The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 05, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Every depar to supply you] in our Store. LADIES is full of Bargj Ready made > $10.00, $12.00. Bargain price OTt^ d JfJJ IIS H\\\w^ for Ladies' ar ^ V this Departm PENCIL AITS SCISSOBS. j Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Early sown grain looks exceedingly well. Not so very long when we will hear the trolley gong in this county. ' Miss Mattie Hutto, of- Leesville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. D. Clark. You can find fruits of all kinds at the Lexington Department Store. Several loads of mixed or pine wood will be taken in payment for the Dis' patch. " M1 ??V*/\mo Miss Gussie Barr wm rtjtuxii uviuv j? after a pleasant week's visit to Mrs. I Marie Fitten, of Charlotte, N. C. I School books are sold only for cash, j and no old, dirty and torn books will be exchanged at any price. j Buy your Christmas suit and your I boys' Christmas suits from the Lexington Department Store. I Mr. John Fox, of the Perkins Lumber I $_ -Co., Augusta, is spending a few weeks I with his parents here. j Mrs. Luther Long and daughter Miss I Alma, visited relatives in New Brook- I land Sunday and Monday.* ! Mrs. Jennie Holman and little son, I of St. Matthews, are visiting at the borne of Col. and Mrs. G. T. Graham. j Dr. S. F. Killingsworth, dentist, I will be in Swansea, December 13th and 14th, prepared to do all classes of I 'dental work. j You can fill many Christmas trees I as big as pines at the Bazaar and the I ? ?fin<1 I prices are as cneap as y\J U y^CLU. uuv. | them anywhere. Mr. C. Erskine Long, of Gilbert, is now located at Columbia, where he has accepted a position with the Columbia Electric railway company. Give us a call when in need of groceries. We keep the best. Lexing- , ton Department Store. Mrs. J. Austin and Mrs. Hampton 1 Hendrix spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. The best footwear for gents', 1 ladies and children will be found at Meetze & Son. If you want to feel proud Christmas, go and buy a pair. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rhude Meetze returned on Sunday afternoon from J' their bridal trip to Washington, D, C. 11 A full line of Christmas goods? ^ fruits, candies, raisins, nuts, &c., at J Meetze & Son. See their line &23.d prices before you buy, f _ j Miss Daisy HariiS, of Spartanburg, knd Miss SmEna Julia Dreher, of Selwood, two charming young ladies, have been visiting at the home of Prof. E. J. Dreher. Make your wife a Christmas present 1 of one of the new cooking stoves or ranges now at W. P. Roof's store. The prices will suit you. Col. and Mrs. Geo. Bell Timmerman are expected to arrive to-day from their "honey moon" spent in the principal cities of the North. The old Flour Mill, known as Langford's, on Saluda river, was burned one day last week. Mr. R. B. Barr, one of Lower fotk'b substantial citizens was in town yesterday on business. A big lot of the finest brands of flour for your bread and cakes at lowest prices, is now on sale at M. D. Harman's Grocery. Mr. D. R. Haltiwanger, now with The Dispatch, and his family occupy the Elias Caughman dwelling on Main street. THE TTNDERS v" s COURTEOUS TREAT Dry Got ^^ww/wwwvwwwws*wv BIGGEST AN] OLUMBIA's" tment aglow witli New Fall Goods We ai r every want in our line. ERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY ?11 nnmof/ilitiVilo ririf>oc VY t! tstjii U1C wav ?u ' TAILORED SUIT DEPARTM] ^ins in Ladies' and Misses Cloaks, Skirts, hd Skirts, at $1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 an , $15.00 and $20.00. SUITS AT SPECIAL s. If you want a bargain don't fail to visit < . Cloak Department. TERY AND STYLISH HE ADWI id Children. We carry a very large assort ent and cannot be excelled in value and sty Remember you were children once and how you enjoyed old SantaClaus. Bring your children and let them see the toys at the Bazaar. We are pleased to note that Mr. J. Sol. Roberts after being, quite sick is up again at his usual work. Our friend P. W. Barnes from Ridge Spring, who represents one of the best marble yards in existence paid us a pleasant call Monday. The season is now ripe for overcoats. The nicest kind can be had at the Lexington Department Store. Mr. Carl A. Roof, the eldest son' of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Roof and principal of the graded school at Hyman, Florence county, spent several days here last week. Children's wagons, all sizes and at all prices. Children's rockers and high table chairs for Christmas, at Scott Hendrix's Furniture Store. Col. D. T. Barr was among the large crowd in town Monday and called to see us as usual leaving his dollar promptly in advance for the Dispatch. Still in stock some beautiful rugs, and art squares at SCOTT- HENDRIX'S FURNITURE STORE at : lowest prices. We thank the number of subscribers who dropped in our office Monday and settled for the Dispatch. Let others do likewise and both of us will feel better. j Dr. L. K. Sturkey, of Orangeburg, ' a warm friend and supporter of the Dispatch, and always promptly, sends 1 us his dollar for another year. ' Messrs. W. F. Corley and Justice Wingard furnish our market on Saturdays with the'blst sausage and pud- ^ ding, spare ribs, &c. Meet them j early and promptly. 1 Miss Nellie Caughman, attractive, j beautiful and charming, the second daughter of Railroad Commissioner B. L. Caughman, of Columbia spent- . several days last week with the Misses Efird. Astonishing?3 packs good old long t cut North Carolina leaf tobacco, for ^ 10c, at W. P. Roof's Store. _ Call be- J fore it is all gone. d _ o We had a pop call from Rev. W. E. Barre now at Prinston, ?. C-, who was in attendance at Conference in ?Columbia, and who run over to see aia He returned Monday Enorning, When you are "laying in" your supply of Christmas goods, groceries, fruit9, &c., don't forget to call on your old reliable grocer, H. M. Wingard. The County Commissioners met Monday and after transacting routine business approved the bonds of Supb* elect Koon, and commissioners-elect Hendrix and Craft. The hew board will probably take charge at the meeting in January. Evaporated apples, tangerine or velvet skin Florida oranges, apples, cocoanuts, mixed nuts, raisins, prunes, candies and crackers, and the best of groceries can be found at M. D. Harman's grocery. Rev. G. W. Kelly, of the Hollow Creek section and an . old Confederate veteran of 25th Alabama regiment, is to marry Mrs. Catherine Coogler, of the Swansea section, on Sunday next at her home. Cards are out. T'Vio TVooonror rvn his rounds made JL UV/ JL.2. VUOUAV4 V** *?-w - fairly good collections, but since he has returned to his office scarcely any body has paid in, barely enough to pay off the school claims. Tax payers should not wait until the last, but pay up promptly. 1 IELLING- STORE. a MENT. P IDS, Mil D BEST BARGAINS. IVEIIVIlfl GREAT e ready WOOL TJ1 for Men. Women and Child: warm, at great value. OUR CHINA AND CR( ENT - is one of the most attractive o d ^uits *n Department a wonderf rm tn chen necessaries of all kind. p Table cutler}*, Decorated plat at 5c. and 10c., and a great va Table cutlery and fancy Japa: Dur Tail- ment be of interest and p: ?at? ... .1 I MIMA U( lil llIIUMl rment in . _ le. COLUMBIA S GrREAI Some parent? rush off and buy a child a pair of cheap shoes because the child wears out shoes fast. What stupendous folly!! Good shoes cost more than shoddy ones because they are made of leather, and there is nothing like leather. There never lias been found anything to substitute for leather. Thinking to save 15 or 25 cents some parents will throw away a dollar. Pay enough to get a good shoe of the kind you want then hold us responsible for the wear. Misses Box Calf and Heavy Glaze Kid school shoes ?1.25 and ?1.50. Cliilds of same $1.00 and ?1.25. EHRLICH'S, Krit:: ( COLUMBIA, S. 8. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woollord's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails, told by Derrick's Drug Store. Notice, Trespassers. This is to notify all persons not to rant, fish or in any wise trespass upon ands of the undersigned in the Dutch tork near Leaphart. The law will >ositively be enforced against all vioators of this notice. S. K. Boukxight, 7pd J. E. Fuller. Final Discharge. This is to notify all parties concerned hat I will apply to Geo, S. Drafts, udge of Probate,for Lexington county, State of South Carolina, on the 28 of )ecember, 1906, at 12 m., for a final .ischarge as AcLmiiiisrrator of the estate f J. S. Derrick, deceased. A. E. Derrick, 4w7 Administrator. EXPERIENCE. I Years of Experience are at Your COMMAND. Successful experience has been ours and we want everybody who has cause to feel that there is anything the mat ter with their eyes at all, to call and have us give them proper tests. THEBE ABE NO CHARGES FOB EXAMINATIONS. CHARLES F. SITZ, OPTICIAN, JEWELEB, 1439 Main St., Columbia, S. C. -Alwayt dOOl MAIN AND BLA S,UGH'S= : DEPARTMENT jderwear i a great ca ren, the kind that will keep you where you can find the bes I Oil Cloth, Linoleum Rugs ockery department gan Rugs 30x60. Price 98< f our Department Store. We show our mek ul array of useful articles in Kit- . lflr?pe(t ? rd w Agate ware, Tin ware, Glass ware, Furnishings for Men and ! riety of fine g=d C^VZe'. Hats and Famishing good aese ware. A visit to this depart- sho] ^or Nen, Women and Chi T I IIPIV O Pfl that please the closest buy lAullll If LU., :-s newdresi \\j a oro r\FpAt?inVi * ^ ciJl^ Viiu ft i C ?, U ij ? DEPARTMENT STORE. new weaves and stylish di II HHHaMMHBMBMMBMananHHnNHMi . Babcock Buggies, I Hackney Bug* | Columbia Hercr I I ] And plenty Are First in the Hearts GREiraDEK - - 1113-1115 Plain Stre i v $ 1 Lexington Sa ? LEXINGTON, I? Oldest Bank in Lexington Coun Ca| DOES A - GENERAL - m Accounts Invited on Favora m Rate of 5 Per Cent Allowed in tl ^ Wells! Wells!! Final Dis Notice is hereby gii DCDI FY ? YY7FR intreseted that I will DCnLCI a liiun9 s. Drafts, Judge of P THE - WELL - MEN. Carolinaf on the 22d 1906, for a final disch If yon want to do well, be well and look well, get Berley & Kyzer, Lexing- 4^.5 ton, S. C., to pnt yon in a Terra Cotta Well which will give yon pnre water. Xh0 So&SOB'S ( Onr prices are right, onr work is right. New Orleans, Dec. Give ns a trial and be convinced. Democrat special c TT mate for the season 0 SCHOOL BOOKS are positively sold ^ ^ t for cash. Harman's .Bazaar. ? > ? COLUMBIA'S SMAI 5 Visit RE'S. NDING STREETS. OAKS, SUITS THE ST 01 : STORE ||y EPET DEPARTMENT t at the right price. Matting, Carpet, H| and Art Squares. Ask to see our bar3. Both sides alike. ^*a?gT ^H rS' DEPARTMENT Mp\ , the Department abounds in the best fcjVf ggf \ HI Boys'. A great showing of Clothing mp&l Itaf \ J^H at Special Values. |||| 2S ! SHOES !! || ildren, the kind that wears, and at prices WS S GOODS AND SILKS H targains in this Department?all the flHj -ess fabrics. =1 jies, Buggies, Lies Buggies, Hickory Buggies, | j of them. : IS \&B A AAAIIV f WAbUlU i i of Our Countrymen. j liTiSim et, COLUMBIA, S. C. I ir . 1 1906. I vings Bank. 1 1 lital and Surplus $20,000. I ' 1 BANKING - BUSINESS. B I Lble Terms. Interest at the n I le Savings Department. I fl W. P. ROOF, Cashier. M J charge. Valuable Place for Sale, fl ren to all persons The Schwartz place containing Jfl apply to Hon. Geo. acres of land about one mSe fromG.Jj robafce, in and for & L. railroad and two miles from tcflfl m, State of South of Chapin. Good dwelling house day of December, other buildings. Good farming laflH arge as Adminis- Title guaranteed. G. T. Grahaj^B )f J. Fred Jefcoat, 4tf. BB yHEL Jefcoat, _jH| Administratrix. . flB Notice, Trespassers, h Cotton Crop. This is ro uoti*'-v a11 persons not O Thp TWs- make PftthS' hunt 0r ^SpaSS in , xnc ii c manner whatever upon my land situa^B otton crop esti- in lower Fork. Twill positively enfc^B f 1906-1907 makes the law against anyone violating *^B )ajes^ notice. 4w7p> J. 0. Meetz^B jL PROFIT EMPORIUM. I "D "D nn/TPT ' X XV V JLJLL X Jb _ ATTENTION and Skirts) IE OF LITTLE PRICES. J