06t 2 .^pyL WE now have a complete stock of k|?; Mf :Cj'^Fall and Winter Shoes in all leathers si ll ^^r*' /%{ vlP?flfB& and toes suitable for every day HARD III IWEAR for men, women and children. Also the neat and natty dress Shoes to ? ?*rong romis in uur onyns. J s<<^/- SOLID LEATHER inner soles, coun%; ,1 ters and uppers, perfect fitting and abso lute comfort. Prices the lowest (for the . Quality) that can be liad. ^aaast*^ - EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. . I E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, 2 1710 Main Street Columbia, S. C. & # oeoeeeo?egeoee?eeeeee#e##eeeeo#oee?e#e3s I^T' ' < ilAlAlAldbMfcirfl li i* i* i * Lombard Iron Works and Supply Co. ^ 1 (All A /N i" HAI a I ] AUUUv) I Ay ucunuiA \- i Foundry* Machine and Boiler Works and Mill Supply Store. Engines, Boilers, <0? Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Construction; Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, < Cane and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs; Building. Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Railv. c , road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Belting, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, a Oilers, etc.; Shafting, gdlej?^ Mid^an^ers, Capacity for 300 Hands Atlas and Erie ENGINES, Korting and < - Leader Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. High Grade Mill BOILERS Built to Hartford Specifications a Specialty Locomotive Tender Tanks LIGHT SAW MILLS <i GASOLINE ENGINES in Stock m-9. : Quick Shipment. . d T?at> Vai 1t? ^ , W A' \JJk -X. u Ui < GROCERIES, I p| GRAIN, | | PEED, | 1 HARDWARE, 5 | PAINTS, | | OILS, ETC., I ||l Always Consult i I Lorick & Lowrance, Inc.,] I! i WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL, J J Columbia, - S. C, 5 T" ?L ,r WHY SAW WOOD BY HAND wh~. I e^ga 2 H P* S" Trades Gasoline Engine fi jW/?l n dpi costs so little and will do as much work as ten or twe^ve 0,01 at ^eas (han one-tenth of one I BS^Im V T| man's pay. It b sent all set up. ready to run. Can he belted to any (arm machinery. Grinder, Sheller, Shredder, Hay Press, Pump, Churn, B g OtW aire a <rf eagioea op to 200 H. P., operate oa B Cut ?ut complete wlrcrtiaemeot and send for ?Hu?- K |':f FAIRBANKS, MORSE CO., Chicago, m. I WE HAVE FOR SALE w One 35 horse power Talbott, second hand engine, in stock which has recently been overhauled. This engine is in first class condition and will be a great bargain for anyone who is in the market for such a size engine. $ We are headquarters for anything in the way of machinery supplies, and prompt attention will be given to all inquiries and orders entrusted to our care. Write us when yon are in tiie market for anything, and be sure to get our prices before you order elsewhere. May 30. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., Columbia. S. C. F 0 L Elf S QISTILLEFUnd DEALER H0NEY?>TAR T|iii | est market prices for Crude, I flu original based upon Savannah quota LAXATIVE cough remedy. ^ For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. .No opiates. Non-alcoholic. 1 R 1 L L TK5 COUGH I Good for every body. Sold every where. | OJIE91? TMf I IINrfii The genuine | a FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in I WITH Ha? I a Yellow package. Refuse substituted. | a 0 Bui US S I Prepared only by 9 aa cab ? E Foley * Company, Chicago. 1 lAW iBICPAVOi'V I The Kaufmann Drug Co. | ill!>WlJ 101 J 1 |.nn Consumption $'*" Price I urT t\ ?*% APPPIIPTl IFOR ( 1 0UGH8and 60c&$1,00 1 HELP IS OFFERED ?U I TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE !J Surest and Quickest Cure for all g We earnestly request all young persons, no matter THROAT and LUNG TROUB- I how limited their means or education, who wish to H LBS. Or MONEY BACK. ? obtain a thorough business training and good position, to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and probable fortune j _ ... . are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. j Place an Order With US IOT n. fe-aa. b?i?? ciu*. Hacoa, m Job printing. ; - -X' aggSt DK3MmBRSECPVflKE3S(K*lsmC5g*B3HQre raiCKiX-'iiiT'W*m3wi-c-' >i The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday. January 23,1907. J. T. Hay Dies Suddenly. Camden, Jan. 16.?Senator James T. Hay died here tonight at 10:45 o'clock, after a very brief illness. He had be< n suffering for the past few months wi h heart trouble, and was found this afternoon in his office at 4 o'clcrck in ? ?- or>rl irrocj im. ^ <111 UiK'UiiOUlUUO V/UilUXUVll uiiVi V?ud Alii J m^iately carried to his home, where * he received the attention that medi| cal aid could render him. He was "in | harness" at the time of his death, be[ ing found in his office, where he had l gone immediately after dinner to [ work. His death came as a great J surprise to many people and is a de> cided shock to Camden. He was one [ of the most prominent citizens of | Kershaw, and has served her in many > capacities, both as a legislator and as a citizen. The funeral will probably take place ' tomorrow afternoon. * The death of Senator Hay will * doubtless prove a great shock to many I people in this State. It will be re* membered that he was chairman of * | the dispensary investigating com! mittee. i ' 4 <l> > i II How to Avoid Pneumonia. ' i You can avoid pneumonia and other 1 serious results from a cold by taking > Foley's HoDey and Tar. It stops the . cough and expels the cold from the sys, j tem as it is mildly laxative. Refuse ! anv bnfc the genuine in the vellow nack age. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Fairbanks News. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Geo. Bouknight is now occupying his new dwelling. Messrs. "W. D. Huffstetler and S. C. Fulmer's children are still very sick. Mr. 1ST. P. Koon is erecting a new dwelling. Rev. Enoch Hite preached a strong and impressive sermon in St. Thomas' church last Sunday. He is a faithful servant of God. . The school at Pine Ridge is progressing nicely under the management of Prof. M. P. Lindler. The debate at Pine Ridge last Fri- ^ day was largely attended. The de- * baterswere: Messrs. P. B. Lindler, J. H. Amick, 0. K. Huffstetler, D. L. Y Shealy, L. C. Fulmer and A. M. Huff- 0 J T stetler. Meno. , . F q Special Announcement Be- e garding the National Pure t Food and Drug Law. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, * colds and lung troubles is not affected r by the National Pore Food and Drug "5 law as it contains no opiates or other . harmful drags, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. v l The TCfliifmATiTi T>mcr CV> o ?? 0 Hrrl&TMtigfttia; Coaaittw. e President T. G. McLeod of the senate has appointed Messrs. Niels Chris- a tensen, Jr., of Beanfort and W. N. c Graydon of Abbeville members of the d committee for the investigation of the affairs of the State dispensary. The house members of the committee are Messrs. E. M. Rucker, Jr., John G B Richards, Jr., and J. P. Carey. d Wise Counsel From the South. ? "I want to give some valuable advice j to those who suffer with lame back and t kidney trouble," says J. R. Blanken- c ship, of Beck, Tenn, "I have proved ? to an absolute certainty that Electric y Bitters will positively cure this distressing condition. The first bottle gave me ? great relief and after taking a few more c bottles, I was completely cured; so completely that it becomes a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." Sold under guarntee at Kaufmann Drug Co. * Price 50c. * Hilled "by Own Hand. I J. O. McDaniel, a prominent business man of Cartersville, Ga., shot and killed himself Thursday just after signing a- deed conveying a piece of f I fn o wofft- in A r?Vtx*nvr/h Tt ^ J^A. CJ bV U J|7Ui t J ill liVtt T( VA b!A( -V j is supposed that financial troubles 2 caused the rash act. . a j For that \ :j Dandruff j' [There is one thing that will I i cure it?Ayer's Hair Vigor. | It is a regular scalp-medicine. | It quickly destroys the germs ! 1 which cause this disease. |j Ii he unhealthy scalp Dscomes E healthy. The dandruff disap- ? pears, fcad to disappear. A healthyscalpmeansagreatdeal to you?healthy hair, no dandruff,no pimples,no eruptions. 1 The best kind of a testimonial? "Sold for over sixty years." A Made by J. C. Ajrer Co.. Lawell, Maai. Al?o manufacturers of JL1 y SARSAPAKILLA. rxxiers C^M^KTORALJ , J . i . This man bought a s out acquainting himself v . of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, qualities that gratify his less expense than cheap 1 SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this paper so that every chewer has had an opportunity to get acquainted with the facts and know that drugs are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept other and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure. Coug&ei up ths Acorn.! HP Newbery, S. C., Jan. 17.?Aftersuf- *** ' erirg for two months with an acorn Vlj O ^|L n his windpipe, John Andrew Sat- ~, erwhite, a young college student, yes- L1 |T 1^ [^T erday coughed up the object which las been threatening his life during "5a ?S 4->r* il% his period. JaXTCIX? Satterwhite sucked the acorn into his 1 1 A H windpipe la^t November, while with JL%*XjLA ither students on the college campus. "Von T\9\ V 9i le was hurried to the Columbia hos- * >ital, where he was operated upon. OrCllIlairj lie missile could not be found, how- Range lasts ver, and the surgeons were hopeful Onr linfl a hat it had been coughed up. VJUr JILL? g The young man was discharged from select from. he hospital several weeks ago, and "nil TCll2lSill?r eturned to his home in this city. * -jr nnJ Yesterday he was taken with a vio- yOw. COIJ ent coughing spell, in the midst of of any size, rhich he coughed up the acorn. The <rTf\n ttti+h dt bject was about the size of the end 1 "D f a man's finger, and had jagged ot6?l Xv?LIlg( w M He is now on the road to recovery, |JL?E fter having had a very narrow esape,-for in most cases of this kind " . :eat$ is the inevitable result. ' ~~ ^ === ? ? v THE PRICES TEt Cured of Lung Trouble. __ 1 "It is now eleven years since I had a "JJ .. | i arrow escape from consumption," JLJ J rrites C. O. Floyd, a leading business nan of Kersliaw, S. C. "I had run [own in weight to 135 pounds, and oughing was constant, both by day and y night. Finally I began taking Dr. Ling's New Discovery, and continued /fT} A/I TIT) 0 his for about six months, when my ItKIIIjKKX ough and lung trouble were entirely vWVvi4A6lW| ;one and I was restored to my normal reight, 170 pounds." Thousands of Cj >ersons are healed every year. Guaran- v' eed at Kaufman n Drug Co. 50c and 11.00. Trial bottle free. We Want the A If a girl has the toothache she'il try . , Countv o account for it m some romantic ' isuuniy vay- Purchases. We If parents had been the kind they ell their children to be they would DJoiiey. lave been freaks. . 1823 a Disturbed the Congregation. The person who disturbed the congregation last Sunday by continually ;oughing is requested to buy a bottle of \ "olev's Honev and Tar. The Kauf- Or f nann Drug Co. II ^ ? 1,000 Killed; 90,000 Homeless, j ^ Ell L |J 1 St. Thomas, D. W. I., Jan.16.?Re- | ^ ports received here from Jamaica say j ? that it is estimated that 1,000 have j jk * been killed by the earthquake and j 0 Eire, and that 90,000 persons are home- j ^ less. The damage to Kingston t alone \ {r _ Es placed at fully 810,000,000. ^ L f| | j Proof of the political pudding lies i j in the size of the plums. K MnrVod Vf Its never too late to kiss a pretty j girl good night once again. & that IS new. This is the season of the year when j & the evergreen family tree'begins to j ^ JU! bear fruit. tT One of the things a family man has ^ Just received to be thankful for is that Christmas i $ caps for fall we comes but once a year. i marked these v< i w" We also have If a woman buys her husband a | ^ thine to wear. Christmas present it is usually some- j t " thing the whole family can use. ? TAB. Why suffer from Rheumatism ? j \ elsewhere.^ ai Do you know that rheumatic pains | ^ w can be relieved? If you doubt this just ! & U try one application of Chamberlain's i ^ W1 Pain Balm. It will make rest and sleep ^ possible, and that certainly means a 0 great deal to .any one afflicted with ^ COLXJMBIi rheumatism. For sale bv Kaufmann j ^ Drug Co. | C'WVW 1 ?i????awpg l ??BO?a IIIIWH MM?BMW III I I ? ~^g? nwu ^ I I 4 "1 supply of tobacco withrith the distinctive taste which has the cheering ; desire to chew, and at, zobacco. Some day they'll get a taste of the real Schnapps?they'll realize what enjoyment they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS long ago?then they'll feel like kicking themselves. SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in 5' cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be ' | sure you get the genuine* ' ** | IM? rOU TO ISH YOUR n with a fine Steel JGE. , little more to start with than for T Range, but remember a Steel i a life time. ives you widest price range to Our guarantee protects you in itemplate buying a Steel Range our stock cannot fail to interest ices from $20 to $65 for the Best 3S made. Select to-day. . LORICK & BRO., >19 Main Street, Columbia. S. S. 1. THE QUALITY SELLSFRIDAY & CO., Wholesale and Retail FLOUR, FEED AID GRAIN, EED RUST PROOF OATS. Terchants, Planters and Farmers of Lexto Call and See Us Before They Make Their ! Can Fill Tour Wants and Save You nd 1825 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. J WHAT ?011 WANT j ?EW GOOES. | and Winter Dry Goods | ry Close. A full line of everything # lillinery S a full line of Children's, Misses and Ladies' hats and f ar. A fkie line t>f everything in these goods. We have ^ 517 close for the trade. a full line of Men's Shoes, Shirts, Pants, in fact every- W LE OIL CLOTH A SPECIALTY. S iy of our Lexington friends to visit us before purchasing J m. PLATT & SON, } Main St. Near Post Office, ? - * S. C ^ WWVW^WVWV vwvv