Often The Kidneys Are Weakened' by* Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be P traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important The kidneys filter and purify the bloodTherefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, yen can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If yon are sick or " feel badlv/' begin cuaag laic gicai jwivi Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys., The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the-highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold 1 on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size IfffiHsSi i bottles. You mav have a sample bottle Home of swamp-Root, by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, r. . Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton. N. Y., on every bottle. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. MARTIN, ATTORNEY"" , AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, LEXINGTON, S. C tt t5_:i j.- ^ umoe in nurrnniii icoi ui wmu house. Will practice in all courts. Special attention to collection of claims. ?m. w. ha wes, i Attorney and Counselor at Law. NEW BROOKLAND. S. C. Practice in all Courts. Business solicited. November 1,1905. C. If. EPIRD. F. E. DEEHEB. EFIRD & DBEHEK, attorneys at law, LEXINGTON C. H. S. C. i'r- Will practice in all the Courts. Business solicited. One member of the firm will al|&;. ways be at office, Lexington. 8. C-. , T el frick. J . attorney at law, CHAPIN, 8. C. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Koom. Second Floor. Will practice in all the Courts Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS, Kaufmann Bldg, LEXINGTON, S, C, We will be pleased to meet those having legal business to be attended to at our office In tlio TTanfmann Tlnilrlincr at anv time. Respectfully, Wm. THURMOND. G. BELL TIMMERMAN, LBERT M. BOOZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. 0. Office: 1S15 Main Street, upstairs, opposite Van M*tre's Furniture Store Especial attention given to business entrusted to bim by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. peorge r. rembert, u attorney at law. 1221 law range, columbia s c. 'i will be glad to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, and an prepared to practice law in all state and Federal Courts. Andrew crawford,ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBIA S. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens < J Lexington County, Law Offices, ( ) Residence, 1529 1209 Washington < > Pendle ton Street. Street. ( ) Office Telephone No. 1372. Residence Telephone No. 1036. WBOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. C. T\R. P. H. SHEALY, \J DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building. TYR. FTCTGILMORE,' rvt?\tfttct jl/ uxuxi x j.o x. 1510 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Office Houbs.* 9 a. in. to 2 p. m., and from 3 to 6 p. m. irnssi g DEALER IN g I General 1 f Merchandise, I . i Corner Main and New Streets I I Opposite Confederate I 5 Monument, 8 g Lexington, - - S. C. g A Poor Organ. Dam(s) the bile. That's what your liver does if it's torpid. Then the bile overflows into the blood?poisons your system, causing sick headache, biliousness, sallow skin, coated tongue, sick stomach, dizziness, fainting spells, etc. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and makes it do its own work. Prevents and cures these troubles. It aids? doesn't force. Entire treatment 2oc, Derrick's Drag Stcre and C. E. Corley. j . THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. Wednesday, December 19,1906. In Memory of a Gallant Soldier. To the Editor of the Dispatch: It is with much sadness that I learn of the untimely death of my old friend and comrade, "Major E. R. Quattlebaum, and it is through the columns of your valued, paper that I would like to add a few incidents and facts to last week's sketch of his noble life. It was my pleasure to know him in the organization of the 20th S. C. Volunteer Regiment, commanded by Col. L. M. Keith, in October 1862, at the old race track near Columbia, S. C. He was only a few years my n nnMo monlr rAnncr man SC111U1 , CL iiu uiv. J wauij J vuug - " and a perfect model of a soldier. We became bosom friends and this friendship never lessened to this day. He was made sergeant-major of this grand old regiment from the ranks of captain in Harman's Co. K., and held this position with great credit to himself and his county up and until the 13th of October, 1884. We were sent to reinforce Gen. J. B. Early, in the .valley of Virginia. By we I mean Kershaw's Old Division. On this day we marched some 20 miles in the rain, arriving at this point 3 miles beyond Strausbuxg, Va. When we engaged the enemy behind a rock fence we were, hungry, worn out with fatigue from this force march. After two hours of hard fighting we dislodged Sheridan's forces from behind this fence. When our line reached this fence we held it for some time against a fusilading fire from the enemies' pickets behind rail piles. M. T. Smoak and myself of Co. B,, which was in the extreme left of the regiment, passed through this fence and took up a position some aundred yards in front of Leaphart's company ait the top of the hill," where we kept up a continued firing at these pickets. Very soon Gen. James Connor, our commander, and no braver man ever went into war, rode Up to where Smoak and I were and seeing the advantage of our position, called to Sergt. Quattlebaum to bring our regimental colors, then carried by Sergt. G. D. Sellers. As soon as he arrived the regiment cleared the rock fence and formed line of battle. Before the line was completed, tnougn,a snen iromwieenemies guns, stationed a mile beyond us across Cedar creek, exploded near us and a piece of this shell broke Gen. Connor's ieg. Sergt. Quattlebaum, with four others of "the litter corps, picked him up and were carrying him to the rear, when another shell from this same gun exploded, killing one or two of the men. A piece of it as large as your hand struck Sergt. Quattlebaum behing the right shoulder blade, carrying away the blade and a lot of flesh. He'too was carried off the field as dead. Our command marched back to Fishing Hill that night and took up quarters. The following day Col. S. B. Boykin sent for me. He directed me to get ud a list of the killed and wounded. I made report of the casualties of this engagement and reported Sergt.- Quattlebaum mortally wounded. I continued to fill this position until we surrendered. In 1867, after mourning my friend as dead for four years, I got on the train at St. Matthews, S. C., for Orangeburg. You can imagine my surprise to meet him on this train, a hale, hearty young man, on his way to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he went to school. I had never been able to find him since. I loved him as a brother. Therefore my deep and heartfelt sympathies are extended to his loved ones. F. M. Pooser, Co. B. 20th S. C. Volunteers. Augusta, Ga., Dec. 11, 1906. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 4. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. 0. We, tfce undersigned, have known F. J. il _ .? .l. i c _ j i .i: untuey ior me ia?i 10 ywuo, aim ueueve him perfectly honorable iu all business tzansactiocs and financial y able to carry oat an? obligations made i y his firm, WaLDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. HailV C itarrh Cnre is taken internally, acting dir-ctly upon the blood and maer>us surfaces of f e system. Testimonials *e.it free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation He is Sinfully Rich. New York,-Dec. 11.?John D. Rockefeller's income for this year will be sixty million dollars, according to the computations of Henry H. Rogers, and John D. Archibald' Rockefeller's closest friends. This means a daily income of $164,383, or $114 a minute. Tried to Forge Bill of Lading. R. J. Coney and James Clark, two prominent young men of Columbia, were arrested on Thursday last by Southern railway detectives for forg1ing a bill of lading for ten bales of cotton shipped from Pelion. Coney being assistant chief transfer clerk at the freight depot of the Southern in Columbia, he transferred the cotton to Augusta when it should havp hpon A Kirrrynct IdWlldt X 11c; appic liiat o lu& has the fattest worm of all. The fellow who gets on in life is sure to have a fall. The soup that looks the clearest is first to show the flies. The fel" low who would sell the goods must advertise. Thp hen that lays the largest egg will be the first to set. And the things we always hanker for are the last we get. The simplest way is always best, yet we pass it by, to dabble with the tinseled things that fool and catch the eye." Obituary. Jeremiah Timothy Weed was born April 29th, 1S24, and died Dec. 3rd, 1900, aged 82 years, 7 months and 4 days. He was a consistent member of the Methodist church. He joined Capt. Nunnamaker's company at the beginning of the war and served to the close. He leaves six children, besides a host of relatives, friends and comrades, to mourn his loss. A good citizen and faithful soldier has gone to his reward. N. S. Younginer. We have assured the agency for Oriho Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative that makes the liver lively, -purifies the 1 -i-!~ ^ -- A *-?? > /-3 1 of nc Dr^AtJlf U Ult'S HWUitUJLic ci.ii.vi. iv^uiav^o the digestive orgaiis. Cures chronic constipation. Ask us about it. Kaufmann Drug Co. Heyward County Figkt. Mr. Jas. U. Jackson of North Augusta, who was one of the supporters of the Heyward county movement, recently defeated at a special election, was in the city yesterday for a conference. The defeated side has taken the matter into the courts and it is probable that the election will be contested on the ground of illegal ballots ?State, 14th. Earman-Scltneider. Mr. Wellington A. Harman and Miss M. Anna Schneider will be married on the evening of December 24 at St. Peter's church. The ceremony will take place at seven o'clock and the public is cordially invited. Disastrous Fire. Timmonsville, Dec. 13*?Timmonsville was visited by a most disastrous fire at 1 o'clock this morning, destro}ring propertv worth 836,000. The losses and insurance are as yet unknown. Furs and Bssswas. Will pay highest prices for all kinds of furs. Otter, mink, skunk, coon, fox, etc. Case your otters and minks fur side in?don't cut open. Best prices for beeswax. Rice B. Harman, Lexington, S. C. tf Twin sisters, daughters of Mr. W. L. Roddey, were married at Chester at the same time on Tuesday. Five of the congressmen, Aiken, Finley, Johnson, Legare and Lever, have filed their returns for the income tax. Commissioner Watson says that the next German Lloyd ship which saila for Charleston the latter part of this month will bring one thousand immigrants. Twelve thousand pounds of tea were raised this year on a plantation in Colleton county. The tea has just been put on the market, and it is said to be very fine. The five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Ellis of Greenwood county was drowned on Wednesday in a washtub. She fell in while no one was near and was dead when found. Attorney General Ray has appointed Mr. Chas. H. Barron of Columbia as his assistant. Some men are able to bear misfortunes and some others have sense enough to avoid them. Many of our anticipated pleasures i are anything but pleasures after we get them. HI Till?M?1??IW? ? H WH" 111 I For that Dandruff There is one thing that will cure it ?Ayer's Hair Vigor. I It is a regular scalp-medicine. I It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. I I The unhealthy scalp becomes I S healthy. The dandruff disap-1 S pears, had to disappear. A B 8 healthvscalo means a Preat deal 8 1 to you?healthy hair, no dan| druff,no pimples,no eruptions. I The best kind of a testimonial? I "Sold for over sixty year3." MMMMMMMEHHMMBBIIIMMMMMm n A Made by J. C. Aycr Co., Lowell, Mus. r' PL Also manufacturers of ft /i } SARSAPAKILLA. 1/1xjers CHERRY PECTORAL. | Christ Would Abolish Xmas. Chicago, Dec. 14.?"One of the first things Christ .would abolish were He to come back to earth would be the holiday Christmas," declared the Rev. Melbourne P. Bonyton in an address to ministers. "Christmas has become a burden almost too great to be borne. Think | of the many weary hours the business world is now laboring overtime to take care of the extra work entailed by the proximity of Chritmas, many a tender heart which longs to discharge the obligations thrust upon it by the gifts of friends in former years, and yet which is unable to respond to the expectation. "This is all out of accord with the spirit of Kim whose birthday we are supposed to celebrate. Ho came to lift the burdens from the hearts of men, not to add to them. Indeed, Christmas as it is observed amqng us, has reverted to its paganism. It is not Christmas. Ssep Going. For your toys, go to the Bazaar. For your candies and cakes, go to the Bazaar. For your fruits, nuts, raisins, figs, etc., go to the Bazaar. For your fire crackers and fireworks, go to the Bazaar. For your fruit cake ingredients, go to the "Bazaar. For your nice Christmas and holiday presents, go to the Bazaar. For nice, useful and ornamental eliina and glassware, go to the Bazaar. For anything you need or want for Christmas, go to the Bazaar. You are especially and eordialley in- j vited to visit the Bazaar, whether you buy or not, go and see the display. ! It is really ti treat to young cr old to j see the many pretty things there dis- j played. .. How Diphtheria is Contracted One often hears the expression, "My child caught a severe cold which developed into diptheria." when tiie truth was that the cold had simply left the particularly susceptible to the wandering diphtheria genu. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger of diphtheria or any other genn disease being contracted. For sale by Kaufmann Drug Co. Notice. The overseers of the public roads in T Py\-nutrr orck JJCAULI^ I\J11 VUUUI J ai V - UVi V/ to put their respective sections of the roads in good condition at once; and to report, under oath, to the Supervisor's office by the 10th, of January next, all tools received, material used, or funds expended upon the roads during the present year. They shall also return a full and true list and statement of the names of all persons within their respective districts who have been ordered out to perform labor 011 the roads; the number of days each worked, and a list of those who have refused or neglected to perform road duty. They shall report, under oath, what tools and property, including unexpended funds, they have 011 hand, which belong to the county. Lewis J. Laxgford, Supr. Lex. Co., S. C. Dec. 10, 4w9 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lexington. Probate Court. E. U. Shealy, as Administrator, of Martha Eilisor, Plaintiff, vsAnn Coogler, Francis Daily. Cummings Daily, Mary Busby, Martha Daily, Ida Eilisor, Garlin Eilisor, Cora Eilisor, David Eilisor, Fannie Eilisor and Minnie Daily, Defendants. sale of real estate ix aid of assets. Under and by virtue of the decree of this court rendered and filed herein on November 27ch, A. D. 1900, I will sell at public outcry. 011 Monday, January 7th, next, between the hours of 11 a. m., and 2 p. 111., in front of the Court House door of said county and State to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to wit: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land containing one hundred acres, more or less, situated in Lexington county, South Carolina, bounded on the north by lands of A. A. Daily; west by lands of E. A. Bouknight; south by lands of G. B. Elea/.er; east by lands of S. O. Daily, S. A. Ellisor and estate lauds of James Ellisor" upon the following, TERMS?One-half tiie purchase money to be paid in cash, the balance on a credit of twelve months, to bear interest from day of sale, and to l>e secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises, with leave to purchaser to pay the whole of the purchase money in (rash if desired. Purchaser to pay for papers. GEORGES. DRAFTS. Judge of Probate, Lex. Co. J. Brooks Wingard. Plaintiff's Attry. December 8, 1"(){?.?lw9 DONT FORGET H. A. TAYLOR^ n > _