The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 28, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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ill; * * * ?* " | -,'fte%3L FALL 1906- ! - ^ # // and toes suitable for every day HARD - S SSB^Hb WEAR for men, women and children. 4 Also the neat and natty dress Shoes to? sVW -- lute comfort. Prices the lowest (for the $ ^q EVERY PAIR WARRANTED, | f E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, 1 ^ 11710 Main Street Columbia, S. C. 2 |;|^'M*eeeeeeee?eoe?eeeeee?eeee+oeeeee/ il n aieieiaiaiAienhsAmAadhsdhsAahidbs^sg I Lombard Iron Works and Supply Co. 7 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA [ Foundry, Maohlnw emd Boiler Works and Mill Supply Store*, Engines, Boilers, : I Bridges; Roofs, Tanks, Tower and Building Construction; Cotton, Saw, Grist, oil. Fertiliser, I Case and Shingle Mill Machinery and Repairs; Building, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Rail- ? | | road Castings; Railroad and Mill Supplies; Belting, Packing, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, , I h?????h Oilers, etc.; Shafting, Pulleys, and Hangers. : mm - CAST, EVER.Y PAY I I Capacity for 300 Rands I Atlas and Erie ENGINES. Korting and I I Loader Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. High Gmde Mill BOILERS Built to Hertford Specifications a Specialty Locomotive Tender Tanks | fQB^^gSKtBBSgSBSBg-. Write U* Before You Buy J | r LIGHT SAW MILLS and GASOLINE ENGINES in Stock Quick Shipment. jvmvwmvmvmvwmj |SEASONABLE GOODS - S FOB THE ? | FARMER AND MERCHANT. { | BAGGING AND TIES! 5 ? We have a large stock, and offering exceptional ? i FIELD SEEDS! t # Seed Barley, Seed Bye, Seed Wheat, Clover and C. C. ^ K # We have a large stock, and our prices are right # K ^ Send ns your orders, or write for prices. * # I Lorick & Lowrance, Inc., | 1HS of ABIfadesl jjjgj GASOLINE ENGINE I \ inj? wood, shelling corn, cutting fig S ACU SCT WF READYTO RUN. ^ fodder, running cream separator, M FAIRBANKS. MORSE CSL CO- Chicarn HI churn or washing machine. Sizes W no* w" WUWgH, ill. from 2 H. P. up to 200 H. P., ver- H H tic&l, horizontal or portable. g? Please send me Illustrated Catalog No. L 853 ^ B Nzinc,??,wants ,...,H. P. Engine h I WE ;H.A3? FOR SALR W One 25 horse power Talbofct, second hand engine, in stock which has recently been overhauled. This engine is in first class condition and will be a great bargain for anyone who is in the market for such a size engine. We are headquarters for anytliing in the way of machinery supplies, and prompt - ' attention will be given to all inquiries and orders entrusted to our care. Write ns when yon are in the market for anything, and be sure to get our prices before yon order elsewhere. May 80. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO, Columbia. S. C. il H Ploarar w- ? . .; Jl In LlodZ.01 1 Lexington, ? - S. C., I DISTILLER and DEALER Will Sareyon Money in his , in TURPENTINE. p.; Haberdashery j : department. [ at all times, pay Mgh est market prices for Crude, The Best and i-test Fnxniehings based Savannah quotai can always be found here in > r ^ < - > txons. W \ Shirts, Cellars, Cuffs, filovis ? - ; KILLthe cough ' ] WHITE AND FANCY TESTS, j m CURE the LUNGS $a -?*?.***j with nr Kimr'c j SOFT and STIFF HATS ? r J/V " * < ar^^cs?si^.?nwi^ t'! Nfiw Discovery \ son and other makes. Prices, , . _ w . < . $1.00 to $5.00 ! rnn /Tohsumption tries 1 ?? ?, w v 1 FOR |*0U6HSa#?" COe $$1.00 ^ ! All the New Blocks in ? ""V^OLDS Fret Trill. j STRAW HATS, [ Sgreet and Quickest Cure ibr all 1 At all prices 1 THBOAX and LUNG TEOUB! y I LBS, or MONEY BACK. | SUITS J&AJJJii jlu fix mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnm | guaranteed. . > ~ ~ j~ 1 * ^ ^ ^ > Place an order with us for - | (514 Main St.,Columbia, S. C> | Job Printing. The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 28,1906. PEART TEE GREAT EXPLORER. Dogs That Gave Out Were Eaten by Remaining Ones?Story of Hardships and Peril?Piece of Flag Planted. S"t. George's Bay, N. F.?The Arctic ship Roosevelt, with Commander Peary and his party aboard, is weath? 11 TT X"! J er-DOuna nere. neavy weauier ana high seas have prevailed and the explorer does not care to risk pushing his boat in the big waves in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in her disabled condition. The story of the expedition, as learned from members of the party, proves that everything that man could do was done to reach the North Pole. A few miles north of Cape Lupton, a sudden motion of the ice smashed the Roosevelt against the ice foot and ground her along its face until she slipped into a narrow niche after hard work with her heaviest lines. This momment many flurries twisted the back of the rudder, broke the heavy iron head-bands, and gave the Roosevelt a very disagreeable grinding and squeezing, but did not seriously injure her. Again the Roosevelt deliberately attacked the dense channel pack, and after 35 hours of severe and continuous stress and strain, reached Wrangel Bay. Here the movement of a heavy pack twisted the back of the rudder until it was nearly torn away, but did not render it entirely unserviceable. In Lincoln Bay the Roosevelt was held some time and forced aground at I wrr ao>*1 TT in fLo m C V ClJ UUC) ouw ui mvi liiiig of September 5, made fast to the ice foot under the point of Cape Sheridan iust as the ice closed in and held her j fast. At Storm Camp Peary abandoned ! everything not absolutely necessary and 'bent every energy to setting a | record place. As the dogs gave out, unable to keep the pace, they were fed to the others. April 30, Peary came into a region of open leads, leading nearly north and south, and the ice motion became more pronounced. Hurrying on between these, a, forced march was made. Then they slept a few hours and starting again soon after midnight, pushed on till nqon of the 21st. Peary's obs3rvations then gave 87, decrees 6 minutes. But looking at his remaining dogs and the nearly empty sledges and beari ing in mind the moving ice and the unknown quantity of the big lead between them and the nearest land, he felt that he had cut the margin as narrow as could be reasonably expected. , His flags were put out in the summit of the highest pinnacle and a hundred feet or so beyond this he left a bottle containing a brief record and a piece of the flag which six years before he had carried around the northern end of Greenland. Bilious Attack Quickly Cured. A few weeks ago I had a bilious attack that was so severe I was not able to go to the office for two days. Failing to get relief from my family physician's treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabi . ?J L j T *_u. I:T ? lets ana nexu uaj x ieiu nxc a, new man. H. C. Baily, Editor of the News Chapin, S. C. These tablets are for sale by Kanfmann Drug Co. Wk&t Makes a Good Pipe. Chauncey Thomas in The Technical World "Magazine for December. Pipes are smoked by millions, always have been, always will be; yet not one smoker in a thousand know9 the elements of a good pipe. Engineers have been known to talk by the hour over the draught of their fireboxes, and never once in half a life-time think of the draught in their pipes, which they smoke hourly. Sage attention is paid to the pipe material, all of which has little if anything to do with the qualities of a pipe; and generally nothing whatever is thought of shape and proportion, the two things that make a pipe good or bad. A 2-cent postage stamp, spent with intelligence, will buy as good a pipe as there is in the world; everything added to that. price is for ornament, vanity, and, especially, for ignorance. The corncob holds a high place among pipe-smokers, and deserves this place?usually?for the best of scientific reasons. When a pipe is built on right principles, the bowl is as narrow and deep as is convenient to fill; the hole in the stem meets the bowl at the very bottom and in the center,., thus insuring a perfect and even draught, hence a complete and even burning of the tobacco. The cake prevents the fire from burning the bowl, thus prevents making its bore larger or uneven, which would in proportion spoil the draught. The sides of the bowl are thick, to keep in the heat, thus making the burning at the same temperature at the edges of the tobacco as at the center. In this way, a clean, sweet smoke is assured. ? * * The New Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drug's and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Must Mot Talk Race Issue. Chicago, Nov. 22.?Senator Benj. R. Tillman, who is to lecture in Orchestra hall next Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Chicago Union hospital. will be asked to eschew all mention of the race problem and the lynching question. This action ),wa9 decided upon yesterday in accordance with the wishes of Mayor Dunne and prominent colored people of Chicago. Mr. Tillman's subject will be "Shall the United States Annex Cuba?" It was originally intended that the subject should be "The Race Problem." Senator Tillman will be guarded by police while here. < Know About and in Are Chewing chewers and pounds of tobacco AfopweH fA fViA T?nr*n1a'?-iAr"i in Chew What You * Know What Yd There is real pleasure in chewing the best tobacco grown?where the best tobacco grows?in the famous Piedmont Country. Only choice selections of this well-matured and thoroughly cured tobacco is used in making SCHNAPPS. That's why SCHNAPPS and others of the Reynold's brands, as shown by the Internal Revenue statistics for a fiscal year, made the wonderful growth of six and onequarter million pounds, or a net gain of one-third of the entire increased consumption of chewing and smoking tobaccos in the United States. Evidently, chewers cannot resist 11 n i 1 M ? ? ? me navor ana tney cneer schn affs because SCHNAPPS cheers them more than any other chewing tobacco, and every man that chews SCHNAPPS passes the good thing along?one chewer makes other chewers?until the fact is now established that there are many more Sold at 50c. per pohnd in 5c. Ci R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO IN SPARTANBURG JAIL. I IT'S 1 Governor Petitioned Through Solicitor * Sease for Speedy Trial. * ^ Spartanburg, Nov. 21.?Tom Harris, J | | li, alia9 Tom Childers, the white man who 71 j .-ii. \r?, TT H IS Cna>rgttU Willi lidviug uuuiucicu ima. _ Hortensia Morgan, a white woman, iJCXlJ near Gaffney yesterday, is in the - , Spartanburg county jail, having been XjP ^ brought to this city by Sheriff W. W. XVA( Thomas and Chief of Police Tom Lockhart. The party came through the i ou pay country and arrived in Spartanburg Q ? -.-j ir? a about 3.30 this morning. The man was UiLllIict. at once placed in the jail and will be Ranp'P lsml kept there in all probability until his tnai. - Our line Ed. DeCamp, of Gaffney, came over .. . ? this morning from that place and S616C o IPOE handed to Solicitor T. S. Sease the <-* , petition which had been liberally pUrCnUSinj signed asking Gov. Heyward to order Tf ^011 PC a special term of court to try the man. # Solicitor Sease states that he will for- of SUV SiZ ward the petition and hie recommen- _. n _ dation that the special term be grant- you witn r ed tlmorrow to Gov. Heyward. Q+oal T?q -n c Tfle crime aroused much feeling in ?be 01 JlVcLLLJ this section of the State.?The State. ^ A Famous Strike Breakers. The n^st famous strike breakers in the land"are Dr. King's New Life Pills. = When liver and bowels go on strike, they Tu - nnirsro t quickly settle the trouble, and the puri- "* rKlufcS I fying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and dizziness. ? 25c. at Kaufmann Drug Co. druggist. ^ ^ Thomas H. Bludworth Found Dead in a Well. ' i Yorkville, Nov. 20.?Mr. Thomas H. Bludworth, aged about 30 years, was flTJAfiPBCf found dead in a well on the store lot IT K ? 13 i r- K ri of F. E. Smith on south Main street UAUV VJLJA&8J about 1 o'clock today. The well has a low curbing and two buckets and the j ( ground was wet and slippery around * fit. It is the opinion of a prominent physician and others that the young man went to the well about 11 o'clock JPe Want the last night for a drink of water on his way home and in drawing the water iligtOYl Coutlti his feet slipped and he fell in head- ^ h -rj foremost, as he was found with hat, *UVCrul8e8? rl shoes and clothing on. Mr. Bludworth was a genial young JM.oney. man and had hosts of friends and was seen last night in good spirits. He clerked for Hie Yorkville Banking and Mercantile company and the manager ======= states that he was a good clerk and j that everything was right and pleasant between them. He worked satis- \ if actorily for vears for Glenn & Allison ^ TTTUT ! In the stock business and they esteem- J II U I ed him highly. ^ II \ I Great sympathy is felt for his V _ 11 .IB widowed mother.?The State. A U U U Jl Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy a J xx= Guaranteed Cure. K If you suffer from Dyspepsia or In- X digestion in any form, gas, belching, ^ -cccoc bitter taste, offensive bad breath, dizzy ^ Tnsf r&m spells, sour stomach, heart flutter nau- ^ sea, gastritis, loathing of food, pains or ^ r 11 swelling in the stomach, back or side, ^ L OII deep-seated kidney or liver trouble, X 8 fl 11 then they will disappear in a short time W 1 till after taking Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, ^ made especially to cure Dyspepsia, In- ^ Marked V digestion and all Stomach Troubles, F . even of the worst cases. Tyner's Dys- j tnat IS nCT pepsia remedy expells the gasses and ^ sweetens the breath. It cures Sick 0 JU Headache, Colic and Constipation at ^ t - receonce. Druggist or by express 50 cents a \ ~ n ? Mrmov rpfnnded if it fails to W WVUiV. euro Derrick's Drug store, Lexing- i wTatoter t011' t ^ J thing to wear If a man won't black his own shoes,. * TA1 \ his wife thinks he is extravagant, and | ^ Tt ! if he does, that he has no dignity. I % elsewhere! It is a well known medical fact that | ^ ? ! pine rosin is most effective in the treat- m Ij | ment of diseases of the bladder and ^ 1 kidneys. Sufferers from backache and w' other troubles due to faulty action of f the kidneys find relief in the use of i COLUMBI Pmeules. $1.00 buys 30 days treatment. ^ Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Viiw * ? LV Wi>xv (AilAUVil) lii. U1UOV/ States where SCHNAPPS tobacco was first sold than there are in the States where SCHNAPPS has not yet been offered to the trade. .SCHNAPPS is like a cup of fine Java coffee, sweetened just enough to bring out its natural, stimulating qualities. SCHNAPPS pleases all classes of chewers: the rich, he cause they do not find a chew that really pleases them better at any . price; the poor, because it is more economical than the large 10c. or 15c. plu^s and they get their money's worth'of the real snappy, stimulating flavor so appreciated by tobacco lovers. All imitations contain much more sweetening than SCHNAPPS. They are made that way to hide poor tobacco improperly cured. For the man who chews tobacco for tobaccos sake, there is no chew like SCHNAPPS. its, Strictly 10c. and 15c. Plugs ? iMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. 6. :ime SX)U TO HSH YOUR en with a fine Steel NGE. a little more to start with than for ry Range, but remember a Steel ;s a life time. gives you wiliest, piiee range vu i. Our guarantee protects you in mtemplate buying a Steel Range s, our stock cannot fail to interest >rices from $20 to $65 for the Best *es made. Select to-day. L LOBICK & BRO., 1519 Main Street, Columbia. S. S. ELL THE QUALITY SELLSFRIDAY & CO., Wholesale and Retail , FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, SEED RUST PROOF OATS. Merchants9 ^Planters and Farmers of Lex/ to Call and See Us Before They Make Their Ve Can Fill *Your Wants and Save You and 1825 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. TiTifiif! WETT &OOPS. 5 sived a full line of new # and Winter Dry Goods t ery Close. A full line of everything J d a full line of Children's, Misses and Ladies' hats and ^ rear. A fine line of everything in these goods. We have ^ very close for the trade. ^ u u luii nut; uji iutui a oiiuea, ouina, jriuiis, m race every- ^ 5LE OIL CLOTH A SPECIALTY. my of our Lexington friends to visit us before purchasing m m. PLATT & SON, I Main St. Hear Post Office, J A, - S. C ^